Porzio E


Full name : Porzio Elena

First name : Elena

Mail : Institute of Protein Biochemistry, CNR, Via P. Castellino 111, 80131 Naples

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City :

Country : Italy

Email : e.porzio@ibp.cnr.it

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Website : \/\/www.ibp.cnr.it\/research\/elena-porzio

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References (13)

Title : The Human Paraoxonase 2: An Optimized Procedure for Refolding and Stabilization Facilitates Enzyme Analyses and a Proteomics Approach - Lampitella_2024_Molecules_29_
Author(s) : Lampitella EA , Marone M , Achanta NSK , Porzio E , Trepiccione F , Manco G
Ref : Molecules , 29 : , 2024
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lampitella_2024_Molecules_29_
PubMedID: 38893310

Title : A mesophilic phosphotriesterase-like lactonase shows high stability and proficiency as quorum quenching enzyme - Marone_2023_Chem.Biol.Interact_14ChEPon_383_110657
Author(s) : Marone M , Porzio E , Lampitella EA , Manco G
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 383 :110657 , 2023
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Marone_2023_Chem.Biol.Interact_14ChEPon_383_110657
PubMedID: 37573927

Title : Use of biosensors for rapid and sensitive detection of pesticides in food samples for food safety chemical risk assessment - Garefalaki_2022_EFSA.J_20_e200922
Author(s) : Garefalaki V , Manco G , Porzio E
Ref : EFSA J , 20 :e200922 , 2022
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Garefalaki_2022_EFSA.J_20_e200922
PubMedID: 36531285

Title : High yield production and purification of two recombinant thermostable phosphotriesterase-like lactonases from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius and Sulfolobus solfataricus useful as bioremediation tools and bioscavengers - Restaino_2018_BMC.Biotechnol_18_18
Author(s) : Restaino OF , Borzacchiello MG , Scognamiglio I , Fedele L , Alfano A , Porzio E , Manco G , De Rosa M , Schiraldi C
Ref : BMC Biotechnol , 18 :18 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Restaino_2018_BMC.Biotechnol_18_18
PubMedID: 29558934

Title : Enzymatic detoxication: a sustainable means of degrading toxic organophosphate pesticides and chemical warfare nerve agents - Manco_2018_J.Chem.Technol.Biotechnol_93_2064
Author(s) : Manco G , Porzio E , Suzumoto Y
Ref : J Chem Technol Biotechnol , 93 :2064 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Manco_2018_J.Chem.Technol.Biotechnol_93_2064

Title : Innovative Biocatalysts as Tools to Detect and Inactivate Nerve Agents - Porzio_2018_Sci.Rep_8_13773
Author(s) : Porzio E , Bettazzi F , Mandrich L , Del Giudice I , Restaino OF , Laschi S , Febbraio F , De Luca V , Borzacchiello MG , Carusone TM , Worek F , Pisanti A , Porcaro P , Schiraldi C , De Rosa M , Palchetti I , Manco G
Ref : Sci Rep , 8 :13773 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Porzio_2018_Sci.Rep_8_13773
PubMedID: 30214052

Title : An efficient thermostable organophosphate hydrolase and its application in pesticide decontamination - Del Giudice_2016_Biotechnol.Bioeng_113_724
Author(s) : Del Giudice I , Coppolecchia R , Merone L , Porzio E , Carusone TM , Mandrich L , Worek F , Manco G
Ref : Biotechnol Bioeng , 113 :724 , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Del Giudice_2016_Biotechnol.Bioeng_113_724
PubMedID: 26416557

Title : Mn(2+) modulates the kinetic properties of an archaeal member of the PLL family - Porzio_2013_Chem.Biol.Interact_203_251
Author(s) : Porzio E , Di Gennaro S , Palma A , Manco G
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 203 :251 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Porzio_2013_Chem.Biol.Interact_203_251
PubMedID: 23174457

Title : Enzyme Promiscuity in the Hormone-Sensitive Lipase Family of Proteins - Manco_2012_Protein.Pept.Lett_19_144
Author(s) : Manco G , Merone L , Porzio E , Feng Y , Mandrich L
Ref : Protein Pept Lett , 19 :144 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Manco_2012_Protein.Pept.Lett_19_144
PubMedID: 21933124
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LIPE

Title : Purification of the poly-ADP-ribose polymerase-like thermozyme from the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus - De Maio_2011_Methods.Mol.Biol_780_443
Author(s) : De Maio A , Porzio E , Romano I , Nicolaus B , Faraone Mennella MR
Ref : Methods Mol Biol , 780 :443 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : De Maio_2011_Methods.Mol.Biol_780_443
PubMedID: 21870277

Title : Improving the promiscuous nerve agent hydrolase activity of a thermostable archaeal lactonase - Merone_2010_Bioresour.Technol_101_9204
Author(s) : Merone L , Mandrich L , Porzio E , Rossi M , Muller S , Reiter G , Worek F , Manco G
Ref : Bioresour Technol , 101 :9204 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Merone_2010_Bioresour.Technol_101_9204
PubMedID: 20667718

Title : Structural basis for natural lactonase and promiscuous phosphotriesterase activities - Elias_2008_J.Mol.Biol_379_1017
Author(s) : Elias M , Dupuy J , Merone L , Mandrich L , Porzio E , Moniot S , Rochu D , Lecomte C , Rossi M , Masson P , Manco G , Chabriere E
Ref : Journal of Molecular Biology , 379 :1017 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Elias_2008_J.Mol.Biol_379_1017
PubMedID: 18486146

Title : A new phosphotriesterase from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius and its comparison with the homologue from Sulfolobus solfataricus - Porzio_2007_Biochimie_89_625
Author(s) : Porzio E , Merone L , Mandrich L , Rossi M , Manco G
Ref : Biochimie , 89 :625 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Porzio_2007_Biochimie_89_625
PubMedID: 17337320