Robbie E

References (1)

Title : The secreted protein discovery initiative (SPDI), a large-scale effort to identify novel human secreted and transmembrane proteins: a bioinformatics assessment - Clark_2003_Genome.Res_13_2265
Author(s) : Clark HF , Gurney AL , Abaya E , Baker K , Baldwin D , Brush J , Chen J , Chow B , Chui C , Crowley C , Currell B , Deuel B , Dowd P , Eaton D , Foster J , Grimaldi C , Gu Q , Hass PE , Heldens S , Huang A , Kim HS , Klimowski L , Jin Y , Johnson S , Lee J , Lewis L , Liao D , Mark M , Robbie E , Sanchez C , Schoenfeld J , Seshagiri S , Simmons L , Singh J , Smith V , Stinson J , Vagts A , Vandlen R , Watanabe C , Wieand D , Woods K , Xie MH , Yansura D , Yi S , Yu G , Yuan J , Zhang M , Zhang Z , Goddard A , Wood WI , Godowski P , Gray A
Ref : Genome Res , 13 :2265 , 2003
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Clark_2003_Genome.Res_13_2265
PubMedID: 12975309
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CES3 , human-CES4A