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Title : Sequence and analysis of chromosome 5 of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana - Tabata_2000_Nature_408_823
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Ref : Nature , 408 :823 , 2000
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Gene_locus related to this paper: arath-At5g11650 , arath-At5g16120 , arath-at5g18630 , arath-AT5G20520 , arath-At5g21950 , arath-AT5G27320 , arath-CXE15 , arath-F1N13.220 , arath-F14F8.240 , arath-q3e9e4 , arath-q8lae9 , arath-Q8LFB7 , arath-q9ffg7 , arath-q9fij5 , arath-Q9LVU7 , arath-q66gm8 , arath-SCPL34 , arath-B9DFR3 , arath-a0a1p8bcz0

Title : Sequence and analysis of chromosome 4 of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana - Mayer_1999_Nature_402_769
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Ref : Nature , 402 :769 , 1999
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PubMedSearch : Mayer_1999_Nature_402_769
PubMedID: 10617198
Gene_locus related to this paper: arath-AT4G00500 , arath-AT4G16690 , arath-AT4G17480 , arath-AT4G24380 , arath-AT4g30610 , arath-o65513 , arath-o65713 , arath-LPAAT , arath-f4jt64

Title : Involvement of protein kinase C and protein kinase A in the muscarinic receptor signalling pathways mediating phospholipase C activation, arachidonic acid release and calcium mobilisation - May_1999_Cell.Signal_11_179
Author(s) : May LG , Johnson S , Krebs S , Newman A , Aronstam RS
Ref : Cell Signal , 11 :179 , 1999
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PubMedID: 10353692

Title : Cholinergic enzymatic activity of cerebrospinal fluid of patients with various neurologic diseases -
Author(s) : Johnson S , Domino EF
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