Sternagel S

References (2)

Title : The abundance of mRNA transcripts of bacteroidetal polyethylene terephthalate (PET) esterase genes may indicate a role in marine plastic degradation - Zhang_2021_ResearchSquare__
Author(s) : Zhang H , Dierkes R , Perez-Garcia P , Weigert S , Sternagel S , Hallam S , Schott T , Juergens K , Vollstedt C , Chibani C , Danso D , Buchholz PCF , Pleiss J , Almeida A , Hocker B , Schmitz R , Chow J , Streit WR
Ref : ResearchSquare , : , 2021
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zhang_2021_ResearchSquare__
Gene_locus related to this paper: flutr-f2ie04 , 9flao-a0a0c1f4u8 , 9flao-kjj39608 , 9flao-a0a1m6f5v0 , 9flao-a0a330mq60

Title : The Bacteroidetes Aequorivita sp. and Kaistella jeonii Produce Promiscuous Esterases With PET-Hydrolyzing Activity - Zhang_2022_Front.Microbiol_12_803896
Author(s) : Zhang H , Perez-Garcia P , Dierkes RF , Applegate V , Schumacher J , Chibani CM , Sternagel S , Preuss L , Weigert S , Schmeisser C , Danso D , Pleiss J , Almeida A , Hocker B , Hallam SJ , Schmitz RA , Smits SHJ , Chow J , Streit WR
Ref : Front Microbiol , 12 :803896 , 2021
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zhang_2022_Front.Microbiol_12_803896
PubMedID: 35069509
Gene_locus related to this paper: flutr-f2ie04 , 9flao-a0a0c1f4u8 , 9flao-kjj39608 , 9flao-a0a330mq60