Unal S

References (6)

Title : Evolutionary trade-offs associated with copy number variations in resistance alleles in Culex pipiens mosquitoes - Milesi_2022_Parasit.Vectors_15_484
Author(s) : Milesi P , Claret JL , Unal S , Weill M , Labbe P
Ref : Parasit Vectors , 15 :484 , 2022
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Milesi_2022_Parasit.Vectors_15_484
PubMedID: 36550589

Title : Dynamic of resistance alleles of two major insecticide targets in Anopheles gambiae (s.l.) populations from Benin, West Africa - Assogba_2020_Parasit.Vectors_13_134
Author(s) : Assogba BS , Pasteur N , Makoundou P , Unal S , Baba-Moussa L , Labbe P , Weill M
Ref : Parasit Vectors , 13 :134 , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Assogba_2020_Parasit.Vectors_13_134
PubMedID: 32171326

Title : The evolutionary fate of heterogeneous gene duplications: A precarious overdominant equilibrium between environment, sublethality and complementation - Milesi_2018_Mol.Ecol_27_493
Author(s) : Milesi P , Assogba BS , Atyame CM , Pocquet N , Berthomieu A , Unal S , Makoundou P , Weill M , Labbe P
Ref : Mol Ecol , 27 :493 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Milesi_2018_Mol.Ecol_27_493
PubMedID: 29230902
Gene_locus related to this paper: culpi-ACHE1 , culqu-ACHE1

Title : Multiple Insecticide Resistances in the Disease Vector Culex p. Quinquefasciatus from Western Indian Ocean - Pocquet_2013_PLoS.One_8_e77855
Author(s) : Pocquet N , Milesi P , Makoundou P , Unal S , Zumbo B , Atyame C , Darriet F , Dehecq JS , Thiria J , Bheecarry A , Iyaloo DP , Weill M , Chandre F , Labbe P
Ref : PLoS ONE , 8 :e77855 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Pocquet_2013_PLoS.One_8_e77855
PubMedID: 24204997

Title : Forty years of erratic insecticide resistance evolution in the mosquito Culex pipiens - Labbe_2007_PLoS.Genet_3_e205
Author(s) : Labbe P , Berticat C , Berthomieu A , Unal S , Bernard C , Weill M , Lenormand T
Ref : PLoS Genet , 3 :e205 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Labbe_2007_PLoS.Genet_3_e205
PubMedID: 18020711
Gene_locus related to this paper: culqu-ACHE1

Title : The effects of carnitine on distally-burned dorsal skin flap: an experimental study in rats - Arslan_2003_Burns_29_221
Author(s) : Arslan E , Milcan A , Unal S , Demirkan F , Polat A , Bagdatoglu O , Aksoy A , Polat G
Ref : Burns , 29 :221 , 2003
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Arslan_2003_Burns_29_221
PubMedID: 12706614