Berticat C

References (18)

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Ref : Insect Biochemistry & Molecular Biology , 40 :317 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Tantely_2010_Insect.Biochem.Mol.Biol_40_317
PubMedID: 20188834

Title : Genes conferring resistance to organophosphorus insecticides in Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) from Tunisia - Ben Cheikh_2009_J.Med.Entomol_46_523
Author(s) : Ben Cheikh R , Berticat C , Berthomieu A , Pasteur N , Ben Cheikh H , Weill M
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Title : Characterization of a novel high-activity esterase in Tunisian populations of the mosquito Culex pipiens - Ben_2008_J.Econ.Entomol_101_484
Author(s) : Ben Cheikh R , Berticat C , Berthomieu A , Pasteur N , Ben Cheikh H , Weill M
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Title : Costs and benefits of multiple resistance to insecticides for Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes - Berticat_2008_BMC.Evol.Biol_8_104
Author(s) : Berticat C , Bonnet J , Duchon S , Agnew P , Weill M , Corbel V
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Title : Comparison of Anopheles gambiae and Culex pipiens acetycholinesterase 1 biochemical properties - Alout_2008_Comp.Biochem.Physiol.B.Biochem.Mol.Biol_150_271
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Title : Independent duplications of the acetylcholinesterase gene conferring insecticide resistance in the mosquito Culex pipiens - Labbe_2007_Mol.Biol.Evol_24_1056
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Ref : Molecular Biology Evolution , 24 :1056 , 2007
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PubMedID: 17283366
Gene_locus related to this paper: culpi-ACHE1 , culqu-ACHE1

Title : Different amino-acid substitutions confer insecticide resistance through acetylcholinesterase 1 insensitivity in Culex vishnui and Culex tritaeniorhynchus (Diptera: Culicidae) from China - Alout_2007_J.Med.Entomol_44_463
Author(s) : Alout H , Berthomieu A , Cui F , Tan Y , Berticat C , Qiao C , Weill M
Ref : Journal of Medical Entomology , 44 :463 , 2007
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PubMedSearch : Alout_2007_J.Med.Entomol_44_463
PubMedID: 17547232
Gene_locus related to this paper: culpi-ACHE1

Title : Forty years of erratic insecticide resistance evolution in the mosquito Culex pipiens - Labbe_2007_PLoS.Genet_3_e205
Author(s) : Labbe P , Berticat C , Berthomieu A , Unal S , Bernard C , Weill M , Lenormand T
Ref : PLoS Genet , 3 :e205 , 2007
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PubMedID: 18020711
Gene_locus related to this paper: culqu-ACHE1

Title : High Wolbachia density correlates with cost of infection for insecticide resistant Culex pipiens mosquitoes - Duron_2006_Evolution_60_303
Author(s) : Duron O , Labbe P , Berticat C , Rousset F , Guillot S , Raymond M , Weill M
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Title : Acetylcholinesterase genes within the Diptera: takeover and loss in true flies - Huchard_2006_Proc.Biol.Sci_273_2595
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Ref : Proc Biol Sci , 273 :2595 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Huchard_2006_Proc.Biol.Sci_273_2595
PubMedID: 17002944
Gene_locus related to this paper: culpi-ACHE1 , culpi-ACHE2 , drobs-ACHE2 , drosi-ACHE , drowi-ACHE , gloff-ACHE2

Title : Insecticide resistance genes confer a predation cost on mosquitoes, Culex pipiens - Berticat_2004_Genet.Res_83_189
Author(s) : Berticat C , Duron O , Heyse D , Raymond M
Ref : Genetical Research , 83 :189 , 2004
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Title : Parasitism increases and decreases the costs of insecticide resistance in mosquitoes - Agnew_2004_Evolution_58_579
Author(s) : Agnew P , Berticat C , Bedhomme S , Sidobre C , Michalakis Y
Ref : Evolution , 58 :579 , 2004
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Title : Insecticide resistance: a silent base prediction -
Author(s) : Weill M , Berthomieu A , Berticat C , Lutfalla G , Negre V , Pasteur N , Philips A , Leonetti JP , Fort P , Raymond M
Ref : Current Biology , 14 :R552 , 2004
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Title : Comparative genomics: Insecticide resistance in mosquito vectors - Weill_2003_Nature_423_136
Author(s) : Weill M , Lutfalla G , Mogensen K , Chandre F , Berthomieu A , Berticat C , Pasteur N , Philips A , Fort P , Raymond M
Ref : Nature , 423 :136 , 2003
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Weill_2003_Nature_423_136
PubMedID: 12736674
Gene_locus related to this paper: anoga-ACHE1 , culpi-ACHE1

Title : High Wolbachia density in insecticide-resistant mosquitoes - Berticat_2002_Proc.Biol.Sci_269_1413
Author(s) : Berticat C , Rousset F , Raymond M , Berthomieu A , Weill M
Ref : Proc Biol Sci , 269 :1413 , 2002
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PubMedSearch : Berticat_2002_Proc.Biol.Sci_269_1413
PubMedID: 12079666

Title : Insecticide resistance in the mosquito culex pipiens: what have we learned about adaptation? - Raymond_2001_Genetica_112-113_287
Author(s) : Raymond M , Berticat C , Weill M , Pasteur N , Chevillon C
Ref : Genetica , 112-113 :287 , 2001
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Title : Recombination between two amplified esterase alleles in Culex pipiens - Berticat_2001_J.Hered_92_349
Author(s) : Berticat C , Marquine M , Raymond M , Chevillon C
Ref : Journal of Heredity , 92 :349 , 2001
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PubMedID: 11535649

Title : Quantitative polymerase chain reaction to estimate the number of amplified esterase genes in insecticide-resistant mosquitoes -
Author(s) : Weill M , Berticat C , Raymond M , Chevillon C
Ref : Analytical Biochemistry , 285 :267 , 2000
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