Villard-Wandhammer M

References (1)

Title : Slow-binding inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by an alkylammonium derivative of 6-methyluracil: mechanism and possible advantages for myasthenia gravis treatment - Kharlamova_2016_Biochem.J_473_1225
Author(s) : Kharlamova AD , Lushchekina SV , Petrov KA , Kots ED , Nachon F , Villard-Wandhammer M , Zueva IV , Krejci E , Reznik VS , Zobov VV , Nikolsky EE , Masson P
Ref : Biochemical Journal , 473 :1225 , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Kharlamova_2016_Biochem.J_473_1225
PubMedID: 26929400
Gene_locus related to this paper: mouse-ACHE