Title : Nucleoporin MOS7\/Nup88 contributes to plant immunity and nuclear accumulation of defense regulators - Wiermer_2010_Nucleus_1_332 |
Author(s) : Wiermer M , Germain H , Cheng YT , Garcia AV , Parker JE , Li X |
Ref : Nucleus , 1 :332 , 2010 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Wiermer_2010_Nucleus_1_332 |
PubMedID: 21327081 |
Title : Balanced nuclear and cytoplasmic activities of EDS1 are required for a complete plant innate immune response - Garcia_2010_PLoS.Pathog_6_e1000970 |
Author(s) : Garcia AV , Blanvillain-Baufume S , Huibers RP , Wiermer M , Li G , Gobbato E , Rietz S , Parker JE |
Ref : PLoS Pathog , 6 :e1000970 , 2010 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Garcia_2010_PLoS.Pathog_6_e1000970 |
PubMedID: 20617163 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: arath-eds1 |
Title : Arabidopsis SENESCENCE-ASSOCIATED GENE101 stabilizes and signals within an ENHANCED DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY1 complex in plant innate immunity - Feys_2005_Plant.Cell_17_2601 |
Author(s) : Feys BJ , Wiermer M , Bhat RA , Moisan LJ , Medina-Escobar N , Neu C , Cabral A , Parker JE |
Ref : Plant Cell , 17 :2601 , 2005 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Feys_2005_Plant.Cell_17_2601 |
PubMedID: 16040633 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: arath-At5g14930 , arath-eds1 , arath-PAD4 , arath-T17F15.50 |
Title : Plant immunity: the EDS1 regulatory node - Wiermer_2005_Curr.Opin.Plant.Biol_8_383 |
Author(s) : Wiermer M , Feys BJ , Parker JE |
Ref : Curr Opin Plant Biol , 8 :383 , 2005 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Wiermer_2005_Curr.Opin.Plant.Biol_8_383 |
PubMedID: 15939664 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: arath-eds1 , arath-PAD4 |