Zidane N

References (5)

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Author(s) : Cazalet C , Gomez-Valero L , Rusniok C , Lomma M , Dervins-Ravault D , Newton HJ , Sansom FM , Jarraud S , Zidane N , Ma L , Bouchier C , Etienne J , Hartland EL , Buchrieser C
Ref : PLoS Genet , 6 :e1000851 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Cazalet_2010_PLoS.Genet_6_e1000851
PubMedID: 20174605
Gene_locus related to this paper: legln-d3hsy4 , legln-d3hk89 , legln-d3hkd5 , legln-d3hkd7 , legln-d3hld6 , legln-d3hqa1 , legln-d3ht65 , leglo-d1rd29 , leglo-d1re65 , leglo-d1rgc9 , legln-d3hr23 , leglo-d1rin5 , legln-d3hq45 , legln-d3hnr8

Title : Genome sequence of Streptococcus gallolyticus: insights into its adaptation to the bovine rumen and its ability to cause endocarditis - Rusniok_2010_J.Bacteriol_192_2266
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Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 192 :2266 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rusniok_2010_J.Bacteriol_192_2266
PubMedID: 20139183
Gene_locus related to this paper: strg3-d3hc78 , strg3-d3hd15 , strg3-d3hem0 , strg3-d3hem1 , strg3-d3hey7

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Ref : Nat Genet , 41 :1282 , 2009
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Title : Genome sequence of the saprophyte Leptospira biflexa provides insights into the evolution of Leptospira and the pathogenesis of leptospirosis - Picardeau_2008_PLoS.One_3_e1607
Author(s) : Picardeau M , Bulach DM , Bouchier C , Zuerner RL , Zidane N , Wilson PJ , Creno S , Kuczek ES , Bommezzadri S , Davis JC , McGrath A , Johnson MJ , Boursaux-Eude C , Seemann T , Rouy Z , Coppel RL , Rood JI , Lajus A , Davies JK , Medigue C , Adler B
Ref : PLoS ONE , 3 :e1607 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Picardeau_2008_PLoS.One_3_e1607
PubMedID: 18270594
Gene_locus related to this paper: lepba-b0s8t1 , lepba-b0s8u7 , lepba-b0s8y3 , lepba-b0s9i9 , lepba-b0sav1 , lepba-b0sbc1 , lepba-b0sc63 , lepba-b0scl1 , lepba-b0sct4 , lepba-b0sgs6 , lepba-b0sif1 , lepba-metx , lepbp-b0sju7 , lepbp-b0slj1 , lepbp-b0smw1 , lepbp-b0spz3 , lepbp-b0sqw9 , lepbp-b0ssy9 , lepbp-b0sui7

Title : Evidence in the Legionella pneumophila genome for exploitation of host cell functions and high genome plasticity - Cazalet_2004_Nat.Genet_36_1165
Author(s) : Cazalet C , Rusniok C , Bruggemann H , Zidane N , Magnier A , Ma L , Tichit M , Jarraud S , Bouchier C , Vandenesch F , Kunst F , Etienne J , Glaser P , Buchrieser C
Ref : Nat Genet , 36 :1165 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Cazalet_2004_Nat.Genet_36_1165
PubMedID: 15467720
Gene_locus related to this paper: legph-q5zsu4 , legpa-q5ws33 , legpa-q5ws59 , legpa-q5ws67 , legpa-q5ws68 , legpa-q5x2c0 , legpa-q5x2r4 , legpa-q5x2s1 , legpa-q5x3a5 , legpa-q5x3d6 , legpa-q5x3j6 , legpa-q5x4r4 , legpa-q5x4t1 , legpa-q5x5b2 , legpa-q5x5z2 , legpa-q5x7f5 , legpa-q5x8e6 , legpa-q5x8m4 , legpa-q5x322 , legpa-q5x405 , legpa-q5x424 , legpa-q5x473 , legpa-q5x590 , legpa-q5x611 , legpa-q5x819 , legpc-a5iar0 , legph-q5zv00 , legph-q5zwi2 , legpl-q5wtd3 , legpl-q5wua5 , legpl-q5wur2 , legpl-q5wvw9 , legpn-Q8KU34 , legpn-Q8RNQ1 , legpn-SBPA , legpn-i7i328 , legpl-q5wsw9