

Gene Locus : human-ACHE

Mode of mutation : Site directed mutagenesis

Disease :

Summary : Peripheral Anionic Site low effect Barak_1994_J.Biol.Chem_269_6296 Shafferman_1995_5th.ChE.Meeting.Madras__189

AAA Change :

Allelic Variant :

Risk Factor :

Inhibitor :

Structure :

Disease by interaction :

Interact Gene Locus :

Xenobiotic sensitivity :

Modification : Peripheral Anionic Site

Torpedo_number : 121

Kinetic Parameter : Acetylthiocholine_Y124A_human-ACHE, Edrophonium_Y124A_human-ACHE, Hexamethonium_Y124A_human-ACHE, BW284C51_Y124A_human-ACHE, Propidium_Y124A_human-ACHE, Decamethonium_Y124A_human-ACHE, Tacrine_Y124A_human-ACHE, HuperzineA_Y124A_human-ACHE

News : No news

Comment :
p.Y124A Tyr124Ala (p.Y155A Tyr155Ala in primary sequence with 31 amino-acids signal peptide) Peripheral Anionic Site\;low effect

References (3)

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Author(s) : Ariel N , Ordentlich A , Barak D , Bino T , Velan B , Shafferman A
Ref : Biochemical Journal , 335 :95 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ariel_1998_Biochem.J_335_95
PubMedID: 9742217

Title : Molecular Aspects of Catalysis and of Allosteric Regulation of Aceytlcholinesterases -
Author(s) : Shafferman A , Ordentlich A , Barak D , Kronman C , Ariel N , Leitner M , Segall Y , Bromberg A , Reuveny S , Marcus D , Bino T , Lazar A , Cohen S , Velan B
Ref : In Enzyme of the Cholinesterase Family - Proceedings of Fifth International Meeting on Cholinesterases , (Quinn, D.M., Balasubramanian, A.S., Doctor, B.P., Taylor, P., Eds) Plenum Publishing Corp. :189 , 1995

Title : Acetylcholinesterase peripheral anionic site degeneracy conferred by amino acid arrays sharing a common core - Barak_1994_J.Biol.Chem_269_6296
Author(s) : Barak D , Kronman C , Ordentlich A , Ariel N , Bromberg A , Marcus D , Lazar A , Velan B , Shafferman A
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 269 :6296 , 1994
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Barak_1994_J.Biol.Chem_269_6296
PubMedID: 8119978