Bino T


Full name : Bino Tamar

First name : Tamar

Mail : Dept. of Biochemistry, Israel Inst. for Biol. Res., 70450 Ness-Ziona

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Country : Israel

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Phone : {972} 8 381433

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References (8)

Title : Attenuated nontoxinogenic and nonencapsulated recombinant Bacillus anthracis spore vaccines protect against anthrax - Cohen_2000_Infect.Immun_68_4549
Author(s) : Cohen S , Mendelson I , Altboum Z , Kobiler D , Elhanany E , Bino T , Leitner M , Inbar I , Rosenberg H , Gozes Y , Barak R , Fisher M , Kronman C , Velan B , Shafferman A
Ref : Infect Immun , 68 :4549 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Cohen_2000_Infect.Immun_68_4549
PubMedID: 10899854

Title : Compatibility of Structures Inferred from Mutagenesis and from X-Ray Crystallography for Various AChE Complexes -
Author(s) : Ariel N , Ordentlich A , Barak D , Bino T , Velan B , Shafferman A
Ref : In: Structure and Function of Cholinesterases and Related Proteins - Proceedings of Sixth International Meeting on Cholinesterases , (Doctor, B.P., Taylor, P., Quinn, D.M., Rotundo, R.L., Gentry, M.K. Eds) Plenum Publishing Corp. :375 , 1998

Title : Structural Modifications of the Omega Loop in Human Acetylcholinesterase -
Author(s) : Ariel N , Velan B , Barak D , Leitner M , Bino T , Ordentlich A , Shafferman A
Ref : In: Structure and Function of Cholinesterases and Related Proteins - Proceedings of Sixth International Meeting on Cholinesterases , (Doctor, B.P., Taylor, P., Quinn, D.M., Rotundo, R.L., Gentry, M.K. Eds) Plenum Publishing Corp. :453 , 1998

Title : The 'aromatic patch' of three proximal residues in the human acetylcholinesterase active centre allows for versatile interaction modes with inhibitors - Ariel_1998_Biochem.J_335_95
Author(s) : Ariel N , Ordentlich A , Barak D , Bino T , Velan B , Shafferman A
Ref : Biochemical Journal , 335 :95 , 1998
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PubMedSearch : Ariel_1998_Biochem.J_335_95
PubMedID: 9742217

Title : Structural modifications of the omega loop in human acetylcholinesterase - Velan_1996_FEBS.Lett_395_22
Author(s) : Velan B , Barak D , Ariel N , Leitner M , Bino T , Ordentlich A , Shafferman A
Ref : FEBS Letters , 395 :22 , 1996
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PubMedSearch : Velan_1996_FEBS.Lett_395_22
PubMedID: 8849682

Title : Electrostatic Attraction by Surface Charge does not Contribute to the Catalytic Efficiency of Acetylcholinesterase -
Author(s) : Barak D , Ordentlich A , Kronman C , Ber R , Bino T , Ariel N , Osman R , Velan B , Shafferman A
Ref : In Enzyme of the Cholinesterase Family - Proceedings of Fifth International Meeting on Cholinesterases , (Quinn, D.M., Balasubramanian, A.S., Doctor, B.P., Taylor, P., Eds) Plenum Publishing Corp. :223 , 1995

Title : Molecular Aspects of Catalysis and of Allosteric Regulation of Aceytlcholinesterases -
Author(s) : Shafferman A , Ordentlich A , Barak D , Kronman C , Ariel N , Leitner M , Segall Y , Bromberg A , Reuveny S , Marcus D , Bino T , Lazar A , Cohen S , Velan B
Ref : In Enzyme of the Cholinesterase Family - Proceedings of Fifth International Meeting on Cholinesterases , (Quinn, D.M., Balasubramanian, A.S., Doctor, B.P., Taylor, P., Eds) Plenum Publishing Corp. :189 , 1995

Title : Electrostatic attraction by surface charge does not contribute to the catalytic efficiency of acetylcholinesterase - Shafferman_1994_EMBO.J_13_3448
Author(s) : Shafferman A , Ordentlich A , Barak D , Kronman C , Ber R , Bino T , Ariel N , Osman R , Velan B
Ref : EMBO Journal , 13 :3448 , 1994
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Shafferman_1994_EMBO.J_13_3448
PubMedID: 8062821