

Title : Genome sequence of Synechococcus CC9311: Insights into adaptation to a coastal environment - Palenik_2006_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_103_13555
Author(s) : Palenik B , Ren Q , Dupont CL , Myers GS , Heidelberg JF , Badger JH , Madupu R , Nelson WC , Brinkac LM , Dodson RJ , Durkin AS , Daugherty SC , Sullivan SA , Khouri H , Mohamoud Y , Halpin R , Paulsen IT
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 103 :13555 , 2006
Abstract :

Coastal aquatic environments are typically more highly productive and dynamic than open ocean ones. Despite these differences, cyanobacteria from the genus Synechococcus are important primary producers in both types of ecosystems. We have found that the genome of a coastal cyanobacterium, Synechococcus sp. strain CC9311, has significant differences from an open ocean strain, Synechococcus sp. strain WH8102, and these are consistent with the differences between their respective environments. CC9311 has a greater capacity to sense and respond to changes in its (coastal) environment. It has a much larger capacity to transport, store, use, or export metals, especially iron and copper. In contrast, phosphate acquisition seems less important, consistent with the higher concentration of phosphate in coastal environments. CC9311 is predicted to have differences in its outer membrane lipopolysaccharide, and this may be characteristic of the speciation of some cyanobacterial groups. In addition, the types of potentially horizontally transferred genes are markedly different between the coastal and open ocean genomes and suggest a more prominent role for phages in horizontal gene transfer in oligotrophic environments.

PubMedSearch : Palenik_2006_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_103_13555
PubMedID: 16938853
Gene_locus related to this paper: syns3-q0i8r7 , syns3-q0i9w2 , syns3-q0i996 , syns3-q0ia13 , syns3-q0ia55 , syns3-q0ib73 , syns3-q0ibm2 , syns3-q0ibp1 , syns3-q0iby1 , syns9-q3ax89 , syns3-q0ibv4

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Citations formats

Palenik B, Ren Q, Dupont CL, Myers GS, Heidelberg JF, Badger JH, Madupu R, Nelson WC, Brinkac LM, Dodson RJ, Durkin AS, Daugherty SC, Sullivan SA, Khouri H, Mohamoud Y, Halpin R, Paulsen IT (2006)
Genome sequence of Synechococcus CC9311: Insights into adaptation to a coastal environment
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103 :13555

Palenik B, Ren Q, Dupont CL, Myers GS, Heidelberg JF, Badger JH, Madupu R, Nelson WC, Brinkac LM, Dodson RJ, Durkin AS, Daugherty SC, Sullivan SA, Khouri H, Mohamoud Y, Halpin R, Paulsen IT (2006)
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103 :13555