Ehrich M

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Title : Neurologic and immunologic effects of exposure to corticosterone, chlorpyrifos, and multiple doses of tri-ortho-tolyl phosphate over a 28-day period in rats - Ehrich_2004_J.Toxicol.Environ.Health.A_67_431
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Title : Esterase Inhibition in SH-SY5Y Human Neuroblastoma Cells Following Exposure to Organophosphorus Compounds for 28 Days - Barber_2001_In.Vitr.Mol.Toxicol_14_129
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Title : Inhibition of calcium-stimulated ATPase in the hen brain P2 synaptosomal fraction by organophosphorus esters: relevance to delayed neuropathy - Barber_2001_J.Toxicol.Environ.Health.A_63_101
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Title : Comparison of oxime-initiated reactivation of organophosphorous-inhibited acetylcholinesterase in brains of avian embryos - Lesser_2000_J.Toxicol.Environ.Health_59_57
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Title : Immunohistochemical study of phosphorylated neurofilaments during the evolution of organophosphorus ester-induced delayed neuropathy (OPIDN) - Jortner_1999_Neurotoxicol_20_971
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Title : Comparative effectiveness of organophosphorus protoxicant activating systems in neuroblastoma cells and brain homogenates - Barber_1999_J.Toxicol.Environ.Health_57_63
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Title : Common mechanism of toxicity: a case study of organophosphorus pesticides - Mileson_1998_Toxicol.Sci_41_8
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Title : Inhibition of carboxylesterases in SH-SY5Y human and NB41A3 mouse neuroblastoma cells by organophosphorus esters - Ehrich_1998_J.Toxicol.Environ.Health_53_385
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Ref : J Toxicol Environ Health , 53 :385 , 1998
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Title : Acetylcholinesterase and neuropathy target esterase inhibitions in neuroblastoma cells to distinguish organophosphorus compounds causing acute and delayed neurotoxicity - Ehrich_1997_Fundam.Appl.Toxicol_38_55
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Ref : Fundamental & Applied Toxicology , 38 :55 , 1997
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Title : Effect of laundering on ability of glove fabrics to decrease the penetration of organophosphate insecticides through in vitro epidermal systems - Keeble_1996_J.Appl.Toxicol_16_401
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Ref : Journal of Applied Toxicology , 16 :401 , 1996
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Title : Catecholamine concentrations and contractile responses of isolated vessels from hens treated with cyclic phenyl saligenin phosphate or paraoxon in the presence or absence of verapamil - McCain_1996_J.Toxicol.Env.Health_48_397
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Ref : Journal of Toxicology & Environmental Health , 48 :397 , 1996
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Title : Effect of cyclic phenyl saligenin phosphate and paraoxon treatment on vascular response to adrenergic and cholinergic agents in hens - McCain_1995_J.Toxicol.Environ.Health_44_167
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Ref : J Toxicol Environ Health , 44 :167 , 1995
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Title : Esterase comparison in neuroblastoma cells of human and rodent origin - Ehrich_1995_Clin.Exp.Pharmacol.Physiol_22_385
Author(s) : Ehrich M , Veronesi B
Ref : Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology , 22 :385 , 1995
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Title : Comparison of the relative inhibition of acetylcholinesterase and neuropathy target esterase in rats and hens given cholinesterase inhibitors - Ehrich_1995_Fundam.Appl.Toxicol_24_94
Author(s) : Ehrich M , Jortner BS , Padilla S
Ref : Fundamental & Applied Toxicology , 24 :94 , 1995
Abstract :
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Title : Interaction of organophosphorus compounds with muscarinic receptors in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells - Ehrich_1994_J.Toxicol.Environ.Health_43_51
Author(s) : Ehrich M , Intropido L , Costa LG
Ref : J Toxicol Environ Health , 43 :51 , 1994
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Title : The Effect of Phenyl Saligenin Cyclic Phosphate Induced Delayed Neuropathy on Selected Hemodynamic and Hematologic Parameters in the Hen - Mccain_1993_Pestic.Biochem.Physiol_45_220
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Ref : Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology , 45 :220 , 1993
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Title : Relationship of neuropathy target esterase inhibition to neuropathology and ataxia in hens given organophosphorus esters - Ehrich_1993_Chem.Biol.Interact_87_431
Author(s) : Ehrich M , Jortner BS , Padilla S
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 87 :431 , 1993
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 8343999

Title : Nerve conduction studies in chickens given phenyl saligenin phosphate and corticosterone - Lidsky_1990_J.Toxicol.Environ.Health_29_65
Author(s) : Lidsky TI , Manetto C , Ehrich M
Ref : J Toxicol Environ Health , 29 :65 , 1990
Abstract :
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Title : Modification of phenyl saligenin phosphate-induced delayed effects by calcium channel blockers: in vivo and in vitro electrophysiological assessment - el-Fawal_1990_Neurotoxicol_11_573
Author(s) : el-Fawal HA , Jortner BS , Ehrich M
Ref : Neurotoxicology , 11 :573 , 1990
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 2087284

Title : Use of the biventer cervicis nerve-muscle preparation to detect early changes following exposure to organophosphates inducing delayed neuropathy - el-Fawal_1990_Fundam.Appl.Toxicol_15_108
Author(s) : el-Fawal HA , Jortner BS , Ehrich M
Ref : Fundamental & Applied Toxicology , 15 :108 , 1990
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PubMedID: 2373292

Title : Effect of beta-naphthoflavone on o-tolyl saligenin phosphate-induced delayed neuropathy in two lines of chickens - Bursian_1989_J.Toxicol.Environ.Health_28_461
Author(s) : Bursian SJ , Lehning EJ , Correll L , Ehrich M
Ref : J Toxicol Environ Health , 28 :461 , 1989
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PubMedID: 2593176

Title : The biventer cervicis nerve-muscle preparation of adult hens: effects of phenyl saligenin phosphate administration - el-Fawal_1988_Neurotoxicol_9_625
Author(s) : el-Fawal HA , Jortner BS , Eyre P , Ehrich M
Ref : Neurotoxicology , 9 :625 , 1988
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Title : Neuropathological effects of phenyl saligenin phosphate in chickens [corrected and republished article originally printed in Neurotoxicology 1987 Spring\;8(1):98-108] - Jortner_1987_Neurotoxicol_8_303
Author(s) : Jortner BS , Ehrich M
Ref : Neurotoxicology , 8 :303 , 1987
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 3601242

Title : Neurotoxicity of triorthotolyl phosphate in chickens of different genotypes in the presence and absence of deoxycorticosterone - Ehrich_1986_Poult.Sci_65_375
Author(s) : Ehrich M , Briles RW , Briles WE , Dunnington EA , Martin A , Siegel PB , Gross WB
Ref : Poult Sci , 65 :375 , 1986
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