Hwang JS

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Gene_locus related to this paper: 9burk-c9y6c0 , 9burk-c9y8q9 , 9burk-c9y9d4 , 9burk-c9ya28 , 9burk-c9yb37 , 9burk-c9ycr9 , 9burk-c9ydq0 , 9burk-c9ydr2 , 9burk-c9yew1 , 9burk-c9yf78 , 9burk-c9ygh2 , 9burk-c9y7j2

Title : Efficient hydrolysis of tuna oil by a surfactant-coated lipase in a two-phase system - Ko_2006_J.Agric.Food.Chem_54_1849
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Title : Polyozellin, a new inhibitor of prolyl endopeptidase from Polyozellus multiplex -
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