Kalasz H


Full name : Kalasz Huba

First name : Huba

Mail : Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy, Semmelweis University, H-1089 Budapest, Nagyvarad ter 4

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Country : Hungary

Email : drkalasz@gmail.com

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References (16)

Title : Cannabis Constituents and Acetylcholinesterase Interaction: Molecular Docking, In Vitro Studies and Association with CNR1 rs806368 and ACHE rs17228602 - Furqan_2020_Biomolecules_10_
Author(s) : Furqan T , Batool S , Habib R , Shah M , Kalasz H , Darvas F , Kuca K , Nepovimova E , Nurulain SM
Ref : Biomolecules , 10 : , 2020
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 32414087

Title : Pharmacokinetics of Two Chlorine-Substituted Bis-Pyridinium Mono-Aldoximes with Regenerating Effect on Butyrylcholinesterase - Kalasz_2020_Molecules_25_
Author(s) : Kalasz H , Szimrok Z , Karvaly G , Adeghate J , Tekes K
Ref : Molecules , 25 : , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Kalasz_2020_Molecules_25_
PubMedID: 32164301

Title : Reactivation potency of two novel oximes (K456 and K733) against paraoxon-inhibited acetyl and butyrylcholinesterase: In silico and in vitro models - Iqbal_2019_Chem.Biol.Interact_13ChEPon_310_108735
Author(s) : Iqbal A , Malik S , Nurulain SM , Musilek K , Kuca K , Kalasz H , Fatmi MQ
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 310 :108735 , 2019
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Iqbal_2019_Chem.Biol.Interact_13ChEPon_310_108735
PubMedID: 31276662

Title : Pharmacokinetics of K117 and K127, two novel antidote candidates to treat Tabun poisoning - Tekes_2019_Chem.Biol.Interact_13ChEPon_310_108737
Author(s) : Tekes K , Karvaly G , Nurulain SM , Kuca K , Musilek K , Adeghate E , Jung YS , Kalasz H
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 310 :108737 , 2019
Abstract :
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Title : In silico and in vitro evaluation of two novel oximes (K378 and K727) in comparison to K-27 and pralidoxime against paraoxon-ethyl intoxication - Arshad_2018_Toxicol.Mech.Methods_28_62
Author(s) : Arshad M , Fatmi MQ , Musilek K , Hussain A , Kuca K , Petroianu G , Kalasz H , Nurulain SM
Ref : Toxicol Mech Methods , 28 :62 , 2018
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PubMedID: 28722512

Title : Blood-fetus penetration of pralidoxime - Ojha_2016_Mil.Med.Sci.Lett_85_63
Author(s) : Ojha S , Nurulain SM , Dhanasekaran S , Shafiullah M , Adem A , Sharma C , Kuca K , Kalasz H
Ref : Military Medical Science Letters , 85 :63 , 2016
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Title : Mini review on blood-brain barrier penetration of pyridinium aldoximes - Kalasz_2014_J.Appl.Toxicol_2_141
Author(s) : Kalasz H , Nurulain SM , Veress G , Antus S , Darvas F , Adeghate E , Adem A , Hashemi F , Tekes K
Ref : J Appl Toxicol , 2 :141 , 2014
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 25291712

Title : K-oxime (K-27): phosphylation-induced changes in logP - Petroianu_2014_Mil.Med.Sci.Lett_83_52
Author(s) : Petroianu GA , Athauda G , Darvas F , Kalasz H , Lorke DE
Ref : Military Medical Science Letters , 83 :52 , 2014
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Title : Sub-chronic exposure to paraoxon neither induces nor exacerbates diabetes mellitus in Wistar rat - Nurulain_2013_J.Appl.Toxicol_33_1036
Author(s) : Nurulain SM , Petroianu GA , Shafiullah M , Kalasz H , Oz M , Saeed T , Adem A , Adeghate E
Ref : Journal of Applied Toxicology , 33 :1036 , 2013
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PubMedID: 22886793

Title : Monitoring the pharmacokinetics of pyridinium aldoximes in the body - Kalasz_2009_Mini.Rev.Med.Chem_9_596
Author(s) : Kalasz H , Furesz J , Tekes K
Ref : Mini Rev Med Chem , 9 :596 , 2009
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PubMedID: 19456290

Title : Entry of oximes into the brain: a review - Lorke_2008_Curr.Med.Chem_15_743
Author(s) : Lorke DE , Kalasz H , Petroianu GA , Tekes K
Ref : Curr Med Chem , 15 :743 , 2008
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 18393843

Title : Analysis of pyridinium aldoximes - a chromatographic approach - Csermely_2008_Curr.Med.Chem_15_2401
Author(s) : Csermely T , Kalasz H , Petroianu GA , Kuca K , Darvas F , Ludanyi K , Mudhafar AA , Tekes K
Ref : Curr Med Chem , 15 :2401 , 2008
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PubMedID: 18855669

Title : Cholinesterase biosensor construction - a review - Pohanka_2008_Protein.Pept.Lett_15_795
Author(s) : Pohanka M , Jun D , Kalasz H , Kuca K
Ref : Protein Pept Lett , 15 :795 , 2008
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Title : Measurement of K-27, an oxime-type cholinesterase reactivator by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection from different biological samples - Gyenge_2007_J.Chromatogr.A_1161_146
Author(s) : Gyenge M , Kalasz H , Petroianu GA , Laufer R , Kuca K , Tekes K
Ref : Journal of Chromatography A , 1161 :146 , 2007
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PubMedID: 17603065

Title : Paraoxon has only a minimal effect on pralidoxime brain concentration in rats - Petroianu_2007_J.Appl.Toxicol_27_350
Author(s) : Petroianu GA , Lorke DE , Hasan MY , Adem A , Sheen R , Nurulain SM , Kalasz H
Ref : J Appl Toxicol , 27 :350 , 2007
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PubMedID: 17265425

Title : High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of the plasma concentration of K-27, a novel oxime-type cholinesterase reactivator - Tekes_2006_J.Chromatogr.A_1122_84
Author(s) : Tekes K , Hasan MY , Sheen R , Kuca K , Petroianu GA , Ludanyi K , Kalasz H
Ref : Journal of Chromatography A , 1122 :84 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Tekes_2006_J.Chromatogr.A_1122_84
PubMedID: 16690067