Mor TS


Full name : Mor Tsafrir S

First name : Tsafrir S

Mail : School of Life Sciences\; Biodesign Institute at ASU\; PO Box 874501\; Arizona State University\; Tempe\; AZ 85287-4501

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References (20)

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Title : Increased organophosphate scavenging in a butyrylcholinesterase mutant - Geyer_2008_Chem.Biol.Interact_175_376
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Title : Hairy-root organ cultures for the production of human acetylcholinesterase - Woods_2008_BMC.Biotechnol_8_95
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Title : Plant-derived human acetylcholinesterase-R provides protection from lethal organophosphate poisoning and its chronic aftermath - Evron_2007_FASEB.J_21_2961
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Title : Adaptive changes in acetylcholinesterase gene expression as mediators of recovery from chemical and biological insults - Evron_2007_Toxicology_233_97
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Title : Translational control of recombinant human acetylcholinesterase accumulation in plants - Geyer_2007_BMC.Biotechnol_7_27
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Title : Characterizing pea acetylcholinesterase - Muralidharan_2005_Chem.Biol.Interact_157-158_406
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