Moretti M

References (46)

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Title : In vivo chronic nicotine exposure differentially and reversibly affects upregulation and stoichiometry of alpha4beta2 nicotinic receptors in cortex and thalamus - Fasoli_2016_Neuropharmacol_108_324
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Title : Poster: Nicotinic receptors increase cell proliferation and tumour progression in non-small cell lung cancer cell line -
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Title : Different physiological and behavioural effects of e-cigarette vapour and cigarette smoke in mice - Ponzoni_2015_Eur.Neuropsychopharmacol_25_1775
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Title : Adolescent nicotine exposure transiently increases high-affinity nicotinic receptors and modulates inhibitory synaptic transmission in rat medial prefrontal cortex - Counotte_2012_FASEB.J_26_1810
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Title : Visual acuity is reduced in alpha 7 nicotinic receptor knockout mice - Origlia_2012_Invest.Ophthalmol.Vis.Sci_53_1211
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Title : A comparative study of the effects of the intravenous self-administration or subcutaneous minipump infusion of nicotine on the expression of brain neuronal nicotinic receptor subtypes - Moretti_2010_Mol.Pharmacol_78_287
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Title : Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the mesolimbic pathway: primary role of ventral tegmental area alpha6beta2* receptors in mediating systemic nicotine effects on dopamine release, locomotion, and reinforcement - Gotti_2010_J.Neurosci_30_5311
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Ref : Journal of Neuroscience , 30 :5311 , 2010
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Title : Expression of mutant beta2 nicotinic receptors during development is crucial for epileptogenesis - Manfredi_2009_Hum.Mol.Genet_18_1075
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Title : Structural and functional diversity of native brain neuronal nicotinic receptors - Gotti_2009_Biochem.Pharmacol_78(7)_703
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Ref : Biochemical Pharmacology , 78 :703 , 2009
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Title : 5-(2-Pyrrolidinyl)oxazolidinones and 2-(2-pyrrolidinyl)benzodioxanes: synthesis of all the stereoisomers and alpha4beta2 nicotinic affinity - Pallavicini_2009_Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett_19_854
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Title : Rodent habenulo-interpeduncular pathway expresses a large variety of uncommon nAChR subtypes, but only the alpha3beta4* and alpha3beta3beta4* subtypes mediate acetylcholine release - Grady_2009_J.Neurosci_29_2272
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Title : alpha7 and non-alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors modulate dopamine release in vitro and in vivo in the rat prefrontal cortex - Livingstone_2009_Eur.J.Neurosci_29_539
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Title : Partial deletion of the nicotinic cholinergic receptor alpha 4 or beta 2 subunit genes changes the acetylcholine sensitivity of receptor-mediated 86Rb+ efflux in cortex and thalamus and alters relative expression of alpha 4 and beta 2 subunits - Gotti_2008_Mol.Pharmacol_73_1796
Author(s) : Gotti C , Moretti M , Meinerz NM , Clementi F , Gaimarri A , Collins AC , Marks MJ
Ref : Molecular Pharmacology , 73 :1796 , 2008
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Title : Regulation of neuronal nicotinic receptor traffic and expression - Gaimarri_2007_Brain.Res.Rev_55_134
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Title : Heterogeneity and complexity of native brain nicotinic receptors - Gotti_2007_Biochem.Pharmacol_74(8)_1102
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Ref : Biochemical Pharmacology , 74 :1102 , 2007
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Title : Selective nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit deficits identified in Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies by immunoprecipitation - Gotti_2006_Neurobiol.Dis_23_481
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Title : Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF) does not affect the expression of alpha3, alpha5 and alpha7 nicotinic receptor subunit genes in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line - Antonini_2006_Toxicol.Lett_164_268
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Title : Expression of nigrostriatal alpha 6-containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptors is selectively reduced, but not eliminated, by beta 3 subunit gene deletion - Gotti_2005_Mol.Pharmacol_67_2007
Author(s) : Gotti C , Moretti M , Clementi F , Riganti L , McIntosh JM , Collins AC , Marks MJ , Whiteaker P
Ref : Molecular Pharmacology , 67 :2007 , 2005
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Title : Heterogeneity and selective targeting of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subtypes expressed on retinal afferents of the superior colliculus and lateral geniculate nucleus: identification of a new native nAChR subtype alpha3beta2(alpha5 or beta3) enriched in retinocollicular afferents - Gotti_2005_Mol.Pharmacol_68_1162
Author(s) : Gotti C , Moretti M , Zanardi A , Gaimarri A , Champtiaux N , Changeux JP , Whiteaker P , Marks MJ , Clementi F , Zoli M
Ref : Molecular Pharmacology , 68 :1162 , 2005
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Title : Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subtypes in the rat sympathetic ganglion: pharmacological characterization, subcellular distribution and effect of pre- and postganglionic nerve crush - Del Signore_2004_J.Neuropathol.Exp.Neurol_63_138
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Ref : J Neuropathol Experimental Neurology , 63 :138 , 2004
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Title : Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subtypes expression during rat retina development and their regulation by visual experience - Moretti_2004_Mol.Pharmacol_66_85
Author(s) : Moretti M , Vailati S , Zoli M , Lippi G , Riganti L , Longhi R , Viegi A , Clementi F , Gotti C
Ref : Molecular Pharmacology , 66 :85 , 2004
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Title : Subunit composition of functional nicotinic receptors in dopaminergic neurons investigated with knock-out mice - Champtiaux_2003_J.Neurosci_23_7820
Author(s) : Champtiaux N , Gotti C , Cordero-Erausquin M , David DJ , Przybylski C , Lena C , Clementi F , Moretti M , Rossi FM , Le Novere N , McIntosh JM , Gardier AM , Changeux JP
Ref : Journal of Neuroscience , 23 :7820 , 2003
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Title : Developmental expression of heteromeric nicotinic receptor subtypes in chick retina - Vailati_2003_Mol.Pharmacol_63_1329
Author(s) : Vailati S , Moretti M , Longhi R , Rovati GE , Clementi F , Gotti C
Ref : Molecular Pharmacology , 63 :1329 , 2003
Abstract :
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Title : Dystrophin stabilizes alpha 3- but not alpha 7-containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subtypes at the postsynaptic apparatus in the mouse superior cervical ganglion - Del Signore_2002_Neurobiol.Dis_10_54
Author(s) : Del Signore A , Gotti C , De Stefano ME , Moretti M , Paggi P
Ref : Neurobiol Dis , 10 :54 , 2002
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PubMedID: 12079404

Title : Identification of the nicotinic receptor subtypes expressed on dopaminergic terminals in the rat striatum - Zoli_2002_J.Neurosci_22_8785
Author(s) : Zoli M , Moretti M , Zanardi A , McIntosh JM , Clementi F , Gotti C
Ref : Journal of Neuroscience , 22 :8785 , 2002
Abstract :
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Title : An alpha4beta4 nicotinic receptor subtype is present in chick retina: identification, characterization and pharmacological comparison with the transfected alpha4beta4 and alpha6beta4 subtypes - Barabino_2001_Mol.Pharmacol_59_1410
Author(s) : Barabino B , Vailati S , Moretti M , McIntosh JM , Longhi R , Clementi F , Gotti C
Ref : Molecular Pharmacology , 59 :1410 , 2001
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 11353800

Title : Anti-neuronal nicotinic receptor antibodies in MG patients with thymoma - Gotti_2001_J.Neuroimmunol_113_142
Author(s) : Gotti C , Moretti M , Mantegazza R , Fornasari D , Tsouloufis T , Clementi F
Ref : Journal of Neuroimmunology , 113 :142 , 2001
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Gotti_2001_J.Neuroimmunol_113_142
PubMedID: 11137585

Title : Antagonism of nicotinic receptors of rat chromaffin cells by N,N, N-trimethyl-1-(4-trans-stilbenoxy)-2-propylammonium iodide: a patch clamp and ligand binding study - Di Angelantonio_2000_Br.J.Pharmacol_129_1771
Author(s) : Di Angelantonio S , Nistri A , Moretti M , Clementi F , Gotti C
Ref : British Journal of Pharmacology , 129 :1771 , 2000
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 10780985

Title : Drugs selective for nicotinic receptor subtypes: a real possibility or a dream? - Gotti_2000_Behav.Brain.Res_113_183
Author(s) : Gotti C , Carbonnelle E , Moretti M , Zwart R , Clementi F
Ref : Behavioural Brain Research , 113 :183 , 2000
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 10942044

Title : Antibodies against neuronal nicotinic receptor subtypes in neurological disorders - Balestra_2000_J.Neuroimmunol_102_89
Author(s) : Balestra B , Moretti M , Longhi R , Mantegazza R , Clementi F , Gotti C
Ref : Journal of Neuroimmunology , 102 :89 , 2000
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 10626672

Title : Chick optic lobe contains a developmentally regulated alpha2alpha5beta2 nicotinic receptor subtype - Balestra_2000_Mol.Pharmacol_58_300
Author(s) : Balestra B , Vailati S , Moretti M , Hanke W , Clementi F , Gotti C
Ref : Molecular Pharmacology , 58 :300 , 2000
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 10908297

Title : beta3 subunit is present in different nicotinic receptor subtypes in chick retina - Vailati_2000_Eur.J.Pharmacol_393_23
Author(s) : Vailati S , Moretti M , Balestra B , McIntosh M , Clementi F , Gotti C
Ref : European Journal of Pharmacology , 393 :23 , 2000
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 10770994

Title : Functional alpha6-containing nicotinic receptors are present in chick retina - Vailati_1999_Mol.Pharmacol_56_11
Author(s) : Vailati S , Hanke W , Bejan A , Barabino B , Longhi R , Balestra B , Moretti M , Clementi F , Gotti C
Ref : Molecular Pharmacology , 56 :11 , 1999
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 10385679

Title : Selective effects of a 4-oxystilbene derivative on wild and mutant neuronal chick alpha7 nicotinic receptor - Maggi_1999_Br.J.Pharmacol_126_285
Author(s) : Maggi L , Palma E , Eusebi F , Moretti M , Balestra B , Clementi F , Gotti C
Ref : British Journal of Pharmacology , 126 :285 , 1999
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 10051147

Title : 4-Oxystilbene compounds are selective antagonists for neuronal nicotinicalpha-bungarotoxin receptors -
Author(s) : Gotti C , Moretti M , Balestra B , Maggi L , Eusebi F , Palma E , Rovati GE , Villa L , Pallavicini M , Berti F , Rossoni G , Clementi F
Ref : Journal de Physiologie (Paris) , 92 :434 , 1998

Title : 4-Oxystilbene compounds are selective ligands for neuronal nicotinic alphaBungarotoxin receptors - Gotti_1998_Br.J.Pharmacol_124_1197
Author(s) : Gotti C , Balestra B , Moretti M , Rovati GE , Maggi L , Rossoni G , Berti F , Villa L , Pallavicini M , Clementi F
Ref : British Journal of Pharmacology , 124 :1197 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Gotti_1998_Br.J.Pharmacol_124_1197
PubMedID: 9720791

Title : Detection of antibody classes and subpopulations in myasthenia gravis patients using a new nonradioactive enzyme immunoassay - Gotti_1997_Muscle.Nerve_20_800
Author(s) : Gotti C , Balestra B , Mantegazza R , Tzartos SJ , Moretti M , Clementi F
Ref : Muscle & Nerve , 20 :800 , 1997
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 9179151

Title : Alpha7 and alpha8 nicotinic receptor subtypes immunopurified from chick retina have different immunological, pharmacological and functional properties - Gotti_1997_Eur.J.Neurosci_9_1201
Author(s) : Gotti C , Moretti M , Maggi R , Longhi R , Hanke W , Klinke N , Clementi F
Ref : European Journal of Neuroscience , 9 :1201 , 1997
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 9215704

Title : Pharmacology and biophysical properties of alpha 7 and alpha 7-alpha 8 alpha-bungarotoxin receptor subtypes immunopurified from the chick optic lobe - Gotti_1994_Eur.J.Neurosci_6_1281
Author(s) : Gotti C , Hanke W , Maury K , Moretti M , Ballivet M , Clementi F , Bertrand D
Ref : European Journal of Neuroscience , 6 :1281 , 1994
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PubMedID: 7981870

Title : Expression of alpha-bungarotoxin receptor subtypes in chick central nervous system during development - Gotti_1994_J.Recept.Res_14_335
Author(s) : Gotti C , Moretti M , Longhi R , Briscini L , Balestra B , Clementi F
Ref : J Recept Res , 14 :335 , 1994
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PubMedID: 7877133

Title : Anti-peptide specific antibodies for the characterization of different alpha subunits of alpha-bungarotoxin binding acetylcholine receptors present in chick optic lobe - Gotti_1993_J.Recept.Res_13_453
Author(s) : Gotti C , Moretti M , Longhi R , Briscini L , Manera E , Clementi F
Ref : J Recept Res , 13 :453 , 1993
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 8450500

Title : A functional alpha-bungarotoxin receptor is present in chick cerebellum: purification and characterization - Gotti_1992_Neurosci_50_117
Author(s) : Gotti C , Hanke W , Schlue WR , Briscini L , Moretti M , Clementi F
Ref : Neuroscience , 50 :117 , 1992
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PubMedID: 1357590

Title : Purification and characterization of an alpha-bungarotoxin receptor that forms a functional nicotinic channel - Gotti_1991_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_88_3258
Author(s) : Gotti C , Ogando AE , Hanke W , Schlue R , Moretti M , Clementi F
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 88 :3258 , 1991
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Gotti_1991_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_88_3258
PubMedID: 2014250