Navarro E

References (7)

Title : Subthreshold Concentrations of Melatonin and Galantamine Improves Pathological AD-Hallmarks in Hippocampal Organotypic Cultures - Buendia_2016_Mol.Neurobiol_53_3338
Author(s) : Buendia I , Parada E , Navarro E , Leon R , Negredo P , Egea J , Lopez MG
Ref : Molecular Neurobiology , 53 :3338 , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Buendia_2016_Mol.Neurobiol_53_3338
PubMedID: 26081146

Title : Alpha7 nicotinic receptor activation protects against oxidative stress via heme-oxygenase I induction - Navarro_2015_Biochem.Pharmacol_97(4)_473
Author(s) : Navarro E , Buendia I , Parada E , Leon R , Jansen-Duerr P , Pircher H , Egea J , Lopez MG
Ref : Biochemical Pharmacology , 97 :473 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Navarro_2015_Biochem.Pharmacol_97(4)_473
PubMedID: 26212551

Title : Anti-inflammatory role of microglial alpha7 nAChRs and its role in neuroprotection - Egea_2015_Biochem.Pharmacol_97(4)_463
Author(s) : Egea J , Buendia I , Parada E , Navarro E , Leon R , Lopez MG
Ref : Biochemical Pharmacology , 97 :463 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Egea_2015_Biochem.Pharmacol_97(4)_463
PubMedID: 26232730

Title : Persistence of cholinesterase inhibitor treatment in dementia: insights from a naturalistic study - Olazaran_2013_Dement.Geriatr.Cogn.Dis.Extra_3_48
Author(s) : Olazaran J , Navarro E , Rojo JM
Ref : Dement Geriatr Cogn Dis Extra , 3 :48 , 2013
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Title : Alzheimer's disease with vascular component: a distinct clinical entity? - Olazaran_2012_Dement.Geriatr.Cogn.Dis.Extra_2_400
Author(s) : Olazaran J , Navarro E , Rojo JM
Ref : Dement Geriatr Cogn Dis Extra , 2 :400 , 2012
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Title : Characterization of denitrification gene clusters of soil bacteria via a metagenomic approach - Demaneche_2009_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_75_534
Author(s) : Demaneche S , Philippot L , David MM , Navarro E , Vogel TM , Simonet P
Ref : Applied Environmental Microbiology , 75 :534 , 2009
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Gene_locus related to this paper: 9bact-b8r967

Title : Benefits of cognitive-motor intervention in MCI and mild to moderate Alzheimer disease - Olazaran_2004_Neurology_63_2348
Author(s) : Olazaran J , Muniz R , Reisberg B , Pena-Casanova J , Del Ser T , Cruz-Jentoft AJ , Serrano P , Navarro E , Garcia de la Rocha ML , Frank A , Galiano M , Fernandez-Bullido Y , Serra JA , Gonzalez-Salvador MT , Sevilla C
Ref : Neurology , 63 :2348 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Olazaran_2004_Neurology_63_2348
PubMedID: 15623698