Passoth V

References (2)

Title : Genome sequence of Wickerhamomyces anomalus DSM 6766 reveals genetic basis of biotechnologically important antimicrobial activities - Schneider_2012_FEMS.Yeast.Res_12_382
Author(s) : Schneider J , Rupp O , Trost E , Jaenicke S , Passoth V , Goesmann A , Tauch A , Brinkrolf K
Ref : FEMS Yeast Res , 12 :382 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schneider_2012_FEMS.Yeast.Res_12_382
PubMedID: 22292503
Gene_locus related to this paper: hanan-h6uwn2 , hanan-h6uwn4 , hanan-h6uwn6 , hanan-h6uwn8

Title : Genome sequence of the lignocellulose-bioconverting and xylose-fermenting yeast Pichia stipitis - Jeffries_2007_Nat.Biotechnol_25_319
Author(s) : Jeffries TW , Grigoriev IV , Grimwood J , Laplaza JM , Aerts A , Salamov A , Schmutz J , Lindquist E , Dehal P , Shapiro H , Jin YS , Passoth V , Richardson PM
Ref : Nat Biotechnol , 25 :319 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Jeffries_2007_Nat.Biotechnol_25_319
PubMedID: 17334359
Gene_locus related to this paper: picst-a3geu9 , picst-a3gfu2 , picst-a3ggh9 , picst-a3gha8 , picst-a3ghe3 , picst-a3gi73 , picst-a3lmu3 , picst-a3ln06 , picst-a3ln59 , picst-a3lnv8 , picst-a3lp77 , picst-a3lqt4 , picst-a3lrt0 , picst-a3ls15 , picst-a3lsj8 , picst-a3lu11 , picst-a3luu0 , picst-a3lv87 , picst-a3lvi5 , picst-a3lvu9 , picst-a3lvv2 , picst-a3lwa4 , picst-a3lxl2 , picst-a3lxs8 , picst-a3lyi3 , picst-atg15 , picst-bna7 , picst-a3lyh1 , picst-a3lnc5 , picst-a3lr32