Zheng P

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Gene_locus related to this paper: 9hypo-a0a162hs49 , 9hypo-a0a162hub8 , 9hypo-a0a162i1u8 , 9euro-a0a162iix1 , 9hypo-a0a162ima8 , 9hypo-a0a162jas9 , 9hypo-a0a162jfj3 , 9hypo-a0a162jhb9 , 9hypo-a0a162jmg2 , cordf-a0a162k2a2 , 9hypo-a0a162k3b2 , 9hypo-a0a162k3t2 , cordf-a0a162kne2 , cordf-a0a162kwz0 , 9hypo-a0a162m4x7 , cordf-a0a162mwk4 , 9hypo-a0a166nct4 , 9euro-a0a166nl14 , 9hypo-a0a166v6u3 , 9hypo-a0a166wlx9 , 9hypo-a0a166wxz0 , 9hypo-a0a166yda3 , 9hypo-a0a166ymi5 , 9hypo-a0a166z511 , 9hypo-a0a167fcg1 , 9hypo-a0a167gu64 , 9hypo-a0a167gyk2 , 9hypo-a0a167kjz5 , 9hypo-a0a167m3a6 , 9pezi-a0a167nge5 , 9hypo-a0a167qnf7 , 9pezi-a0a167qz56 , 9pezi-a0a167sfr8 , 9pezi-a0a167snk4 , 9hypo-a0a167tjx1 , 9hypo-a0a167tm61 , 9pezi-a0a167u5l8 , 9pezi-a0a167uqx6 , 9hypo-a0a167v4i2 , 9euro-a0a167vcq2 , 9pezi-a0a167vqe2 , 9hypo-a0a167vzl7 , 9euro-a0a167w192 , cordf-a0a167wrl9 , 9pezi-a0a167wyb6 , 9euro-a0a167xzp3 , 9euro-a0a167y0h7 , 9hypo-a0a167yg81 , 9pezi-a0a167z9i1 , cordf-a0a167zqi5 , 9hypo-a0a168are5 , cordf-a0a168bcu5 , 9hypo-a0a168bsl8 , cordf-a0a168cqs1 , cordf-a0a168crk3 , 9hypo-a0a168d6j2 , 9hypo-a0a168enh0 , 9hypo-a0a168eu39 , cordf-a0a168g0e1 , cordf-a0a168g1t1 , cordf-a0a168g678 , cordf-a0a168hsg3 , cordf-a0a168j527 , cordf-a0a168jr90 , cordf-a0a168l178 , 9hypo-a0a167x7j9 , beaba-a0a2s7xwt2 , 9hypo-a0a167xk24 , cordf-a0a168j0y7 , 9hypo-a0a167es80 , 9pezi-a0a162mh01 , 9hypo-a0a168b790 , 9hypo-a0a166uph8 , 9hypo-a0a168enk0 , 9hypo-a0a167dlr2 , cordf-a0a168hsf0 , 9hypo-a0a167hq40 , metrr-a0a166ygn0 , cordf-a0a179ib68 , corfa-a0a167q5m2 , metrr-a0a162jas4 , cordf-a0a168fit9

Title : Differential expression of lipid metabolism-related genes and myosin heavy chain isoform genes in pig muscle tissue leading to different meat quality - Zhang_2015_Animal_9_1073
Author(s) : Zhang C , Luo JQ , Zheng P , Yu B , Huang ZQ , Mao XB , He J , Yu J , Chen JL , Chen DW
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Title : The genome sequence of the most widely cultivated cacao type and its use to identify candidate genes regulating pod color - Motamayor_2013_Genome.Biol_14_r53
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Title : Genome survey uncovers the secrets of sex and lifestyle in caterpillar fungus. - Hu_2013_Chin.Sci.Bull_58_2846
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Gene_locus related to this paper: ophsc-t5ap86 , ophsc-t5abc7 , ophsc-t5acw5 , ophsc-t5ajn1 , ophsc-t5aqy1

Title : Highly efficient biosynthesis of sucrose-6-acetate with cross-linked aggregates of Lipozyme TL 100 L - Yang_2012_J.Biotechnol_161_27
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Title : Genomic perspectives on the evolution of fungal entomopathogenicity in Beauveria bassiana - Xiao_2012_Sci.Rep_2_483
Author(s) : Xiao G , Ying SH , Zheng P , Wang ZL , Zhang S , Xie XQ , Shang Y , St Leger RJ , Zhao GP , Wang C , Feng MG
Ref : Sci Rep , 2 :483 , 2012
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Gene_locus related to this paper: beab2-j4kp85 , beab2-j4kq23 , beab2-j4ugv0 , beab2-j4ujz3 , beab2-j4urc2 , beab2-j4ut21 , beab2-j4uti2 , beab2-j4vvv1 , beab2-j4wbg2 , beab2-j5jde3 , beab2-j5jzt0 , beab2-j4wjh2 , beaba-a0a2s7xwt2 , 9hypo-a0a167hq40 , beab2-ops1

Title : Huperzine A ameliorates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis via the suppression of T cell-mediated neuronal inflammation in mice - Wang_2012_Exp.Neurol_236_79
Author(s) : Wang J , Chen F , Zheng P , Deng W , Yuan J , Peng B , Wang R , Liu W , Zhao H , Wang Y , Wu G
Ref : Experimental Neurology , 236 :79 , 2012
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Title : Genome sequence of the insect pathogenic fungus Cordyceps militaris, a valued traditional Chinese medicine - Zheng_2011_Genome.Biol_12_R116
Author(s) : Zheng P , Xia Y , Xiao G , Xiong C , Hu X , Zhang S , Zheng H , Huang Y , Zhou Y , Wang S , Zhao GP , Liu X , St Leger RJ , Wang C
Ref : Genome Biol , 12 :R116 , 2011
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PubMedID: 22112802
Gene_locus related to this paper: cormm-g3jhe4 , cormm-g3j5w5 , cormm-g3jjs8 , cormm-g3jj84 , cormm-g3j580 , cormm-g3jkl0 , cormi-a0a2h4sj63 , cormm-g3jpf2 , cormm-g3j319 , cormm-g3jbi5 , cormm-g3jpg8