
Ranitidine is a member of the class of furans used to treat peptic ulcer disease (PUD) and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Classified as a histamine H2-receptor antagonist, and belongs to the same drug class as cimetidine and famotidine. Ranitidine is among H2 blockers the most potent inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase but roughly three to four orders of magnitude less potent than paraoxon (an irreversible organophosphate esterase inhibitor) or pyridostigmine


Type : Multitarget, Not A\/B H target, Sulfur Compound

Chemical_Nomenclature : (E)-1-N'-[2-[[5-[(dimethylamino)methyl]furan-2-yl]methylsulfanyl]ethyl]-1-N-methyl-2-nitroethene-1,1-diamine

Canonical SMILES : CNC(=C[N+](=O)[O-])NCCSCC1=CC=C(O1)CN(C)C

InChI : InChI=1S\/C13H22N4O3S\/c1-14-13(9-17(18)19)15-6-7-21-10-12-5-4-11(20-12)8-16(2)3\/h4-5,9,14-15H,6-8,10H2,1-3H3\/b13-9+


Other name(s) : Zantac  ||  Ranitidine Base  ||  ranitidine hydrochloride  ||  Raticina  ||  CHEBI:8776  ||  CHEMBL512  ||  CHEBI:92246

MW : 314.41

Formula : C13H22N4O3S

CAS_number : 66357-35-5

PubChem : 3001055



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