

Title : Bacterial Expression of Human Butyrylcholinesterase as a Tool for Nerve Agent Bioscavengers Development - Brazzolotto_2017_Molecules_22_
Author(s) : Brazzolotto X , Igert A , Guillon V , Santoni G , Nachon F
Ref : Molecules , 22 : , 2017
Abstract :

Human butyrylcholinesterase is a performant stoichiometric bioscavenger of organophosphorous nerve agents. It is either isolated from outdated plasma or functionally expressed in eukaryotic systems. Here, we report the production of active human butyrylcholinesterase in a prokaryotic system after optimization of the primary sequence through the Protein Repair One Stop Shop process, a structure- and sequence-based algorithm for soluble bacterial expression of difficult eukaryotic proteins. The mutant enzyme was purified to homogeneity. Its kinetic parameters with substrate are similar to the endogenous human butyrylcholinesterase or recombinants produced in eukaryotic systems. The isolated protein was prone to crystallize and its 2.5-A X-ray structure revealed an active site gorge region identical to that of previously solved structures. The advantages of this alternate expression system, particularly for the generation of butyrylcholinesterase variants with nerve agent hydrolysis activity, are discussed.

PubMedSearch : Brazzolotto_2017_Molecules_22_
PubMedID: 29077024
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-BCHE

Citations formats

Brazzolotto X, Igert A, Guillon V, Santoni G, Nachon F (2017)
Bacterial Expression of Human Butyrylcholinesterase as a Tool for Nerve Agent Bioscavengers Development
Molecules 22 :

Brazzolotto X, Igert A, Guillon V, Santoni G, Nachon F (2017)
Molecules 22 :