Batut J

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Gene_locus related to this paper: cuppj-metx , cuppj-q46nh7 , cuptr-b2agb4 , cuptr-b2ahd0 , cuptr-b2ahw1 , cuptr-b2ai18 , cuptr-b2ai31 , cuptr-b2aii9 , cuptr-b2aik0 , cuptr-b2aiq3 , cuptr-b3r2j1 , cuptr-b3r3y6 , cuptr-b3r4w6 , cuptr-b3r7p4 , cuptr-b3r8d6 , cuptr-b3r8f5 , cuptr-b3r9z0 , cuptr-b3r255 , cuptr-b3r457 , cuptr-b3r543 , cuptr-b3ras4 , cuptr-b3rau3 , cuptr-b3rb04 , cuptr-b3rbm8 , cuptr-b3rd43 , cuptr-b3r6t6 , cuptr-b3r3f3 , cuptr-b3r2m0

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Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Galibert_2001_Science_293_668
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Gene_locus related to this paper: rhime-PTRB , rhime-R01391 , rhime-R01762 , rhime-R02260 , rhime-RB0025 , rhime-RB0171