Title : New carbohydrate-active enzymes identified by screening two metagenomic libraries derived from the soil of a winter wheat field - Stroobants_2014_J.Appl.Microbiol_117_1045 |
Author(s) : Stroobants A , Portetelle D , Vandenbol M |
Ref : J Appl Microbiol , 117 :1045 , 2014 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Stroobants_2014_J.Appl.Microbiol_117_1045 |
PubMedID: 25039822 |
Title : The composite genome of the legume symbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti - Galibert_2001_Science_293_668 |
Author(s) : Galibert F , Finan TM , Long SR , Puhler A , Abola P , Ampe F , Barloy-Hubler F , Barnett MJ , Becker A , Boistard P , Bothe G , Boutry M , Bowser L , Buhrmester J , Cadieu E , Capela D , Chain P , Cowie A , Davis RW , Dreano S , Federspiel NA , Fisher RF , Gloux S , Godrie T , Goffeau A , Golding B , Gouzy J , Gurjal M , Hernandez-Lucas I , Hong A , Huizar L , Hyman RW , Jones T , Kahn D , Kahn ML , Kalman S , Keating DH , Kiss E , Komp C , Lelaure V , Masuy D , Palm C , Peck MC , Pohl TM , Portetelle D , Purnelle B , Ramsperger U , Surzycki R , Thebault P , Vandenbol M , Vorholter FJ , Weidner S , Wells DH , Wong K , Yeh KC , Batut J |
Ref : Science , 293 :668 , 2001 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Galibert_2001_Science_293_668 |
PubMedID: 11474104 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: rhime-PTRB , rhime-R01391 , rhime-R01762 , rhime-R02260 , rhime-RB0025 , rhime-RB0171 |
Title : The nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome XII - Johnston_1997_Nature_387_87 |
Author(s) : Johnston M , Hillier L , Riles L , Albermann K , Andre B , Ansorge W , Benes V , Bruckner M , Delius H , Dubois E , Dusterhoft A , Entian KD , Floeth M , Goffeau A , Hebling U , Heumann K , Heuss-Neitzel D , Hilbert H , Hilger F , Kleine K , Kotter P , Louis EJ , Messenguy F , Mewes HW , Miosga T , Mostl D , Muller-Auer S , Nentwich U , Obermaier B , Piravandi E , Pohl TM , Portetelle D , Purnelle B , Rechmann S , Rieger M , Rinke M , Rose M , Scharfe M , Scherens B , Scholler P , Schwager C , Schwarz S , Underwood AP , Urrestarazu LA , Vandenbol M , Verhasselt P , Vierendeels F , Voet M , Volckaert G , Voss H , Wambutt , Wedler E , Wedler H , Zimmermann FK , Zollner A , Hani J , Hoheisel JD |
Ref : Nature , 387 :87 , 1997 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Johnston_1997_Nature_387_87 |
PubMedID: 9169871 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: yeast-ict1 , yeast-YLR118c |
Title : Sequence of a 17.1 kb DNA fragment from chromosome X of Saccharomyces cerevisiae includes the mitochondrial ribosomal protein L8 - Vandenbol_1995_Yeast_11_57 |
Author(s) : Vandenbol M , Durand P , Dion C , Portetelle D , Hilger F |
Ref : Yeast , 11 :57 , 1995 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Vandenbol_1995_Yeast_11_57 |
PubMedID: 7762302 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: yeast-yjg8 |