Rosenblat M


Full name : Rosenblat Mira

First name : Mira

Mail : The Lipid Research Laboratory, The Rappaport Faculty of Medicine and Research Institute, Technion-Institute of Technology, and Rambam Medical Center, Haifa

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Country : Israel

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References (48)

Title : Pomegranate for your cardiovascular health - Aviram_2013_Rambam.Maimonides.Med.J_4_e0013
Author(s) : Aviram M , Rosenblat M
Ref : Rambam Maimonides Med J , 4 :e0013 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Aviram_2013_Rambam.Maimonides.Med.J_4_e0013
PubMedID: 23908863

Title : Monocyte-macrophage membrane possesses free radicals scavenging activity: stimulation by polyphenols or by paraoxonase 1 (PON1) - Rosenblat_2013_Free.Radic.Res_47_257
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Elias A , Volkova N , Aviram M
Ref : Free Radical Research , 47 :257 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rosenblat_2013_Free.Radic.Res_47_257
PubMedID: 23316782

Title : Pomegranate phytosterol (beta-sitosterol) and polyphenolic antioxidant (punicalagin) addition to statin, significantly protected against macrophage foam cells formation - Rosenblat_2013_Atherosclerosis_226_110
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Volkova N , Aviram M
Ref : Atherosclerosis , 226 :110 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rosenblat_2013_Atherosclerosis_226_110
PubMedID: 23141585

Title : Triglyceride accumulation in macrophages upregulates paraoxonase 2 (PON2) expression via ROS-mediated JNK\/c-Jun signaling pathway activation - Rosenblat_2012_Biofactors_38_458
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Volkova N , Paland N , Aviram M
Ref : Biofactors , 38 :458 , 2012
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 23047827

Title : VLDL triglycerides inhibit HDL-associated paraoxonase 1 (PON1) activity: in vitro and in vivo studies - Rosenblat_2012_Biofactors_38_292
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Ward S , Volkova N , Hayek T , Aviram M
Ref : Biofactors , 38 :292 , 2012
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 22674772

Title : Pomegranate juice protects macrophages from triglyceride accumulation: inhibitory effect on DGAT1 activity and on triglyceride biosynthesis - Rosenblat_2011_Ann.Nutr.Metab_58_1
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Aviram M
Ref : Ann Nutr Metab , 58 :1 , 2011
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 21212659

Title : Injection of paraoxonase 1 (PON1) to mice stimulates their HDL and macrophage antiatherogenicity - Rosenblat_2011_Biofactors_37_462
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Volkova N , Aviram M
Ref : Biofactors , 37 :462 , 2011
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 22162319

Title : Paraoxonase 1 (PON1) inhibits monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation - Rosenblat_2011_Atherosclerosis_219_49
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Volkova N , Ward J , Aviram M
Ref : Atherosclerosis , 219 :49 , 2011
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 21798540

Title : ApoE induces serum paraoxonase PON1 activity and stability similar to ApoA-I - Gaidukov_2010_Biochemistry_49_532
Author(s) : Gaidukov L , Viji RI , Yacobson S , Rosenblat M , Aviram M , Tawfik DS
Ref : Biochemistry , 49 :532 , 2010
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 20025294

Title : Consumption of polyphenolic-rich beverages (mostly pomegranate and black currant juices) by healthy subjects for a short term increased serum antioxidant status, and the serum's ability to attenuate macrophage cholesterol accumulation - Rosenblat_2010_Food.Funct_1_99
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Volkova N , Attias J , Mahamid R , Aviram M
Ref : Food Funct , 1 :99 , 2010
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 21776460

Title : Macrophage endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteins and reducing elements stabilize paraoxonase 2 (PON2) - Rosenblat_2010_Atherosclerosis_213_408
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Volkova N , Aviram M
Ref : Atherosclerosis , 213 :408 , 2010
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 21036357

Title : Pomegranate juice (PJ) consumption antioxidative properties on mouse macrophages, but not PJ beneficial effects on macrophage cholesterol and triglyceride metabolism, are mediated via PJ-induced stimulation of macrophage PON2 - Rosenblat_2010_Atherosclerosis_212_86
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Volkova N , Aviram M
Ref : Atherosclerosis , 212 :86 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rosenblat_2010_Atherosclerosis_212_86
PubMedID: 20537330

Title : Increased macrophage cholesterol biosynthesis and decreased cellular paraoxonase 2 (PON2) expression in Delta6-desaturase knockout (6-DS KO) mice: beneficial effects of arachidonic acid - Rosenblat_2010_Atherosclerosis_210_414
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Volkova N , Roqueta-Rivera M , Nakamura MT , Aviram M
Ref : Atherosclerosis , 210 :414 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rosenblat_2010_Atherosclerosis_210_414
PubMedID: 20042190

Title : Directed evolution of serum paraoxonase PON3 by family shuffling and ancestor\/consensus mutagenesis, and its biochemical characterization - Khersonsky_2009_Biochemistry_48_6644
Author(s) : Khersonsky O , Rosenblat M , Toker L , Yacobson S , Hugenmatter A , Silman I , Sussman JL , Aviram M , Tawfik DS
Ref : Biochemistry , 48 :6644 , 2009
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 19492856

Title : Di-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine (PC-18:1) stimulates paraoxonase 1 (PON1) enzymatic and biological activities: in vitro and in vivo studies - Efrat_2009_Atherosclerosis_202_461
Author(s) : Efrat M , Rosenblat M , Mahmood S , Vaya J , Aviram M
Ref : Atherosclerosis , 202 :461 , 2009
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 18585720

Title : Effects of date ( Phoenix dactylifera L., Medjool or Hallawi Variety) consumption by healthy subjects on serum glucose and lipid levels and on serum oxidative status: a pilot study - Rock_2009_J.Agric.Food.Chem_57_8010
Author(s) : Rock W , Rosenblat M , Borochov-Neori H , Volkova N , Judeinstein S , Elias M , Aviram M
Ref : Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 57 :8010 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rock_2009_J.Agric.Food.Chem_57_8010
PubMedID: 19681613

Title : Paraoxonases role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases - Rosenblat_2009_Biofactors_35_98
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Aviram M
Ref : Biofactors , 35 :98 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rosenblat_2009_Biofactors_35_98
PubMedID: 19319852

Title : Paraoxonase 2 attenuates macrophage triglyceride accumulation via inhibition of diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 - Rosenblat_2009_J.Lipid.Res_50_870
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Coleman R , Reddy ST , Aviram M
Ref : J Lipid Res , 50 :870 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rosenblat_2009_J.Lipid.Res_50_870
PubMedID: 19091699

Title : Macrophages from alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor knockout mice demonstrate increased cholesterol accumulation and decreased cellular paraoxonase expression: a possible link between the nervous system and atherosclerosis development - Wilund_2009_Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun_390_148
Author(s) : Wilund KR , Rosenblat M , Chung HR , Volkova N , Kaplan M , Woods JA , Aviram M
Ref : Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications , 390 :148 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wilund_2009_Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun_390_148
PubMedID: 19785985

Title : Consumption of wonderful variety pomegranate juice and extract by diabetic patients increases paraoxonase 1 association with high-density lipoprotein and stimulates its catalytic activities - Rock_2008_J.Agric.Food.Chem_56_8704
Author(s) : Rock W , Rosenblat M , Miller-Lotan R , Levy AP , Elias M , Aviram M
Ref : Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 56 :8704 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rock_2008_J.Agric.Food.Chem_56_8704
PubMedID: 18759451

Title : Paraoxonases (PON1, PON2, PON3) analyses in vitro and in vivo in relation to cardiovascular diseases - Aviram_2008_Methods.Mol.Biol_477_259
Author(s) : Aviram M , Rosenblat M
Ref : Methods Mol Biol , 477 :259 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Aviram_2008_Methods.Mol.Biol_477_259
PubMedID: 19082953

Title : Pomegranate phenolics from the peels, arils, and flowers are antiatherogenic: studies in vivo in atherosclerotic apolipoprotein e-deficient (E 0) mice and in vitro in cultured macrophages and lipoproteins - Aviram_2008_J.Agric.Food.Chem_56_1148
Author(s) : Aviram M , Volkova N , Coleman R , Dreher M , Reddy MK , Ferreira D , Rosenblat M
Ref : Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 56 :1148 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Aviram_2008_J.Agric.Food.Chem_56_1148
PubMedID: 18173244

Title : Antiatherogenicity of extra virgin olive oil and its enrichment with green tea polyphenols in the atherosclerotic apolipoprotein-E-deficient mice: enhanced macrophage cholesterol efflux - Rosenblat_2008_J.Nutr.Biochem_19_514
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Volkova N , Coleman R , Almagor Y , Aviram M
Ref : J Nutr Biochem , 19 :514 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rosenblat_2008_J.Nutr.Biochem_19_514
PubMedID: 17904345

Title : Anti-oxidant and anti-atherogenic properties of liposomal glutathione: studies in vitro, and in the atherosclerotic apolipoprotein E-deficient mice - Rosenblat_2007_Atherosclerosis_195_e61
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Volkova N , Coleman R , Aviram M
Ref : Atherosclerosis , 195 :e61 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rosenblat_2007_Atherosclerosis_195_e61
PubMedID: 17588583

Title : The catalytic histidine dyad of high density lipoprotein-associated serum paraoxonase-1 (PON1) is essential for PON1-mediated inhibition of low density lipoprotein oxidation and stimulation of macrophage cholesterol efflux - Rosenblat_2006_J.Biol.Chem_281_7657
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Gaidukov L , Khersonsky O , Vaya J , Oren R , Tawfik DS , Aviram M
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 281 :7657 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rosenblat_2006_J.Biol.Chem_281_7657
PubMedID: 16407304

Title : The 192R\/Q polymorphs of serum paraoxonase PON1 differ in HDL binding, lipolactonase stimulation, and cholesterol efflux - Gaidukov_2006_J.Lipid.Res_47_2492
Author(s) : Gaidukov L , Rosenblat M , Aviram M , Tawfik DS
Ref : J Lipid Res , 47 :2492 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Gaidukov_2006_J.Lipid.Res_47_2492
PubMedID: 16914770

Title : Anti-oxidative effects of pomegranate juice (PJ) consumption by diabetic patients on serum and on macrophages - Rosenblat_2006_Atherosclerosis_187_363
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Hayek T , Aviram M
Ref : Atherosclerosis , 187 :363 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rosenblat_2006_Atherosclerosis_187_363
PubMedID: 16226266

Title : Paraoxonase 1 (PON1) is a more potent antioxidant and stimulant of macrophage cholesterol efflux, when present in HDL than in lipoprotein-deficient serum: relevance to diabetes - Rosenblat_2006_Atherosclerosis_187_74
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Karry R , Aviram M
Ref : Atherosclerosis , 187 :74 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rosenblat_2006_Atherosclerosis_187_74
PubMedID: 16229851

Title : Lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) attenuates macrophage-mediated oxidation of LDL - Rosenblat_2006_Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun_344_1271
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Oren R , Aviram M
Ref : Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications , 344 :1271 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rosenblat_2006_Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun_344_1271
PubMedID: 16650824

Title : Pomegranate byproduct administration to apolipoprotein e-deficient mice attenuates atherosclerosis development as a result of decreased macrophage oxidative stress and reduced cellular uptake of oxidized low-density lipoprotein - Rosenblat_2006_J.Agric.Food.Chem_54_1928
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Volkova N , Coleman R , Aviram M
Ref : Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 54 :1928 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rosenblat_2006_J.Agric.Food.Chem_54_1928
PubMedID: 16506855

Title : Dietary antioxidants and paraoxonases against LDL oxidation and atherosclerosis development - Aviram_2005_Handb.Exp.Pharmacol_170_263
Author(s) : Aviram M , Kaplan M , Rosenblat M , Fuhrman B
Ref : Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology , 170 :263 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Aviram_2005_Handb.Exp.Pharmacol_170_263
PubMedID: 16596803

Title : Paraoxonases and cardiovascular diseases: pharmacological and nutritional influences - Aviram_2005_Curr.Opin.Lipidol_16_393
Author(s) : Aviram M , Rosenblat M
Ref : Curr Opin Lipidol , 16 :393 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Aviram_2005_Curr.Opin.Lipidol_16_393
PubMedID: 15990587

Title : Paraoxonase 1 (PON1) enhances HDL-mediated macrophage cholesterol efflux via the ABCA1 transporter in association with increased HDL binding to the cells: a possible role for lysophosphatidylcholine - Rosenblat_2005_Atherosclerosis_179_69
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Vaya J , Shih DM , Aviram M
Ref : Atherosclerosis , 179 :69 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rosenblat_2005_Atherosclerosis_179_69
PubMedID: 15721011

Title : Paraoxonases 1, 2, and 3, oxidative stress, and macrophage foam cell formation during atherosclerosis development - Aviram_2004_Free.Radic.Biol.Med_37_1304
Author(s) : Aviram M , Rosenblat M
Ref : Free Radic Biol Med , 37 :1304 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Aviram_2004_Free.Radic.Biol.Med_37_1304
PubMedID: 15454271

Title : Pomegranate juice consumption for 3 years by patients with carotid artery stenosis reduces common carotid intima-media thickness, blood pressure and LDL oxidation - Aviram_2004_Clin.Nutr_23_423
Author(s) : Aviram M , Rosenblat M , Gaitini D , Nitecki S , Hoffman A , Dornfeld L , Volkova N , Presser D , Attias J , Liker H , Hayek T
Ref : Clin Nutr , 23 :423 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Aviram_2004_Clin.Nutr_23_423
PubMedID: 15158307

Title : Decreased macrophage paraoxonase 2 expression in patients with hypercholesterolemia is the result of their increased cellular cholesterol content: effect of atorvastatin therapy - Rosenblat_2004_Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol_24_175
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Hayek T , Hussein K , Aviram M
Ref : Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol , 24 :175 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rosenblat_2004_Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol_24_175
PubMedID: 14592851

Title : Mouse macrophage paraoxonase 2 activity is increased whereas cellular paraoxonase 3 activity is decreased under oxidative stress - Rosenblat_2003_Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol_23_468
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Draganov DI , Watson CE , Bisgaier CL , La Du BN , Aviram M
Ref : Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol , 23 :468 , 2003
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rosenblat_2003_Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol_23_468
PubMedID: 12615656

Title : Paraoxonase (PON1) deficiency is associated with increased macrophage oxidative stress: studies in PON1-knockout mice - Rozenberg_2003_Free.Radic.Biol.Med_34_774
Author(s) : Rozenberg O , Rosenblat M , Coleman R , Shih DM , Aviram M
Ref : Free Radic Biol Med , 34 :774 , 2003
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rozenberg_2003_Free.Radic.Biol.Med_34_774
PubMedID: 12633754

Title : Oral insulin supplementation attenuates atherosclerosis progression in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice - Shamir_2003_Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol_23_104
Author(s) : Shamir R , Shehadeh N , Rosenblat M , Eshach-Adiv O , Coleman R , Kaplan M , Hamoud S , Lischinsky S , Hayek T
Ref : Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol , 23 :104 , 2003
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Shamir_2003_Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol_23_104
PubMedID: 12524232

Title : Pomegranate juice flavonoids inhibit low-density lipoprotein oxidation and cardiovascular diseases: studies in atherosclerotic mice and in humans - Aviram_2002_Drugs.Exp.Clin.Res_28_49
Author(s) : Aviram M , Dornfeld L , Kaplan M , Coleman R , Gaitini D , Nitecki S , Hofman A , Rosenblat M , Volkova N , Presser D , Attias J , Hayek T , Fuhrman B
Ref : Drugs Under Experimental & Clinical Research , 28 :49 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Aviram_2002_Drugs.Exp.Clin.Res_28_49
PubMedID: 12224378

Title : Serum paraoxonase activity and the extent of lipid peroxidation are not affected by increased levels of human apolipoprotein A-I: studies in transgenic mice - Rosenblat_2002_Clin.Chem.Lab.Med_40_9
Author(s) : Rosenblat M , Grunfeld O , Hayek T , Aviram M
Ref : Clinical Chemistry & Laboratory Medicine , 40 :9 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rosenblat_2002_Clin.Chem.Lab.Med_40_9
PubMedID: 11916277

Title : Pomegranate juice consumption reduces oxidative stress, atherogenic modifications to LDL, and platelet aggregation: studies in humans and in atherosclerotic apolipoprotein E-deficient mice - Aviram_2000_Am.J.Clin.Nutr_71_1062
Author(s) : Aviram M , Dornfeld L , Rosenblat M , Volkova N , Kaplan M , Coleman R , Hayek T , Presser D , Fuhrman B
Ref : Am J Clin Nutr , 71 :1062 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Aviram_2000_Am.J.Clin.Nutr_71_1062
PubMedID: 10799367

Title : Human serum paraoxonases (PON1) Q and R selectively decrease lipid peroxides in human coronary and carotid atherosclerotic lesions: PON1 esterase and peroxidase-like activities - Aviram_2000_Circulation_101_2510
Author(s) : Aviram M , Hardak E , Vaya J , Mahmood S , Milo S , Hoffman A , Billicke S , Draganov DI , Rosenblat M
Ref : Circulation , 101 :2510 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Aviram_2000_Circulation_101_2510
PubMedID: 10831526

Title : Human serum paraoxonase (PON 1) is inactivated by oxidized low density lipoprotein and preserved by antioxidants - Aviram_1999_Free.Radic.Biol.Med_26_892
Author(s) : Aviram M , Rosenblat M , Billecke S , Erogul J , Sorenson R , Bisgaier CL , Newton RS , La Du BN
Ref : Free Radic Biol Med , 26 :892 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Aviram_1999_Free.Radic.Biol.Med_26_892
PubMedID: 10232833

Title : Paraoxonase active site required for protection against LDL oxidation involves its free sulfhydryl group and is different from that required for its arylesterase\/paraoxonase activities: selective action of human paraoxonase allozymes Q and R - Aviram_1998_Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol_18_1617
Author(s) : Aviram M , Billecke S , Sorenson R , Bisgaier C , Newton R , Rosenblat M , Erogul J , Hsu C , Dunlop C , La Du BN
Ref : Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol , 18 :1617 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Aviram_1998_Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol_18_1617
PubMedID: 9763535

Title : Atorvastatin and gemfibrozil metabolites, but not the parent drugs, are potent antioxidants against lipoprotein oxidation - Aviram_1998_Atherosclerosis_138_271
Author(s) : Aviram M , Rosenblat M , Bisgaier CL , Newton RS
Ref : Atherosclerosis , 138 :271 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Aviram_1998_Atherosclerosis_138_271
PubMedID: 9690910

Title : Paraoxonase inhibits high-density lipoprotein oxidation and preserves its functions. A possible peroxidative role for paraoxonase - Aviram_1998_J.Clin.Invest_101_1581
Author(s) : Aviram M , Rosenblat M , Bisgaier CL , Newton RS , Primo-Parmo SL , La Du BN
Ref : J Clinical Investigation , 101 :1581 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Aviram_1998_J.Clin.Invest_101_1581
PubMedID: 9541487

Title : Reduced progression of atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice following consumption of red wine, or its polyphenols quercetin or catechin, is associated with reduced susceptibility of LDL to oxidation and aggregation - Hayek_1997_Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol_17_2744
Author(s) : Hayek T , Fuhrman B , Vaya J , Rosenblat M , Belinky P , Coleman R , Elis A , Aviram M
Ref : Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol , 17 :2744 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hayek_1997_Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol_17_2744
PubMedID: 9409251