Shaikh N

References (3)

Title : Computational and structural investigation of Palmitoyl-Protein Thioesterase 1 (PPT1) protein causing Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses (NCL) - Thirumal Kumar_2022_Adv.Protein.Chem.Struct.Biol_132_89
Author(s) : Thirumal Kumar D , Shaikh N , Udhaya Kumar S , George Priya Doss C
Ref : Advances in Protein Chemistry Struct Biol , 132 :89 , 2022
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PubMedSearch : Thirumal Kumar_2022_Adv.Protein.Chem.Struct.Biol_132_89
PubMedID: 36088080
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-PPT1

Title : PON1 polymorphisms are associated with polycystic ovary syndrome susceptibility, related traits, and PON1 activity in Indian women with the syndrome - Dadachanji_2015_Fertil.Steril_104_207
Author(s) : Dadachanji R , Shaikh N , Khavale S , Patil A , Shah N , Mukherjee S
Ref : Fertil Steril , 104 :207 , 2015
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PubMedSearch : Dadachanji_2015_Fertil.Steril_104_207
PubMedID: 25956367

Title : A precise reconstruction of the emergence and constrained radiations of Escherichia coli O157 portrayed by backbone concatenomic analysis - Leopold_2009_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_106_8713
Author(s) : Leopold SR , Magrini V , Holt NJ , Shaikh N , Mardis ER , Cagno J , Ogura Y , Iguchi A , Hayashi T , Mellmann A , Karch H , Besser TE , Sawyer SA , Whittam TS , Tarr PI
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 106 :8713 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Leopold_2009_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_106_8713
PubMedID: 19439656
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-Aes , ecoli-rutD , ecoli-bioh , ecoli-dlhh , ecoli-entf , ecoli-fes , ecoli-mhpc , ecoli-pldb , ecoli-ptrb , ecoli-yafa , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-ycjy , ecoli-yeiG , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yghX , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yjfp , ecoli-YNBC , ecoli-ypfh , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-YfhR , neucr-q7sha3