Snidjers AP

References (1)

Title : Design of a potent, selective and brain penetrant inhibitor of Wnt-deactivating enzyme Notum by optimization of a crystallographic fragment hit - Willis_2022_J.Med.Chem_65_7212
Author(s) : Willis NJ , Mahy W , Sipthorp J , Zhao Y , Woodward HL , Atkinson BN , Bayle ED , Svensson F , Frew S , Jeganathan F , Monaghan A , Benvegnu S , Jolly S , Vecchia L , Ruza RR , Kjaer S , Howell SA , Snidjers AP , Bictash M , Salinas PC , Vincent JP , Jones EY , Whiting P , Fish PV
Ref : Journal of Medicinal Chemistry , 65 :7212 , 2022
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Willis_2022_J.Med.Chem_65_7212
PubMedID: 35536179
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-NOTUM