Williams KP

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Gene_locus related to this paper: klep7-y1077 , klepn-w8uta0

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Gene_locus related to this paper: melga-g1mv74 , melga-g1myh1 , melga-g1n3b6 , melga-g1n4i8 , melga-g1n8a7 , melga-g1nb53 , melga-g1ndd8 , melga-g1npu5 , melga-g3ur65 , melga-g3uur6 , melga-g1njn8 , melga-g1mrp7 , melga-g1mzw6 , melga-g1n2a7 , melga-g1n608 , melga-g1n2j6 , melga-g1n2k0 , melga-g1ncb6 , melga-g1nei5 , melga-g1n1j3 , melga-g1nfd3 , melga-g1nna9 , melga-h9h0c1 , melga-g1nnl1 , melga-g1nhb9 , melga-g1mtl7 , fical-u3jnn0 , melga-g1n332 , melga-g1mtx9 , melga-g1nns1 , melga-g1n829 , melga-g1nq47 , melga-g1mtq0

Title : Comparative genomics reveal extensive transposon-mediated genomic plasticity and diversity among potential effector proteins within the genus Coxiella - Beare_2009_Infect.Immun_77_642
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Title : Complete genome sequence of citrus huanglongbing bacterium, 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' obtained through metagenomics - Duan_2009_Mol.Plant.Microbe.Interact_22_1011
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Gene_locus related to this paper: libap-c6xhk4 , libap-c6xgr3