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Title : Genome-wide sequencing reveals two major sub-lineages in the genetically monomorphic pathogen xanthomonas campestris pathovar musacearum - Wasukira_2012_Genes.(Basel)_3_361
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Title : A prospective, open-label trial of galantamine in autistic disorder - Nicolson_2006_J.Child.Adolesc.Psychopharmacol_16_621
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Ref : Nature , 432 :695 , 2004
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PubMedSearch : Hillier_2004_Nature_432_695
PubMedID: 15592404
Gene_locus related to this paper: chick-a0a1d5pmd9 , chick-b3tzb3 , chick-BCHE , chick-cb043 , chick-d3wgl5 , chick-e1bsm0 , chick-e1bvq6 , chick-e1bwz0 , chick-e1bwz1 , chick-e1byn1 , chick-e1bz81 , chick-e1c0z8 , chick-e1c7p7 , chick-f1nby4 , chick-f1ncz8 , chick-f1ndp3 , chick-f1nep4 , chick-f1nj68 , chick-f1njg6 , chick-f1njk4 , chick-f1njs4 , chick-f1njs5 , chick-f1nk87 , chick-f1nmx9 , chick-f1ntp8 , chick-f1nvg7 , chick-f1nwf2 , chick-f1p1l1 , chick-f1p3j5 , chick-f1p4c6 , chick-f1p508 , chick-fas , chick-h9l0k6 , chick-nlgn1 , chick-NLGN3 , chick-q5f3h8 , chick-q5zhm0 , chick-q5zi81 , chick-q5zij5 , chick-q5zin0 , chick-thyro , chick-f1nrq2 , chick-e1byd4 , chick-e1c2h6 , chick-a0a1d5pk92 , chick-a0a1d5pzg7 , chick-f1nbc2 , chick-f1nf25 , chick-f1nly5 , chick-f1p4h5 , chick-f1nzi7 , chick-f1p5k3 , chick-f1nm35 , chick-a0a1d5pl11 , chick-a0a1d5pj73 , chick-f1nxu6 , chick-a0a1d5nwc0 , chick-e1bxs8 , chick-f1p2g7 , chick-f1nd96

Title : Neuroligin 3 is a vertebrate gliotactin expressed in the olfactory ensheathing glia, a growth-promoting class of macroglia - Gilbert_2001_Glia_34_151
Author(s) : Gilbert M , Smith J , Roskams AJ , Auld VJ
Ref : Glia , 34 :151 , 2001
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PubMedID: 11329178
Gene_locus related to this paper: mouse-3neur , ratno-1neur , ratno-2neur , ratno-3neur

Title : Activation of muscarinic receptors in porcine airway smooth muscle elicits a transient increase in phospholipase D activity - Mamoon_1999_J.Biomed.Sci_6_97
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Title : Activation of protein kinase A increases phospholipase D activity and inhibits phospholipase D activation by acetylcholine in tracheal smooth muscle - Mamoon_1999_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_291_1188
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Ref : Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics , 291 :1188 , 1999
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Title : Poster: Molecular signaling mechanisms involved in Ach-induced cell proliferation in porcine tracheal smooth muscle cells -
Author(s) : Mamoon AM , Smith J , Chen H , Baker RC , Farley JM
Ref : Life Sciences , 64 :581 , 1999

Title : Synthesis of catalytically active choline acetyltransferase in Xenopus oocytes injected with messenger RNA from rat central nervous system - Berrard_1986_Neurosci.Lett_72_93
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Ref : Neuroscience Letters , 72 :93 , 1986
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