Kim KW

References (15)

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Title : A single-center, randomized, parallel design study to evaluate the efficacy of donepezil in improving visuospatial abilities in patients with mild cognitive impairment using eye-tracker: the COG-EYE study protocol for a phase II trial - Kim_2022_Trials_23_813
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Title : A Neuronal piRNA Pathway Inhibits Axon Regeneration in C. elegans - Kim_2018_Neuron_97_511
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Gene_locus related to this paper: chape-a0a093bpj3

Title : The duck genome and transcriptome provide insight into an avian influenza virus reservoir species - Huang_2013_Nat.Genet_45_776
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Gene_locus related to this paper: anapl-BCHE , anapl-r0lw36 , anapl-r0m5n4 , anapl-thioe , anapl-u3iqr9 , anapl-r0l4n7 , anapl-u3j4v8 , anapl-u3icy5 , anapl-u3ivv9 , anapl-u3j4g1 , anapl-u3j4i2 , anapl-u3j4v5 , anapl-r0kv25 , anapl-u3ild2 , anapl-u3imh5 , anapl-b6dzk9 , anapl-u3imp7 , anapl-u3i5h5 , anapl-u3id17 , anapl-r0m1y3 , anapl-r0lhc4 , anapl-r0ktn0 , anapl-r0l8l1 , anapl-r0lin6 , anapl-r0jhf3 , anapl-r0jdh0

Title : Multi-platform next-generation sequencing of the domestic turkey (Meleagris gallopavo): genome assembly and analysis - Dalloul_2010_PLoS.Biol_8_E1000475
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Ref : PLoS Biol , 8 : , 2010
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PubMedSearch : Dalloul_2010_PLoS.Biol_8_E1000475
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Gene_locus related to this paper: melga-g1mv74 , melga-g1myh1 , melga-g1n3b6 , melga-g1n4i8 , melga-g1n8a7 , melga-g1nb53 , melga-g1ndd8 , melga-g1npu5 , melga-g3ur65 , melga-g3uur6 , melga-g1njn8 , melga-g1mrp7 , melga-g1mzw6 , melga-g1n2a7 , melga-g1n608 , melga-g1n2j6 , melga-g1n2k0 , melga-g1ncb6 , melga-g1nei5 , melga-g1n1j3 , melga-g1nfd3 , melga-g1nna9 , melga-h9h0c1 , melga-g1nnl1 , melga-g1nhb9 , melga-g1mtl7 , fical-u3jnn0 , melga-g1n332 , melga-g1mtx9 , melga-g1nns1 , melga-g1n829 , melga-g1nq47 , melga-g1mtq0

Title : Intrathecal neostigmine reduces the zymosan-induced inflammatory response in a mouse air pouch model via adrenomedullary activity: involvement of spinal muscarinic type 2 receptors - Yoon_2005_Neuropharmacol_49_275
Author(s) : Yoon SY , Kwon YB , Kim HW , Roh DH , Kang SY , Kim CY , Han HJ , Kim KW , Yang IS , Beitz AJ , Lee JH
Ref : Neuropharmacology , 49 :275 , 2005
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PubMedSearch : Yoon_2005_Neuropharmacol_49_275
PubMedID: 15922370

Title : Neither the butyrylcholinesterase K variant nor transferrin C2 variant confers a risk for Alzheimer's disease in Koreans - Kim_2001_J.Neural.Transm_108_1159
Author(s) : Kim KW , Jhoo JH , Lee JH , Lee KU , Lee DY , Youn JC , Youn JY , Woo JI
Ref : J Neural Transm , 108 :1159 , 2001
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