

Title : A 7-methoxytacrine-4-pyridinealdoxime hybrid as a novel prophylactic agent with reactivation properties in organophosphate intoxication - Nepovimova_2016_Toxicol.Res.(Camb)_5_1012
Author(s) : Nepovimova E , Korabecny J , Dolezal R , Nguyen TD , Jun D , Soukup O , Pasdiorova M , Jost P , Muckova L , Malinak D , Gorecki L , Musilek K , Kuca K
Ref : Toxicol Res (Camb) , 5 :1012 , 2016
Abstract :

Chemical warfare agents constitute an increasing threat to both military and civilian populations. Therefore, effective prophylactic approaches are urgently needed. Herein, we present a novel hybrid compound which is able not only to keep acetylcholinesterase resistant to organophosphate (OP) inhibitors, but also to serve as an enzyme reactivator in the case of OP intoxication.

PubMedSearch : Nepovimova_2016_Toxicol.Res.(Camb)_5_1012
PubMedID: 30090408

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Nepovimova E, Korabecny J, Dolezal R, Nguyen TD, Jun D, Soukup O, Pasdiorova M, Jost P, Muckova L, Malinak D, Gorecki L, Musilek K, Kuca K (2016)
A 7-methoxytacrine-4-pyridinealdoxime hybrid as a novel prophylactic agent with reactivation properties in organophosphate intoxication
Toxicol Res (Camb) 5 :1012

Nepovimova E, Korabecny J, Dolezal R, Nguyen TD, Jun D, Soukup O, Pasdiorova M, Jost P, Muckova L, Malinak D, Gorecki L, Musilek K, Kuca K (2016)
Toxicol Res (Camb) 5 :1012