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Title : Skeletal muscle-specific deletion of lipoprotein lipase enhances insulin signaling in skeletal muscle but causes insulin resistance in liver and other tissues - Wang_2009_Diabetes_58_116
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Title : Effects of lipoprotein lipase and statins on cholesterol uptake into heart and skeletal muscle - Yokoyama_2007_J.Lipid.Res_48_646
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Title : Inhibition of pancreatic lipase by poloxamer 407 may provide an adjunct treatment strategy for weight loss - Johnston_2006_J.Pharm.Pharmacol_58_1099
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Title : Acute lipoprotein lipase deletion in adult mice leads to dyslipidemia and cardiac dysfunction - Noh_2006_Am.J.Physiol.Endocrinol.Metab_291_E755
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Title : Pancreatic beta-cell lipoprotein lipase independently regulates islet glucose metabolism and normal insulin secretion - Pappan_2005_J.Biol.Chem_280_9023
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Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 280 :9023 , 2005
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Title : Mice expressing only covalent dimeric heparin binding-deficient lipoprotein lipase: muscles inefficiently secrete dimeric enzyme - Lutz_2004_J.Biol.Chem_279_238
Author(s) : Lutz EP , Kako Y , Yagyu H , Heeren J , Marks S , Wright T , Melford K , Ben-Zeev O , Radner H , Merkel M , Bensadoun A , Wong H , Goldberg IJ
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 279 :238 , 2004
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Title : Lipoprotein lipase and its role in regulation of plasma lipoproteins and cardiac risk - Otarod_2004_Curr.Atheroscler.Rep_6_335
Author(s) : Otarod JK , Goldberg IJ
Ref : Curr Atheroscler Rep , 6 :335 , 2004
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 15296698

Title : Cardiac-specific knock-out of lipoprotein lipase alters plasma lipoprotein triglyceride metabolism and cardiac gene expression - Augustus_2004_J.Biol.Chem_279_25050
Author(s) : Augustus A , Yagyu H , Haemmerle G , Bensadoun A , Vikramadithyan RK , Park SY , Kim JK , Zechner R , Goldberg IJ
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 279 :25050 , 2004
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 15028738

Title : Lipoprotein lipase (LpL) on the surface of cardiomyocytes increases lipid uptake and produces a cardiomyopathy - Yagyu_2003_J.Clin.Invest_111_419
Author(s) : Yagyu H , Chen G , Yokoyama M , Hirata K , Augustus A , Kako Y , Seo T , Hu Y , Lutz EP , Merkel M , Bensadoun A , Homma S , Goldberg IJ
Ref : J Clinical Investigation , 111 :419 , 2003
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Title : Lipoprotein lipase: genetics, lipid uptake, and regulation - Merkel_2002_J.Lipid.Res_43_1997
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Ref : J Lipid Res , 43 :1997 , 2002
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 12454259
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LPL

Title : Inactive lipoprotein lipase (LPL) alone increases selective cholesterol ester uptake in vivo, whereas in the presence of active LPL it also increases triglyceride hydrolysis and whole particle lipoprotein uptake - Merkel_2002_J.Biol.Chem_277_7405
Author(s) : Merkel M , Heeren J , Dudeck W , Rinninger F , Radner H , Breslow JL , Goldberg IJ , Zechner R , Greten H
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 277 :7405 , 2002
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Title : Lipoprotein lipase: physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology - Goldberg_2001_Front.Biosci_6_D388
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Ref : Front Biosci , 6 :D388 , 2001
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Title : Lipoprotein lipase-mediated selective uptake from low density lipoprotein requires cell surface proteoglycans and is independent of scavenger receptor class B type 1 - Seo_2000_J.Biol.Chem_275_30355
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Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 275 :30355 , 2000
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Title : Lipoprotein lipase expression level influences tissue clearance of chylomicron retinyl ester - van Bennekum_1999_J.Lipid.Res_40_565
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Ref : J Lipid Res , 40 :565 , 1999
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Title : Endothelial cell heparanase modulation of lipoprotein lipase activity. Evidence that heparan sulfate oligosaccharide is an extracellular chaperone - Pillarisetti_1997_J.Biol.Chem_272_15753
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Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 272 :15753 , 1997
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 9188470
Gene_locus related to this paper: bovin-lipli

Title : Lipoprotein lipase and lipolysis: central roles in lipoprotein metabolism and atherogenesis - Goldberg_1996_J.Lipid.Res_37_693
Author(s) : Goldberg IJ
Ref : J Lipid Res , 37 :693 , 1996
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Title : Lipoprotein lipase degradation by adipocytes: receptor-associated protein (RAP)-sensitive and proteoglycan-mediated pathways - Obunike_1996_J.Lipid.Res_37_2439
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Ref : J Lipid Res , 37 :2439 , 1996
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Title : Lipoprotein lipase enhances the interaction of low density lipoproteins with artery-derived extracellular matrix proteoglycans - Edwards_1993_J.Lipid.Res_34_1155
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Ref : J Lipid Res , 34 :1155 , 1993
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Title : Biotinylation of lipoprotein lipase and hepatic triglyceride lipase: application in the assessment of cell binding sites - Sivaram_1993_Anal.Biochem_214_511
Author(s) : Sivaram P , Wadhwani S , Klein MG , Sasaki A , Goldberg IJ
Ref : Analytical Biochemistry , 214 :511 , 1993
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Title : Trp64->nonsense mutation in the lipoprotein lipase gene - Sprecher_1992_J.Lipid.Res_33_859
Author(s) : Sprecher DL , Kobayashi J , Rymaszewski M , Goldberg IJ , Harris BV , Bellet PS , Ameis D , Yunker RL , Black DM , Stein EA , Schotz MC , Wiginton DA
Ref : J Lipid Res , 33 :859 , 1992
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 1512512

Title : A missense (Asp250----Asn) mutation in the lipoprotein lipase gene in two unrelated families with familial lipoprotein lipase deficiency - Ishimura-Oka_1992_J.Lipid.Res_33_745
Author(s) : Ishimura-Oka K , Semenkovich CF , Faustinella F , Goldberg IJ , Shachter N , Smith LC , Coleman T , Hide WA , Brown WV , Oka K , et al.
Ref : J Lipid Res , 33 :745 , 1992
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ishimura-Oka_1992_J.Lipid.Res_33_745
PubMedID: 1619366
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LPL

Title : Metabolism of endothelial cell-bound lipoprotein lipase. Evidence for heparan sulfate proteoglycan-mediated internalization and recycling - Saxena_1990_J.Biol.Chem_265_12880
Author(s) : Saxena U , Klein MG , Goldberg IJ
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 265 :12880 , 1990
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Saxena_1990_J.Biol.Chem_265_12880
PubMedID: 2142941
Gene_locus related to this paper: bovin-lipli