Maelicke A


Full name : Maelicke Alfred

First name : Alfred

Mail : Galantos Pharma GmbH, Freiligrathstrasse 12, 55131 Mainz

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References (77)

Title : First in human study with a prodrug of galantamine: Improved benefit-risk ratio? - Baakman_2016_Alzheimers.Dement.(N.Y)_2_13
Author(s) : Baakman AC , t Hart E , Kay DG , Stevens J , Klaassen ES , Maelicke A , Groeneveld GJ
Ref : Alzheimers Dement (N Y) , 2 :13 , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Baakman_2016_Alzheimers.Dement.(N.Y)_2_13
PubMedID: 29067291

Title : Nasal Application of the Galantamine Pro-drug Memogain Slows Down Plaque Deposition and Ameliorates Behavior in 5X Familial Alzheimer's Disease Mice - Bhattacharya_2015_J.Alzheimers.Dis_46_123
Author(s) : Bhattacharya S , Maelicke A , Montag D
Ref : J Alzheimers Dis , 46 :123 , 2015
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 25720404

Title : Galantamine-induced amyloid-{beta} clearance mediated via stimulation of microglial nicotinic acetylcholine receptors - Takata_2010_J.Biol.Chem_285_40180
Author(s) : Takata K , Kitamura Y , Saeki M , Terada M , Kagitani S , Kitamura R , Fujikawa Y , Maelicke A , Tomimoto H , Taniguchi T , Shimohama S
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 285 :40180 , 2010
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 20947502

Title : Memogain is a galantamine pro-drug having dramatically reduced adverse effects and enhanced efficacy - Maelicke_2010_J.Mol.Neurosci_40_135
Author(s) : Maelicke A , Hoeffle-Maas A , Ludwig J , Maus A , Samochocki M , Jordis U , Koepke AK
Ref : Journal of Molecular Neuroscience , 40 :135 , 2010
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 19669943

Title : Localization by site-directed mutagenesis of a galantamine binding site on alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor extracellular domain - Ludwig_2010_J.Recept.Signal.Transduct.Res_30_469
Author(s) : Ludwig J , Hoffle-Maas A , Samochocki M , Luttmann E , Albuquerque EX , Fels G , Maelicke A
Ref : J Recept Signal Transduct Res , 30 :469 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ludwig_2010_J.Recept.Signal.Transduct.Res_30_469
PubMedID: 21062106

Title : Evaluating the suitability of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antibodies for standard immunodetection procedures - Moser_2007_J.Neurochem_102_479
Author(s) : Moser N , Mechawar N , Jones I , Gochberg-Sarver A , Orr-Urtreger A , Plomann M , Salas R , Molles BE , Marubio L , Roth U , Maskos U , Winzer-Serhan U , Bourgeois JP , Le Sourd AM , De Biasi M , Schroder H , Lindstrom JM , Maelicke A , Changeux JP , Wevers A
Ref : Journal of Neurochemistry , 102 :479 , 2007
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 17419810

Title : The N-butylcarbamate derivative of galantamine acts as an allosteric potentiating ligand on alpha7 nicotinic receptors in hippocampal neurons: clinical implications for treatment of Alzheimer's disease - Popa_2006_J.Mol.Neurosci_30_227
Author(s) : Popa RV , Pereira EF , Lopes C , Maelicke A , Albuquerque EX
Ref : Journal of Molecular Neuroscience , 30 :227 , 2006
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 17192682

Title : Memantine blocks alpha7* nicotinic acetylcholine receptors more potently than n-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in rat hippocampal neurons - Aracava_2005_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_312_1195
Author(s) : Aracava Y , Pereira EF , Maelicke A , Albuquerque EX
Ref : Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics , 312 :1195 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Aracava_2005_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_312_1195
PubMedID: 15522999

Title : Sensitivity of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors to the opiate antagonists naltrexone and naloxone: receptor blockade and up-regulation - Almeida_2004_Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett_14_1879
Author(s) : Almeida LE , Pereira EF , Camara AL , Maelicke A , Albuquerque EX
Ref : Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Lett , 14 :1879 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Almeida_2004_Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett_14_1879
PubMedID: 15050620

Title : Nicotinic receptor modulation. -
Author(s) : Albuquerque EX , Pereira EF , Samochocki M , Alkondon M , Christoph U , Maelicke A
Ref : Cholinergic Mechanisms, CRC Press :297 , 2004

Title : Galantamine is an allosterically potentiating ligand of neuronal nicotinic but not of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors - Samochocki_2003_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_305_1024
Author(s) : Samochocki M , Hoffle A , Fehrenbacher A , Jostock R , Ludwig J , Christner C , Radina M , Zerlin M , Ullmer C , Pereira EF , Lubbert H , Albuquerque EX , Maelicke A
Ref : Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics , 305 :1024 , 2003
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Samochocki_2003_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_305_1024
PubMedID: 12649296

Title : Unconventional ligands and modulators of nicotinic receptors - Pereira_2002_J.Neurobiol_53_479
Author(s) : Pereira EF , Hilmas C , Santos MD , Alkondon M , Maelicke A , Albuquerque EX
Ref : Journal of Neurobiology , 53 :479 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Pereira_2002_J.Neurobiol_53_479
PubMedID: 12436414

Title : [New theory! Galantamine and nicotinic-cholinergic transmission] -
Author(s) : Maelicke A , Weichel C
Ref : Pharm Unserer Zeit , 31 :390 , 2002
PubMedID: 12162069

Title : The nicotinic allosteric potentiating ligand galantamine facilitates synaptic transmission in the mammalian central nervous system - Santos_2002_Mol.Pharmacol_61_1222
Author(s) : Santos MD , Alkondon M , Pereira EF , Aracava Y , Eisenberg HM , Maelicke A , Albuquerque EX
Ref : Molecular Pharmacology , 61 :1222 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Santos_2002_Mol.Pharmacol_61_1222
PubMedID: 11961141

Title : Allosteric sensitization of nicotinic receptors by galantamine, a new treatment strategy for Alzheimer's disease - Maelicke_2001_Biol.Psychiatry_49_279
Author(s) : Maelicke A , Samochocki M , Jostock R , Fehrenbacher A , Ludwig J , Albuquerque EX , Zerlin M
Ref : Biological Psychiatry , 49 :279 , 2001
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Maelicke_2001_Biol.Psychiatry_49_279
PubMedID: 11230879

Title : Modulation of nicotinic receptor activity in the central nervous system: a novel approach to the treatment of Alzheimer disease - Albuquerque_2001_Alzheimer.Dis.Assoc.Disord_15 Suppl 1_S19
Author(s) : Albuquerque EX , Santos MD , Alkondon M , Pereira EF , Maelicke A
Ref : Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders , 15 Suppl 1 :S19 , 2001
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Albuquerque_2001_Alzheimer.Dis.Assoc.Disord_15 Suppl 1_S19
PubMedID: 11669505

Title : Pharmacokinetic rationale for switching from donepezil to galantamine - Maelicke_2001_Clin.Ther_23 Suppl A_A8
Author(s) : Maelicke A
Ref : Clin Ther , 23 Suppl A :A8 , 2001
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Maelicke_2001_Clin.Ther_23 Suppl A_A8
PubMedID: 11396871

Title : The pharmacological rationale for treating vascular dementia with galantamine (Reminyl) - Maelicke_2001_Int.J.Clin.Pract.Suppl__24
Author(s) : Maelicke A
Ref : Int J Clin Pract Suppl , :24 , 2001
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Maelicke_2001_Int.J.Clin.Pract.Suppl__24
PubMedID: 11406923

Title : Galantamine is an allosterically potentiating ligand of the human alpha4\/beta2 nAChR - Samochocki_2000_Acta.Neurol.Scand.Suppl_176_68
Author(s) : Samochocki M , Zerlin M , Jostock R , Groot Kormelink PJ , Luyten WH , Albuquerque EX , Maelicke A
Ref : Acta Neurologica Scandinavica Supplementum , 176 :68 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Samochocki_2000_Acta.Neurol.Scand.Suppl_176_68
PubMedID: 11261808

Title : Neuronal Nicotinic Receptors and Synaptic Transmission in the Mammalian Central Nervous System -
Author(s) : Albuquerque EX , Pereira EF , Alkondon M , Eisenberg HM , Maelicke A
Ref : Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology , 144 :337 , 2000

Title : Allosterically potentiating ligands of nicotinic receptors as a treatment strategy for Alzheimer's disease - Maelicke_2000_Behav.Brain.Res_113_199
Author(s) : Maelicke A , Schrattenholz A , Samochocki M , Radina M , Albuquerque EX
Ref : Behavioural Brain Research , 113 :199 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Maelicke_2000_Behav.Brain.Res_113_199
PubMedID: 10942046

Title : Neuronal Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors in Non-neuronal Cells, Expression and Renaturation of Ligand Binding Domain, and Modulatory Control by Allosterically Acting Ligands -
Author(s) : Maelicke A , Schrattenholz A , Albuquerque EX
Ref : Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology , 144 :477 , 2000

Title : Neuronal nicotinic receptors in synaptic functions in humans and rats: physiological and clinical relevance - Albuquerque_2000_Behav.Brain.Res_113_131
Author(s) : Albuquerque EX , Pereira EF , Mike A , Eisenberg HM , Maelicke A , Alkondon M
Ref : Behavioural Brain Research , 113 :131 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Albuquerque_2000_Behav.Brain.Res_113_131
PubMedID: 10942040

Title : alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and modulation of gabaergic synaptic transmission in the hippocampus - Alkondon_2000_Eur.J.Pharmacol_393_59
Author(s) : Alkondon M , Braga MF , Pereira EF , Maelicke A , Albuquerque EX
Ref : European Journal of Pharmacology , 393 :59 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Alkondon_2000_Eur.J.Pharmacol_393_59
PubMedID: 10770998

Title : Allosteric modulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors as a treatment strategy for Alzheimer's disease - Maelicke_2000_Eur.J.Pharmacol_393_165
Author(s) : Maelicke A , Albuquerque EX
Ref : European Journal of Pharmacology , 393 :165 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Maelicke_2000_Eur.J.Pharmacol_393_165
PubMedID: 10771010

Title : Expression of functional alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor during mammalian muscle development and denervation - Fischer_1999_Eur.J.Neurosci_11_2856
Author(s) : Fischer U , Reinhardt S , Albuquerque EX , Maelicke A
Ref : European Journal of Neuroscience , 11 :2856 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Fischer_1999_Eur.J.Neurosci_11_2856
PubMedID: 10457182

Title : Expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits in the cerebral cortex in Alzheimer's disease: histotopographical correlation with amyloid plaques and hyperphosphorylated-tau protein - Wevers_1999_Eur.J.Neurosci_11_2551
Author(s) : Wevers A , Monteggia L , Nowacki S , Bloch W , Schutz U , Lindstrom JM , Pereira EF , Eisenberg H , Giacobini E , de Vos RA , Steur EN , Maelicke A , Albuquerque EX , Schroder H
Ref : European Journal of Neuroscience , 11 :2551 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wevers_1999_Eur.J.Neurosci_11_2551
PubMedID: 10383644

Title : Incorporation of the acetylcholine receptor dimer from Torpedo californica in a peptide supported lipid membrane investigated by surface plasmon and fluorescence spectroscopy - Schmidt_1998_Biosens.Bioelectron_13_585
Author(s) : Schmidt EK , Liebermann T , Kreiter M , Jonczyk A , Naumann R , Offenhausser A , Neumann E , Kukol A , Maelicke A , Knoll W
Ref : Biosensors & Bioelectronics , 13 :585 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schmidt_1998_Biosens.Bioelectron_13_585
PubMedID: 9828354

Title : Expression and renaturation of the N-terminal extracellular domain of torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha-subunit - Schrattenholz_1998_J.Biol.Chem_273_32393
Author(s) : Schrattenholz A , Pfeiffer S , Pejovic V , Rudolph R , Godovac-Zimmermann J , Maelicke A
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 273 :32393 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schrattenholz_1998_J.Biol.Chem_273_32393
PubMedID: 9829968

Title : Neuronal nicotinic receptors in the locust Locusta migratoria. Cloning and expression - Hermsen_1998_J.Biol.Chem_273_18394
Author(s) : Hermsen B , Stetzer E , Thees R , Heiermann R , Schrattenholz A , Ebbinghaus U , Kretschmer A , Methfessel C , Reinhardt S , Maelicke A
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 273 :18394 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hermsen_1998_J.Biol.Chem_273_18394
PubMedID: 9660807

Title : Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on hippocampal neurons: distribution on the neuronal surface and modulation of receptor activity - Albuquerque_1997_J.Recept.Signal.Transduct.Res_17_243
Author(s) : Albuquerque EX , Pereira EF , Alkondon M , Schrattenholz A , Maelicke A
Ref : J Recept Signal Transduct Res , 17 :243 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Albuquerque_1997_J.Recept.Signal.Transduct.Res_17_243
PubMedID: 9029494

Title : Methamidophos: an anticholinesterase without significant effects on postsynaptic receptors or transmitter release - Camara_1997_Neurotoxicol_18_589
Author(s) : Camara AL , Braga MF , Rocha ES , Santos MD , Cortes WS , Cintra WM , Aracava Y , Maelicke A , Albuquerque EX
Ref : Neurotoxicology , 18 :589 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Camara_1997_Neurotoxicol_18_589
PubMedID: 9291508

Title : Mapping of a binding site for ATP within the extracellular region of the Torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor beta-subunit - Schrattenholz_1997_Biochemistry_36_13333
Author(s) : Schrattenholz A , Roth U , Godovac-Zimmermann J , Maelicke A
Ref : Biochemistry , 36 :13333 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schrattenholz_1997_Biochemistry_36_13333
PubMedID: 9341225

Title : Properties of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: pharmacological characterization and modulation of synaptic function -
Author(s) : Albuquerque EX , Alkondon M , Pereira EF , Castro NG , Schrattenholz A , Barbosa CT , Bonfante-Cabarcas R , Aracava Y , Eisenberg HM , Maelicke A
Ref : Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics , 280 :1117 , 1997
PubMedID: 9067295

Title : Allosteric modulation of Torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ion channel activity by noncompetitive agonists - Maelicke_1997_J.Recept.Signal.Transduct.Res_17_11
Author(s) : Maelicke A , Coban T , Storch A , Schrattenholz A , Pereira EF , Albuquerque EX
Ref : J Recept Signal Transduct Res , 17 :11 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Maelicke_1997_J.Recept.Signal.Transduct.Res_17_11
PubMedID: 9029479

Title : Choline is a selective agonist of alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the rat brain neurons - Alkondon_1997_Eur.J.Neurosci_9_2734
Author(s) : Alkondon M , Pereira EF , Cortes WS , Maelicke A , Albuquerque EX
Ref : European Journal of Neuroscience , 9 :2734 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Alkondon_1997_Eur.J.Neurosci_9_2734
PubMedID: 9517478

Title : Ligand-gated ion channels in acutely dissociated rat hippocampal neurons with long dendrites - Barbosa_1996_Neurosci.Lett_210_177
Author(s) : Barbosa CT , Alkondon M , Aracava Y , Maelicke A , Albuquerque EX
Ref : Neuroscience Letters , 210 :177 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Barbosa_1996_Neurosci.Lett_210_177
PubMedID: 8805124

Title : Paraoxon: cholinesterase-independent stimulation of transmitter release and selective block of ligand-gated ion channels in cultured hippocampal neurons - Rocha_1996_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_278_1175
Author(s) : Rocha ES , Swanson KL , Aracava Y , Goolsby JE , Maelicke A , Albuquerque EX
Ref : Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics , 278 :1175 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rocha_1996_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_278_1175
PubMedID: 8819500

Title : Stable expression in HEK-293 cells of the rat alpha3\/beta4 subtype of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor - Stetzer_1996_FEBS.Lett_397_39
Author(s) : Stetzer E , Ebbinghaus U , Storch A , Poteur L , Schrattenholz A , Kramer G , Methfessel C , Maelicke A
Ref : FEBS Letters , 397 :39 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Stetzer_1996_FEBS.Lett_397_39
PubMedID: 8941710

Title : Agonist responses of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are potentiated by a novel class of allosterically acting ligands - Schrattenholz_1996_Mol.Pharmacol_49_1
Author(s) : Schrattenholz A , Pereira EF , Roth U , Weber KH , Albuquerque EX , Maelicke A
Ref : Molecular Pharmacology , 49 :1 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schrattenholz_1996_Mol.Pharmacol_49_1
PubMedID: 8569694

Title : Nicotinic receptors of the vertebrate CNS: introductory remarks -
Author(s) : Maelicke A
Ref : Prog Brain Res , 109 :107 , 1996
PubMedID: 9009697

Title : Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on hippocampal neurons: cell compartment-specific expression and modulatory control of channel activity -
Author(s) : Albuquerque EX , Pereira EF , Bonfante-Cabarcas R , Marchioro M , Matsubayashi H , Alkondon M , Maelicke A
Ref : Prog Brain Res , 109 :111 , 1996
PubMedID: 9009698

Title : Diversity of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in rat brain. V. alpha-Bungarotoxin-sensitive nicotinic receptors in olfactory bulb neurons and presynaptic modulation of glutamate release - Alkondon_1996_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_278_1460
Author(s) : Alkondon M , Rocha ES , Maelicke A , Albuquerque EX
Ref : Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics , 278 :1460 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Alkondon_1996_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_278_1460
PubMedID: 8819534

Title : Cellular distribution in the rat telencephalon of mRNAs encoding for the alpha 3 and alpha 4 subunits of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor - Lobron_1995_Brain.Res.Mol.Brain.Res_30_70
Author(s) : Lobron C , Wevers A , Damgen K , Jeske A , Rontal D , Birtsch C , Heinemann S , Reinhardt S , Maelicke A , Schroder H
Ref : Brain Research Mol Brain Res , 30 :70 , 1995
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lobron_1995_Brain.Res.Mol.Brain.Res_30_70
PubMedID: 7609646

Title : Nicotinic receptor function in the mammalian central nervous system - Albuquerque_1995_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_757_48
Author(s) : Albuquerque EX , Pereira EF , Castro NG , Alkondon M , Reinhardt S , Schroder H , Maelicke A
Ref : Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences , 757 :48 , 1995
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Albuquerque_1995_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_757_48
PubMedID: 7611705

Title : Physostigmine, galanthamine and codeine act as 'noncompetitive nicotinic receptor agonists' on clonal rat pheochromocytoma cells - Storch_1995_Eur.J.Pharmacol_290_207
Author(s) : Storch A , Schrattenholz A , Cooper JC , Abdel Ghani EM , Gutbrod O , Weber KH , Reinhardt S , Lobron C , Hermsen B , Soskic V , Pereira EF , Albuquerque EX , Methfessel C , Maelicke A
Ref : European Journal of Pharmacology , 290 :207 , 1995
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Storch_1995_Eur.J.Pharmacol_290_207
PubMedID: 7589215

Title : Noncompetitive agonism at nicotinic acetylcholine receptors\; functional significance for CNS signal transduction - Maelicke_1995_J.Recept.Signal.Transduct.Res_15_333
Author(s) : Maelicke A , Schrattenholz A , Storch A , Schroder B , Gutbrod O , Methfessel C , Weber KH , Pereira EE , Alkondon M , Albuquerque EX
Ref : J Recept Signal Transduct Res , 15 :333 , 1995
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Maelicke_1995_J.Recept.Signal.Transduct.Res_15_333
PubMedID: 8903949

Title : Physostigmine and galanthamine: probes for a novel binding site on the alpha 4 beta 2 subtype of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors stably expressed in fibroblast cells - Pereira_1994_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_270_768
Author(s) : Pereira EF , Alkondon M , Reinhardt S , Maelicke A , Peng X , Lindstrom JM , Whiting P , Albuquerque EX
Ref : Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics , 270 :768 , 1994
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Pereira_1994_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_270_768
PubMedID: 8071869

Title : Identification of purine binding sites on Torpedo acetylcholine receptor - Schrattenholz_1994_J.Recept.Res_14_197
Author(s) : Schrattenholz A , Roth U , Schuhen A , Schafer HJ , Godovac-Zimmermann J , Albuquerque EX , Maelicke A
Ref : J Recept Res , 14 :197 , 1994
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schrattenholz_1994_J.Recept.Res_14_197
PubMedID: 8083864

Title : Monoclonal antibodies FK1 and WF6 define two neighboring ligand binding sites on Torpedo acetylcholine receptor alpha-polypeptide - Schroder_1994_J.Biol.Chem_269_10407
Author(s) : Schroder B , Reinhardt-Maelicke S , Schrattenholz A , McLane KE , Kretschmer A , Conti-Tronconi BM , Maelicke A
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 269 :10407 , 1994
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schroder_1994_J.Biol.Chem_269_10407
PubMedID: 8144624

Title : Diversity of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in rat hippocampal neurons. II. The rundown and inward rectification of agonist-elicited whole-cell currents and identification of receptor subunits by in situ hybridization - Alkondon_1994_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_271_494
Author(s) : Alkondon M , Reinhardt S , Lobron C , Hermsen B , Maelicke A , Albuquerque EX
Ref : Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics , 271 :494 , 1994
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Alkondon_1994_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_271_494
PubMedID: 7525930

Title : Biochemical characterization of a novel channel-activating site on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors - Schrattenholz_1993_J.Recept.Res_13_393
Author(s) : Schrattenholz A , Coban T , Schroder B , Okonjo KO , Kuhlmann J , Pereira EF , Albuquerque EX , Maelicke A
Ref : J Recept Res , 13 :393 , 1993
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schrattenholz_1993_J.Recept.Res_13_393
PubMedID: 7680720

Title : Photoaffinity labeling of Torpedo acetylcholine receptor by physostigmine - Schrattenholz_1993_Eur.J.Biochem_216_671
Author(s) : Schrattenholz A , Godovac-Zimmermann J , Schafer HJ , Albuquerque EX , Maelicke A
Ref : European Journal of Biochemistry , 216 :671 , 1993
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schrattenholz_1993_Eur.J.Biochem_216_671
PubMedID: 8375401

Title : A novel agonist binding site on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors - Pereira_1993_J.Recept.Res_13_413
Author(s) : Pereira EF , Alkondon M , Tano T , Castro NG , Froes-Ferrao MM , Rozental R , Aronstam RS , Schrattenholz A , Maelicke A , Albuquerque EX
Ref : J Recept Res , 13 :413 , 1993
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Pereira_1993_J.Recept.Res_13_413
PubMedID: 8450498

Title : Identification and functional characterization of a new agonist site on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors of cultured hippocampal neurons - Pereira_1993_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_265_1474
Author(s) : Pereira EF , Reinhardt-Maelicke S , Schrattenholz A , Maelicke A , Albuquerque EX
Ref : Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics , 265 :1474 , 1993
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Pereira_1993_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_265_1474
PubMedID: 8510023

Title : Physostigmine and neuromuscular transmission - Maelicke_1993_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_681_140
Author(s) : Maelicke A , Coban T , Schrattenholz A , Schroder B , Reinhardt-Maelicke S , Storch A , Godovac-Zimmermann J , Methfessel C , Pereira EF , Albuquerque EX
Ref : Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences , 681 :140 , 1993
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Maelicke_1993_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_681_140
PubMedID: 8395146

Title : Peptidergic and cholinergic receptors on cultured astrocytes of different regions of the rat CNS -
Author(s) : Hosli L , Hosli E , Maelicke A , Schroder H
Ref : Prog Brain Res , 94 :317 , 1992
PubMedID: 1337614

Title : Nicotinic cholinoceptive neurons of the frontal cortex are reduced in Alzheimer's disease - Schroder_1991_Neurobiol.Aging_12_259
Author(s) : Schroder H , Giacobini E , Struble RG , Zilles K , Maelicke A
Ref : Neurobiology of Aging , 12 :259 , 1991
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schroder_1991_Neurobiol.Aging_12_259
PubMedID: 1876232

Title : Cellular distribution and expression of cortical acetylcholine receptors in aging and Alzheimer's disease - Schroder_1991_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_640_189
Author(s) : Schroder H , Giacobini E , Struble RG , Zilles K , Maelicke A , Luiten PG , Strosberg AD
Ref : Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences , 640 :189 , 1991
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schroder_1991_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_640_189
PubMedID: 1776738

Title : Desensitization is a property of the cholinergic binding region of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, not of the receptor-integral ion channel - Kuhlmann_1991_FEBS.Lett_279_216
Author(s) : Kuhlmann J , Okonjo KO , Maelicke A
Ref : FEBS Letters , 279 :216 , 1991
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Kuhlmann_1991_FEBS.Lett_279_216
PubMedID: 1705896

Title : Acetylcholine esterase: the structure -
Author(s) : Maelicke A
Ref : Trends in Biochemical Sciences , 16 :355 , 1991
PubMedID: 1785133

Title : A second pathway of activation of the Torpedo acetylcholine receptor channel - Okonjo_1991_Eur.J.Biochem_200_671
Author(s) : Okonjo KO , Kuhlmann J , Maelicke A
Ref : European Journal of Biochemistry , 200 :671 , 1991
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Okonjo_1991_Eur.J.Biochem_200_671
PubMedID: 1717267

Title : Immunochemical characterization of anti-acetylcholine receptor antibodies in primary biliary cirrhosis - Kyriatsoulis_1988_J.Hepatol_6_283
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Ref : Journal of Hepatology , 6 :283 , 1988
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Title : Structure and Function of the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor -
Author(s) : Maelicke A
Ref : Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology , 86 :267 , 1988

Title : Equilibrium binding of cholinergic ligands to the membrane-bound acetylcholine receptor - Covarrubias_1986_J.Biol.Chem_261_14955
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Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 261 :14955 , 1986
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Title : Ligand-specific state transitions of the membrane-bound acetylcholine receptor - Covarrubias_1984_FEBS.Lett_169_229
Author(s) : Covarrubias M , Prinz H , Maelicke A
Ref : FEBS Letters , 169 :229 , 1984
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Title : Appendix. Synthesis of NBD-5-acylcholine -
Author(s) : Jurss R , Maelicke A
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 258 :10272 , 1983
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Title : Synthesis and properties of NBD-n-acylcholines, fluorescent analogs of acetylcholine - Meyers_1983_Eur.J.Biochem_137_399
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Ref : European Journal of Biochemistry , 137 :399 , 1983
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Title : Interaction of cholinergic ligands with the purified acetylcholine receptor protein. I. Equilibrium binding studies - Prinz_1983_J.Biol.Chem_258_10263
Author(s) : Prinz H , Maelicke A
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 258 :10263 , 1983
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Title : Interaction of cholinergic ligands with the purified acetylcholine receptor protein. II. Kinetic studies - Prinz_1983_J.Biol.Chem_258_10273
Author(s) : Prinz H , Maelicke A
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 258 :10273 , 1983
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Title : Interaction of acetylcholine esterase with fluorescent analogs of acetylcholine -
Author(s) : Jurss R , Maelicke A
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 256 :2887 , 1981
PubMedID: 7204380

Title : Agonist-activated ionic channels in acetylcholine receptor reconstituted into planar lipid bilayers - Boheim_1981_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_78_3586
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Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 78 :3586 , 1981
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Title : NBD-5-acylcholine: fluorescent analog of acetylcholine and agonist at the neuromuscular junction - Jurss_1979_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_76_1064
Author(s) : Jurss R , Prinz H , Maelicke A
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 76 :1064 , 1979
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Title : Metabolism of acetylcholine receptor in chick embryo muscle cells: effects of RSV and PMA - Miskin_1978_Cell_15_1287
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Ref : Cell , 15 :1287 , 1978
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Title : Acetylcholine receptor. Responses to drug binding -
Author(s) : Maelicke A , Fulpius BW , Klett RP , Reich E
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 252 :4811 , 1977
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Title : On the interaction between cobra alpha-neurotoxin and the acetylcholine receptor -
Author(s) : Maelicke A , Reich E
Ref : Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology , 40 :231 , 1976
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Title : The acetylcholine receptor: studies of the interaction with Alpha-Neurotoxin from Naja naja Siamensis -
Author(s) : Fulpius BW , Maelicke A , Klett RP , Reich E
Ref : Cholinergic.Mechanisms, Raven Press :375 , 1975