Teixeira MM

References (5)

Title : Zileuton, a 5-Lypoxigenase Inhibitor, is Antiparasitic and Prevents Inflammation in the Chronic Stage of Heart Chagas Disease - Ricci_2024_ACS.Infect.Dis__
Author(s) : Ricci MF , Lourenco EMG , Pereira RDD , Araujo RRS , Oliveira FBR , Barbosa da Silva E , de Oliveira GS , Teixeira MM , Rocha NN , Chambergo FS , Roman-Campos D , Cruz JS , Ferreira RS , Machado FS
Ref : ACS Infect Dis , : , 2024
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ricci_2024_ACS.Infect.Dis__
PubMedID: 39609255

Title : Exploring the genomic diversity of black yeasts and relatives (Chaetothyriales, Ascomycota) - Teixeira_2017_Stud.Mycol_86_1
Author(s) : Teixeira MM , Moreno LF , Stielow BJ , Muszewska A , Hainaut M , Gonzaga L , Abouelleil A , Patane JS , Priest M , Souza R , Young S , Ferreira KS , Zeng Q , da Cunha MM , Gladki A , Barker B , Vicente VA , de Souza EM , Almeida S , Henrissat B , Vasconcelos AT , Deng S , Voglmayr H , Moussa TA , Gorbushina A , Felipe MS , Cuomo CA , de Hoog GS
Ref : Stud Mycol , 86 :1 , 2017
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Teixeira_2017_Stud.Mycol_86_1
PubMedID: 28348446
Gene_locus related to this paper: exodn-h6btr2 , exodn-h6c4y3

Title : Endogenous Acetylcholine Controls the Severity of Polymicrobial Sepsisassociated Inflammatory Response in Mice - Amaral_2016_Curr.Neurovasc.Res_13_4
Author(s) : Amaral FA , Fagundes CT , Miranda AS , Costa VV , Resende L , Gloria de Souza D , Prado VF , Teixeira MM , Maximo Prado MA , Teixeira AL
Ref : Curr Neurovasc Res , 13 :4 , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Amaral_2016_Curr.Neurovasc.Res_13_4
PubMedID: 26500102

Title : Comparative genomics of the major fungal agents of human and animal Sporotrichosis: Sporothrix schenckii and Sporothrix brasiliensis - Teixeira_2014_BMC.Genomics_15_943
Author(s) : Teixeira MM , de Almeida LG , Kubitschek-Barreira P , Alves FL , Kioshima ES , Abadio AK , Fernandes L , Derengowski LS , Ferreira KS , Souza RC , Ruiz JC , de Andrade NC , Paes HC , Nicola AM , Albuquerque P , Gerber AL , Martins VP , Peconick LD , Neto AV , Chaucanez CB , Silva PA , Cunha OL , de Oliveira FF , dos Santos TC , Barros AL , Soares MA , de Oliveira LM , Marini MM , Villalobos-Duno H , Cunha MM , de Hoog S , da Silveira JF , Henrissat B , Nino-Vega GA , Cisalpino PS , Mora-Montes HM , Almeida SR , Stajich JE , Lopes-Bezerra LM , Vasconcelos AT , Felipe MS
Ref : BMC Genomics , 15 :943 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Teixeira_2014_BMC.Genomics_15_943
PubMedID: 25351875
Gene_locus related to this paper: spos1-u7pkb8 , 9pezi-a0a0c2epn8 , 9pezi-a0a0c2fvx8 , 9pezi-a0a0c2ihy1 , 9pezi-a0a0c2is67 , 9pezi-a0a0c2j1q8 , 9pezi-a0a0c2j8k6 , sposc-a0a0f2mb37

Title : Comparative genomic analysis of human fungal pathogens causing paracoccidioidomycosis - Desjardins_2011_PLoS.Genet_7_e1002345
Author(s) : Desjardins CA , Champion MD , Holder JW , Muszewska A , Goldberg J , Bailao AM , Brigido MM , Ferreira ME , Garcia AM , Grynberg M , Gujja S , Heiman DI , Henn MR , Kodira CD , Leon-Narvaez H , Longo LV , Ma LJ , Malavazi I , Matsuo AL , Morais FV , Pereira M , Rodriguez-Brito S , Sakthikumar S , Salem-Izacc SM , Sykes SM , Teixeira MM , Vallejo MC , Walter ME , Yandava C , Young S , Zeng Q , Zucker J , Felipe MS , Goldman GH , Haas BJ , McEwen JG , Nino-Vega G , Puccia R , San-Blas G , Soares CMF , Birren BW , Cuomo CA
Ref : PLoS Genet , 7 :e1002345 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Desjardins_2011_PLoS.Genet_7_e1002345
PubMedID: 22046142
Gene_locus related to this paper: parbd-c1gc95 , parbp-c0s0d7 , parbp-c0s257 , parbd-c1g8z9 , parba-c1grf0 , parbp-c0s816 , parbp-c0s5g4 , parbd-c1g5f5 , parbd-c1fzf9 , parba-kex1 , parbd-kex1 , parbp-kex1 , parba-cbpya , parbp-cbpya