Henrissat B


Full name : Henrissat Bernard

First name : Bernard

Mail : Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique \/ Aix-Marseille Universite UMR-7257\; Architecture et Fonction des Macromolecules (AFMB)\; Campus Luminy - Case 932 163 Avenue de Luminy\; Marseille\; 13288

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References (77)

Title : Characterization of the CAZy Repertoire from the Marine-Derived Fungus Stemphylium lucomagnoense in Relation to Saline Conditions - Ben Ali_2020_Mar.Drugs_18_
Author(s) : Ben Ali W , Navarro D , Kumar A , Drula E , Turbe-Doan A , Correia LO , Baumberger S , Bertrand E , Faulds CB , Henrissat B , Sciara G , Mechichi T , Record E
Ref : Mar Drugs , 18 : , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ben Ali_2020_Mar.Drugs_18_
PubMedID: 32916905

Title : Comprehensive genomic and transcriptomic analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation by a mycoremediation fungus, Dentipellis sp. KUC8613 - Park_2019_Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol_103_8145
Author(s) : Park H , Min B , Jang Y , Kim J , Lipzen A , Sharma A , Andreopoulos B , Johnson J , Riley R , Spatafora JW , Henrissat B , Kim KH , Grigoriev IV , Kim JJ , Choi IG
Ref : Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology , 103 :8145 , 2019
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Park_2019_Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol_103_8145
PubMedID: 31482283
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9agam-a0a5b1qnb8 , 9agam-a0a5b1qwq3 , 9agam-a0a5b1qh04 , 9agam-a0a5b1qyk1 , 9agam-a0a5b1qmi3 , 9agam-a0a5b1qi91 , 9agam-a0a5b1qhi2

Title : Integrative visual omics of the white-rot fungus Polyporus brumalis exposes the biotechnological potential of its oxidative enzymes for delignifying raw plant biomass - Miyauchi_2018_Biotechnol.Biofuels_11_201
Author(s) : Miyauchi S , Rancon A , Drula E , Hage H , Chaduli D , Favel A , Grisel S , Henrissat B , Herpoel-Gimbert I , Ruiz-Duenas FJ , Chevret D , Hainaut M , Lin J , Wang M , Pangilinan J , Lipzen A , Lesage-Meessen L , Navarro D , Riley R , Grigoriev IV , Zhou S , Raouche S , Rosso MN
Ref : Biotechnol Biofuels , 11 :201 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Miyauchi_2018_Biotechnol.Biofuels_11_201
PubMedID: 30061923
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9aphy-a0a371d1b5 , 9aphy-a0a371dju9

Title : Comparative genomics provides insights into the lifestyle and reveals functional heterogeneity of dark septate endophytic fungi - Knapp_2018_Sci.Rep_8_6321
Author(s) : Knapp DG , Nemeth JB , Barry K , Hainaut M , Henrissat B , Johnson J , Kuo A , Lim JHP , Lipzen A , Nolan M , Ohm RA , Tamas L , Grigoriev IV , Spatafora JW , Nagy LG , Kovacs GM
Ref : Sci Rep , 8 :6321 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Knapp_2018_Sci.Rep_8_6321
PubMedID: 29679020
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9pleo-a0a2v1dn29 , 9helo-a0a2v1c5l1 , 9pleo-a0a2v1dti3 , 9helo-a0a2v1bts1 , 9helo-a0a2v1cbe5 , 9pleo-a0a2v1cxz2 , 9pleo-a0a2v1d1n3 , 9pleo-a0a2v1db80 , 9pleo-a0a2v1ddg5 , 9pleo-a0a2v1dij1 , 9pleo-a0a2v1dp20 , 9pleo-a0a2v1e6x2 , 9pleo-a0a2v1ee64 , 9helo-a0a2v1cbn2 , 9helo-a0a2v1b581 , 9pleo-a0a2v1e5g2 , corcc-a0a2t2nt04 , 9helo-a0a2v1buk5

Title : The obligate alkalophilic soda-lake fungus Sodiomyces alkalinus has shifted to a protein diet - Grum-Grzhimaylo_2018_Mol.Ecol_27_4808
Author(s) : Grum-Grzhimaylo AA , Falkoski DL , van den Heuvel J , Valero-Jimenez CA , Min B , Choi IG , Lipzen A , Daum CG , Aanen DK , Tsang A , Henrissat B , Bilanenko EN , de Vries RP , van Kan JAL , Grigoriev IV , Debets AJM
Ref : Mol Ecol , 27 :4808 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Grum-Grzhimaylo_2018_Mol.Ecol_27_4808
PubMedID: 30368956
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9pezi-a0a3n2q0e7 , 9pezi-a0a3n2pu70 , 9pezi-a0a3n2puy7

Title : Comparative genomics and transcriptomics depict ericoid mycorrhizal fungi as versatile saprotrophs and plant mutualists - Martino_2018_New.Phytol_217_1213
Author(s) : Martino E , Morin E , Grelet GA , Kuo A , Kohler A , Daghino S , Barry KW , Cichocki N , Clum A , Dockter RB , Hainaut M , Kuo RC , LaButti K , Lindahl BD , Lindquist EA , Lipzen A , Khouja HR , Magnuson J , Murat C , Ohm RA , Singer SW , Spatafora JW , Wang M , Veneault-Fourrey C , Henrissat B , Grigoriev IV , Martin FM , Perotto S
Ref : New Phytol , 217 :1213 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Martino_2018_New.Phytol_217_1213
PubMedID: 29315638
Gene_locus related to this paper: amore-a0a2t3axk4 , amore-a0a2t3avs4 , amore-a0a2t3ay04 , amore-a0a2t3aph0

Title : Pezizomycetes genomes reveal the molecular basis of ectomycorrhizal truffle lifestyle - Murat_2018_Nat.Ecol.Evol_2_1956
Author(s) : Murat C , Payen T , Noel B , Kuo A , Morin E , Chen J , Kohler A , Krizsan K , Balestrini R , Da Silva C , Montanini B , Hainaut M , Levati E , Barry KW , Belfiori B , Cichocki N , Clum A , Dockter RB , Fauchery L , Guy J , Iotti M , Le Tacon F , Lindquist EA , Lipzen A , Malagnac F , Mello A , Molinier V , Miyauchi S , Poulain J , Riccioni C , Rubini A , Sitrit Y , Splivallo R , Traeger S , Wang M , Zifcakova L , Wipf D , Zambonelli A , Paolocci F , Nowrousian M , Ottonello S , Baldrian P , Spatafora JW , Henrissat B , Nagy LG , Aury JM , Wincker P , Grigoriev IV , Bonfante P , Martin FM
Ref : Nat Ecol Evol , 2 :1956 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Murat_2018_Nat.Ecol.Evol_2_1956
PubMedID: 30420746
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9pezi-a0a3n4l4q5 , 9pezi-a0a3n4lpg7

Title : High intraspecific genome diversity in the model arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiont Rhizophagus irregularis - Chen_2018_New.Phytol_220_1161
Author(s) : Chen ECH , Morin E , Beaudet D , Noel J , Yildirir G , Ndikumana S , Charron P , St-Onge C , Giorgi J , Kruger M , Marton T , Ropars J , Grigoriev IV , Hainaut M , Henrissat B , Roux C , Martin F , Corradi N
Ref : New Phytol , 220 :1161 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Chen_2018_New.Phytol_220_1161
PubMedID: 29355972
Gene_locus related to this paper: rhiid-u9ttu4

Title : Complex pectin metabolism by gut bacteria reveals novel catalytic functions - Ndeh_2017_Nature_544_65
Author(s) : Ndeh D , Rogowski A , Cartmell A , Luis AS , Basle A , Gray J , Venditto I , Briggs J , Zhang X , Labourel A , Terrapon N , Buffetto F , Nepogodiev S , Xiao Y , Field RA , Zhu Y , O'Neil MA , Urbanowicz BR , York WS , Davies GJ , Abbott DW , Ralet MC , Martens EC , Henrissat B , Gilbert HJ
Ref : Nature , 544 :65 , 2017
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ndeh_2017_Nature_544_65
PubMedID: 28329766

Title : Exploring the genomic diversity of black yeasts and relatives (Chaetothyriales, Ascomycota) - Teixeira_2017_Stud.Mycol_86_1
Author(s) : Teixeira MM , Moreno LF , Stielow BJ , Muszewska A , Hainaut M , Gonzaga L , Abouelleil A , Patane JS , Priest M , Souza R , Young S , Ferreira KS , Zeng Q , da Cunha MM , Gladki A , Barker B , Vicente VA , de Souza EM , Almeida S , Henrissat B , Vasconcelos AT , Deng S , Voglmayr H , Moussa TA , Gorbushina A , Felipe MS , Cuomo CA , de Hoog GS
Ref : Stud Mycol , 86 :1 , 2017
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Teixeira_2017_Stud.Mycol_86_1
PubMedID: 28348446
Gene_locus related to this paper: exodn-h6btr2 , exodn-h6c4y3

Title : Comparative genomics reveals high biological diversity and specific adaptations in the industrially and medically important fungal genus Aspergillus - de Vries_2017_Genome.Biol_18_28
Author(s) : de Vries RP , Riley R , Wiebenga A , Aguilar-Osorio G , Amillis S , Uchima CA , Anderluh G , Asadollahi M , Askin M , Barry K , Battaglia E , Bayram O , Benocci T , Braus-Stromeyer SA , Caldana C , Canovas D , Cerqueira GC , Chen F , Chen W , Choi C , Clum A , Dos Santos RA , Damasio AR , Diallinas G , Emri T , Fekete E , Flipphi M , Freyberg S , Gallo A , Gournas C , Habgood R , Hainaut M , Harispe ML , Henrissat B , Hilden KS , Hope R , Hossain A , Karabika E , Karaffa L , Karanyi Z , Krasevec N , Kuo A , Kusch H , LaButti K , Lagendijk EL , Lapidus A , Levasseur A , Lindquist E , Lipzen A , Logrieco AF , Maccabe A , Makela MR , Malavazi I , Melin P , Meyer V , Mielnichuk N , Miskei M , Molnar AP , Mule G , Ngan CY , Orejas M , Orosz E , Ouedraogo JP , Overkamp KM , Park HS , Perrone G , Piumi F , Punt PJ , Ram AF , Ramon A , Rauscher S , Record E , Riano-Pachon DM , Robert V , Rohrig J , Ruller R , Salamov A , Salih NS , Samson RA , Sandor E , Sanguinetti M , Schutze T , Sepcic K , Shelest E , Sherlock G , Sophianopoulou V , Squina FM , Sun H , Susca A , Todd RB , Tsang A , Unkles SE , van de Wiele N , van Rossen-Uffink D , Oliveira JV , Vesth TC , Visser J , Yu JH , Zhou M , Andersen MR , Archer DB , Baker SE , Benoit I , Brakhage AA , Braus GH , Fischer R , Frisvad JC , Goldman GH , Houbraken J , Oakley B , Pocsi I , Scazzocchio C , Seiboth B , vanKuyk PA , Wortman J , Dyer PS , Grigoriev IV
Ref : Genome Biol , 18 :28 , 2017
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : de Vries_2017_Genome.Biol_18_28
PubMedID: 28196534
Gene_locus related to this paper: asptu-a0a1l9nhd0 , aspve-a0a1l9pxx8 , aspve-a0a1l9q4m3 , aspwe-a0a1l9s133 , 9euro-a0a1l9t3v9 , aspwe-a0a1l9rcx6 , aspna-g3y5a6 , aspgl-a0a1l9v4d3 , 9euro-a0a1l9sa36 , aspsb-a0a319eji6 , aspve-a0a1l9px96 , 9euro-a0a1l9tay1 , aspgl-a0a1l9vbc0 , aspc5-a0a1r3rh65 , 9euro-a0a2v5i956 , aspwe-a0a1l9rpp6 , aspna-g3xpw9 , aspve-a0a1l9plv1 , 9euro-a0a1l9tk47 , aspve-a0a1l9pde9 , aspve-a0a1l9pz72 , aspwe-a0a1l9rde6 , 9euro-a0a1l9tdb5 , aspkw-g7xq95 , aspbc-a0a1l9u6h4 , aspbc-a0a1l9u2l4 , asptc-a0a1l9mx83 , aspgl-a0a1l9ve90 , aspve-a0a1l9pvz9 , 9euro-a0a1l9tdh3 , aspc5-a0a1r3rmn9 , aspwe-a0a1l9rlq2 , asptc-a0a1l9nby7 , aspng-a0a100i8t9 , aspc5-a0a1r3rem6 , aspbc-a0a1l9uy89 , aspa1-anee , aspa1-aneh , aspa1-acrc , aspbc-alba , aspa1-acui

Title : Characterization of four endophytic fungi as potential consolidated bioprocessing hosts for conversion of lignocellulose into advanced biofuels - Wu_2017_Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol_101_2603
Author(s) : Wu W , Davis RW , Tran-Gyamfi MB , Kuo A , LaButti K , Mihaltcheva S , Hundley H , Chovatia M , Lindquist E , Barry K , Grigoriev IV , Henrissat B , Gladden JM
Ref : Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology , 101 :2603 , 2017
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wu_2017_Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol_101_2603
PubMedID: 28078400
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9pezi-a0a1y2u1s8 , 9pezi-a0a1y2x077 , 9pezi-a0a1y2vv92 , 9pezi-a0a1y2txs8 , 9pezi-a0a1y2wzb7 , 9pezi-a0a1y2ufj7 , 9pezi-a0a1y2vvc9 , 9pezi-a0a1y2w3w4

Title : The genome of Xylona heveae provides a window into fungal endophytism - Gazis_2016_Fungal.Biol_120_26
Author(s) : Gazis R , Kuo A , Riley R , LaButti K , Lipzen A , Lin J , Amirebrahimi M , Hesse CN , Spatafora JW , Henrissat B , Hainaut M , Grigoriev IV , Hibbett DS
Ref : Fungal Biol , 120 :26 , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Gazis_2016_Fungal.Biol_120_26
PubMedID: 26693682
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9pezi-a0a165f9w1 , 9pezi-a0a165fsb2 , 9pezi-a0a165gpf2 , 9pezi-a0a164zp96 , xylht-a0a165aju9 , xylht-a0a165jye6 , xylht-a0a165jir4

Title : Dividing the Large Glycoside Hydrolase Family 43 into Subfamilies: a Motivation for Detailed Enzyme Characterization - Mewis_2016_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_82_1686
Author(s) : Mewis K , Lenfant N , Lombard V , Henrissat B
Ref : Applied Environmental Microbiology , 82 :1686 , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Mewis_2016_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_82_1686
PubMedID: 26729713

Title : Xylan degradation by the human gut Bacteroides xylanisolvens XB1A(T) involves two distinct gene clusters that are linked at the transcriptional level - Despres_2016_BMC.Genomics_17_326
Author(s) : Despres J , Forano E , Lepercq P , Comtet-Marre S , Jubelin G , Chambon C , Yeoman CJ , Berg Miller ME , Fields CJ , Martens E , Terrapon N , Henrissat B , White BA , Mosoni P
Ref : BMC Genomics , 17 :326 , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Despres_2016_BMC.Genomics_17_326
PubMedID: 27142817

Title : Genome Assembly of the Fungus Cochliobolus miyabeanus, and Transcriptome Analysis during Early Stages of Infection on American Wildrice (Zizania palustris L.) - Castell-Miller_2016_PLoS.One_11_e0154122
Author(s) : Castell-Miller CV , Gutierrez-Gonzalez JJ , Tu ZJ , Bushley KE , Hainaut M , Henrissat B , Samac DA
Ref : PLoS ONE , 11 :e0154122 , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Castell-Miller_2016_PLoS.One_11_e0154122
PubMedID: 27253872

Title : Sex and parasites: genomic and transcriptomic analysis of Microbotryum lychnidis-dioicae, the biotrophic and plant-castrating anther smut fungus - Perlin_2015_BMC.Genomics_16_461
Author(s) : Perlin MH , Amselem J , Fontanillas E , Toh SS , Chen Z , Goldberg J , Duplessis S , Henrissat B , Young S , Zeng Q , Aguileta G , Petit E , Badouin H , Andrews J , Razeeq D , Gabaldon T , Quesneville H , Giraud T , Hood ME , Schultz DJ , Cuomo CA
Ref : BMC Genomics , 16 :461 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Perlin_2015_BMC.Genomics_16_461
PubMedID: 26076695
Gene_locus related to this paper: ustv1-u5h5e5

Title : Genetic determinants of in vivo fitness and diet responsiveness in multiple human gut Bacteroides - Wu_2015_Science_350_aac5992
Author(s) : Wu M , McNulty NP , Rodionov DA , Khoroshkin MS , Griffin NW , Cheng J , Latreille P , Kerstetter RA , Terrapon N , Henrissat B , Osterman AL , Gordon JI
Ref : Science , 350 :aac5992 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wu_2015_Science_350_aac5992
PubMedID: 26430127
Gene_locus related to this paper: bactn-BT2379 , 9bace-a0a0p0g3y7

Title : Enhanced degradation of softwood versus hardwood by the white-rot fungus Pycnoporus coccineus - Couturier_2015_Biotechnol.Biofuels_8_216
Author(s) : Couturier M , Navarro D , Chevret D , Henrissat B , Piumi F , Ruiz-Duenas FJ , Martinez AT , Grigoriev IV , Riley R , Lipzen A , Berrin JG , Master ER , Rosso MN
Ref : Biotechnol Biofuels , 8 :216 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Couturier_2015_Biotechnol.Biofuels_8_216
PubMedID: 26692083
Gene_locus related to this paper: pycco-a0a1y2inc6 , pycco-a0a1y2ib15 , pycco-a0a1y2j2i8 , pycco-a0a1y2i5q8 , pycco-a0a1y2ib37

Title : Creating a specialist protein resource network: a meeting report for the protein bioinformatics and community resources retreat - Babbitt_2015_Database.(Oxford)_2015_bav063
Author(s) : Babbitt PC , Bagos PG , Bairoch A , Bateman A , Chatonnet A , Chen MJ , Craik DJ , Finn RD , Gloriam D , Haft DH , Henrissat B , Holliday GL , Isberg V , Kaas Q , Landsman D , Lenfant N , Manning G , Nagano N , Srinivasan N , O'Donovan C , Pruitt KD , Sowdhamini R , Rawlings ND , Saier MH, Jr. , Sharman JL , Spedding M , Tsirigos KD , Vastermark A , Vriend G
Ref : Database (Oxford) , 2015 :bav063 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Babbitt_2015_Database.(Oxford)_2015_bav063
PubMedID: 26284514

Title : Key challenges for the creation and maintenance of specialist protein resources - Holliday_2015_Proteins_83_1005
Author(s) : Holliday GL , Bairoch A , Bagos PG , Chatonnet A , Craik DJ , Finn RD , Henrissat B , Landsman D , Manning G , Nagano N , O'Donovan C , Pruitt KD , Rawlings ND , Saier MH, Jr. , Sowdhamini R , Spedding M , Srinivasan N , Vriend G , Babbitt PC , Bateman A
Ref : Proteins , 83 :1005 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Holliday_2015_Proteins_83_1005
PubMedID: 25820941

Title : Comparative genomic analysis provides insights into the evolution and niche adaptation of marine Magnetospira sp. QH-2 strain - Ji_2014_Environ.Microbiol_16_525
Author(s) : Ji B , Zhang SD , Arnoux P , Rouy Z , Alberto F , Philippe N , Murat D , Zhang WJ , Rioux JB , Ginet N , Sabaty M , Mangenot S , Pradel N , Tian J , Yang J , Zhang L , Zhang W , Pan H , Henrissat B , Coutinho PM , Li Y , Xiao T , Medigue C , Barbe V , Pignol D , Talla E , Wu LF
Ref : Environ Microbiol , 16 :525 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ji_2014_Environ.Microbiol_16_525
PubMedID: 23841906
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9prot-w6k5m7 , 9prot-w6khf2 , 9prot-w6kbu9

Title : Extensive sampling of basidiomycete genomes demonstrates inadequacy of the white-rot\/brown-rot paradigm for wood decay fungi - Riley_2014_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_111_9923
Author(s) : Riley R , Salamov AA , Brown DW , Nagy LG , Floudas D , Held BW , Levasseur A , Lombard V , Morin E , Otillar R , Lindquist EA , Sun H , LaButti KM , Schmutz J , Jabbour D , Luo H , Baker SE , Pisabarro AG , Walton JD , Blanchette RA , Henrissat B , Martin F , Cullen D , Hibbett DS , Grigoriev IV
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 111 :9923 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Riley_2014_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_111_9923
PubMedID: 24958869
Gene_locus related to this paper: pleos-a0a067nlj6 , 9agar-a0a067t0n0 , 9agar-a0a067sha0 , 9homo-a0a067pav0 , pleos-a0a067n337 , 9homo-a0a067pz82 , 9homo-a0a067m7p7 , pleos-a0a067p245 , 9homo-a0a067lrz6 , 9homo-a0a067m4r5 , 9homo-a0a067mr63 , 9homo-a0a067mrq8 , 9agar-a0a067t4j6 , 9homo-a0a067pdz2 , 9homo-a0a067q2n9 , 9agar-a0a067tsx5 , 9homo-a0a067mfq5 , 9homo-a0a067qc90 , pleos-a0a067p113 , 9homo-a0a067pwi6 , 9agar-a0a067s6d7 , 9agar-a0a067tie7 , pleos-a0a067ngc3 , 9agar-a0a067st69 , 9agar-a0a067t6h9 , 9agar-a0a067tj80 , pleos-a0a067npl2 , 9agar-a0a067sm07 , 9agar-a0a067tar9 , 9agar-a0a067tid6 , 9agar-a0a067u335 , pleos-a0a067ndv5 , pleos-a0a067nqw6 , 9homo-a0a067pkj2 , 9agar-a0a067t683 , 9homo-a0a067mgl1 , 9agar-a0a067sg35 , 9homo-a0a067q7g6 , 9agar-a0a067tub0 , 9agar-a0a067t8f5 , 9agar-a0a067tj19 , 9homo-a0a067pyu9 , 9agar-a0a067tjp8 , 9agar-a0a067sjg9 , 9agar-a0a067u0h4 , pleos-a0a067nxe9 , 9agar-a0a067sqt2 , 9agar-a0a067tgx3 , 9homo-a0a067psv8 , 9agar-a0a067sq58 , 9homo-a0a067m4m0 , 9agar-a0a067tqz5 , pleos-a0a067new9 , 9homo-a0a067m9v3 , 9agar-a0a067tlx5 , 9agar-a0a067tfq4 , pleos-a0a067nln4 , pleos-a0a067ndf5 , pleos-a0a067nn26 , pleos-a0a067nfv2 , 9homo-a0a067pnd3 , 9agar-a0a067sw48 , pleos-a0a067neg3 , pleos-a0a067nz51 , pleos-a0a067naf9 , pleos-a0a067nad7 , 9agar-a0a067sxe2 , 9agar-a0a067slu3 , pleos-a0a067n7p8 , pleos-a0a067nl60 , pleos-a0a067ncd0 , 9agar-a0a067th99 , 9agar-a0a067sp22 , pleos-a0a067pbw7 , 9homo-a0a067q916 , 9homo-a0a067pwe5 , galm3-a0a067scb0 , galm3-popa

Title : Bacteria from diverse habitats colonize and compete in the mouse gut - Seedorf_2014_Cell_159_253
Author(s) : Seedorf H , Griffin NW , Ridaura VK , Reyes A , Cheng J , Rey FE , Smith MI , Simon GM , Scheffrahn RH , Woebken D , Spormann AM , Van Treuren W , Ursell LK , Pirrung M , Robbins-Pianka A , Cantarel BL , Lombard V , Henrissat B , Knight R , Gordon JI
Ref : Cell , 159 :253 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Seedorf_2014_Cell_159_253
PubMedID: 25284151
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9firm-a0a0j1g143

Title : Genome sequencing provides insight into the reproductive biology, nutritional mode and ploidy of the fern pathogen Mixia osmundae - Toome_2014_New.Phytol_202_554
Author(s) : Toome M , Ohm RA , Riley RW , James TY , Lazarus KL , Henrissat B , Albu S , Boyd A , Chow J , Clum A , Heller G , Lipzen A , Nolan M , Sandor L , Zvenigorodsky N , Grigoriev IV , Spatafora JW , Aime MC
Ref : New Phytol , 202 :554 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Toome_2014_New.Phytol_202_554
PubMedID: 24372469
Gene_locus related to this paper: mixos-g7dyk5 , mixos-g7eay5

Title : Comparative genomics analysis of Lactobacillus species associated with weight gain or weight protection - Drissi_2014_Nutr.Diabetes_4_e109
Author(s) : Drissi F , Merhej V , Angelakis E , El Kaoutari A , Carriere F , Henrissat B , Raoult D
Ref : Nutr Diabetes , 4 :e109 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Drissi_2014_Nutr.Diabetes_4_e109
PubMedID: 24567124

Title : Genome sequence and transcriptome analyses of the thermophilic zygomycete fungus Rhizomucor miehei - Zhou_2014_BMC.Genomics_15_294
Author(s) : Zhou P , Zhang G , Chen S , Jiang Z , Tang Y , Henrissat B , Yan Q , Yang S , Chen CF , Zhang B , Du Z
Ref : BMC Genomics , 15 :294 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zhou_2014_BMC.Genomics_15_294
PubMedID: 24746234

Title : Analysis of the Phlebiopsis gigantea genome, transcriptome and secretome provides insight into its pioneer colonization strategies of wood - Hori_2014_PLoS.Genet_10_e1004759
Author(s) : Hori C , Ishida T , Igarashi K , Samejima M , Suzuki H , Master E , Ferreira P , Ruiz-Duenas FJ , Held B , Canessa P , Larrondo LF , Schmoll M , Druzhinina IS , Kubicek CP , Gaskell JA , Kersten P , St John F , Glasner J , Sabat G , Splinter BonDurant S , Syed K , Yadav J , Mgbeahuruike AC , Kovalchuk A , Asiegbu FO , Lackner G , Hoffmeister D , Rencoret J , Gutierrez A , Sun H , Lindquist E , Barry K , Riley R , Grigoriev IV , Henrissat B , Kues U , Berka RM , Martinez AT , Covert SF , Blanchette RA , Cullen D
Ref : PLoS Genet , 10 :e1004759 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hori_2014_PLoS.Genet_10_e1004759
PubMedID: 25474575
Gene_locus related to this paper: phlgi-a0a0c3nds0 , phlgi-a0a0c3niq6 , phlgi-a0a0c3pc91 , phlgi-a0a0c3pv58 , phlgi-a0a0c3rra0 , phlgi-a0a0c3rvc4 , phlgi-a0a0c3rvu0 , phlgi-a0a0c3s394 , phlgi-a0a0c3s606 , phlgi-a0a0c3s673 , phlgi-a0a0c3s8d3 , phlgi-a0a0c3sce4 , phlgi-a0a0c3sdt8

Title : Comparative genomics of the major fungal agents of human and animal Sporotrichosis: Sporothrix schenckii and Sporothrix brasiliensis - Teixeira_2014_BMC.Genomics_15_943
Author(s) : Teixeira MM , de Almeida LG , Kubitschek-Barreira P , Alves FL , Kioshima ES , Abadio AK , Fernandes L , Derengowski LS , Ferreira KS , Souza RC , Ruiz JC , de Andrade NC , Paes HC , Nicola AM , Albuquerque P , Gerber AL , Martins VP , Peconick LD , Neto AV , Chaucanez CB , Silva PA , Cunha OL , de Oliveira FF , dos Santos TC , Barros AL , Soares MA , de Oliveira LM , Marini MM , Villalobos-Duno H , Cunha MM , de Hoog S , da Silveira JF , Henrissat B , Nino-Vega GA , Cisalpino PS , Mora-Montes HM , Almeida SR , Stajich JE , Lopes-Bezerra LM , Vasconcelos AT , Felipe MS
Ref : BMC Genomics , 15 :943 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Teixeira_2014_BMC.Genomics_15_943
PubMedID: 25351875
Gene_locus related to this paper: spos1-u7pkb8 , 9pezi-a0a0c2epn8 , 9pezi-a0a0c2fvx8 , 9pezi-a0a0c2ihy1 , 9pezi-a0a0c2is67 , 9pezi-a0a0c2j1q8 , 9pezi-a0a0c2j8k6 , sposc-a0a0f2mb37

Title : Genome of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus provides insight into the oldest plant symbiosis - Tisserant_2013_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_110_20117
Author(s) : Tisserant E , Malbreil M , Kuo A , Kohler A , Symeonidi A , Balestrini R , Charron P , Duensing N , Frei dit Frey N , Gianinazzi-Pearson V , Gilbert LB , Handa Y , Herr JR , Hijri M , Koul R , Kawaguchi M , Krajinski F , Lammers PJ , Masclaux FG , Murat C , Morin E , Ndikumana S , Pagni M , Petitpierre D , Requena N , Rosikiewicz P , Riley R , Saito K , San Clemente H , Shapiro H , van Tuinen D , Becard G , Bonfante P , Paszkowski U , Shachar-Hill YY , Tuskan GA , Young JP , Sanders IR , Henrissat B , Rensing SA , Grigoriev IV , Corradi N , Roux C , Martin F
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 110 :20117 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Tisserant_2013_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_110_20117
PubMedID: 24277808
Gene_locus related to this paper: rhiid-u9u175 , rhiid-u9trg1 , rhiid-u9uh96 , rhiid-u9ttu4

Title : Mining for hemicellulases in the fungus-growing termite Pseudacanthotermes militaris using functional metagenomics - Bastien_2013_Biotechnol.Biofuels_6_78
Author(s) : Bastien G , Arnal G , Bozonnet S , Laguerre S , Ferreira F , Faure R , Henrissat B , Lefevre F , Robe P , Bouchez O , Noirot C , Dumon C , O'Donohue M
Ref : Biotechnol Biofuels , 6 :78 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bastien_2013_Biotechnol.Biofuels_6_78
PubMedID: 23672637
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9zzzz-s0dfs0 , 9zzzz-s0deq5 , 9zzzz-s0df61

Title : Comparative genomics of a plant-pathogenic fungus, Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, reveals transduplication and the impact of repeat elements on pathogenicity and population divergence - Manning_2013_G3.(Bethesda)_3_41
Author(s) : Manning VA , Pandelova I , Dhillon B , Wilhelm LJ , Goodwin SB , Berlin AM , Figueroa M , Freitag M , Hane JK , Henrissat B , Holman WH , Kodira CD , Martin J , Oliver RP , Robbertse B , Schackwitz W , Schwartz DC , Spatafora JW , Turgeon BG , Yandava C , Young S , Zhou S , Zeng Q , Grigoriev IV , Ma LJ , Ciuffetti LM
Ref : G3 (Bethesda) , 3 :41 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Manning_2013_G3.(Bethesda)_3_41
PubMedID: 23316438
Gene_locus related to this paper: pyrtr-b2vxe8 , pyrtr-b2vvm1 , pyrtr-b2vzr5 , pyrtr-b2vu22 , pyrtr-kex1

Title : Comparative genomics of Ceriporiopsis subvermispora and Phanerochaete chrysosporium provide insight into selective ligninolysis - Fernandez-Fueyo_2012_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_109_5458
Author(s) : Fernandez-Fueyo E , Ruiz-Duenas FJ , Ferreira P , Floudas D , Hibbett DS , Canessa P , Larrondo LF , James TY , Seelenfreund D , Lobos S , Polanco R , Tello M , Honda Y , Watanabe T , Ryu JS , Kubicek CP , Schmoll M , Gaskell J , Hammel KE , St John FJ , Vanden Wymelenberg A , Sabat G , Splinter BonDurant S , Syed K , Yadav JS , Doddapaneni H , Subramanian V , Lavin JL , Oguiza JA , Perez G , Pisabarro AG , Ramirez L , Santoyo F , Master E , Coutinho PM , Henrissat B , Lombard V , Magnuson JK , Kues U , Hori C , Igarashi K , Samejima M , Held BW , Barry KW , LaButti KM , Lapidus A , Lindquist EA , Lucas SM , Riley R , Salamov AA , Hoffmeister D , Schwenk D , Hadar Y , Yarden O , de Vries RP , Wiebenga A , Stenlid J , Eastwood D , Grigoriev IV , Berka RM , Blanchette RA , Kersten P , Martinez AT , Vicuna R , Cullen D
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 109 :5458 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Fernandez-Fueyo_2012_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_109_5458
PubMedID: 22434909
Gene_locus related to this paper: cers8-m2r3x2 , cers8-m2qf37 , cers8-m2pcy7 , cers8-m2pcz3 , cers8-m2qn26 , cers8-m2r654 , cers8-m2r8g9 , cers8-m2ps90 , cers8-m2qn44 , cers8-m2q837 , cers8-m2pjy6 , cers8-m2r609 , cers8-m2qy35 , cers8-m2r1n1 , cers8-m2rl22 , cers8-m2qkx5 , cers8-m2qib7 , cers8-m2rgs8 , cers8-m2rlx6 , cers8-m2r4p3 , cers8-m2rf62 , cers8-m2qyx5 , cers8-m2pcz2 , cers8-m2rm22 , cers8-m2qwb7 , cers8-m2r9u3 , cers8-m2pp23 , cers8-m2r613 , cers8-m2rup8 , cers8-m2piv7 , cers8-m2rch3 , cers8-m2qvf7 , cers8-m2qvb7 , cers8-m2qvb2 , cers8-m2pip7 , cers8-m2rb73 , cers8-m2qgd3 , cers8-m2rcg8 , cers8-m2rb68

Title : Insight into trade-off between wood decay and parasitism from the genome of a fungal forest pathogen - Olson_2012_New.Phytol_194_1001
Author(s) : Olson A , Aerts A , Asiegbu F , Belbahri L , Bouzid O , Broberg A , Canback B , Coutinho PM , Cullen D , Dalman K , Deflorio G , van Diepen LT , Dunand C , Duplessis S , Durling M , Gonthier P , Grimwood J , Fossdal CG , Hansson D , Henrissat B , Hietala A , Himmelstrand K , Hoffmeister D , Hogberg N , James TY , Karlsson M , Kohler A , Kues U , Lee YH , Lin YC , Lind M , Lindquist E , Lombard V , Lucas S , Lunden K , Morin E , Murat C , Park J , Raffaello T , Rouze P , Salamov A , Schmutz J , Solheim H , Stahlberg J , Velez H , de Vries RP , Wiebenga A , Woodward S , Yakovlev I , Garbelotto M , Martin F , Grigoriev IV , Stenlid J
Ref : New Phytol , 194 :1001 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Olson_2012_New.Phytol_194_1001
PubMedID: 22463738
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9homo-w4jrb9 , 9homo-w4jsg4 , 9homo-w4kds7 , 9homo-w4jwl9 , 9homo-w4kjy2 , 9homo-w4jw43 , 9homo-w4ka20 , 9homo-w4k8t3 , 9homo-w4jz43 , 9homo-w4k8q2 , 9homo-w4k910 , 9homo-w4k6f5 , 9homo-w4k6j3 , 9homo-w4k8n2 , 9homo-w4jrf3 , 9homo-w4ke07 , 9homo-w4k3i8 , 9homo-w4jqh1 , 9agam-w4k203 , 9agam-w4jpy3 , 9agam-w4jn81 , 9agam-w4jmz2

Title : Bifidobacterium asteroides PRL2011 genome analysis reveals clues for colonization of the insect gut - Bottacini_2012_PLoS.One_7_e44229
Author(s) : Bottacini F , Milani C , Turroni F , Sanchez B , Foroni E , Duranti S , Serafini F , Viappiani A , Strati F , Ferrarini A , Delledonne M , Henrissat B , Coutinho P , Fitzgerald GF , Margolles A , van Sinderen D , Ventura M
Ref : PLoS ONE , 7 :e44229 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bottacini_2012_PLoS.One_7_e44229
PubMedID: 23028506

Title : Lifestyle transitions in plant pathogenic Colletotrichum fungi deciphered by genome and transcriptome analyses - O'Connell_2012_Nat.Genet_44_1060
Author(s) : O'Connell RJ , Thon MR , Hacquard S , Amyotte SG , Kleemann J , Torres MF , Damm U , Buiate EA , Epstein L , Alkan N , Altmuller J , Alvarado-Balderrama L , Bauser CA , Becker C , Birren BW , Chen Z , Choi J , Crouch JA , Duvick JP , Farman MA , Gan P , Heiman D , Henrissat B , Howard RJ , Kabbage M , Koch C , Kracher B , Kubo Y , Law AD , Lebrun MH , Lee YH , Miyara I , Moore N , Neumann U , Nordstrom K , Panaccione DG , Panstruga R , Place M , Proctor RH , Prusky D , Rech G , Reinhardt R , Rollins JA , Rounsley S , Schardl CL , Schwartz DC , Shenoy N , Shirasu K , Sikhakolli UR , Stuber K , Sukno SA , Sweigard JA , Takano Y , Takahara H , Trail F , van der Does HC , Voll LM , Will I , Young S , Zeng Q , Zhang J , Zhou S , Dickman MB , Schulze-Lefert P , Ver Loren van Themaat E , Ma LJ , Vaillancourt LJ
Ref : Nat Genet , 44 :1060 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : O'Connell_2012_Nat.Genet_44_1060
PubMedID: 22885923
Gene_locus related to this paper: colgm-kex1 , colhi-h1vve5 , colhi-h1vkk5 , colgm-e3qtg4 , colhi-h1vbq5 , colgm-e3qyh7 , colgm-e3q7u5 , colhi-h1vs61 , colgm-e3qip4 , colgm-e3qv97 , colhi-h1v665 , colgm-e3qky4 , colhi-h1vd91 , colhi-h1uvl1 , colhi-h1v7k5 , colgm-e3qu96 , colhi-h1vhh1 , colhi-h1v638 , colhi-h1vcz3 , colgm-e3qwt6 , colgm-e3q3z6 , colhi-h1vmh6 , colgm-e3qqq8 , colhi-h1v0e8 , colgm-e3qyt9 , colgm-e3qby6 , colgm-e3qsm5 , colgm-e3q6f6 , colgm-e3qwt4 , colgm-e3qb89 , colhi-h1vh96 , colgm-e3qwz9 , colgm-e3qbd3 , colgm-e3qtz0 , colhi-h1w5n4 , colgm-e3q7y3 , colgm-e3qpz1 , colhi-h1v2e4 , colgm-e3qux5 , colgm-e3qx16 , colgm-cbpya , colgm-e3q8b3

Title : The genomes of the fungal plant pathogens Cladosporium fulvum and Dothistroma septosporum reveal adaptation to different hosts and lifestyles but also signatures of common ancestry - de Wit_2012_PLoS.Genet_8_E1003088
Author(s) : de Wit PJ , van der Burgt A , Okmen B , Stergiopoulos I , Abd-Elsalam KA , Aerts AL , Bahkali AH , Beenen HG , Chettri P , Cox MP , Datema E , de Vries RP , Dhillon B , Ganley AR , Griffiths SA , Guo Y , Hamelin RC , Henrissat B , Kabir MS , Jashni MK , Kema G , Klaubauf S , Lapidus A , Levasseur A , Lindquist E , Mehrabi R , Ohm RA , Owen TJ , Salamov A , Schwelm A , Schijlen E , Sun H , van den Burg HA , van Ham RC , Zhang S , Goodwin SB , Grigoriev IV , Collemare J , Bradshaw RE
Ref : PLoS Genet , 8 :e1003088 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : de Wit_2012_PLoS.Genet_8_E1003088
PubMedID: 23209441
Gene_locus related to this paper: mycpj-q30dw8 , mycp1-n1pnd6 , mycp1-n1per0 , mycp1-n1pg49 , mycp1-n1pwj1 , mycp1-n1pcl8 , mycp1-m2y2b1 , mycp1-n1pwu7 , mycp1-n1ppa8 , mycp1-m2yk59 , mycp1-n1pps5 , mycp1-n1pw13 , mycp1-n1pe19 , mycp1-m2xhl1 , mycp1-n1pnh6 , mycp1-n1psn5 , mycp1-n1puh9 , mycp1-n1phf7 , mycp1-m2y2h4 , mycp1-n1q523 , dotsn-n1q1b1 , dotsn-n1q415 , dotsn-est1

Title : Diverse lifestyles and strategies of plant pathogenesis encoded in the genomes of eighteen Dothideomycetes fungi - Ohm_2012_PLoS.Pathog_8_e1003037
Author(s) : Ohm RA , Feau N , Henrissat B , Schoch CL , Horwitz BA , Barry KW , Condon BJ , Copeland AC , Dhillon B , Glaser F , Hesse CN , Kosti I , LaButti K , Lindquist EA , Lucas S , Salamov AA , Bradshaw RE , Ciuffetti L , Hamelin RC , Kema GH , Lawrence C , Scott JA , Spatafora JW , Turgeon BG , de Wit PJ , Zhong S , Goodwin SB , Grigoriev IV
Ref : PLoS Pathog , 8 :e1003037 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ohm_2012_PLoS.Pathog_8_e1003037
PubMedID: 23236275
Gene_locus related to this paper: mycpj-q30dw8 , sphms-m3db71 , bauco-m2n3p9 , cocsn-m2rnc6 , coch5-m2tnl8 , coch4-n4xap8 , sett2-r0j560 , bauco-m2lw45 , cocsn-m2thl9 , bauco-m2nan7 , sphms-m3asf7 , coch5-m2v1s2 , mycfi-m3am36 , coch4-n4xzy1 , mycfi-m3b3x0 , cocsn-m2sqr3 , cocsn-m2rnk8 , mycp1-n1pnd6 , bauco-m2n7y7 , coch4-n4xdv7 , coch5-m2uds0 , coch5-m2um94 , sett2-r0i8c5 , coch4-n4wlc8 , coch4-n4x9p3 , cocsn-m2rh47 , cocsn-m2qz08 , sett2-r0jqq6 , mycfi-m2yiq2 , sett2-r0imb6 , sphms-m3b727 , coch4-n4x7u3 , cocsn-m2rv02 , cocsn-m2sy95 , coch5-m2ubd5 , mycp1-n1per0 , mycp1-n1pg49 , mycfi-n1q8u1 , mycp1-n1pwj1 , mycp1-n1pcl8 , bauco-m2n330 , cocsn-m2t3d2 , mycfi-m3b223 , sett2-r0kl84 , bauco-m2lu86 , mycfi-m3b1s8 , sett2-r0jts7 , mycfi-m3amn9 , bauco-m2nf03 , mycfi-m3a015 , sphms-n1qgv4 , coch4-n4x2h3 , mycp1-m2y2b1 , sett2-r0jxt9 , mycfi-m2zg05 , sphms-m3cr09 , coch4-n4x7r9 , mycfi-m2yip7 , mycp1-n1pwu7 , cocsn-m2sh75 , cocsn-m2t5z2 , coch5-m2ucf6 , sphms-m3c9s8 , sphms-m3c383 , mycp1-n1ppa8 , sett2-r0k664 , cocsn-m2t3q1 , sett2-r0k4b4 , cocsn-m2t4i1 , bauco-m2lzw1 , coch5-m2th93 , cocsn-m2svm8 , sphms-m3d7h2 , sphms-m3cwc3 , mycfi-m3b329 , bauco-m2n4x9 , cocsn-m2s6q4 , mycfi-m3b7x7 , mycp1-m2yk59 , cocsn-m2s5h5 , bauco-m2nfr9 , bauco-m2myk4 , coch4-n4xf94 , mycfi-m3a252 , sphms-n1qes8 , mycp1-n1pps5 , sett2-r0kdl8 , cocsn-m2qvi9 , sett2-r0kfg6 , bauco-m2n1q0 , cocsn-m2szq4 , sett2-r0j437 , coch4-n4x7j4 , mycfi-m3b4h3 , coch5-m2twk3 , coch5-m2usf2 , sett2-r0kjt7 , mycfi-m2yrk1 , bauco-m2n4g8 , sett2-r0k7y2 , cocsn-m2th03 , sett2-r0iy92 , sett2-r0kbr9 , sett2-r0k997 , coch5-m2sik6 , bauco-m2n0g0 , bauco-m2lkk0 , sett2-r0jzj5 , sphms-m3bs21 , mycfi-m3a3h8 , mycp1-n1pw13 , cocsn-m2r0j6 , mycp1-n1pe19 , coch4-n4x6a4 , mycp1-m2xhl1 , cocsn-m2s7a5 , cocsn-m2sv79 , mycfi-n1qbd7 , mycp1-n1pnh6 , sphms-m3cz62 , sett2-r0knx4 , bauco-m2nlz2 , mycp1-n1psn5 , sett2-r0ksh8 , bauco-m2n3v9 , bauco-m2n9y7 , mycp1-n1puh9 , sett2-r0ip86 , sphms-m3c6j1 , sphms-n1qnq9 , cocsn-m2sqe4 , coch4-n4xzc8 , mycfi-m3ali0 , mycfi-m3a5j4 , mycp1-n1phf7 , bauco-m2myw5 , mycp1-m2y2h4 , mycfi-m3as05 , sphms-m3ccg5 , cocsn-m2rtg8 , sphms-n1qny5 , mycfi-n1q7c3 , mycp1-n1q523 , bauco-m2m190 , psefd-m3awp8 , sphms-n1qfl1 , dotsn-n1q1b1 , sphms-m3dcu2 , bauco-m2m7v7 , psefd-m3bad8 , bauco-m2nft5 , psefd-m3b4x7 , sphms-n1qdh4 , sphms-m3cq38 , bauco-m2mz43 , coch5-m2t2x3 , cocsn-m2sze4 , sphms-n1qfm9 , sett2-r0kjg6 , sett2-r0k5q0 , cocvi-w7ezb7 , sett2-r0jtm1 , cocmi-w6ywa1 , psefd-m3a663 , baupa-m2mxl2 , cocsn-m2t3e8 , coch5-m2ulw5 , coch5-m2urw9 , sett2-r0knn5 , cocca-w6y1v2 , baupa-m2nq79 , sett2-r0i9k2 , coch5-m2uul8 , dotsn-n1q415 , psefd-n1qcy3 , cocsn-m2sl21 , baupa-m2luc8 , dotsn-est1

Title : Algal genomes reveal evolutionary mosaicism and the fate of nucleomorphs - Curtis_2012_Nature_492_59
Author(s) : Curtis BA , Tanifuji G , Burki F , Gruber A , Irimia M , Maruyama S , Arias MC , Ball SG , Gile GH , Hirakawa Y , Hopkins JF , Kuo A , Rensing SA , Schmutz J , Symeonidi A , Elias M , Eveleigh RJ , Herman EK , Klute MJ , Nakayama T , Obornik M , Reyes-Prieto A , Armbrust EV , Aves SJ , Beiko RG , Coutinho P , Dacks JB , Durnford DG , Fast NM , Green BR , Grisdale CJ , Hempel F , Henrissat B , Hoppner MP , Ishida K , Kim E , Koreny L , Kroth PG , Liu Y , Malik SB , Maier UG , McRose D , Mock T , Neilson JA , Onodera NT , Poole AM , Pritham EJ , Richards TA , Rocap G , Roy SW , Sarai C , Schaack S , Shirato S , Slamovits CH , Spencer DF , Suzuki S , Worden AZ , Zauner S , Barry K , Bell C , Bharti AK , Crow JA , Grimwood J , Kramer R , Lindquist E , Lucas S , Salamov A , McFadden GI , Lane CE , Keeling PJ , Gray MW , Grigoriev IV , Archibald JM
Ref : Nature , 492 :59 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Curtis_2012_Nature_492_59
PubMedID: 23201678
Gene_locus related to this paper: guith-l1i9i5 , guith-l1k167 , guitc-l1jmn9

Title : Comparative genomics of the white-rot fungi, Phanerochaete carnosa and P. chrysosporium, to elucidate the genetic basis of the distinct wood types they colonize - Suzuki_2012_BMC.Genomics_13_444
Author(s) : Suzuki H , MacDonald J , Syed K , Salamov A , Hori C , Aerts A , Henrissat B , Wiebenga A , vanKuyk PA , Barry K , Lindquist E , LaButti K , Lapidus A , Lucas S , Coutinho P , Gong Y , Samejima M , Mahadevan R , Abou-Zaid M , de Vries RP , Igarashi K , Yadav JS , Grigoriev IV , Master ER
Ref : BMC Genomics , 13 :444 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Suzuki_2012_BMC.Genomics_13_444
PubMedID: 22937793
Gene_locus related to this paper: phacs-k5whx2 , phacs-k5v2s8 , phacs-k5v5r2 , phacs-k5vyk5 , phacs-k5vzf8 , phacs-k5wbu9 , phacs-k5wc10 , phacs-k5wpw0 , phacs-k5wzn6 , phacs-k5x1t8 , phacs-k5x5g6 , phacs-k5x5p4

Title : Genome sequence of the button mushroom Agaricus bisporus reveals mechanisms governing adaptation to a humic-rich ecological niche - Morin_2012_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_109_17501
Author(s) : Morin E , Kohler A , Baker AR , Foulongne-Oriol M , Lombard V , Nagy LG , Ohm RA , Patyshakuliyeva A , Brun A , Aerts AL , Bailey AM , Billette C , Coutinho PM , Deakin G , Doddapaneni H , Floudas D , Grimwood J , Hilden K , Kues U , LaButti KM , Lapidus A , Lindquist EA , Lucas SM , Murat C , Riley RW , Salamov AA , Schmutz J , Subramanian V , Wosten HA , Xu J , Eastwood DC , Foster GD , Sonnenberg AS , Cullen D , de Vries RP , Lundell T , Hibbett DS , Henrissat B , Burton KS , Kerrigan RW , Challen MP , Grigoriev IV , Martin F
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 109 :17501 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Morin_2012_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_109_17501
PubMedID: 23045686
Gene_locus related to this paper: agabu-k5x1b4 , agabu-k5x521 , agabu-k5w389 , agabu-k5wbk9 , agabu-k5wrh0 , agabu-k5ws85 , agabu-k5wsf9 , agabu-k5wxv1 , agabu-k5x0d9 , agabu-k5x588 , agabu-k5x5x2 , agabu-k5xd51 , agabu-k5xh54 , agabu-k5xsm1 , agabu-k5xsp8 , agabu-k5xtc1 , agabu-k5y2v2 , agabb-k9i3g9 , agabb-k9hnv7 , agabb-k9hr46 , agabu-k5wys0

Title : The Paleozoic origin of enzymatic lignin decomposition reconstructed from 31 fungal genomes - Floudas_2012_Science_336_1715
Author(s) : Floudas D , Binder M , Riley R , Barry K , Blanchette RA , Henrissat B , Martinez AT , Otillar R , Spatafora JW , Yadav JS , Aerts A , Benoit I , Boyd A , Carlson A , Copeland A , Coutinho PM , de Vries RP , Ferreira P , Findley K , Foster B , Gaskell J , Glotzer D , Gorecki P , Heitman J , Hesse C , Hori C , Igarashi K , Jurgens JA , Kallen N , Kersten P , Kohler A , Kues U , Kumar TK , Kuo A , LaButti K , Larrondo LF , Lindquist E , Ling A , Lombard V , Lucas S , Lundell T , Martin R , McLaughlin DJ , Morgenstern I , Morin E , Murat C , Nagy LG , Nolan M , Ohm RA , Patyshakuliyeva A , Rokas A , Ruiz-Duenas FJ , Sabat G , Salamov A , Samejima M , Schmutz J , Slot JC , St John F , Stenlid J , Sun H , Sun S , Syed K , Tsang A , Wiebenga A , Young D , Pisabarro A , Eastwood DC , Martin F , Cullen D , Grigoriev IV , Hibbett DS
Ref : Science , 336 :1715 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Floudas_2012_Science_336_1715
PubMedID: 22745431
Gene_locus related to this paper: aurde-j0d098 , aurde-j0dc31 , glota-s7rlc1 , fompi-s8f7s4 , dacsp-m5fpg2 , dicsq-r7sm16 , dacsp-m5g7q5 , dacsp-m5fr12 , glota-s7q5w3 , fompi-s8f826.1 , fompi-s8f826.2 , dicsq-r7sy09 , glota-s7rt87 , dicsq-r7t032 , glota-s7rym7 , fompi-s8fiv2 , dacsp-m5gda3.2 , dicsq-r7swi6 , dacsp-m5frf2 , fompi-s8ebb6 , dicsq-r7sln3 , dicsq-r7sya6 , dacsp-m5g7g1 , dicsq-r7syx7 , dicsq-r7sx57 , dacsp-m5fps7 , glota-s7pwi7 , dicsq-r7swj6 , fompi-s8ejq6 , dicsq-r7spc3 , glota-s7q258 , dacsp-m5ft65 , glota-s7q3m7 , fompi-s8dkc7 , glota-s7q1z1 , fompi-s8eqi2 , glota-s7q1z8 , fompi-s8du50 , dacsp-m5gg33 , dacsp-m5g3a7 , fompi-s8ecd7 , fompi-s8dps1 , dacsp-m5fwr0 , dicsq-r7sub7 , glota-s7q8k9 , fompi-s8ffc3 , dacsp-m5g2f9 , fompi-s8ecc2 , dacsp-m5g868 , fompi-s8f890 , dicsq-r7t1a8 , fompi-s8ebx4 , fompi-s8eb97 , glota-s7q222 , glota-s7puf0 , fompi-s8f6v9 , dacsp-m5g0z2 , dacsp-m5gdh9 , fompi-s8fb37 , dacsp-m5fy91 , glota-s7q5v6 , fompi-s8fl44 , dicsq-r7stv9 , dicsq-r7szk3 , fompi-s8epq9 , glota-s7rh56 , dacsp-m5gbt1 , punst-r7s3x9 , punst-r7s0t5 , glota-s7q312 , glota-s7rhh6 , dicsq-r7t117 , dicsq-r7slz3

Title : Finished genome of the fungal wheat pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola reveals dispensome structure, chromosome plasticity, and stealth pathogenesis - Goodwin_2011_PLoS.Genet_7_e1002070
Author(s) : Goodwin SB , M'Barek S B , Dhillon B , Wittenberg AH , Crane CF , Hane JK , Foster AJ , Van der Lee TA , Grimwood J , Aerts A , Antoniw J , Bailey A , Bluhm B , Bowler J , Bristow J , van der Burgt A , Canto-Canche B , Churchill AC , Conde-Ferraez L , Cools HJ , Coutinho PM , Csukai M , Dehal P , De Wit P , Donzelli B , van de Geest HC , van Ham RC , Hammond-Kosack KE , Henrissat B , Kilian A , Kobayashi AK , Koopmann E , Kourmpetis Y , Kuzniar A , Lindquist E , Lombard V , Maliepaard C , Martins N , Mehrabi R , Nap JP , Ponomarenko A , Rudd JJ , Salamov A , Schmutz J , Schouten HJ , Shapiro H , Stergiopoulos I , Torriani SF , Tu H , de Vries RP , Waalwijk C , Ware SB , Wiebenga A , Zwiers LH , Oliver RP , Grigoriev IV , Kema GH
Ref : PLoS Genet , 7 :e1002070 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Goodwin_2011_PLoS.Genet_7_e1002070
PubMedID: 21695235
Gene_locus related to this paper: zymti-f9wzw8 , zymti-f9x2y6 , zymti-f9x423 , zymti-f9x813 , zymti-f9xa54 , zymti-f9xb42 , zymti-f9xbu5 , zymti-f9xcr9 , zymti-f9xdr7 , zymti-f9xer1 , zymti-f9xez8 , zymti-f9xfz9 , zymti-f9xh29 , zymti-f9xhe7 , zymti-f9xhr4 , zymti-f9xk09 , zymti-f9xns5 , zymti-f9xiu1 , zymti-f9xng3 , zymti-f9x4f2 , zymti-f9x4s7 , zymti-f9xdm8 , zymti-f9wwy9 , zymti-f9xkf2 , zymti-f9xlt3 , zymti-f9x0i3 , zymti-f9wwa6 , zymti-f9wyk7 , zymti-f9x3z1 , zymti-f9xf16 , zymtr-a0a1x7rhi5 , zymti-f9xfj3 , zymti-pks1

Title : Comparative genomics of the social amoebae Dictyostelium discoideum and Dictyostelium purpureum - Sucgang_2011_Genome.Biol_12_R20.1
Author(s) : Sucgang R , Kuo A , Tian X , Salerno W , Parikh A , Feasley CL , Dalin E , Tu H , Huang E , Barry K , Lindquist E , Shapiro H , Bruce D , Schmutz J , Salamov A , Fey P , Gaudet P , Anjard C , Babu MM , Basu S , Bushmanova Y , van der Wel H , Katoh-Kurasawa M , Dinh C , Coutinho PM , Saito T , Elias M , Schaap P , Kay RR , Henrissat B , Eichinger L , Rivero F , Putnam NH , West CM , Loomis WF , Chisholm RL , Shaulsky G , Strassmann JE , Queller DC , Kuspa A , Grigoriev IV
Ref : Genome Biol , 12 :R20 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Sucgang_2011_Genome.Biol_12_R20.1
PubMedID: 21356102
Gene_locus related to this paper: dicpu-f0z7q0 , dicpu-f0z822 , dicpu-f0zfi0 , dicpu-f0zjs1 , dicpu-f0zks4 , dicpu-f0zmm3 , dicpu-f0zmm8 , dicpu-f0zmm9 , dicpu-f0zni7 , dicpu-f0znl3 , dicpu-f0zq90 , dicpu-f0zvn5 , dicpu-f0zxa4 , dicpu-f0zyf9 , dicpu-f1a3n5 , dicpu-f1a5b4 , dicpu-f1a269 , dicpu-f1a615 , dicpu-f0ztw9 , dicpu-f0zri3 , dicpu-f0zys7

Title : Genomic analysis of the necrotrophic fungal pathogens Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Botrytis cinerea - Amselem_2011_PLoS.Genet_7_e1002230
Author(s) : Amselem J , Cuomo CA , van Kan JA , Viaud M , Benito EP , Couloux A , Coutinho PM , de Vries RP , Dyer PS , Fillinger S , Fournier E , Gout L , Hahn M , Kohn L , Lapalu N , Plummer KM , Pradier JM , Quevillon E , Sharon A , Simon A , ten Have A , Tudzynski B , Tudzynski P , Wincker P , Andrew M , Anthouard V , Beever RE , Beffa R , Benoit I , Bouzid O , Brault B , Chen Z , Choquer M , Collemare J , Cotton P , Danchin EG , Da Silva C , Gautier A , Giraud C , Giraud T , Gonzalez C , Grossetete S , Guldener U , Henrissat B , Howlett BJ , Kodira C , Kretschmer M , Lappartient A , Leroch M , Levis C , Mauceli E , Neuveglise C , Oeser B , Pearson M , Poulain J , Poussereau N , Quesneville H , Rascle C , Schumacher J , Segurens B , Sexton A , Silva E , Sirven C , Soanes DM , Talbot NJ , Templeton M , Yandava C , Yarden O , Zeng Q , Rollins JA , Lebrun MH , Dickman M
Ref : PLoS Genet , 7 :e1002230 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Amselem_2011_PLoS.Genet_7_e1002230
PubMedID: 21876677
Gene_locus related to this paper: botci-cutas , botci-q6rki2 , botf4-g2y7k8 , botfb-dapb , botfu-g2xyd8 , botfu-g2ynh8 , scls1-a7e814 , scls1-a7edc9 , scls1-a7edh1 , scls1-a7emm0 , scls1-a7eti8 , scls1-a7eu48 , scls1-a7f208 , scls1-dapb , botf4-g2xqp7 , scls1-a7eqq8 , botf4-g2xqc6 , scls1-a7ebs4 , botf4-g2xn51 , scls1-a7f5m9 , botf4-g2xti4 , botf4-g2xtu7 , botf4-g2yfp1 , scls1-a7f534 , botf4-g2yys3 , scls1-a7erz9 , botf4-g2y037 , botf4-g2y0e1 , scls1-a7f706 , scls1-a7ewt6 , botf4-g2yuj6 , botf1-m7u3d1 , botf1-m7u430 , botf1-m7tei8 , botf1-m7u0w9 , botf1-m7tij6 , botf1-m7u819 , botf1-m7u6d8 , botf1-m7tzd4 , botf1-m7tqd7 , botf1-m7tyz9 , botf1-m7unl9 , botf1-m7u429 , botf1-m7u4s5 , botf1-m7ul92 , botf1-m7tx42 , botf1-m7u9h4 , botf1-m7u187 , botf1-m7uz64 , botf1-m7u4q4 , botf1-m7u2f6 , botf1-m7tt59 , botf1-m7v3h2 , botf1-m7u6c9 , botf1-m7tud9 , botf1-m7u309 , scls1-a7et87 , botf4-g2ylt4 , scls1-a7f5a0 , scls1-a7f900 , botf4-g2yib9 , scls1-a7f3m9 , scls1-a7er46 , botf4-g2y3y4 , botf4-g2xyy5 , botf1-m7uct5 , scls1-a7ea78 , scls1-kex1 , scls1-cbpya , botfb-cbpya , scls1-a7ecx1

Title : The impact of a consortium of fermented milk strains on the gut microbiome of gnotobiotic mice and monozygotic twins - McNulty_2011_Sci.Transl.Med_3_106ra106
Author(s) : McNulty NP , Yatsunenko T , Hsiao A , Faith JJ , Muegge BD , Goodman AL , Henrissat B , Oozeer R , Cools-Portier S , Gobert G , Chervaux C , Knights D , Lozupone CA , Knight R , Duncan AE , Bain JR , Muehlbauer MJ , Newgard CB , Heath AC , Gordon JI
Ref : Sci Transl Med , 3 :106ra106 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : McNulty_2011_Sci.Transl.Med_3_106ra106
PubMedID: 22030749
Gene_locus related to this paper: lacda-q1g8l1 , lacdl-pip , lacla-menX

Title : The plant cell wall-decomposing machinery underlies the functional diversity of forest fungi - Eastwood_2011_Science_333_762
Author(s) : Eastwood DC , Floudas D , Binder M , Majcherczyk A , Schneider P , Aerts A , Asiegbu FO , Baker SE , Barry K , Bendiksby M , Blumentritt M , Coutinho PM , Cullen D , de Vries RP , Gathman A , Goodell B , Henrissat B , Ihrmark K , Kauserud H , Kohler A , LaButti K , Lapidus A , Lavin JL , Lee YH , Lindquist E , Lilly W , Lucas S , Morin E , Murat C , Oguiza JA , Park J , Pisabarro AG , Riley R , Rosling A , Salamov A , Schmidt O , Schmutz J , Skrede I , Stenlid J , Wiebenga A , Xie X , Kues U , Hibbett DS , Hoffmeister D , Hogberg N , Martin F , Grigoriev IV , Watkinson SC
Ref : Science , 333 :762 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Eastwood_2011_Science_333_762
PubMedID: 21764756
Gene_locus related to this paper: serl3-f8prj2 , serl3-f8qcc4 , serl9-f8ngp6 , serl9-f8nhd7 , serl9-f8nhq9 , serl9-f8nq77 , serl9-f8nr67 , serl9-f8nrt5 , serl9-f8nvy7.1 , serl9-f8nvy7.2 , serl9-f8nvy8 , serl9-f8nxt0.1 , serl9-f8nxt0.2 , serl9-f8nzr3 , serl9-f8p0f0 , serl9-f8p6v0 , serl9-f8p015 , serl9-f8p018 , serl9-f8p386 , serl9-f8paz8 , serl9-f8pbv1 , serl9-f8pby1 , serl9-f8pc25 , serl9-f8pc39 , serl9-f8nia7 , serl3-f8pju2 , serl9-f8peh1 , serl9-nps3

Title : Comparative genomics yields insights into niche adaptation of plant vascular wilt pathogens - Klosterman_2011_PLoS.Pathog_7_e1002137
Author(s) : Klosterman SJ , Subbarao KV , Kang S , Veronese P , Gold SE , Thomma BP , Chen Z , Henrissat B , Lee YH , Park J , Garcia-Pedrajas MD , Barbara DJ , Anchieta A , de Jonge R , Santhanam P , Maruthachalam K , Atallah Z , Amyotte SG , Paz Z , Inderbitzin P , Hayes RJ , Heiman DI , Young S , Zeng Q , Engels R , Galagan J , Cuomo CA , Dobinson KF , Ma LJ
Ref : PLoS Pathog , 7 :e1002137 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Klosterman_2011_PLoS.Pathog_7_e1002137
PubMedID: 21829347
Gene_locus related to this paper: vera1-c9srn2 , vera1-c9sn46 , verdv-g2wq49 , verdv-g2xca2 , vera1-c9sea3 , verdv-g2wzn4 , vera1-c9sek2 , verdv-g2wym5 , verdv-g2x5f3 , vera1-c9sx20 , vera1-c9sw01 , verdv-g2x1l1 , verdv-g2wuv4 , verdv-g2xaw5 , verdv-g2wsb2 , verdv-g2wty6 , vera1-c9si59 , verdv-g2xdu9 , vera1-c9s818 , verdv-g2xdr1 , verdv-g2wsw7 , verdv-g2wvq8 , 9pezi-a0a0g4li73 , vera1-kex1 , verdv-g2x8m5

Title : Comparative genome sequence analysis underscores mycoparasitism as the ancestral life style of Trichoderma - Kubicek_2011_Genome.Biol_12_R40
Author(s) : Kubicek CP , Herrera-Estrella A , Seidl-Seiboth V , Martinez DA , Druzhinina IS , Thon M , Zeilinger S , Casas-Flores S , Horwitz BA , Mukherjee PK , Mukherjee M , Kredics L , Alcaraz LD , Aerts A , Antal Z , Atanasova L , Cervantes-Badillo MG , Challacombe J , Chertkov O , McCluskey K , Coulpier F , Deshpande N , von Dohren H , Ebbole DJ , Esquivel-Naranjo EU , Fekete E , Flipphi M , Glaser F , Gomez-Rodriguez EY , Gruber S , Han C , Henrissat B , Hermosa R , Hernandez-Onate M , Karaffa L , Kosti I , Le Crom S , Lindquist E , Lucas S , Lubeck M , Lubeck PS , Margeot A , Metz B , Misra M , Nevalainen H , Omann M , Packer N , Perrone G , Uresti-Rivera EE , Salamov A , Schmoll M , Seiboth B , Shapiro H , Sukno S , Tamayo-Ramos JA , Tisch D , Wiest A , Wilkinson HH , Zhang M , Coutinho PM , Kenerley CM , Monte E , Baker SE , Grigoriev IV
Ref : Genome Biol , 12 :R40 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Kubicek_2011_Genome.Biol_12_R40
PubMedID: 21501500
Gene_locus related to this paper: hypai-g9nem6 , hypai-g9ng36 , hypai-g9ngu2 , hypai-g9nks5 , hypai-g9nks6 , hypai-g9nqe5 , hypai-g9nqk5 , hypai-g9nrx6 , hypai-g9nsx1 , hypai-g9ntn3 , hypai-g9nzc9 , hypai-g9nzd7 , hypai-g9p1t1 , hypai-g9p1v2 , hypai-g9p2n8 , hypai-g9p4z2 , hypai-g9p878 , hypai-g9pa17 , hypai-g9pbz9 , hypvg-g9mem8 , hypvg-g9mg52 , hypvg-g9mga2 , hypvg-g9mhi3 , hypvg-g9mjc7 , hypvg-g9mk44 , hypvg-g9mms1 , hypvg-g9mnf0 , hypvg-g9mng3 , hypvg-g9mpt0 , hypvg-g9mrp9 , hypvg-g9ms16 , hypvg-g9ms32 , hypvg-g9msv5 , hypvg-g9muh6 , hypvg-g9muk0 , hypvg-g9mwe2 , hypvg-g9my79 , hypvg-g9n0p7 , hypvg-g9n2g3 , hypvg-g9n2g4 , hypvg-g9n4k5 , hypvg-g9n9n0 , hypvg-g9n561 , hypvg-g9n988 , hypvg-g9nb12 , hypvg-g9nb54 , hypvg-g9nbh8 , hypai-g9npz7 , hypai-g9njw6 , hypvg-g9mx08 , hypvg-g9mlt2 , hypai-g9p4j3 , hypvg-g9nbd3 , hypai-g9nxf6 , hypvg-g9n3y9 , hypvg-g9mgs4 , hypai-g9p6m2 , hypvg-g9my62 , hypvg-g9nbv2 , hypvg-g9my22 , hypai-g9p2e2 , hypai-g9p596 , hypai-g9nf87 , hypvg-g9me87 , hypvg-g9ndn9 , hypai-g9niy5 , hypai-g9ntx6 , hypvg-g9n3e7 , hypai-g9nu29 , hypvg-g9n2z0 , hypvg-g9ndf4 , 9hypo-a0a2p4zt82 , hypvg-g9n0g0 , hypvg-g9muj2 , hypvg-g9mud0 , hypai-g9nkx5

Title : Comparative genomic analysis of the thermophilic biomass-degrading fungi Myceliophthora thermophila and Thielavia terrestris - Berka_2011_Nat.Biotechnol_29_922
Author(s) : Berka RM , Grigoriev IV , Otillar R , Salamov A , Grimwood J , Reid I , Ishmael N , John T , Darmond C , Moisan MC , Henrissat B , Coutinho PM , Lombard V , Natvig DO , Lindquist E , Schmutz J , Lucas S , Harris P , Powlowski J , Bellemare A , Taylor D , Butler G , de Vries RP , Allijn IE , van den Brink J , Ushinsky S , Storms R , Powell AJ , Paulsen IT , Elbourne LD , Baker SE , Magnuson J , Laboissiere S , Clutterbuck AJ , Martinez D , Wogulis M , de Leon AL , Rey MW , Tsang A
Ref : Nat Biotechnol , 29 :922 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Berka_2011_Nat.Biotechnol_29_922
PubMedID: 21964414
Gene_locus related to this paper: thiha-cip2 , thite-g2r8b5 , thite-g2rcm8 , thite-g2r192 , thiha-g2qdy2 , thiha-g2qh51 , thite-g2rae6 , thite-g2r5h0 , thiha-g2qj94 , thiha-g2qnb2 , thite-g2rg14 , myctt-g2q973 , thite-g2qtu3 , myctt-g2qpr0 , thite-g2rhm0 , 9pezi-a0a3s4b069 , myctt-g2qmb4 , thett-g2qur2

Title : Genome and transcriptome analyses of the mountain pine beetle-fungal symbiont Grosmannia clavigera, a lodgepole pine pathogen - DiGuistini_2011_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_108_2504
Author(s) : DiGuistini S , Wang Y , Liao NY , Taylor G , Tanguay P , Feau N , Henrissat B , Chan SK , Hesse-Orce U , Alamouti SM , Tsui CK , Docking RT , Levasseur A , Haridas S , Robertson G , Birol I , Holt RA , Marra MA , Hamelin RC , Hirst M , Jones SJ , Bohlmann J , Breuil C
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 108 :2504 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : DiGuistini_2011_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_108_2504
PubMedID: 21262841
Gene_locus related to this paper: grocl-dapb , grocl-f0x6y5 , grocl-f0x7n2 , grocl-f0x8u4 , grocl-f0x9c7 , grocl-f0x9d5 , grocl-f0x966 , grocl-f0xbs9 , grocl-f0xc51 , grocl-f0xcj4 , grocl-f0xee9 , grocl-f0xh50 , grocl-f0xip5 , grocl-f0xjv7 , grocl-f0xk48 , grocl-f0xke2 , grocl-f0xkp2 , grocl-f0xl11 , grocl-f0xl25 , grocl-f0xlh9 , grocl-f0xm76 , grocl-f0xnw8 , grocl-f0xsu8 , grocl-f0xtk0 , grocl-f0xtm0 , grocl-f0xv04 , grocl-f0x8s2 , grocl-f0xa18 , grocl-f0xm17 , grocl-f0x801 , grocl-f0xfy2

Title : Obligate biotrophy features unraveled by the genomic analysis of rust fungi - Duplessis_2011_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_108_9166
Author(s) : Duplessis S , Cuomo CA , Lin YC , Aerts A , Tisserant E , Veneault-Fourrey C , Joly DL , Hacquard S , Amselem J , Cantarel BL , Chiu R , Coutinho PM , Feau N , Field M , Frey P , Gelhaye E , Goldberg J , Grabherr MG , Kodira CD , Kohler A , Kues U , Lindquist EA , Lucas SM , Mago R , Mauceli E , Morin E , Murat C , Pangilinan JL , Park R , Pearson M , Quesneville H , Rouhier N , Sakthikumar S , Salamov AA , Schmutz J , Selles B , Shapiro H , Tanguay P , Tuskan GA , Henrissat B , Van de Peer Y , Rouze P , Ellis JG , Dodds PN , Schein JE , Zhong S , Hamelin RC , Grigoriev IV , Szabo LJ , Martin F
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 108 :9166 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Duplessis_2011_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_108_9166
PubMedID: 21536894
Gene_locus related to this paper: pucgt-e3k840 , pucgt-e3kaq6 , pucgt-e3kw59 , pucgt-e3kz16 , pucgt-e3l9v6 , pucgt-e3l279 , pucgt-h6qt25 , mellp-f4reh4 , mellp-f4rhc8 , mellp-f4reh2 , mellp-f4r3y0 , mellp-f4rz15 , mellp-f4rz64 , mellp-f4rl14 , mellp-f4rz66 , mellp-f4s751 , mellp-f4s2g6 , pucgt-e3l1z7 , pucgt-e3l803 , pucgt-e3kst2 , pucgt-e3kst5 , mellp-f4ru03 , pucgt-e3l1z8 , pucgt-e3ktz7 , pucgt-e3jun4 , mellp-f4rl65 , mellp-f4rz16 , mellp-f4ru02 , mellp-f4sav4 , mellp-f4sav3 , mellp-f4s1j0 , mellp-f4rkp0 , mellp-f4s483 , pucgt-e3kzu5 , pucgt-h6qtq8 , mellp-f4r5l5 , pucgt-e3krw7 , pucgt-e3l7w5 , pucgt-e3k2w6 , pucgt-e3kfg2 , pucgt-kex1

Title : Genome analysis of Bifidobacterium bifidum PRL2010 reveals metabolic pathways for host-derived glycan foraging - Turroni_2010_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_107_19514
Author(s) : Turroni F , Bottacini F , Foroni E , Mulder I , Kim JH , Zomer A , Sanchez B , Bidossi A , Ferrarini A , Giubellini V , Delledonne M , Henrissat B , Coutinho P , Oggioni M , Fitzgerald GF , Mills D , Margolles A , Kelly D , van Sinderen D , Ventura M
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 107 :19514 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Turroni_2010_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_107_19514
PubMedID: 20974960
Gene_locus related to this paper: bifbp-e4nxr0 , bifbp-e4ny70 , bifbp-e4nye9 , bifbp-e4nxi9

Title : Comparative genomics reveals mobile pathogenicity chromosomes in Fusarium - Ma_2010_Nature_464_367
Author(s) : Ma LJ , van der Does HC , Borkovich KA , Coleman JJ , Daboussi MJ , Di Pietro A , Dufresne M , Freitag M , Grabherr M , Henrissat B , Houterman PM , Kang S , Shim WB , Woloshuk C , Xie X , Xu JR , Antoniw J , Baker SE , Bluhm BH , Breakspear A , Brown DW , Butchko RA , Chapman S , Coulson R , Coutinho PM , Danchin EG , Diener A , Gale LR , Gardiner DM , Goff S , Hammond-Kosack KE , Hilburn K , Hua-Van A , Jonkers W , Kazan K , Kodira CD , Koehrsen M , Kumar L , Lee YH , Li L , Manners JM , Miranda-Saavedra D , Mukherjee M , Park G , Park J , Park SY , Proctor RH , Regev A , Ruiz-Roldan MC , Sain D , Sakthikumar S , Sykes S , Schwartz DC , Turgeon BG , Wapinski I , Yoder O , Young S , Zeng Q , Zhou S , Galagan J , Cuomo CA , Kistler HC , Rep M
Ref : Nature , 464 :367 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ma_2010_Nature_464_367
PubMedID: 20237561
Gene_locus related to this paper: fusox-a0a1d3s5h0 , gibf5-fus2 , fusof-f9f2k2 , fusof-f9f3l6 , fusof-f9f6t8 , fusof-f9f6v2 , fusof-f9f132 , fusof-f9f781 , fusof-f9fd72 , fusof-f9fd90 , fusof-f9fem0 , fusof-f9fhk2 , fusof-f9fj19 , fusof-f9fj20 , fusof-f9fki8 , fusof-f9fmx2 , fusof-f9fnt4 , fusof-f9fpy4 , fusof-f9fvs6 , fusof-f9fwu0 , fusof-f9fxz4 , fusof-f9fzy5 , fusof-f9g2a2 , fusof-f9g3b1 , fusof-f9g5h7 , fusof-f9g6e6 , fusof-f9g6y7 , fusof-f9g7b0 , fusof-f9g797 , fusof-f9g972 , fusof-f9ga50 , fusof-f9gck4 , fusof-f9gd15 , gibze-a8w610 , gibze-b1pdn0 , gibze-i1r9e6 , gibze-i1rda9 , gibze-i1rdk7 , gibze-i1rec8 , gibze-i1rgs0 , gibze-i1rgy0 , gibze-i1rh52 , gibze-i1rhi8 , gibze-i1rig9 , gibze-i1rip5 , gibze-i1rpg6 , gibze-i1rsg2 , gibze-i1rv36 , gibze-i1rxm5 , gibze-i1rxp8 , gibze-i1rxv5 , gibze-i1s1u3 , gibze-i1s3j9 , gibze-i1s6l7 , gibze-i1s8i8 , gibze-i1s9x4 , gibze-q4huy1 , gibze-i1rg17 , fuso4-j9mvr9 , fuso4-j9ngs6 , fuso4-j9niq8 , fuso4-j9nqm2 , gibze-i1rb76 , gibze-i1s1m7 , gibze-i1s3z6 , gibze-i1rd78 , gibze-i1rgl9 , gibze-i1rjp7 , gibze-i1s1q6 , gibze-i1ri35 , gibze-i1rf76 , gibze-i1rhp3 , fusc1-n4uj11 , fusc4-n1s9p6 , gibf5-s0dqr2 , gibm7-w7n1b5 , fusof-f9g6q0 , gibm7-w7n497 , fusox-x0bme4 , gibm7-w7mcf8 , gibm7-w7mak5 , fusox-x0a2c5 , gibm7-w7mum7 , fusox-w9iyc7 , gibm7-w7maw6 , gibm7-w7msi0 , gibm7-w7luf0 , gibm7-w7msa3 , gibm7-w7mna8 , gibm7-w7n8b7 , gibm7-w7n564 , fusox-w9jpi0 , gibm7-w7ngc3 , gibm7-w7m4v6 , gibm7-w7m4v2 , gibm7-w7lt61 , gibm7-w7mly6 , gibm7-w7ncn3 , fusox-w9ibd7 , fusof-f9fnm6 , gibm7-w7n526 , gibza-a0a016pda4 , gibza-a0a016pl96 , gibm7-w7muq1 , fusof-f9gfd3 , gibm7-w7mt52 , gibze-i1rjb5 , gibf5-s0ehu3 , fusox-w9hvf0 , gibze-i1rkc4 , gibm7-w7mv30 , gibze-a0a1c3ylb1 , fuso4-a0a0c4diy4 , gibm7-w7n4n0 , gibze-gra11 , gibze-fsl2 , gibf5-fub4 , gibf5-fub5 , gibf5-fus5 , gibm7-dlh1

Title : Perigord black truffle genome uncovers evolutionary origins and mechanisms of symbiosis - Martin_2010_Nature_464_1033
Author(s) : Martin F , Kohler A , Murat C , Balestrini R , Coutinho PM , Jaillon O , Montanini B , Morin E , Noel B , Percudani R , Porcel B , Rubini A , Amicucci A , Amselem J , Anthouard V , Arcioni S , Artiguenave F , Aury JM , Ballario P , Bolchi A , Brenna A , Brun A , Buee M , Cantarel B , Chevalier G , Couloux A , Da Silva C , Denoeud F , Duplessis S , Ghignone S , Hilselberger B , Iotti M , Marcais B , Mello A , Miranda M , Pacioni G , Quesneville H , Riccioni C , Ruotolo R , Splivallo R , Stocchi V , Tisserant E , Viscomi AR , Zambonelli A , Zampieri E , Henrissat B , Lebrun MH , Paolocci F , Bonfante P , Ottonello S , Wincker P
Ref : Nature , 464 :1033 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Martin_2010_Nature_464_1033
PubMedID: 20348908
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9pezi-d5g8f4 , 9pezi-d5gi84 , 9pezi-d5gph4 , tubmm-d5g4w2 , tubmm-d5g4w3 , tubmm-d5g4w6 , tubmm-d5g5r5 , tubmm-d5g8z4 , tubmm-d5g938 , tubmm-d5ga65 , tubmm-d5gcz1 , tubmm-d5giz0 , tubmm-d5gkr8 , tubmm-d5glm4 , tubmm-d5gnw0 , tubmm-dapb , tubmm-d5gfj1 , tubmm-d5gpf4 , tubmm-TmEst2 , tubmm-TmEst1 , tubmm-TmEst3 , 9pezi-a0a292py12 , tubmm-kex1

Title : Comparative genome analysis of Prevotella ruminicola and Prevotella bryantii: insights into their environmental niche - Purushe_2010_Microb.Ecol_60_721
Author(s) : Purushe J , Fouts DE , Morrison M , White BA , Mackie RI , Coutinho PM , Henrissat B , Nelson KE
Ref : Microb Ecol , 60 :721 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Purushe_2010_Microb.Ecol_60_721
PubMedID: 20585943
Gene_locus related to this paper: prebr-d8dt96 , prebr-d8du06 , prebr-d8dv28 , prebr-d8dwg8 , prebr-d8dy06 , prer2-d5esm6 , prebr-d8dul5 , prebr-d8dxa2 , prebr-d8dw03 , prer2-d5erq4 , prer2-d5ewz1 , prebr-d8dv01 , prer2-axea1 , prer2-axfa

Title : Functional metagenomics to mine the human gut microbiome for dietary fiber catabolic enzymes - Tasse_2010_Genome.Res_20_1605
Author(s) : Tasse L , Bercovici J , Pizzut-Serin S , Robe P , Tap J , Klopp C , Cantarel BL , Coutinho PM , Henrissat B , Leclerc M , Dore J , Monsan P , Remaud-Simeon M , Potocki-Veronese G
Ref : Genome Res , 20 :1605 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Tasse_2010_Genome.Res_20_1605
PubMedID: 20841432
Gene_locus related to this paper: bactn-BT2525 , bacun-a7uyk8

Title : Genome sequence of the model mushroom Schizophyllum commune - Ohm_2010_Nat.Biotechnol_28_957
Author(s) : Ohm RA , de Jong JF , Lugones LG , Aerts A , Kothe E , Stajich JE , de Vries RP , Record E , Levasseur A , Baker SE , Bartholomew KA , Coutinho PM , Erdmann S , Fowler TJ , Gathman AC , Lombard V , Henrissat B , Knabe N , Kues U , Lilly WW , Lindquist E , Lucas S , Magnuson JK , Piumi F , Raudaskoski M , Salamov A , Schmutz J , Schwarze FW , vanKuyk PA , Horton JS , Grigoriev IV , Wosten HA
Ref : Nat Biotechnol , 28 :957 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ohm_2010_Nat.Biotechnol_28_957
PubMedID: 20622885
Gene_locus related to this paper: schcm-d8pqz6 , schcm-d8prj2 , schcm-d8pug6 , schcm-d8pxe8 , schcm-d8pxe9 , schcm-d8pxz1 , schcm-d8q1c7 , schcm-d8q2b4 , schcm-d8q3j1 , schcm-d8q5m5 , schcm-d8q7x7.1 , schcm-d8q7x7.2 , schcm-d8q8y8 , schcm-d8q9n6 , schcm-d8q697 , schcm-d8qip8 , schcm-d8q5s5 , schcm-d8ppb3 , schcm-d8ppb6 , schcm-d8pv73 , schcm-d8pzm1 , schcm-d8q5a7 , schcm-d8qif0

Title : The complete genome of Teredinibacter turnerae T7901: an intracellular endosymbiont of marine wood-boring bivalves (shipworms) - Yang_2009_PLoS.One_4_e6085
Author(s) : Yang JC , Madupu R , Durkin AS , Ekborg NA , Pedamallu CS , Hostetler JB , Radune D , Toms BS , Henrissat B , Coutinho PM , Schwarz S , Field L , Trindade-Silva AE , Soares CA , Elshahawi S , Hanora A , Schmidt EW , Haygood MG , Posfai J , Benner J , Madinger C , Nove J , Anton B , Chaudhary K , Foster J , Holman A , Kumar S , Lessard PA , Luyten YA , Slatko B , Wood N , Wu B , Teplitski M , Mougous JD , Ward N , Eisen JA , Badger JH , Distel DL
Ref : PLoS ONE , 4 :e6085 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Yang_2009_PLoS.One_4_e6085
PubMedID: 19568419
Gene_locus related to this paper: tertt-c5bif5 , tertt-c5bkb0 , tertt-c5bkv2 , tertt-c5bmq4 , tertt-c5bmw5 , tertt-c5bmx1 , tertt-c5bmz8 , tertt-c5bn23 , tertt-c5bn62 , tertt-c5bpb2 , tertt-c5bpu2 , tertt-c5bru8 , tertt-c5btp6 , tertt-c5buc2 , tertt-metx , tertt-c5br42 , tertt-c5bpt0 , tertt-c5btk3

Title : Three genomes from the phylum Acidobacteria provide insight into the lifestyles of these microorganisms in soils - Ward_2009_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_75_2046
Author(s) : Ward NL , Challacombe JF , Janssen PH , Henrissat B , Coutinho PM , Wu M , Xie G , Haft DH , Sait M , Badger J , Barabote RD , Bradley B , Brettin TS , Brinkac LM , Bruce D , Creasy T , Daugherty SC , Davidsen TM , DeBoy RT , Detter JC , Dodson RJ , Durkin AS , Ganapathy A , Gwinn-Giglio M , Han CS , Khouri H , Kiss H , Kothari SP , Madupu R , Nelson KE , Nelson WC , Paulsen I , Penn K , Ren Q , Rosovitz MJ , Selengut JD , Shrivastava S , Sullivan SA , Tapia R , Thompson LS , Watkins KL , Yang Q , Yu C , Zafar N , Zhou L , Kuske CR
Ref : Applied Environmental Microbiology , 75 :2046 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ward_2009_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_75_2046
PubMedID: 19201974
Gene_locus related to this paper: korve-q1ihr9 , korve-q1ii02 , korve-q1iit0 , korve-q1ilk4 , korve-q1imj9 , korve-q1ims4 , korve-q1iqj0 , korve-q1isy7 , korve-q1itj5 , korve-q1itz6 , korve-q1ivc8 , acic5-c1f1u6 , acic5-c1f2i7 , acic5-c1f4m6 , acic5-c1f4y4 , acic5-c1f5a7 , acic5-c1f5u2 , acic5-c1f7a9 , acic5-c1f7x6 , acic5-c1f8y9 , acic5-c1f9m2 , acic5-c1f594 , acic5-c1f609 , acic5-c1f692 , acic5-c1f970 , acic5-c1fa52 , korve-q1iiw2 , korve-q1ivn9 , solue-q01nb0 , solue-q01qj6 , solue-q01r37 , solue-q01rq8 , solue-q01rz0 , solue-q01t44 , solue-q01t57 , solue-q01ts5 , solue-q01tv4 , solue-q01vd8 , solue-q01vr3 , solue-q01vw5 , solue-q01w12 , solue-q01wt9 , solue-q01y40 , solue-q01ym8 , solue-q01z24 , solue-q01z97 , solue-q01zl4 , solue-q01zm0 , solue-q01zm5 , solue-q01zm7 , solue-q02aa4 , solue-q02ab9 , solue-q02b72 , solue-q02bs8 , solue-q02bt7 , solue-q02cp0 , solue-q02d61 , solue-q020h3 , solue-q020i8 , solue-q021i6 , solue-q022b1 , solue-q022p8 , solue-q022q2 , solue-q022q3 , solue-q022x2 , solue-q022x5 , solue-q022x6 , solue-q022x8 , solue-q023e7 , solue-q024d9 , solue-q025c1 , solue-q026j1 , solue-q026k6 , solue-q026r6 , solue-q027p2 , solue-q027r8 , solue-q01zt5 , korve-q1itw6 , solue-q01yh7 , solue-q02ad6 , korve-q1imj6 , korve-q1iuf6 , acic5-c1f891 , solue-q026h7

Title : The 2008 update of the Aspergillus nidulans genome annotation: a community effort - Wortman_2009_Fungal.Genet.Biol_46 Suppl 1_S2
Author(s) : Wortman JR , Gilsenan JM , Joardar V , Deegan J , Clutterbuck J , Andersen MR , Archer D , Bencina M , Braus G , Coutinho P , von Dohren H , Doonan J , Driessen AJ , Durek P , Espeso E , Fekete E , Flipphi M , Estrada CG , Geysens S , Goldman G , de Groot PW , Hansen K , Harris SD , Heinekamp T , Helmstaedt K , Henrissat B , Hofmann G , Homan T , Horio T , Horiuchi H , James S , Jones M , Karaffa L , Karanyi Z , Kato M , Keller N , Kelly DE , Kiel JA , Kim JM , van der Klei IJ , Klis FM , Kovalchuk A , Krasevec N , Kubicek CP , Liu B , Maccabe A , Meyer V , Mirabito P , Miskei M , Mos M , Mullins J , Nelson DR , Nielsen J , Oakley BR , Osmani SA , Pakula T , Paszewski A , Paulsen I , Pilsyk S , Pocsi I , Punt PJ , Ram AF , Ren Q , Robellet X , Robson G , Seiboth B , van Solingen P , Specht T , Sun J , Taheri-Talesh N , Takeshita N , Ussery D , vanKuyk PA , Visser H , van de Vondervoort PJ , de Vries RP , Walton J , Xiang X , Xiong Y , Zeng AP , Brandt BW , Cornell MJ , van den Hondel CA , Visser J , Oliver SG , Turner G
Ref : Fungal Genet Biol , 46 Suppl 1 :S2 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wortman_2009_Fungal.Genet.Biol_46 Suppl 1_S2
PubMedID: 19146970
Gene_locus related to this paper: emeni-axe1 , emeni-c8v4m7 , emeni-faec , emeni-ppme1 , emeni-q5ara9 , emeni-q5arf0 , emeni-q5as30 , emeni-q5ase8 , emeni-q5av79 , emeni-q5aw09 , emeni-q5awc3 , emeni-q5awc7 , emeni-q5awu9 , emeni-q5aww4 , emeni-q5ax50 , emeni-q5ay37 , emeni-q5ay57 , emeni-q5ay59 , emeni-q5ayk9 , emeni-q5ays5 , emeni-q5az32 , emeni-q5az91 , emeni-q5az97 , emeni-q5azp1 , emeni-q5b0i6 , emeni-q5b1h2 , emeni-q5b2a9 , emeni-q5b2p7 , emeni-q5b3d2 , emeni-q5b4q7 , emeni-q5b5u7 , emeni-q5b5y4 , emeni-q5b9e7 , emeni-q5b9i0 , emeni-q5b364 , emeni-q5b446 , emeni-q5b938 , emeni-q5ba78 , emeni-q5bcd1 , emeni-q5bcd2 , emeni-q5bde7 , emeni-q5bdr0 , emeni-q5bf92 , emeni-q7si80 , emeni-q5bdv9 , emeni-c8vu15 , 9euro-a0a3d8t644 , emeni-q5b719 , emeni-q5ax97 , emeni-tdia , emeni-afoc , emeni-dbae

Title : The Bifidobacterium dentium Bd1 genome sequence reflects its genetic adaptation to the human oral cavity - Ventura_2009_PLoS.Genet_5_e1000785
Author(s) : Ventura M , Turroni F , Zomer A , Foroni E , Giubellini V , Bottacini F , Canchaya C , Claesson MJ , He F , Mantzourani M , Mulas L , Ferrarini A , Gao B , Delledonne M , Henrissat B , Coutinho P , Oggioni M , Gupta RS , Zhang Z , Beighton D , Fitzgerald GF , O'Toole PW , van Sinderen D
Ref : PLoS Genet , 5 :e1000785 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ventura_2009_PLoS.Genet_5_e1000785
PubMedID: 20041198
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9bifi-b1s8c5 , bifdb-d2q6z7 , bifdb-d2q9l6 , bifdb-d2q844 , bifdb-d2q9j3

Title : Novel features of the polysaccharide-digesting gliding bacterium Flavobacterium johnsoniae as revealed by genome sequence analysis - McBride_2009_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_75_6864
Author(s) : McBride MJ , Xie G , Martens EC , Lapidus A , Henrissat B , Rhodes RG , Goltsman E , Wang W , Xu J , Hunnicutt DW , Staroscik AM , Hoover TR , Cheng YQ , Stein JL
Ref : Applied Environmental Microbiology , 75 :6864 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : McBride_2009_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_75_6864
PubMedID: 19717629
Gene_locus related to this paper: flaj1-a5fb12 , flaj1-a5fmd7 , flaj1-a5fns3

Title : The genome of Nectria haematococca: contribution of supernumerary chromosomes to gene expansion - Coleman_2009_PLoS.Genet_5_e1000618
Author(s) : Coleman JJ , Rounsley SD , Rodriguez-Carres M , Kuo A , Wasmann CC , Grimwood J , Schmutz J , Taga M , White GJ , Zhou S , Schwartz DC , Freitag M , Ma LJ , Danchin EG , Henrissat B , Coutinho PM , Nelson DR , Straney D , Napoli CA , Barker BM , Gribskov M , Rep M , Kroken S , Molnar I , Rensing C , Kennell JC , Zamora J , Farman ML , Selker EU , Salamov A , Shapiro H , Pangilinan J , Lindquist E , Lamers C , Grigoriev IV , Geiser DM , Covert SF , Temporini E , Vanetten HD
Ref : PLoS Genet , 5 :e1000618 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Coleman_2009_PLoS.Genet_5_e1000618
PubMedID: 19714214
Gene_locus related to this paper: fusso-cutas , nech7-c7yh18 , nech7-c7yir8 , nech7-c7yiz6 , nech7-c7yjl4 , nech7-c7yjp7 , nech7-c7yjq0 , nech7-c7ymg9 , nech7-c7ymv6 , nech7-c7yna5 , nech7-c7ynt6 , nech7-c7yq59 , nech7-c7yq86 , nech7-c7yqb0 , nech7-c7yqx3 , nech7-c7ysz7 , nech7-c7ysz8 , nech7-c7ytb2 , nech7-c7yum7 , nech7-c7yvb1 , nech7-c7yvb8 , nech7-c7yvf1 , nech7-c7yvq8 , nech7-c7yw21 , nech7-c7yx47 , nech7-c7yx92 , nech7-c7yxe7 , nech7-c7yxq5 , nech7-c7yxz4 , nech7-c7yy47 , nech7-c7yyj7 , nech7-c7yym7 , nech7-c7z0d7 , nech7-c7z0s1 , nech7-c7z1g9 , nech7-c7z1k9 , nech7-c7z2k4 , nech7-c7z2m9 , nech7-c7z2z2 , nech7-c7z3z3 , nech7-c7z4a4 , nech7-c7z5n1 , nech7-c7z5y2 , nech7-c7z6g5 , nech7-c7z7d0 , nech7-c7z7w8 , nech7-c7z8q7 , nech7-c7z9e7 , nech7-c7z073 , nech7-c7z354 , nech7-c7z389 , nech7-c7z688 , nech7-c7z855 , nech7-c7z987 , nech7-c7za94 , nech7-c7zah0 , nech7-c7zb79 , nech7-c7zbr8 , nech7-c7zcd1 , nech7-c7zdx8 , nech7-c7ze42 , nech7-c7ze84 , nech7-c7zed8 , nech7-c7zeh0 , nech7-c7zes2 , nech7-c7zgw2 , nech7-c7zha0 , nech7-c7zhy2 , nech7-c7zi55 , nech7-c7zig4 , nech7-c7zjg0 , nech7-c7zjv2 , nech7-c7zk96 , nech7-c7zkb5 , nech7-c7zkh4 , nech7-c7zla9 , nech7-c7zld2 , nech7-c7zlz1 , nech7-c7zm00 , nech7-c7zmn4 , nech7-c7zmu6 , nech7-c7zp06 , nech7-c7zp78 , nech7-c7zq58 , nech7-c7zq86 , nech7-c7zqb5 , nech7-c7zqk4 , nech7-c7zqp9 , nech7-c7zr59 , nech7-c7zrh2 , nech7-c7zrh3 , nech7-dapb , nech7-kex1 , nech7-c7zgl9 , nech7-c7z935 , nech7-c7znc0 , nech7-c7yiq8 , nech7-c7yiq7 , nech7-c7zhu0 , nech7-c7yw61 , nech7-c7yqd3 , nech7-c7zkb6 , nech7-c7z3b4 , nech7-c7ytr4 , nech7-c7zgf7 , 9hypo-a0a3m2s2j6 , nech7-c7yq54 , fusv7-cbpya

Title : Genome, transcriptome, and secretome analysis of wood decay fungus Postia placenta supports unique mechanisms of lignocellulose conversion - Martinez_2009_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_106_1954
Author(s) : Martinez D , Challacombe J , Morgenstern I , Hibbett D , Schmoll M , Kubicek CP , Ferreira P , Ruiz-Duenas FJ , Martinez AT , Kersten P , Hammel KE , Vanden Wymelenberg A , Gaskell J , Lindquist E , Sabat G , Bondurant SS , Larrondo LF , Canessa P , Vicuna R , Yadav J , Doddapaneni H , Subramanian V , Pisabarro AG , Lavin JL , Oguiza JA , Master E , Henrissat B , Coutinho PM , Harris P , Magnuson JK , Baker SE , Bruno K , Kenealy W , Hoegger PJ , Kues U , Ramaiya P , Lucas S , Salamov A , Shapiro H , Tu H , Chee CL , Misra M , Xie G , Teter S , Yaver D , James T , Mokrejs M , Pospisek M , Grigoriev IV , Brettin T , Rokhsar D , Berka R , Cullen D
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 106 :1954 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Martinez_2009_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_106_1954
PubMedID: 19193860
Gene_locus related to this paper: pospm-b8p1f3 , pospm-b8p2q7 , pospm-b8p4n0 , pospm-b8p4n9 , pospm-b8p5g9 , pospm-b8p5r9 , pospm-b8p6h2 , pospm-b8p7b1 , pospm-b8p7c4 , pospm-b8p8w7 , pospm-b8p9j1 , pospm-b8p164 , pospm-b8p280 , pospm-b8p423.1 , pospm-b8p423.2 , pospm-b8p858 , pospm-b8pam2 , pospm-b8pam5 , pospm-b8pb68 , pospm-b8pbm3 , pospm-b8pc54 , pospm-b8pc56 , pospm-b8pce4 , pospm-b8pd91 , pospm-b8pdk6 , pospm-b8ph32 , pospm-b8ph43 , pospm-b8phc9 , pospm-b8php7 , pospm-b8phy5 , pospm-b8pjg8 , pospm-b8pji9 , pospm-b8plr5 , pospm-b8pmk3 , pospm-b8pfg0 , pospm-b8pg35 , pospm-b8pa20.1 , pospm-b8pa20.2 , pospm-b8p4g8 , pospm-b8phn6

Title : Green evolution and dynamic adaptations revealed by genomes of the marine picoeukaryotes Micromonas - Worden_2009_Science_324_268
Author(s) : Worden AZ , Lee JH , Mock T , Rouze P , Simmons MP , Aerts AL , Allen AE , Cuvelier ML , Derelle E , Everett MV , Foulon E , Grimwood J , Gundlach H , Henrissat B , Napoli C , McDonald SM , Parker MS , Rombauts S , Salamov A , von Dassow P , Badger JH , Coutinho PM , Demir E , Dubchak I , Gentemann C , Eikrem W , Gready JE , John U , Lanier W , Lindquist EA , Lucas S , Mayer KF , Moreau H , Not F , Otillar R , Panaud O , Pangilinan J , Paulsen I , Piegu B , Poliakov A , Robbens S , Schmutz J , Toulza E , Wyss T , Zelensky A , Zhou K , Armbrust EV , Bhattacharya D , Goodenough UW , Van de Peer Y , Grigoriev IV
Ref : Science , 324 :268 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Worden_2009_Science_324_268
PubMedID: 19359590
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9chlo-c1e363 , 9chlo-c1ehp8 , 9chlo-c1fhv2 , 9chlo-c1mis3 , 9chlo-c1na62 , micpc-c1mh04 , micpc-c1mhj0 , micpc-c1mie7 , micpc-c1mj20 , micpc-c1mjh0 , micpc-c1mny7 , micpc-c1mpb2 , micpc-c1mrl2 , micpc-c1msr1 , micpc-c1mvk4 , micpc-c1mvx4 , micpc-c1n5d2 , micpc-c1n6i2 , micpc-c1n842 , micsr-c1dzu1 , micsr-c1e0v8 , micsr-c1e2u5 , micsr-c1e4q6 , micsr-c1e6z5 , micsr-c1e046 , micsr-c1e286 , micsr-c1eap0 , micsr-c1ec00 , micsr-c1edy4 , micsr-c1efl2 , micsr-c1eh15 , micsr-c1ei44 , micsr-c1eii9 , micsr-c1eiz1 , micsr-c1fft1 , micsr-c1fi89 , micsr-c1fj57 , micsr-c1e9f6 , micsr-c1e9u2 , micsr-c1fgg8 , micpc-c1mie3 , micpc-c1ms20 , micpc-c1n640 , miccc-c1e278 , micpc-c1mpa6

Title : Characterizing a model human gut microbiota composed of members of its two dominant bacterial phyla - Mahowald_2009_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_106_5859
Author(s) : Mahowald MA , Rey FE , Seedorf H , Turnbaugh PJ , Fulton RS , Wollam A , Shah N , Wang C , Magrini V , Wilson RK , Cantarel BL , Coutinho PM , Henrissat B , Crock LW , Russell A , VerBerkmoes NC , Hettich RL , Gordon JI
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 106 :5859 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Mahowald_2009_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_106_5859
PubMedID: 19321416
Gene_locus related to this paper: eube2-c4z2j4 , eube2-c4z5d5 , eube2-c4z6k4 , eube2-c4z179 , eube2-c4z180 , eubr3-c4z8a6 , eubr3-c4zfm2 , eubr3-c4zhp3 , eubr3-c4zf28

Title : The genome sequence of the model ascomycete fungus Podospora anserina - Espagne_2008_Genome.Biol_9_R77
Author(s) : Espagne E , Lespinet O , Malagnac F , Da Silva C , Jaillon O , Porcel BM , Couloux A , Aury JM , Segurens B , Poulain J , Anthouard V , Grossetete S , Khalili H , Coppin E , Dequard-Chablat M , Picard M , Contamine V , Arnaise S , Bourdais A , Berteaux-Lecellier V , Gautheret D , de Vries RP , Battaglia E , Coutinho PM , Danchin EG , Henrissat B , Khoury RE , Sainsard-Chanet A , Boivin A , Pinan-Lucarre B , Sellem CH , Debuchy R , Wincker P , Weissenbach J , Silar P
Ref : Genome Biol , 9 :R77 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Espagne_2008_Genome.Biol_9_R77
PubMedID: 18460219
Gene_locus related to this paper: podan-b2a8u1 , podan-b2a9c4 , podan-b2a9k6 , podan-b2aa90 , podan-b2ab33 , podan-b2abs0 , podan-b2ac17 , podan-b2ack2 , podan-b2ad07 , podan-b2adj6 , podan-b2adk0 , podan-b2ae59 , podan-b2aee7 , podan-b2af51 , podan-b2afn5 , podan-b2afu6 , podan-b2akq7 , podan-b2aly0 , podan-b2am11 , podan-b2an24 , podan-b2ank1 , podan-b2apa8 , podan-b2api8 , podan-b2apj6 , podan-b2arl9 , podan-b2arz7 , podan-b2ase4 , podan-b2atn0 , podan-b2au46 , podan-b2aun9 , podan-b2av47 , podan-b2ava6 , podan-b2avm3 , podan-b2avu5 , podan-b2avx3 , podan-b2awk8 , podan-b2axk2 , podan-b2axz2 , podan-b2b1p7 , podan-b2b5e4 , podan-b2b6n7 , podan-b2b069 , podan-b2b073 , podan-b2b395 , podan-dapb , podan-b2afr0 , podan-b2a9k8 , podan-b2atb3 , podan-b2aca3 , podan-b2arv3 , podan-b2ank5 , podan-b2ax54 , podan-b2ad56 , podan-b2anm1 , podan-b2aya1 , podan-b2b164 , podan-a0a090d4h4 , podan-a0a090ccl8 , podan-b2b5p4 , podan-b2azp1 , podan-b2af75 , podan-b2alm5 , podan-b2ass5 , podan-b2aez8 , podan-kex1 , podan-cbpya

Title : Genome sequencing and analysis of the biomass-degrading fungus Trichoderma reesei (syn. Hypocrea jecorina) - Martinez_2008_Nat.Biotechnol_26_553
Author(s) : Martinez D , Berka RM , Henrissat B , Saloheimo M , Arvas M , Baker SE , Chapman J , Chertkov O , Coutinho PM , Cullen D , Danchin EG , Grigoriev IV , Harris P , Jackson M , Kubicek CP , Han CS , Ho I , Larrondo LF , de Leon AL , Magnuson JK , Merino S , Misra M , Nelson B , Putnam N , Robbertse B , Salamov AA , Schmoll M , Terry A , Thayer N , Westerholm-Parvinen A , Schoch CL , Yao J , Barabote R , Nelson MA , Detter C , Bruce D , Kuske CR , Xie G , Richardson P , Rokhsar DS , Lucas SM , Rubin EM , Dunn-Coleman N , Ward M , Brettin TS
Ref : Nat Biotechnol , 26 :553 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Martinez_2008_Nat.Biotechnol_26_553
PubMedID: 18454138
Gene_locus related to this paper: hypjq-g0rh85 , hypjq-cip2 , hypjq-g0r9d1 , hypjq-g0r810 , hypjq-g0rbm4 , hypjq-g0rez4 , hypjq-g0rfr3 , hypjq-g0rg60 , hypjq-g0rij9 , hypjq-g0riu1 , hypjq-g0rl87 , hypjq-g0rlh4 , hypjq-g0rme5 , hypjq-g0rwy5 , hypje-axylest , hypje-q7z9m3 , hypjq-g0r6x2 , hypje-a0a024s1b8 , hypjr-a0a024s1s9 , hypjq-g0rxi5

Title : Insights into plant cell wall degradation from the genome sequence of the soil bacterium Cellvibrio japonicus - DeBoy_2008_J.Bacteriol_190_5455
Author(s) : DeBoy RT , Mongodin EF , Fouts DE , Tailford LE , Khouri H , Emerson JB , Mohamoud Y , Watkins K , Henrissat B , Gilbert HJ , Nelson KE
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 190 :5455 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : DeBoy_2008_J.Bacteriol_190_5455
PubMedID: 18556790
Gene_locus related to this paper: celju-b3pei5 , celju-b3pf25 , celju-b3pfb5 , celju-b3pgh5 , celju-b3pgz5 , celju-b3ph03 , celju-b3pi00 , celju-b3pi89 , celju-b3pj26 , celju-b3pju5 , celju-b3pks4 , celju-b3pks5 , celju-b3plp7 , celju-metx , celju-b3phr4 , celju-b3pjj6 , celju-b3pcj5 , celju-b3pcu6 , celju-b3pei0

Title : The genome of Laccaria bicolor provides insights into mycorrhizal symbiosis - Martin_2008_Nature_452_88
Author(s) : Martin F , Aerts A , Ahren D , Brun A , Danchin EG , Duchaussoy F , Gibon J , Kohler A , Lindquist E , Pereda V , Salamov A , Shapiro HJ , Wuyts J , Blaudez D , Buee M , Brokstein P , Canback B , Cohen D , Courty PE , Coutinho PM , Delaruelle C , Detter JC , Deveau A , Difazio S , Duplessis S , Fraissinet-Tachet L , Lucic E , Frey-Klett P , Fourrey C , Feussner I , Gay G , Grimwood J , Hoegger PJ , Jain P , Kilaru S , Labbe J , Lin YC , Legue V , Le Tacon F , Marmeisse R , Melayah D , Montanini B , Muratet M , Nehls U , Niculita-Hirzel H , Oudot-Le Secq MP , Peter M , Quesneville H , Rajashekar B , Reich M , Rouhier N , Schmutz J , Yin T , Chalot M , Henrissat B , Kues U , Lucas S , Van de Peer Y , Podila GK , Polle A , Pukkila PJ , Richardson PM , Rouze P , Sanders IR , Stajich JE , Tunlid A , Tuskan G , Grigoriev IV
Ref : Nature , 452 :88 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Martin_2008_Nature_452_88
PubMedID: 18322534
Gene_locus related to this paper: lacbs-b0cns1 , lacbs-b0cpl4 , lacbs-b0cr62 , lacbs-b0cr66 , lacbs-b0csq9 , lacbs-b0ct56 , lacbs-b0ctt5 , lacbs-b0cuw1 , lacbs-b0cv23 , lacbs-b0cxm7 , lacbs-b0cz37 , lacbs-b0czx3 , lacbs-b0d0z5 , lacbs-b0d4i0 , lacbs-b0d4j3 , lacbs-b0d5n6 , lacbs-b0d8k0 , lacbs-b0d263 , lacbs-b0dhh1 , lacbs-b0dkp6 , lacbs-b0dmr2 , lacbs-b0dmt4 , lacbs-b0dsx5 , lacbs-b0dt05 , lacbs-b0dtw4 , lacbs-b0du88 , lacbs-b0dsl6

Title : Complete genome sequence of the complex carbohydrate-degrading marine bacterium, Saccharophagus degradans strain 2-40 T - Weiner_2008_PLoS.Genet_4_e1000087
Author(s) : Weiner RM , Taylor LE, 2nd , Henrissat B , Hauser L , Land M , Coutinho PM , Rancurel C , Saunders EH , Longmire AG , Zhang H , Bayer EA , Gilbert HJ , Larimer F , Zhulin IB , Ekborg NA , Lamed R , Richardson PM , Borovok I , Hutcheson S
Ref : PLoS Genet , 4 :e1000087 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Weiner_2008_PLoS.Genet_4_e1000087
PubMedID: 18516288
Gene_locus related to this paper: sacd2-q21f03 , sacd2-q21l72 , sacd2-q21ms2 , sacd2-q21ll5

Title : Evolution of symbiotic bacteria in the distal human intestine - Xu_2007_PLoS.Biol_5_e156
Author(s) : Xu J , Mahowald MA , Ley RE , Lozupone CA , Hamady M , Martens EC , Henrissat B , Coutinho PM , Minx P , Latreille P , Cordum H , Van Brunt A , Kim K , Fulton RS , Fulton LA , Clifton SW , Wilson RK , Knight RD , Gordon JI
Ref : PLoS Biol , 5 :e156 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Xu_2007_PLoS.Biol_5_e156
PubMedID: 17579514
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9bace-b6w170 , 9bace-c6z6f2 , 9bace-e1z049 , 9porp-c7xbp3 , 9porp-c7xci2 , 9porp-c7xdx2 , bacv8-a6kwf6 , bacv8-a6kzc1 , bacv8-a6kze8 , bacv8-a6l0d9 , bacv8-a6l1d0 , bacv8-a6l1u9 , bacv8-a6l7p9 , bacv8-a6l7w1 , bacv8-a6l018 , bacv8-a6l378 , bacv8-a6l415 , bacv8-a6l715 , pard8-a6lc23 , pard8-a6lca7 , pard8-a6ld87 , pard8-a6le10 , pard8-a6le63 , pard8-a6lfj2 , pard8-a6lgh2 , pard8-a6lgi6 , pard8-a6lgn7 , pard8-a6lhe1 , pard8-a6li91 , bacv8-a6l3w9

Title : Genome sequence of the cellulolytic gliding bacterium Cytophaga hutchinsonii - Xie_2007_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_73_3536
Author(s) : Xie G , Bruce DC , Challacombe JF , Chertkov O , Detter JC , Gilna P , Han CS , Lucas S , Misra M , Myers GL , Richardson P , Tapia R , Thayer N , Thompson LS , Brettin TS , Henrissat B , Wilson DB , McBride MJ
Ref : Applied Environmental Microbiology , 73 :3536 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Xie_2007_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_73_3536
PubMedID: 17400776
Gene_locus related to this paper: cyth3-q11pu3 , cyth3-q11rb1 , cyth3-q11sp5 , cyth3-q11sp6 , cyth3-q11ty5 , cyth3-q11vh6 , cyth3-q11vj5 , cyth3-q11w17 , cyth3-q11xy0

Title : Genome sequencing and analysis of the versatile cell factory Aspergillus niger CBS 513.88 - Pel_2007_Nat.Biotechnol_25_221
Author(s) : Pel HJ , de Winde JH , Archer DB , Dyer PS , Hofmann G , Schaap PJ , Turner G , de Vries RP , Albang R , Albermann K , Andersen MR , Bendtsen JD , Benen JA , van den Berg M , Breestraat S , Caddick MX , Contreras R , Cornell M , Coutinho PM , Danchin EG , Debets AJ , Dekker P , van Dijck PW , van Dijk A , Dijkhuizen L , Driessen AJ , d'Enfert C , Geysens S , Goosen C , Groot GS , de Groot PW , Guillemette T , Henrissat B , Herweijer M , van den Hombergh JP , van den Hondel CA , van der Heijden RT , van der Kaaij RM , Klis FM , Kools HJ , Kubicek CP , van Kuyk PA , Lauber J , Lu X , van der Maarel MJ , Meulenberg R , Menke H , Mortimer MA , Nielsen J , Oliver SG , Olsthoorn M , Pal K , van Peij NN , Ram AF , Rinas U , Roubos JA , Sagt CM , Schmoll M , Sun J , Ussery D , Varga J , Vervecken W , van de Vondervoort PJ , Wedler H , Wosten HA , Zeng AP , van Ooyen AJ , Visser J , Stam H
Ref : Nat Biotechnol , 25 :221 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Pel_2007_Nat.Biotechnol_25_221
PubMedID: 17259976
Gene_locus related to this paper: aspna-g3yal2 , aspnc-a2q8r7 , aspnc-a2q814 , aspnc-a2qb93 , aspnc-a2qbd3 , aspnc-a2qbh3 , aspnc-a2qbx7 , aspnc-a2qdj6 , aspnc-a2qe77 , aspnc-a2qf54 , aspnc-a2qfe9 , aspnc-a2qg33 , aspnc-a2qgj6 , aspnc-a2qgm6 , aspnc-a2qh52 , aspnc-a2qh76 , aspnc-a2qh85 , aspnc-a2qhe2 , aspnc-a2qi32 , aspnc-a2qib2 , aspnc-a2qk14 , aspnc-a2ql23 , aspnc-a2ql89 , aspnc-a2ql90 , aspnc-a2qla0 , aspnc-a2qlz0 , aspnc-a2qm14 , aspnc-a2qmk5 , aspnc-a2qms0 , aspnc-a2qn29 , aspnc-a2qn56 , aspnc-a2qn70 , aspnc-a2qnw9 , aspnc-a2qr21 , aspnc-a2qs22 , aspnc-a2qt50 , aspnc-a2qti9 , aspnc-a2qtz0 , aspnc-a2quc1 , aspnc-a2qw06 , aspnc-a2qwz6 , aspnc-a2qx92 , aspnc-a2qyf0 , aspnc-a2qys7 , aspnc-a2qz72 , aspnc-a2qzn6 , aspnc-a2qzr0 , aspnc-a2qzs1 , aspnc-a2qzx0 , aspnc-a2qzx4 , aspnc-a2r0p4 , aspnc-a2r0u0 , aspnc-a2r1p3 , aspnc-a2r1r5 , aspnc-a2r2i5 , aspnc-a2r2l0 , aspnc-a2r3s8 , aspnc-a2r4c0 , aspnc-a2r4j8 , aspnc-a2r5r4 , aspnc-a2r6g3 , aspnc-a2r6h5 , aspnc-a2r6h8 , aspnc-a2r7q1 , aspnc-a2r8r3 , aspnc-a2r8z3 , aspnc-a2r9y8 , aspnc-a2r032 , aspnc-a2r040 , aspnc-a2r273 , aspnc-a2r496 , aspnc-a2r502 , aspnc-a2ra07 , aspnc-a2rap4 , aspnc-a2raq2 , aspnc-a2rav1 , aspnc-a5aaf4 , aspnc-a5ab63 , aspnc-a5abc6 , aspnc-a5abe5 , aspnc-a5abe8 , aspnc-a5abf0 , aspnc-a5abh9 , aspnc-a5abk1 , aspnc-a5abt2 , aspnc-a5abz1 , aspnc-atg15 , aspnc-axe1 , aspnc-cuti1 , aspnc-cuti2 , aspnc-faec , aspng-a2q8w0 , aspng-a2qs46 , aspng-a2qst4 , aspng-a2qv27 , aspng-a2qzk9 , aspng-a2r0p8 , aspng-a2r225 , aspng-DAPB , aspng-DPP5 , aspng-faeb , aspni-APSC , aspni-EstA , aspni-FAEA , aspni-PAPA , aspkw-g7y0v7 , aspnc-a2qt47 , aspnc-a2qt66 , aspnc-a2r199 , aspnc-a2r871 , aspnc-a2qbp6 , aspnc-a2qqa1 , aspnc-a2qt70 , aspna-g3y5a6 , aspna-g3xpw9 , aspnc-a2qw57 , aspaw-a0a401kcz4 , aspna-alba , aspnc-kex1 , aspnc-cbpya , aspnc-a2qbg8

Title : Genomic and metabolic adaptations of Methanobrevibacter smithii to the human gut - Samuel_2007_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_104_10643
Author(s) : Samuel BS , Hansen EE , Manchester JK , Coutinho PM , Henrissat B , Fulton R , Latreille P , Kim K , Wilson RK , Gordon JI
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 104 :10643 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Samuel_2007_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_104_10643
PubMedID: 17563350
Gene_locus related to this paper: mets3-a5ujk2 , metsm-d2zrn4

Title : The genome of black cottonwood, Populus trichocarpa (Torr. &\; Gray) - Tuskan_2006_Science_313_1596
Author(s) : Tuskan GA , Difazio S , Jansson S , Bohlmann J , Grigoriev I , Hellsten U , Putnam N , Ralph S , Rombauts S , Salamov A , Schein J , Sterck L , Aerts A , Bhalerao RR , Bhalerao RP , Blaudez D , Boerjan W , Brun A , Brunner A , Busov V , Campbell M , Carlson J , Chalot M , Chapman J , Chen GL , Cooper D , Coutinho PM , Couturier J , Covert S , Cronk Q , Cunningham R , Davis J , Degroeve S , Dejardin A , dePamphilis C , Detter J , Dirks B , Dubchak I , Duplessis S , Ehlting J , Ellis B , Gendler K , Goodstein D , Gribskov M , Grimwood J , Groover A , Gunter L , Hamberger B , Heinze B , Helariutta Y , Henrissat B , Holligan D , Holt R , Huang W , Islam-Faridi N , Jones S , Jones-Rhoades M , Jorgensen R , Joshi C , Kangasjarvi J , Karlsson J , Kelleher C , Kirkpatrick R , Kirst M , Kohler A , Kalluri U , Larimer F , Leebens-Mack J , Leple JC , Locascio P , Lou Y , Lucas S , Martin F , Montanini B , Napoli C , Nelson DR , Nelson C , Nieminen K , Nilsson O , Pereda V , Peter G , Philippe R , Pilate G , Poliakov A , Razumovskaya J , Richardson P , Rinaldi C , Ritland K , Rouze P , Ryaboy D , Schmutz J , Schrader J , Segerman B , Shin H , Siddiqui A , Sterky F , Terry A , Tsai CJ , Uberbacher E , Unneberg P , Vahala J , Wall K , Wessler S , Yang G , Yin T , Douglas C , Marra M , Sandberg G , Van de Peer Y , Rokhsar D
Ref : Science , 313 :1596 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Tuskan_2006_Science_313_1596
PubMedID: 16973872
Gene_locus related to this paper: burvg-a4jw31 , delas-a9c1v9 , poptr-a9pfp5 , poptr-a9ph43 , poptr-a9ph71 , poptr-a9pha7 , poptr-b9giq0 , poptr-b9gjs0 , poptr-b9gl72 , poptr-b9gmx8 , poptr-b9gnp9 , poptr-b9gny4 , poptr-b9grg2 , poptr-b9gsc2 , poptr-b9gvp3 , poptr-b9gvs3 , poptr-b9gwn9 , poptr-b9gy32 , poptr-b9gyq1 , poptr-b9gys8 , poptr-b9h0h0 , poptr-b9h4j2 , poptr-b9h6c2 , poptr-b9h6c5 , poptr-b9h6l8 , poptr-b9h8c9 , poptr-b9h301 , poptr-b9h579 , poptr-b9hbl2 , poptr-b9hbw5 , poptr-b9hcn9 , poptr-b9hee0 , poptr-b9hee2 , poptr-b9hee5 , poptr-b9hee6 , poptr-b9hef3 , poptr-b9hfa7 , poptr-b9hfd3 , poptr-b9hfi6 , poptr-b9hft8 , poptr-b9hg83 , poptr-b9hif5 , poptr-b9hll5 , poptr-b9hmd0 , poptr-b9hnv3 , poptr-b9hqr6 , poptr-b9hqr7 , poptr-b9hrv7 , poptr-b9hs66 , poptr-b9huf0 , poptr-b9hur3 , poptr-b9hux1 , poptr-b9hwp2 , poptr-b9hxr7 , poptr-b9hyk8 , poptr-b9hyx2 , poptr-b9i2q8 , poptr-b9i5b8 , poptr-b9i5j8 , poptr-b9i5j9 , poptr-b9i5k0 , poptr-b9i6b6 , poptr-b9i7b7 , poptr-b9i9p8 , poptr-b9i484 , poptr-b9i994 , poptr-b9ial3 , poptr-b9ial4 , poptr-b9ib28 , poptr-b9ibr8 , poptr-b9id97 , poptr-b9idr4 , poptr-b9iid9 , poptr-b9iip0 , poptr-b9ik80 , poptr-b9ik90 , poptr-b9il63 , poptr-b9ink7 , poptr-b9iqa0 , poptr-b9iqd5 , poptr-b9mwf1 , poptr-b9mwi8 , poptr-b9n0c6 , poptr-b9n0n1 , poptr-b9n0n4 , poptr-b9n0z5 , poptr-b9n1t8 , poptr-b9n1z3 , poptr-b9n3m7 , poptr-b9n233 , poptr-b9n236 , poptr-b9n395 , poptr-b9nd33 , poptr-b9nd34 , poptr-b9ndi6 , poptr-b9ndj5 , poptr-b9p9i8 , poptr-a9pfa7 , poptr-b9hdp2 , poptr-b9inj0 , poptr-b9n5g7 , poptr-b9i8q4 , poptr-u5g0r4 , poptr-u5gf59 , poptr-u7e1l9 , poptr-b9hj61 , poptr-b9hwd0 , poptr-u5fz17 , poptr-a0a2k2brq1 , poptr-a0a2k2b9i6 , poptr-a0a2k1x9y8 , poptr-a9pch4 , poptr-a0a2k1wwt1 , poptr-a0a2k1wv10 , poptr-a0a2k2a850 , poptr-a0a2k2asj6 , poptr-a0a2k1x6k1 , poptr-u5fv96 , poptr-a0a2k2blg2 , poptr-a0a2k1xpi3 , poptr-a0a2k1xpj0 , poptr-a0a2k2b331 , poptr-a0a2k2byl7 , poptr-b9iek5 , poptr-a9pfg4 , poptr-a0a2k1xzs5 , poptr-b9gga9 , poptr-b9guw6 , poptr-b9hff2