Yandava C

References (4)

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Ref : G3 (Bethesda) , 3 :41 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Manning_2013_G3.(Bethesda)_3_41
PubMedID: 23316438
Gene_locus related to this paper: pyrtr-b2vxe8 , pyrtr-b2vvm1 , pyrtr-b2vzr5 , pyrtr-b2vu22 , pyrtr-kex1

Title : Genomic analysis of the necrotrophic fungal pathogens Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Botrytis cinerea - Amselem_2011_PLoS.Genet_7_e1002230
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Ref : PLoS Genet , 7 :e1002230 , 2011
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PubMedSearch : Amselem_2011_PLoS.Genet_7_e1002230
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Gene_locus related to this paper: botci-cutas , botci-q6rki2 , botf4-g2y7k8 , botfb-dapb , botfu-g2xyd8 , botfu-g2ynh8 , scls1-a7e814 , scls1-a7edc9 , scls1-a7edh1 , scls1-a7emm0 , scls1-a7eti8 , scls1-a7eu48 , scls1-a7f208 , scls1-dapb , botf4-g2xqp7 , scls1-a7eqq8 , botf4-g2xqc6 , scls1-a7ebs4 , botf4-g2xn51 , scls1-a7f5m9 , botf4-g2xti4 , botf4-g2xtu7 , botf4-g2yfp1 , scls1-a7f534 , botf4-g2yys3 , scls1-a7erz9 , botf4-g2y037 , botf4-g2y0e1 , scls1-a7f706 , scls1-a7ewt6 , botf4-g2yuj6 , botf1-m7u3d1 , botf1-m7u430 , botf1-m7tei8 , botf1-m7u0w9 , botf1-m7tij6 , botf1-m7u819 , botf1-m7u6d8 , botf1-m7tzd4 , botf1-m7tqd7 , botf1-m7tyz9 , botf1-m7unl9 , botf1-m7u429 , botf1-m7u4s5 , botf1-m7ul92 , botf1-m7tx42 , botf1-m7u9h4 , botf1-m7u187 , botf1-m7uz64 , botf1-m7u4q4 , botf1-m7u2f6 , botf1-m7tt59 , botf1-m7v3h2 , botf1-m7u6c9 , botf1-m7tud9 , botf1-m7u309 , scls1-a7et87 , botf4-g2ylt4 , scls1-a7f5a0 , scls1-a7f900 , botf4-g2yib9 , scls1-a7f3m9 , scls1-a7er46 , botf4-g2y3y4 , botf4-g2xyy5 , botf1-m7uct5 , scls1-a7ea78 , scls1-kex1 , scls1-cbpya , botfb-cbpya , scls1-a7ecx1

Title : Comparative genomic analysis of human fungal pathogens causing paracoccidioidomycosis - Desjardins_2011_PLoS.Genet_7_e1002345
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Ref : PLoS Genet , 7 :e1002345 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Desjardins_2011_PLoS.Genet_7_e1002345
PubMedID: 22046142
Gene_locus related to this paper: parbd-c1gc95 , parbp-c0s0d7 , parbp-c0s257 , parbd-c1g8z9 , parba-c1grf0 , parbp-c0s816 , parbp-c0s5g4 , parbd-c1g5f5 , parbd-c1fzf9 , parba-kex1 , parbd-kex1 , parbp-kex1 , parba-cbpya , parbp-cbpya

Title : A catalog of reference genomes from the human microbiome - Nelson_2010_Science_328_994
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Ref : Science , 328 :994 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Nelson_2010_Science_328_994
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Gene_locus related to this paper: strp2-q04l35 , strpn-AXE1 , strpn-pepx