Full name : Kovach Ildiko M
First name : Ildiko M
Mail : Dept of Chemistry, The Catholic University of America, 620 Michigan Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20064
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Country : USA
Email : kovach@cua.edu
Phone : 202-319-6550
Fax : 202-319-5381
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Directory :
Title : Poster (17) Short, strong hydrogen bonds at the active site of cholinesterases: H-NMR studies. - |
Author(s) : Kovach IM , Viragh C , Reddy PM , Massiah MA , Mildvan AS , Johnson JL , Rosenberry TL |
Ref : In: Cholinesterases in the Second Millennium: Biomolecular and Pathological Aspects , (Inestrosa NC, Campos EO) P. Universidad Catolica de Chile-FONDAP Biomedicina :329 , 2004 |
PubMedID: |
Title : Short, Strong Hydrogen Bonds at the Active Site of Human Acetylcholinesterase: Proton NMR Studies - Massiah_2001_Biochemistry_40_5682 |
Author(s) : Massiah MA , Viragh C , Reddy PM , Kovach IM , Johnson J , Rosenberry TL , Mildvan AS |
Ref : Biochemistry , 40 :5682 , 2001 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Massiah_2001_Biochemistry_40_5682 |
PubMedID: 11341833 |
Title : Molecular dynamics study of active-site interactions with tetracoordinate transients in acetylcholinesterase and its mutants - Enyedy_2001_Biochem.J_353_645 |
Author(s) : Enyedy IJ , Kovach IM , Bencsura A |
Ref : Biochemical Journal , 353 :645 , 2001 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Enyedy_2001_Biochem.J_353_645 |
PubMedID: 11171062 |
Title : NMR evidence for a short, strong hydrogen bond at the active site of a cholinesterase - Viragh_2000_Biochemistry_39_16200 |
Author(s) : Viragh C , Harris TK , Reddy PM , Massiah MA , Mildvan AS , Kovach IM |
Ref : Biochemistry , 39 :16200 , 2000 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Viragh_2000_Biochemistry_39_16200 |
PubMedID: 11123949 |
Title : Small Molecular Products of Dealkylation in Soman-Inhibited Electric Eel Acetylcholinesterase - Viragh_1999_Biochemistry_38_9557 |
Author(s) : Viragh C , Kovach IM , Pannell L |
Ref : Biochemistry , 38 :9557 , 1999 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Viragh_1999_Biochemistry_38_9557 |
PubMedID: 10423232 |
Title : The pH Dependence of Dealkylation in Soman-Inhibited Cholinesterases and Their Mutants: Further Evidence for a Push-Pull Mechanism - Saxena_1998_Biochemistry_37_15086 |
Author(s) : Saxena A , Viragh C , Frazier DS , Kovach IM , Maxwell DM , Lockridge O , Doctor BP |
Ref : Biochemistry , 37 :15086 , 1998 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Saxena_1998_Biochemistry_37_15086 |
PubMedID: 9790671 |
Title : pH Dependence of Dealkylation in Soman-Inhibited Cholinesterases and Their Mutants - |
Author(s) : Viragh C , Saxena A , Frazier DS , Kovach IM , Lockridge O , Doctor BP |
Ref : In: Structure and Function of Cholinesterases and Related Proteins - Proceedings of Sixth International Meeting on Cholinesterases , (Doctor, B.P., Taylor, P., Quinn, D.M., Rotundo, R.L., Gentry, M.K. Eds) Plenum Publishing Corp. :247 , 1998 |
PubMedID: |
Title : The Push-Pull Mechanism of Dealkylation in Soman-Inhibited Cholinesterases and Their Mutants - |
Author(s) : Kovach IM |
Ref : In: Structure and Function of Cholinesterases and Related Proteins - Proceedings of Sixth International Meeting on Cholinesterases , (Doctor, B.P., Taylor, P., Quinn, D.M., Rotundo, R.L., Gentry, M.K. Eds) Plenum Publishing Corp. :339 , 1998 |
PubMedID: |
Title : Alternate Pathways for Acetic Acid and Acetate Ion Release from Acetylcholinesterase - |
Author(s) : Enyedy IJ , Kovach IM |
Ref : In: Structure and Function of Cholinesterases and Related Proteins - Proceedings of Sixth International Meeting on Cholinesterases , (Doctor, B.P., Taylor, P., Quinn, D.M., Rotundo, R.L., Gentry, M.K. Eds) Plenum Publishing Corp. :368 , 1998 |
PubMedID: |
Title : A self-consistent mechanism for dealkylation in soman-inhibited acetylcholinesterase [letter] - |
Author(s) : Kovach IM , Akhmetshin R , Enyedy IJ , Viragh C |
Ref : Biochemical Journal , 324 :995 , 1997 |
PubMedID: 9235880 |
Title : Unique push-pull mechanism of dealkylation in soman-inhibited cholinesterases - Viragh_1997_Biochemistry_36_8243 |
Author(s) : Viragh C , Akhmetshin R , Kovach IM , Broomfield CA |
Ref : Biochemistry , 36 :8243 , 1997 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Viragh_1997_Biochemistry_36_8243 |
PubMedID: 9204869 |
Title : Phosphonate Ester Active Site Probes of Acetylcholinesterase, Trypsin and Chymotrypsin - |
Author(s) : Bencsura A , Enyedy IJ , Viragh C , Akhmetshin R , Kovach IM |
Ref : In Enzyme of the Cholinesterase Family - Proceedings of Fifth International Meeting on Cholinesterases , (Quinn, D.M., Balasubramanian, A.S., Doctor, B.P., Taylor, P., Eds) Plenum Publishing Corp. :155 , 1995 |
PubMedID: |
Title : Origins and diversity of the aging reaction in phosphonate adducts of serine hydrolase enzymes: what characteristics of the active site do they probe? - Bencsura_1995_Biochemistry_34_8989 |
Author(s) : Bencsura A , Enyedy IJ , Kovach IM |
Ref : Biochemistry , 34 :8989 , 1995 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Bencsura_1995_Biochemistry_34_8989 |
PubMedID: 7619798 |
Title : Efficient product clearance through exit channels in substrate hydrolysis by acetylcholinesterase - Kovach_1994_FEBS.Lett_349_60 |
Author(s) : Kovach IM , Qian N , Bencsura A |
Ref : FEBS Letters , 349 :60 , 1994 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Kovach_1994_FEBS.Lett_349_60 |
PubMedID: 8045303 |
Title : Identification of amino acid residues involved in the binding of Huperzine A to cholinesterases - Saxena_1994_Protein.Sci_3_1770 |
Author(s) : Saxena A , Qian N , Kovach IM , Kozikowski AP , Pang YP , Vellom DC , Radic Z , Quinn DM , Taylor P , Doctor BP |
Ref : Protein Science , 3 :1770 , 1994 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Saxena_1994_Protein.Sci_3_1770 |
PubMedID: 7849595 |
Title : Key active site residues in the inhibition of acetylcholinesterases by soman - Qian_1993_FEBS.Lett_336_263 |
Author(s) : Qian N , Kovach IM |
Ref : FEBS Letters , 336 :263 , 1993 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Qian_1993_FEBS.Lett_336_263 |
PubMedID: 8262242 |
Title : Structure and dynamics of serine hydrolase-organophosphate adducts - Kovach_1988_J.Enzyme.Inhib_2_199 |
Author(s) : Kovach IM |
Ref : J Enzyme Inhib , 2 :199 , 1988 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Kovach_1988_J.Enzyme.Inhib_2_199 |
PubMedID: 3241181 |