Park JY

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Title : Variation in the alpha 5 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit gene predicts cigarette smoking intensity as a function of nicotine content - Macqueen_2014_Pharmacogenomics.J_14_70
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Title : An Enterotoxin-Bearing Pathogenicity Island in Staphylococcus epidermidis - Madhusoodanan_2011_J.Bacteriol_193_1854
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Title : Pharmacokinetic comparison of orally disintegrating and conventional donepezil formulations in healthy Korean male subjects: a single-dose, randomized, open-label, 2-sequence, 2-period crossover study - Kim_2011_Clin.Ther_33_965
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Title : Adenoviral gene transfer of acetylcholinesterase T subunit in the hypothalamus potentiates electroacupuncture analgesia in rats - Kim_2009_Genes.Brain.Behav_8_174
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Title : Cooperation and functional diversification of two closely related galactolipase genes for jasmonate biosynthesis - Hyun_2008_Dev.Cell_14_183
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Gene_locus related to this paper: arath-AT4G16820 , arath-PLA11 , arath-PLA12 , arath-PLA13 , arath-PLA15 , arath-PLA16 , arath-PLA17

Title : Interactions of acetylcholinesterase with caveolin-1 and subsequently with cytochrome c are required for apoptosome formation - Park_2008_Carcinogenesis_29_729
Author(s) : Park SE , Jeong SH , Yee SB , Kim TH , Soung YH , Ha NC , Kim ND , Park JY , Bae HR , Park BS , Lee HJ , Yoo YH
Ref : Carcinogenesis , 29 :729 , 2008
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Title : Synthesis, in vitro assay, and molecular modeling of new piperidine derivatives having dual inhibitory potency against acetylcholinesterase and Abeta1-42 aggregation for Alzheimer's disease therapeutics - Kwon_2007_Bioorg.Med.Chem_15_6596
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Ref : Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry , 15 :6596 , 2007
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Title : Polymorphisms for microsomal epoxide hydrolase and genetic susceptibility to COPD - Park_2005_Int.J.Mol.Med_15_443
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Ref : Int J Mol Med , 15 :443 , 2005
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Title : Epoxide hydrolase genotype and orolaryngeal cancer risk: interaction with GSTM1 genotype - Park_2003_Oral.Oncol_39_483
Author(s) : Park JY , Schantz SP , Lazarus P
Ref : Oral Oncol , 39 :483 , 2003
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Title : Intrathecal carbachol and clonidine produce a synergistic antiallodynic effect in rats with a nerve ligation injury : [L'administration intrathecale de carbachol et de clonidine produit un effet antiallodynique synergique chez des rats presentant une ligature nerveuse] - Lee_2002_Can.J.Anaesth_49_178
Author(s) : Lee EJ , Sim JY , Park JY , Hwang JH , Park PH , Han SM
Ref : Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia , 49 :178 , 2002
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