

Title : Role of mobile DNA in the evolution of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis - Paulsen_2003_Science_299_2071
Author(s) : Paulsen IT , Banerjei L , Myers GS , Nelson KE , Seshadri R , Read TD , Fouts DE , Eisen JA , Gill SR , Heidelberg JF , Tettelin H , Dodson RJ , Umayam L , Brinkac L , Beanan M , Daugherty S , DeBoy RT , Durkin S , Kolonay J , Madupu R , Nelson W , Vamathevan J , Tran B , Upton J , Hansen T , Shetty J , Khouri H , Utterback T , Radune D , Ketchum KA , Dougherty BA , Fraser CM
Ref : Science , 299 :2071 , 2003
Abstract :

The complete genome sequence of Enterococcus faecalis V583, a vancomycin-resistant clinical isolate, revealed that more than a quarter of the genome consists of probable mobile or foreign DNA. One of the predicted mobile elements is a previously unknown vanB vancomycin-resistance conjugative transposon. Three plasmids were identified, including two pheromone-sensing conjugative plasmids, one encoding a previously undescribed pheromone inhibitor. The apparent propensity for the incorporation of mobile elements probably contributed to the rapid acquisition and dissemination of drug resistance in the enterococci.

PubMedSearch : Paulsen_2003_Science_299_2071
PubMedID: 12663927
Gene_locus related to this paper: entfa-EF0101 , entfa-EF0274 , entfa-EF0381 , entfa-EF0449 , entfa-EF0667 , entfa-EF0786 , entfa-EF1028 , entfa-EF1236 , entfa-EF1505 , entfa-EF1536 , entfa-EF1670 , entfa-EF2618 , entfa-EF2728 , entfa-EF2792 , entfa-EF2963 , entfa-EF3191

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Citations formats

Paulsen IT, Banerjei L, Myers GS, Nelson KE, Seshadri R, Read TD, Fouts DE, Eisen JA, Gill SR, Heidelberg JF, Tettelin H, Dodson RJ, Umayam L, Brinkac L, Beanan M, Daugherty S, DeBoy RT, Durkin S, Kolonay J, Madupu R, Nelson W, Vamathevan J, Tran B, Upton J, Hansen T, Shetty J, Khouri H, Utterback T, Radune D, Ketchum KA, Dougherty BA, Fraser CM (2003)
Role of mobile DNA in the evolution of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis
Science 299 :2071

Paulsen IT, Banerjei L, Myers GS, Nelson KE, Seshadri R, Read TD, Fouts DE, Eisen JA, Gill SR, Heidelberg JF, Tettelin H, Dodson RJ, Umayam L, Brinkac L, Beanan M, Daugherty S, DeBoy RT, Durkin S, Kolonay J, Madupu R, Nelson W, Vamathevan J, Tran B, Upton J, Hansen T, Shetty J, Khouri H, Utterback T, Radune D, Ketchum KA, Dougherty BA, Fraser CM (2003)
Science 299 :2071