Full name : Gordon Richard K
First name : Richard K
Mail : Walter Reed Army Institute of Research\; Division of Regulated Activities\; Department of Regulated Laboratories\; (Room 2W105)\; 503 Robert Grant Avenue\; Silver Spring\; MD 20910-7500
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Country : USA
Email : Richard.K.Gordon.civ@mail.mil
Phone : 202-782-7293
Fax : 202-782-6327
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Directory :
Title : Discovery of non-oxime reactivators using an in silico pharmacophore model of reactivators for DFP-inhibited acetylcholinesterase - Bhattacharjee_2014_Eur.J.Med.Chem_90C_209 |
Author(s) : Bhattacharjee AK , Marek E , Le HT , Ratcliffe R , DeMar JC , Pervitsky D , Gordon RK |
Ref : Eur Journal of Medicinal Chemistry , 90C :209 , 2014 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Bhattacharjee_2014_Eur.J.Med.Chem_90C_209 |
PubMedID: 25461321 |
Title : Physiological and neurobehavioral effects of cholinesterase inhibition in healthy adults - Morasch_2014_Physiol.Behav_138C_165 |
Author(s) : Morasch KC , Aaron CL , Moon JE , Gordon RK |
Ref : Physiol Behav , 138C :165 , 2014 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Morasch_2014_Physiol.Behav_138C_165 |
PubMedID: 25455867 |
Title : Discovery of non-oxime reactivators using an in silico pharmacophore model of oxime reactivators of OP-inhibited acetylcholinesterase - Bhattacharjee_2012_Eur.J.Med.Chem_49_229 |
Author(s) : Bhattacharjee AK , Marek E , Le HT , Gordon RK |
Ref : Eur Journal of Medicinal Chemistry , 49 :229 , 2012 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Bhattacharjee_2012_Eur.J.Med.Chem_49_229 |
PubMedID: 22309910 |
Title : An in silico stereo-electronic comparison of conventional pyridinium oximes and K-oximes for organophosphate (OP) poisoning - Bhattacharjee_2012_Med.Chem_8_230 |
Author(s) : Bhattacharjee AK , Kuca K , Musilek K , Gordon RK |
Ref : Med Chem , 8 :230 , 2012 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Bhattacharjee_2012_Med.Chem_8_230 |
PubMedID: 22385173 |
Title : Oxidative mechanisms for the biotransformation of 1-methyl-1,6-dihydropyridine-2-carbaldoxime to pralidoxime chloride - Khan_2011_Life.Sci_89_911 |
Author(s) : Khan FA , Campbell AJ , Hoyt B , Herdman C , Ku T , Thangavelu S , Gordon RK |
Ref : Life Sciences , 89 :911 , 2011 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Khan_2011_Life.Sci_89_911 |
PubMedID: 21989207 |
Title : Protection by pyridostigmine bromide of marmoset hemi-diaphragm acetylcholinesterase activity after soman exposure - Haigh_2010_Chem.Biol.Interact_187_416 |
Author(s) : Haigh JR , Adler M , Apland JP , Deshpande SS , Barham CB , Desmond P , Koplovitz I , Lenz DE , Gordon RK |
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 187 :416 , 2010 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Haigh_2010_Chem.Biol.Interact_187_416 |
PubMedID: 20144889 |
Title : Pro-2-PAM therapy for central and peripheral cholinesterases - Demar_2010_Chem.Biol.Interact_187_191 |
Author(s) : DeMar JC , Clarkson ED , Ratcliffe RH , Campbell AJ , Thangavelu SG , Herdman CA , Leader H , Schulz SM , Marek E , Medynets MA , Ku TC , Evans SA , Khan FA , Owens RR , Nambiar MP , Gordon RK |
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 187 :191 , 2010 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Demar_2010_Chem.Biol.Interact_187_191 |
PubMedID: 20156430 |
Title : In silico pharmacophore model for tabun-inhibited acetylcholinesterase reactivators: a study of their stereoelectronic properties - Bhattacharjee_2010_Chem.Res.Toxicol_23_26 |
Author(s) : Bhattacharjee AK , Kuca K , Musilek K , Gordon RK |
Ref : Chemical Research in Toxicology , 23 :26 , 2010 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Bhattacharjee_2010_Chem.Res.Toxicol_23_26 |
PubMedID: 20028185 |
Title : 3D-QSAR studies of 2,2-diphenylpropionates to aid discovery of novel potent muscarinic antagonists - Bhattacharjee_2009_Bioorg.Med.Chem_17_3999 |
Author(s) : Bhattacharjee AK , Gordon JA , Marek E , Campbell A , Gordon RK |
Ref : Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry , 17 :3999 , 2009 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Bhattacharjee_2009_Bioorg.Med.Chem_17_3999 |
PubMedID: 19409797 |
Title : Un-nicked BoNT\/B activity in human SHSY-5Y neuronal cells - Shi_2008_J.Cell.Biochem_105_129 |
Author(s) : Shi X , Garcia GE , Nambiar MP , Gordon RK |
Ref : Journal of Cellular Biochemistry , 105 :129 , 2008 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Shi_2008_J.Cell.Biochem_105_129 |
PubMedID: 18459116 |
Title : [+]-Huperzine A treatment protects against N-methyl-D-aspartate-induced seizure\/status epilepticus in rats - Coleman_2008_Chem.Biol.Interact_175_387 |
Author(s) : Coleman BR , Ratcliffe RH , Oguntayo SA , Shi X , Doctor BP , Gordon RK , Nambiar MP |
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 175 :387 , 2008 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Coleman_2008_Chem.Biol.Interact_175_387 |
PubMedID: 18588864 |
Title : Protection of red blood cell acetylcholinesterase by oral huperzine A against ex vivo soman exposure: next generation prophylaxis and sequestering of acetylcholinesterase over butyrylcholinesterase - Haigh_2008_Chem.Biol.Interact_175_380 |
Author(s) : Haigh JR , Johnston SR , Peppernay A , Mattern PJ , Garcia GE , Doctor BP , Gordon RK , Aisen PS |
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 175 :380 , 2008 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Haigh_2008_Chem.Biol.Interact_175_380 |
PubMedID: 18572153 |
Title : Advantages of the WRAIR whole blood cholinesterase assay: comparative analysis to the micro-Ellman, Test-mate ChE, and Michel (DeltapH) assays - Haigh_2008_Chem.Biol.Interact_175_417 |
Author(s) : Haigh JR , Lefkowitz LJ , Capacio BR , Doctor BP , Gordon RK |
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 175 :417 , 2008 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Haigh_2008_Chem.Biol.Interact_175_417 |
PubMedID: 18555983 |
Title : Resveratrol induces catalytic bioscavenger paraoxonase 1 expression and protects against chemical warfare nerve agent toxicity in human cell lines - Curtin_2008_J.Cell.Biochem_103_1524 |
Author(s) : Curtin BF , Seetharam KI , Dhoieam P , Gordon RK , Doctor BP , Nambiar MP |
Ref : Journal of Cellular Biochemistry , 103 :1524 , 2008 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Curtin_2008_J.Cell.Biochem_103_1524 |
PubMedID: 17879943 |
Title : Blood and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid acetylcholinesterase levels following microinstillation inhalation exposure to sarin in Guinea pigs - Che_2008_Inhal.Toxicol_20_821 |
Author(s) : Che MM , Conti M , Boylan M , Sciuto AM , Gordon RK , Nambiar MP |
Ref : Inhal Toxicol , 20 :821 , 2008 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Che_2008_Inhal.Toxicol_20_821 |
PubMedID: 18645722 |
Title : Abdominal bloating and irritable bowel syndrome like symptoms following microinstillation inhalation exposure to chemical warfare nerve agent VX in guinea pigs - Katos_2007_Toxicol.Ind.Health_23_231 |
Author(s) : Katos AM , Conti ML , Moran TS , Gordon RK , Doctor BP , Sciuto AM , Nambiar MP |
Ref : Toxicol Ind Health , 23 :231 , 2007 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Katos_2007_Toxicol.Ind.Health_23_231 |
PubMedID: 18429383 |
Title : Acute toxic effects of nerve agent VX on respiratory dynamics and functions following microinsillation inhalation exposure in guinea pigs - Rezk_2007_Inhal.Toxicol_19_291 |
Author(s) : Rezk PE , Graham JR , Moran TS , Gordon RK , Sciuto AM , Doctor BP , Nambiar MP |
Ref : Inhal Toxicol , 19 :291 , 2007 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Rezk_2007_Inhal.Toxicol_19_291 |
PubMedID: 17365032 |
Title : Medical countermeasure against respiratory toxicity and acute lung injury following inhalation exposure to chemical warfare nerve agent VX - Nambiar_2007_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_219_142 |
Author(s) : Nambiar MP , Gordon RK , Rezk PE , Katos AM , Wajda NA , Moran TS , Steele KE , Doctor BP , Sciuto AM |
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 219 :142 , 2007 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Nambiar_2007_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_219_142 |
PubMedID: 17188727 |
Title : Butyrylcholinesterase in guinea pig lung lavage: a novel biomarker to assess lung injury following inhalation exposure to nerve agent VX - Graham_2006_Inhal.Toxicol_18_493 |
Author(s) : Graham JR , Wright BS , Rezk PE , Gordon RK , Sciuto AM , Nambiar MP |
Ref : Inhal Toxicol , 18 :493 , 2006 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Graham_2006_Inhal.Toxicol_18_493 |
PubMedID: 16603480 |
Title : Celastrus paniculatus seed oil and organic extracts attenuate hydrogen peroxide- and glutamate-induced injury in embryonic rat forebrain neuronal cells - Godkar_2006_Phytomedicine_13_29 |
Author(s) : Godkar PB , Gordon RK , Ravindran A , Doctor BP |
Ref : Phytomedicine , 13 :29 , 2006 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Godkar_2006_Phytomedicine_13_29 |
PubMedID: 16360930 |
Title : Forskolin, an inducer of cAMP, up-regulates acetylcholinesterase expression and protects against organophosphate exposure in neuro 2A cells - Curtin_2006_Mol.Cell.Biochem_290_23 |
Author(s) : Curtin BF , Pal N , Gordon RK , Nambiar MP |
Ref : Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry , 290 :23 , 2006 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Curtin_2006_Mol.Cell.Biochem_290_23 |
PubMedID: 16924422 |
Title : Inhibition of guinea pig hemi-diaphragm acetylcholinesterase activity by pyridostigmine bromide and protection against soman toxicity - |
Author(s) : Haigh JR , Johnston SR , Peters BM , Doctor BP , Gordon RK , Adler M , Gall KJ , Deshpande SS |
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 157-158 :381 , 2005 |
PubMedID: 16429510 |
Title : Oral administration of pyridostigmine bromide and huperzine A protects human whole blood cholinesterases from ex vivo exposure to soman - Gordon_2005_Chem.Biol.Interact_157-158_239 |
Author(s) : Gordon RK , Haigh JR , Garcia GE , Feaster SR , Riel MA , Lenz DE , Aisen PS , Doctor BP |
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 157-158 :239 , 2005 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Gordon_2005_Chem.Biol.Interact_157-158_239 |
PubMedID: 16256090 |
Title : Transcriptional induction of cholinesterase expression and protection against chemical warfare nerve agents - Nambiar_2005_Chem.Biol.Interact_157-158_409 |
Author(s) : Nambiar MP , Curtin BF , Pal N , Compton JR , Doctor BP , Gordon RK |
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 157-158 :409 , 2005 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Nambiar_2005_Chem.Biol.Interact_157-158_409 |
PubMedID: 16429504 |
Title : Histone acetylase inhibitor trichostatin A induces acetylcholinesterase expression and protects against organophosphate exposure - Curtin_2005_J.Cell.Biochem_96_839 |
Author(s) : Curtin BF , Tetz LM , Compton JR , Doctor BP , Gordon RK , Nambiar MP |
Ref : Journal of Cellular Biochemistry , 96 :839 , 2005 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Curtin_2005_J.Cell.Biochem_96_839 |
PubMedID: 16149071 |
Title : Detection and identification of chemical warfare Agents polyurethane immobilized enzymes - |
Author(s) : Gordon RK , Gunduz AT , Doctor BP |
Ref : In: Cholinesterases in the Second Millennium: Biomolecular and Pathological Aspects , (Inestrosa NC, Campos EO) P. Universidad Catolica de Chile-FONDAP Biomedicina :243 , 2004 |
PubMedID: |
Title : Poster (30) Detection and identification of chemical warfare agents polyurethane immobilized enzymes - |
Author(s) : Gordon RK , Gunduz AT , Doctor BP |
Ref : In: Cholinesterases in the Second Millennium: Biomolecular and Pathological Aspects , (Inestrosa NC, Campos EO) P. Universidad Catolica de Chile-FONDAP Biomedicina :336 , 2004 |
PubMedID: |
Title : Poster (81) Interaction of beta-amyloid and cholinesterases by fluorescent polarization - |
Author(s) : Nigam SV , Doctor BP , Gordon RK |
Ref : In: Cholinesterases in the Second Millennium: Biomolecular and Pathological Aspects , (Inestrosa NC, Campos EO) P. Universidad Catolica de Chile-FONDAP Biomedicina :363 , 2004 |
PubMedID: |
Title : Interaction of beta-amyloid and cholinesterases by fluorescent polarization - |
Author(s) : Nigam SV , Doctor BP , Gordon RK |
Ref : In: Cholinesterases in the Second Millennium: Biomolecular and Pathological Aspects , (Inestrosa NC, Campos EO) P. Universidad Catolica de Chile-FONDAP Biomedicina :171 , 2004 |
PubMedID: |
Title : Pyridophens: binary pyridostigmine-aprophen prodrugs with differential inhibition of acetylcholinesterase, butyrylcholinesterase, and muscarinic receptors - Leader_2002_J.Med.Chem_45_902 |
Author(s) : Leader H , Wolfe AD , Chiang PK , Gordon RK |
Ref : Journal of Medicinal Chemistry , 45 :902 , 2002 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Leader_2002_J.Med.Chem_45_902 |
PubMedID: 11831902 |
Title : The NMDA receptor ion channel: a site for binding of Huperzine A - Gordon_2001_J.Appl.Toxicol_21 Suppl 1_S47 |
Author(s) : Gordon RK , Nigam SV , Weitz JA , Dave JR , Doctor BP , Ved HS |
Ref : J Appl Toxicol , 21 Suppl 1 :S47 , 2001 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Gordon_2001_J.Appl.Toxicol_21 Suppl 1_S47 |
PubMedID: 11920920 |
Title : Improvements in scavenger protection against organophosphorus agents by modification of cholinesterases - Maxwell_1999_Chem.Biol.Interact_119-120_419 |
Author(s) : Maxwell DM , Saxena A , Gordon RK , Doctor BP |
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 119-120 :419 , 1999 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Maxwell_1999_Chem.Biol.Interact_119-120_419 |
PubMedID: 10421479 |
Title : Organophosphate skin decontamination using immobilized enzymes - Gordon_1999_Chem.Biol.Interact_119-120_463 |
Author(s) : Gordon RK , Feaster SR , Russell AJ , LeJeune KE , Maxwell DM , Lenz DE , Ross M , Doctor BP |
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 119-120 :463 , 1999 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Gordon_1999_Chem.Biol.Interact_119-120_463 |
PubMedID: 10421484 |
Title : Characterization of ChEs Immobilized on Polyurethane Foams - |
Author(s) : Gordon RK , Feaster SR , Herron PC II , Lowe ER , LeJeune KE , Russell AJ , Lenz DE , Ross M , Doctor BP |
Ref : In: Structure and Function of Cholinesterases and Related Proteins - Proceedings of Sixth International Meeting on Cholinesterases , (Doctor, B.P., Taylor, P., Quinn, D.M., Rotundo, R.L., Gentry, M.K. Eds) Plenum Publishing Corp. :307 , 1998 |
PubMedID: |
Title : Synthesis and antimuscarinic activity of 2-[N-(ethyl)-(N-beta- hydroxyethyl)]aminoethyl 2,2-diphenylpropionate, a metabolite of aprophen - Brown_1993_J.Pharm.Sci_82_563 |
Author(s) : Brown ND , Leader H , Phillips LR , Smejkal RM , Gordon RK , Chiang PK |
Ref : J Pharm Sci , 82 :563 , 1993 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Brown_1993_J.Pharm.Sci_82_563 |
PubMedID: 8331525 |
Title : Relationship of three-dimensional structure of muscarinic antagonists to antimuscarinic activity: structure of thiodeacylaprophen hydrochloride - Karle_1992_Acta.Crystallogr.B_48_208 |
Author(s) : Karle JM , Karle IL , Gordon RK , Chiang PK |
Ref : Acta Crystallographica B , 48 :208 , 1992 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Karle_1992_Acta.Crystallogr.B_48_208 |
PubMedID: 1515109 |
Title : Muscarinic receptor subtype specificity of (N,N-dialkylamino)alkyl 2- cyclohexyl-2-phenylpropionates: cylexphenes (cyclohexyl-substituted aprophen analogues) - Leader_1992_J.Med.Chem_35_1290 |
Author(s) : Leader H , Gordon RK , Baumgold J , Boyd VL , Newman AH , Smejkal RM , Chiang PK |
Ref : Journal of Medicinal Chemistry , 35 :1290 , 1992 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Leader_1992_J.Med.Chem_35_1290 |
PubMedID: 1560441 |
Title : Binary antidotes for organophosphate poisoning: aprophen analogues that are both antimuscarinics and carbamates - Leader_1989_J.Med.Chem_32_1522 |
Author(s) : Leader H , Smejkal RM , Payne CS , Padilla FN , Doctor BP , Gordon RK , Chiang PK |
Ref : Journal of Medicinal Chemistry , 32 :1522 , 1989 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Leader_1989_J.Med.Chem_32_1522 |
PubMedID: 2738887 |
Title : Comparison of in vitro actions with behavioral effects of antimuscarinic agents - Witkin_1987_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_242_796 |
Author(s) : Witkin JM , Gordon RK , Chiang PK |
Ref : Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics , 242 :796 , 1987 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Witkin_1987_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_242_796 |
PubMedID: 3498817 |
Title : Enzymatic synthesis of a false cholinergic neurotransmitter: diethylaminoethyl acetate as a muscarinic agonist analog of acetylcholine - Miura_1986_Gen.Pharmacol_17_477 |
Author(s) : Miura GA , Chiang PK , Gordon RK , Doctor BP , Twine CE , Philip A , Kepler JA , Carroll FI |
Ref : General Pharmacology , 17 :477 , 1986 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Miura_1986_Gen.Pharmacol_17_477 |
PubMedID: 2875921 |
Title : Disposition of aprophen in rats - Aarbakke_1986_J.Pharm.Pharmacol_38_928 |
Author(s) : Aarbakke J , Miura GA , Brown ND , Gray RR , Gordon RK , Doctor BP , Chiang PK |
Ref : J Pharm Pharmacol , 38 :928 , 1986 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Aarbakke_1986_J.Pharm.Pharmacol_38_928 |
PubMedID: 2880971 |