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Title : Trends in the prevalence of antipsychotic drug use among patients with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias including those treated with antidementia drugs in the community in the UK: a cohort study - Martinez_2013_BMJ.Open_3_ |
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Title : Rationale for combining glutamatergic and cholinergic approaches in the symptomatic treatment of Alzheimer's disease - Francis_2012_Expert.Rev.Neurother_12_1351 |
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Title : The Atorvastatin\/Donepezil in Alzheimer's Disease Study (LEADe): design and baseline characteristics - Jones_2008_Alzheimers.Dement_4_145 |
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Title : How can we best assess the quality of life of people with dementia? the Bath Assessment of Subjective Quality of Life in Dementia (BASQID) - Trigg_2007_Gerontologist_47_789 |
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Title : Safety and tolerability of once-daily versus twice-daily memantine: a randomised, double-blind study in moderate to severe Alzheimer's disease - Jones_2007_Int.J.Geriatr.Psychiatry_22_258 |
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Ref : Int J Geriatr Psychiatry , 22 :258 , 2007 |
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Title : Alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor expression in Alzheimer's disease: receptor densities in brain regions of the APP(SWE) mouse model and in human peripheral blood lymphocytes - Jones_2006_J.Mol.Neurosci_30_83 |
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Ref : Journal of Molecular Neuroscience , 30 :83 , 2006 |
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Title : Have cholinergic therapies reached their clinical boundary in Alzheimer's disease? - Jones_2003_Int.J.Geriatr.Psychiatry_18_S7 |
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Ref : Int J Geriatr Psychiatry , 18 :S7 , 2003 |
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