Karlyshev AV

References (8)

Title : Draft Genome Sequence of Lactobacillus plantarum 2165 - Karlyshev_2014_Genome.Announc_2_e01179
Author(s) : Karlyshev AV , Abramov VM
Ref : Genome Announc , 2 : , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Karlyshev_2014_Genome.Announc_2_e01179
PubMedID: 24407651
Gene_locus related to this paper: lacpl-PEPI , lacpl-PEPR1

Title : Draft Genome Sequence of Lactobacillus rhamnosus 2166 - Karlyshev_2014_Genome.Announc_2_e01222
Author(s) : Karlyshev AV , Melnikov VG , Kosarev IV , Abramov VM
Ref : Genome Announc , 2 : , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Karlyshev_2014_Genome.Announc_2_e01222
PubMedID: 24558254
Gene_locus related to this paper: lacrh-pepr , lacrl-pip

Title : Draft Genome Sequence of Lactobacillus crispatus 2029 - Karlyshev_2014_Genome.Announc_2_e01221
Author(s) : Karlyshev AV , Melnikov VG , Khlebnikov VC , Abramov VM
Ref : Genome Announc , 2 : , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Karlyshev_2014_Genome.Announc_2_e01221
PubMedID: 24558253
Gene_locus related to this paper: lache-prolinase , laccs-pip

Title : Draft Genome Sequence of Lactobacillus gasseri Strain 2016 - Karlyshev_2013_Genome.Announc_1_e00624
Author(s) : Karlyshev AV , Melnikov VG , Kosarev IV , Khlebnikov VC , Sukhikh GT , Abramov VM
Ref : Genome Announc , 1 : , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Karlyshev_2013_Genome.Announc_1_e00624
PubMedID: 23969051
Gene_locus related to this paper: lacga-q040j9 , lacga-q047a5

Title : Draft Genome Sequence of Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum Strain 090104 Sokolov - Karlyshev_2013_Genome.Announc_1_e00921
Author(s) : Karlyshev AV , Melnikov VG
Ref : Genome Announc , 1 :e00921 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Karlyshev_2013_Genome.Announc_1_e00921
PubMedID: 24201200
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9cory-u7msp4 , 9cory-u2i453

Title : Draft Genome Sequence of Lactobacillus fermentum Strain 3872 - Karlyshev_2013_Genome.Announc_1_e01006
Author(s) : Karlyshev AV , Raju K , Abramov VM
Ref : Genome Announc , 1 : , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Karlyshev_2013_Genome.Announc_1_e01006
PubMedID: 24285652

Title : Genome sequence of Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague. - Parkhill_2001_Nature_413_523
Author(s) : Parkhill J , Wren BW , Thomson NR , Titball RW , Holden MTG , Prentice MB , Sebaihia M , James KD , Churcher C , Mungall KL , Baker S , Basham D , Bentley SD , Brooks K , Cerdeno-Tarraga AM , Chillingworth T , Cronin A , Davies RM , Davis P , Dougan G , Feltwell T , Hamlin N , Holroyd S , Jagels K , Karlyshev AV , Leather S , Moule S , Oyston PCF , Quail M , Rutherford K , Simmonds M , Skelton J , Stevens K , Whitehead S , Barrell BG
Ref : Nature , 413 :523 , 2001
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Parkhill_2001_Nature_413_523
PubMedID: 11586360
Gene_locus related to this paper: yerpe-BIOH , yerpe-dlhh , yerpe-IRP1 , yerpe-PIP , yerpe-PLDB , yerpe-PTRB , yerpe-q8zey9 , yerpe-y1616 , yerpe-y3224 , yerpe-YBTT , yerpe-YPLA , yerpe-YPO0180 , yerpe-YPO0667 , yerpe-YPO0773 , yerpe-YPO0776 , yerpe-YPO0986 , yerpe-YPO1501 , yerpe-YPO1997 , yerpe-YPO2002 , yerpe-YPO2336 , yerpe-YPO2526 , yerpe-YPO2638 , yerpe-YPO2814 , yerpe-YPO4014

Title : The genome sequence of the food-borne pathogen Campylobacter jejuni reveals hypervariable sequences - Parkhill_2000_Nature_403_665
Author(s) : Parkhill J , Wren BW , Mungall K , Ketley JM , Churcher C , Basham D , Chillingworth T , Davies RM , Feltwell T , Holroyd S , Jagels K , Karlyshev AV , Moule S , Pallen MJ , Penn CW , Quail MA , Rajandream MA , Rutherford KM , van Vliet AH , Whitehead S , Barrell BG
Ref : Nature , 403 :665 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Parkhill_2000_Nature_403_665
PubMedID: 10688204
Gene_locus related to this paper: camco-e0qbj3 , camco-q4hhu5 , camje-a3zji1 , camje-CJ0796C , camjr-q5ht69 , camju-a3yll6 , camju-Q9ZF63