Hamlin N

References (15)

Title : Complete genome of acute rheumatic fever-associated serotype M5 Streptococcus pyogenes strain manfredo - Holden_2007_J.Bacteriol_189_1473
Author(s) : Holden MT , Scott A , Cherevach I , Chillingworth T , Churcher C , Cronin A , Dowd L , Feltwell T , Hamlin N , Holroyd S , Jagels K , Moule S , Mungall K , Quail MA , Price C , Rabbinowitsch E , Sharp S , Skelton J , Whitehead S , Barrell BG , Kehoe M , Parkhill J
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 189 :1473 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Holden_2007_J.Bacteriol_189_1473
PubMedID: 17012393
Gene_locus related to this paper: strpy-ESTA , strpy-PEPXP , strpy-SPY1308 , strpy-SPYM18.1727

Title : The genome of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum - Eichinger_2005_Nature_435_43
Author(s) : Eichinger L , Pachebat JA , Glockner G , Rajandream MA , Sucgang R , Berriman M , Song J , Olsen R , Szafranski K , Xu Q , Tunggal B , Kummerfeld S , Madera M , Konfortov BA , Rivero F , Bankier AT , Lehmann R , Hamlin N , Davies R , Gaudet P , Fey P , Pilcher K , Chen G , Saunders D , Sodergren E , Davis P , Kerhornou A , Nie X , Hall N , Anjard C , Hemphill L , Bason N , Farbrother P , Desany B , Just E , Morio T , Rost R , Churcher C , Cooper J , Haydock S , van Driessche N , Cronin A , Goodhead I , Muzny D , Mourier T , Pain A , Lu M , Harper D , Lindsay R , Hauser H , James K , Quiles M , Madan Babu M , Saito T , Buchrieser C , Wardroper A , Felder M , Thangavelu M , Johnson D , Knights A , Loulseged H , Mungall K , Oliver K , Price C , Quail MA , Urushihara H , Hernandez J , Rabbinowitsch E , Steffen D , Sanders M , Ma J , Kohara Y , Sharp S , Simmonds M , Spiegler S , Tivey A , Sugano S , White B , Walker D , Woodward J , Winckler T , Tanaka Y , Shaulsky G , Schleicher M , Weinstock G , Rosenthal A , Cox EC , Chisholm RL , Gibbs R , Loomis WF , Platzer M , Kay RR , Williams J , Dear PH , Noegel AA , Barrell B , Kuspa A
Ref : Nature , 435 :43 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Eichinger_2005_Nature_435_43
PubMedID: 15875012
Gene_locus related to this paper: dicdi-abhd , dicdi-ACHE , dicdi-apra , dicdi-cinbp , dicdi-CMBL , dicdi-crysp , dicdi-DPOA , dicdi-P90528 , dicdi-ppme1 , dicdi-Q8MYE7 , dicdi-q54cf7 , dicdi-q54cl7 , dicdi-q54cm0 , dicdi-q54ct5 , dicdi-q54cu1 , dicdi-q54d54 , dicdi-q54d66 , dicdi-q54dj5 , dicdi-q54dy7 , dicdi-q54ek1 , dicdi-q54eq6 , dicdi-q54et1 , dicdi-q54et7 , dicdi-q54f01 , dicdi-q54g24 , dicdi-q54g47 , dicdi-q54gi7 , dicdi-q54gw5 , dicdi-q54gx3 , dicdi-q54h23 , dicdi-q54h73 , dicdi-q54i38 , dicdi-q54ie5 , dicdi-q54in4 , dicdi-q54kz1 , dicdi-q54l36 , dicdi-q54li1 , dicdi-q54m29 , dicdi-q54n21 , dicdi-q54n35 , dicdi-q54n85 , dicdi-q54qe7 , dicdi-q54qi3 , dicdi-q54qk2 , dicdi-q54rl3 , dicdi-q54rl8 , dicdi-q54sy6 , dicdi-q54sz3 , dicdi-q54t49 , dicdi-q54t91 , dicdi-q54th2 , dicdi-q54u01 , dicdi-q54vc2 , dicdi-q54vw1 , dicdi-q54xe3 , dicdi-q54xl3 , dicdi-q54xu1 , dicdi-q54xu2 , dicdi-q54y48 , dicdi-q54yd0 , dicdi-q54ye0 , dicdi-q54yl1 , dicdi-q54yr8 , dicdi-q54z90 , dicdi-q55bx3 , dicdi-q55d01 , dicdi-q55d81 , dicdi-q55du6 , dicdi-q55eu1 , dicdi-q55eu8 , dicdi-q55fk4 , dicdi-q55gk7 , dicdi-Q54ZA6 , dicdi-q86h82 , dicdi-Q86HC9 , dicdi-Q86HM5 , dicdi-Q86HM6 , dicdi-q86iz7 , dicdi-q86jb6 , dicdi-Q86KU7 , dicdi-q550s3 , dicdi-q552c0 , dicdi-q553t5 , dicdi-q555e5 , dicdi-q555h0 , dicdi-q555h1 , dicdi-q557k5 , dicdi-q558u2 , dicdi-Q869Q8 , dicdi-u554 , dicdi-y9086 , dicdi-q54r44 , dicdi-f172a

Title : Complete genome sequence and lytic phase transcription profile of a Coccolithovirus - Wilson_2005_Science_309_1090
Author(s) : Wilson WH , Schroeder DC , Allen MJ , Holden MT , Parkhill J , Barrell BG , Churcher C , Hamlin N , Mungall K , Norbertczak H , Quail MA , Price C , Rabbinowitsch E , Walker D , Craigon M , Roy D , Ghazal P
Ref : Science , 309 :1090 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wilson_2005_Science_309_1090
PubMedID: 16099989
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9phyc-q4a2b6 , 9phyc-q4a3c9 , ehv86-q4a332

Title : The complete genome sequence and analysis of Corynebacterium diphtheriae NCTC13129 - Cerdeno-Tarraga_2003_Nucleic.Acids.Res_31_6516
Author(s) : Cerdeno-Tarraga AM , Efstratiou A , Dover LG , Holden MT , Pallen M , Bentley SD , Besra GS , Churcher C , James KD , De Zoysa A , Chillingworth T , Cronin A , Dowd L , Feltwell T , Hamlin N , Holroyd S , Jagels K , Moule S , Quail MA , Rabbinowitsch E , Rutherford KM , Thomson NR , Unwin L , Whitehead S , Barrell BG , Parkhill J
Ref : Nucleic Acids Research , 31 :6516 , 2003
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Cerdeno-Tarraga_2003_Nucleic.Acids.Res_31_6516
PubMedID: 14602910
Gene_locus related to this paper: cordi-DIP1007 , cordi-DIP1729 , cordi-q6ned6 , cordi-q6nes3 , cordi-q6nes4 , cordi-q6nes6 , cordi-q6nes8 , cordi-q6nev5 , cordi-q6nex0 , cordi-q6nez6 , cordi-q6nf79 , cordi-q6nfa8 , cordi-q6nfg5 , cordi-q6nfz1 , cordi-q6ng42 , cordi-q6ngl8 , cordi-q6nhd8 , cordi-q6niz3 , cordi-q6nj46 , cordi-q6njn3 , cordi-q6njn4 , cordi-q6njt5 , cordi-q6nkb6 , cordk-h2hkn5

Title : Comparative analysis of the genome sequences of Bordetella pertussis, Bordetella parapertussis and Bordetella bronchiseptica - Parkhill_2003_Nat.Genet_35_32
Author(s) : Parkhill J , Sebaihia M , Preston A , Murphy LD , Thomson N , Harris DE , Holden MT , Churcher CM , Bentley SD , Mungall KL , Cerdeno-Tarraga AM , Temple L , James K , Harris B , Quail MA , Achtman M , Atkin R , Baker S , Basham D , Bason N , Cherevach I , Chillingworth T , Collins M , Cronin A , Davis P , Doggett J , Feltwell T , Goble A , Hamlin N , Hauser H , Holroyd S , Jagels K , Leather S , Moule S , Norberczak H , O'Neil S , Ormond D , Price C , Rabbinowitsch E , Rutter S , Sanders M , Saunders D , Seeger K , Sharp S , Simmonds M , Skelton J , Squares R , Squares S , Stevens K , Unwin L , Whitehead S , Barrell BG , Maskell DJ
Ref : Nat Genet , 35 :32 , 2003
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Parkhill_2003_Nat.Genet_35_32
PubMedID: 12910271
Gene_locus related to this paper: borbr-BB0273 , borbr-BB0570 , borbr-BB0670 , borbr-BB1064 , borbr-BB1079 , borbr-BB1247 , borbr-BB1498 , borbr-BB2718 , borbr-BB4129 , borbr-BB4247 , borbr-MHPC , borbr-q7wdw1 , borbr-q7wiz8 , borbr-q7wk25 , borbr-q7wmc2 , borbr-q7wpd9 , borpa-q7w3f3 , borpa-q7w9v8 , borpe-BIOH , borpe-BP0300 , borpe-BP2114 , borpe-BP2146 , borpe-BP2511 , borpe-BP3096 , borpe-BP3623 , borpe-BP3691 , borpe-CATD2 , borpe-METX , borpe-O30449 , borpe-PHBC , borpe-q7vsl4 , borpe-q7vt07 , borpe-q7vtg0 , borpe-q7vtv2 , borpe-q7vus4 , borpe-q7vuv4 , borpe-q7vv11 , borpe-q7vv48 , borpe-q7vvf6 , borpe-q7vwu4 , borpe-q7vyn0 , borpe-q7vyq4 , borpe-q7vz26 , borpe-q7vzb4 , borpe-q7vzj6 , borpe-q7w073

Title : The genome sequence of Schizosaccharomyces pombe - Wood_2002_Nature_415_871
Author(s) : Wood V , Gwilliam R , Rajandream MA , Lyne M , Lyne R , Stewart A , Sgouros J , Peat N , Hayles J , Baker S , Basham D , Bowman S , Brooks K , Brown D , Brown S , Chillingworth T , Churcher C , Collins M , Connor R , Cronin A , Davis P , Feltwell T , Fraser A , Gentles S , Goble A , Hamlin N , Harris D , Hidalgo J , Hodgson G , Holroyd S , Hornsby T , Howarth S , Huckle EJ , Hunt S , Jagels K , James K , Jones L , Jones M , Leather S , McDonald S , McLean J , Mooney P , Moule S , Mungall K , Murphy L , Niblett D , Odell C , Oliver K , O'Neil S , Pearson D , Quail MA , Rabbinowitsch E , Rutherford K , Rutter S , Saunders D , Seeger K , Sharp S , Skelton J , Simmonds M , Squares R , Squares S , Stevens K , Taylor K , Taylor RG , Tivey A , Walsh S , Warren T , Whitehead S , Woodward J , Volckaert G , Aert R , Robben J , Grymonprez B , Weltjens I , Vanstreels E , Rieger M , Schafer M , Muller-Auer S , Gabel C , Fuchs M , Dusterhoft A , Fritzc C , Holzer E , Moestl D , Hilbert H , Borzym K , Langer I , Beck A , Lehrach H , Reinhardt R , Pohl TM , Eger P , Zimmermann W , Wedler H , Wambutt R , Purnelle B , Goffeau A , Cadieu E , Dreano S , Gloux S , Lelaure V , Mottier S , Galibert F , Aves SJ , Xiang Z , Hunt C , Moore K , Hurst SM , Lucas M , Rochet M , Gaillardin C , Tallada VA , Garzon A , Thode G , Daga RR , Cruzado L , Jimenez J , Sanchez M , del Rey F , Benito J , Dominguez A , Revuelta JL , Moreno S , Armstrong J , Forsburg SL , Cerutti L , Lowe T , McCombie WR , Paulsen I , Potashkin J , Shpakovski GV , Ussery D , Barrell BG , Nurse P
Ref : Nature , 415 :871 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wood_2002_Nature_415_871
PubMedID: 11859360
Gene_locus related to this paper: schpo-APTH1 , schpo-be46 , schpo-BST1 , schpo-C2E11.08 , schpo-C14C4.15C , schpo-C22H12.03 , schpo-C23C4.16C , schpo-C57A10.08C , schpo-dyr , schpo-este1 , schpo-KEX1 , schpo-PCY1 , schpo-pdat , schpo-PLG7 , schpo-ppme1 , schpo-q9c0y8 , schpo-SPAC4A8.06C , schpo-C22A12.06C , schpo-SPAC977.15 , schpo-SPAPB1A11.02 , schpo-SPBC14C8.15 , schpo-SPBC530.12C , schpo-SPBC1711.12 , schpo-SPBPB2B2.02 , schpo-SPCC5E4.05C , schpo-SPCC417.12 , schpo-SPCC1672.09 , schpo-yb4e , schpo-yblh , schpo-ydw6 , schpo-ye7a , schpo-ye63 , schpo-ye88 , schpo-yeld , schpo-yk68 , schpo-clr3 , schpo-ykv6

Title : Sequence of Plasmodium falciparum chromosomes 1, 3-9 and 13 - Hall_2002_Nature_419_527
Author(s) : Hall N , Pain A , Berriman M , Churcher C , Harris B , Harris D , Mungall K , Bowman S , Atkin R , Baker S , Barron A , Brooks K , Buckee CO , Burrows C , Cherevach I , Chillingworth C , Chillingworth T , Christodoulou Z , Clark L , Clark R , Corton C , Cronin A , Davies R , Davis P , Dear P , Dearden F , Doggett J , Feltwell T , Goble A , Goodhead I , Gwilliam R , Hamlin N , Hance Z , Harper D , Hauser H , Hornsby T , Holroyd S , Horrocks P , Humphray S , Jagels K , James KD , Johnson D , Kerhornou A , Knights A , Konfortov B , Kyes S , Larke N , Lawson D , Lennard N , Line A , Maddison M , McLean J , Mooney P , Moule S , Murphy L , Oliver K , Ormond D , Price C , Quail MA , Rabbinowitsch E , Rajandream MA , Rutter S , Rutherford KM , Sanders M , Simmonds M , Seeger K , Sharp S , Smith R , Squares R , Squares S , Stevens K , Taylor K , Tivey A , Unwin L , Whitehead S , Woodward J , Sulston JE , Craig A , Newbold C , Barrell BG
Ref : Nature , 419 :527 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hall_2002_Nature_419_527
PubMedID: 12368867
Gene_locus related to this paper: plaf7-c0h4q4 , plafa-MAL6P1.135 , plafa-PFD0185C , plafa-PFI1775W , plafa-PFI1800W

Title : Massive gene decay in the leprosy bacillus - Cole_2001_Nature_409_1007
Author(s) : Cole ST , Eiglmeier K , Parkhill J , James KD , Thomson NR , Wheeler PR , Honore N , Garnier T , Churcher C , Harris D , Mungall K , Basham D , Brown D , Chillingworth T , Connor R , Davies RM , Devlin K , Duthoy S , Feltwell T , Fraser A , Hamlin N , Holroyd S , Hornsby T , Jagels K , Lacroix C , Maclean J , Moule S , Murphy L , Oliver K , Quail MA , Rajandream MA , Rutherford KM , Rutter S , Seeger K , Simon S , Simmonds M , Skelton J , Squares R , Squares S , Stevens K , Taylor K , Whitehead S , Woodward JR , Barrell BG
Ref : Nature , 409 :1007 , 2001
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Cole_2001_Nature_409_1007
PubMedID: 11234002
Gene_locus related to this paper: mycle-a85a , mycle-a85b , mycle-a85c , mycle-lipG , mycle-LPQC , mycle-metx , mycle-ML0314 , mycle-ML0370 , mycle-ML0376 , mycle-ML1339 , mycle-ML1444 , mycle-ML1632 , mycle-ML1633 , mycle-ML1921 , mycle-ML2269 , mycle-ML2297 , mycle-ML2359 , mycle-ML2603 , mycle-mpt5 , mycle-PKS13 , mycle-PTRB , mycle-q9cc62 , mycle-q9cdb3

Title : Genome sequence of Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague. - Parkhill_2001_Nature_413_523
Author(s) : Parkhill J , Wren BW , Thomson NR , Titball RW , Holden MTG , Prentice MB , Sebaihia M , James KD , Churcher C , Mungall KL , Baker S , Basham D , Bentley SD , Brooks K , Cerdeno-Tarraga AM , Chillingworth T , Cronin A , Davies RM , Davis P , Dougan G , Feltwell T , Hamlin N , Holroyd S , Jagels K , Karlyshev AV , Leather S , Moule S , Oyston PCF , Quail M , Rutherford K , Simmonds M , Skelton J , Stevens K , Whitehead S , Barrell BG
Ref : Nature , 413 :523 , 2001
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Parkhill_2001_Nature_413_523
PubMedID: 11586360
Gene_locus related to this paper: yerpe-BIOH , yerpe-dlhh , yerpe-IRP1 , yerpe-PIP , yerpe-PLDB , yerpe-PTRB , yerpe-q8zey9 , yerpe-y1616 , yerpe-y3224 , yerpe-YBTT , yerpe-YPLA , yerpe-YPO0180 , yerpe-YPO0667 , yerpe-YPO0773 , yerpe-YPO0776 , yerpe-YPO0986 , yerpe-YPO1501 , yerpe-YPO1997 , yerpe-YPO2002 , yerpe-YPO2336 , yerpe-YPO2526 , yerpe-YPO2638 , yerpe-YPO2814 , yerpe-YPO4014

Title : Complete genome sequence of a multiple drug resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi CT18 - Parkhill_2001_Nature_413_848
Author(s) : Parkhill J , Dougan G , James KD , Thomson NR , Pickard D , Wain J , Churcher C , Mungall KL , Bentley SD , Holden MT , Sebaihia M , Baker S , Basham D , Brooks K , Chillingworth T , Connerton P , Cronin A , Davis P , Davies RM , Dowd L , White N , Farrar J , Feltwell T , Hamlin N , Haque A , Hien TT , Holroyd S , Jagels K , Krogh A , Larsen TS , Leather S , Moule S , O'Gaora P , Parry C , Quail M , Rutherford K , Simmonds M , Skelton J , Stevens K , Whitehead S , Barrell BG
Ref : Nature , 413 :848 , 2001
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Parkhill_2001_Nature_413_848
PubMedID: 11677608
Gene_locus related to this paper: salen-OPDB , salti-q8z717 , salty-AES , salty-BIOH , salty-ENTF , salty-FES , salty-IROD , salty-IROE , salty-PLDB , salty-STM2547 , salty-STM4506 , salty-STY1441 , salty-STY2428 , salty-STY3846 , salty-yafa , salty-YBFF , salty-ycfp , salty-YFBB , salty-YJFP , salty-YQIA

Title : Complete DNA sequence of a serogroup A strain of Neisseria meningitidis Z2491 - Parkhill_2000_Nature_404_502
Author(s) : Parkhill J , Achtman M , James KD , Bentley SD , Churcher C , Klee SR , Morelli G , Basham D , Brown D , Chillingworth T , Davies RM , Davis P , Devlin K , Feltwell T , Hamlin N , Holroyd S , Jagels K , Leather S , Moule S , Mungall K , Quail MA , Rajandream MA , Rutherford KM , Simmonds M , Skelton J , Whitehead S , Spratt BG , Barrell BG
Ref : Nature , 404 :502 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Parkhill_2000_Nature_404_502
PubMedID: 10761919
Gene_locus related to this paper: neima-metx , neimb-q9k0t9 , neime-ESD , neime-NMA2216 , neime-NMB0276 , neime-NMB1877 , neimf-a1kta9 , neime-r0tza2

Title : The complete nucleotide sequence of chromosome 3 of Plasmodium falciparum - Bowman_1999_Nature_400_532
Author(s) : Bowman S , Lawson D , Basham D , Brown D , Chillingworth T , Churcher CM , Craig A , Davies RM , Devlin K , Feltwell T , Gentles S , Gwilliam R , Hamlin N , Harris D , Holroyd S , Hornsby T , Horrocks P , Jagels K , Jassal B , Kyes S , McLean J , Moule S , Mungall K , Murphy L , Oliver K , Quail MA , Rajandream MA , Rutter S , Skelton J , Squares R , Squares S , Sulston JE , Whitehead S , Woodward JR , Newbold C , Barrell BG
Ref : Nature , 400 :532 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bowman_1999_Nature_400_532
PubMedID: 10448855
Gene_locus related to this paper: plafa-PFC0950C

Title : Deciphering the biology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from the complete genome sequence - Cole_1998_Nature_393_537
Author(s) : Cole ST , Brosch R , Parkhill J , Garnier T , Churcher C , Harris D , Gordon SV , Eiglmeier K , Gas S , Barry CE, 3rd , Tekaia F , Badcock K , Basham D , Brown D , Chillingworth T , Connor R , Davies R , Devlin K , Feltwell T , Gentles S , Hamlin N , Holroyd S , Hornsby T , Jagels K , Krogh A , McLean J , Moule S , Murphy L , Oliver K , Osborne J , Quail MA , Rajandream MA , Rogers J , Rutter S , Seeger K , Skelton J , Squares R , Squares S , Sulston JE , Taylor K , Whitehead S , Barrell BG
Ref : Nature , 393 :537 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Cole_1998_Nature_393_537
PubMedID: 9634230
Gene_locus related to this paper: myctu-a85a , myctu-a85b , myctu-a85c , myctu-bpoC , myctu-cut3 , myctu-cutas1 , myctu-cutas2 , myctu-d5yk66 , myctu-ephA , myctu-ephB , myctu-ephc , myctu-ephd , myctu-ephE , myctu-ephF , myctu-hpx , myctu-linb , myctu-lipG , myctu-lipJ , myctu-LIPS , myctu-lipv , myctu-LPQC , myctu-LPQP , myctu-MBTB , myctu-metx , myctu-mpt51 , myctu-MT1628 , myctu-MT3441 , myctu-p71654 , myctu-p95011 , myctu-PKS6 , myctu-PKS13 , myctu-ppe42 , myctu-ppe63 , myctu-Rv1430 , myctu-RV0045C , myctu-Rv0077c , myctu-Rv0151c , myctu-Rv0152c , myctu-Rv0159c , myctu-Rv0160c , myctu-rv0183 , myctu-Rv0217c , myctu-Rv0220 , myctu-Rv0272c , myctu-RV0293C , myctu-RV0421C , myctu-RV0457C , myctu-RV0519C , myctu-RV0774C , myctu-RV0782 , myctu-RV0840C , myctu-Rv1069c , myctu-Rv1076 , myctu-RV1123C , myctu-Rv1184c , myctu-Rv1190 , myctu-Rv1191 , myctu-RV1192 , myctu-RV1215C , myctu-Rv1399c , myctu-Rv1400c , myctu-Rv1426c , myctu-RV1639C , myctu-RV1683 , myctu-RV1758 , myctu-Rv1800 , myctu-Rv1833c , myctu-RV2054 , myctu-RV2296 , myctu-Rv2385 , myctu-Rv2485c , myctu-RV2627C , myctu-RV2672 , myctu-RV2695 , myctu-RV2765 , myctu-RV2800 , myctu-RV2854 , myctu-Rv2970c , myctu-Rv3084 , myctu-Rv3097c , myctu-rv3177 , myctu-Rv3312c , myctu-RV3452 , myctu-RV3473C , myctu-Rv3487c , myctu-Rv3569c , myctu-Rv3591c , myctu-RV3724 , myctu-Rv3802c , myctu-Rv3822 , myctu-y0571 , myctu-y963 , myctu-Y1834 , myctu-y1835 , myctu-y2079 , myctu-Y2307 , myctu-yc88 , myctu-ym23 , myctu-ym24 , myctu-YR15 , myctu-yt28

Title : The nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome IV - Jacq_1997_Nature_387_75
Author(s) : Jacq C , Alt-Morbe J , Andre B , Arnold W , Bahr A , Ballesta JP , Bargues M , Baron L , Becker A , Biteau N , Blocker H , Blugeon C , Boskovic J , Brandt P , Bruckner M , Buitrago MJ , Coster F , Delaveau T , del Rey F , Dujon B , Eide LG , Garcia-Cantalejo JM , Goffeau A , Gomez-Peris AC , Granotier C , Hanemann V , Hankeln T , Hoheisel JD , Jager W , Jimenez A , Jonniaux JL , Kramer C , Kuster H , Laamanen P , Legros Y , Louis E , Muller-Rieker S , Monnet A , Moro M , Muller-Auer S , Nussbaumer B , Paricio N , Paulin L , Perea J , Perez-Alonso M , Perez-Ortin JE , Pohl TM , Prydz H , Purnelle B , Rasmussen SW , Remacha M , Revuelta JL , Rieger M , Salom D , Saluz HP , Saiz JE , Saren AM , Schafer M , Scharfe M , Schmidt ER , Schneider C , Scholler P , Schwarz S , Soler-Mira A , Urrestarazu LA , Verhasselt P , Vissers S , Voet M , Volckaert G , Wagner G , Wambutt R , Wedler E , Wedler H , Wolfl S , Harris DE , Bowman S , Brown D , Churcher CM , Connor R , Dedman K , Gentles S , Hamlin N , Hunt S , Jones L , McDonald S , Murphy L , Niblett D , Odell C , Oliver K , Rajandream MA , Richards C , Shore L , Walsh SV , Barrell BG , Dietrich FS , Mulligan J , Allen E , Araujo R , Aviles E , Berno A , Carpenter J , Chen E , Cherry JM , Chung E , Duncan M , Hunicke-Smith S , Hyman R , Komp C , Lashkari D , Lew H , Lin D , Mosedale D , Nakahara K , Namath A , Oefner P , Oh C , Petel FX , Roberts D , Schramm S , Schroeder M , Shogren T , Shroff N , Winant A , Yelton M , Botstein D , Davis RW , Johnston M , Hillier L , Riles L , Albermann K , Hani J , Heumann K , Kleine K , Mewes HW , Zollner A , Zaccaria P
Ref : Nature , 387 :75 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Jacq_1997_Nature_387_75
PubMedID: 9169867
Gene_locus related to this paper: yeast-dlhh , yeast-ECM18 , yeast-YDL109C , yeast-YDR428C , yeast-YDR444W

Title : The nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome XIII - Bowman_1997_Nature_387_90
Author(s) : Bowman S , Churcher C , Badcock K , Brown D , Chillingworth T , Connor R , Dedman K , Devlin K , Gentles S , Hamlin N , Hunt S , Jagels K , Lye G , Moule S , Odell C , Pearson D , Rajandream M , Rice P , Skelton J , Walsh S , Whitehead S , Barrell B
Ref : Nature , 387 :90 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bowman_1997_Nature_387_90
PubMedID: 9169872
Gene_locus related to this paper: yeast-FSH2 , yeast-ym60 , yeast-ymc0