Nishimura M

References (22)

Title : Non-linear model analysis of the relationship between cholinesterase activity in rats exposed to 2, 2-dichlorovinyl dimethylphosphate (dichlorvos) and its metabolite concentrations in urine - Sato_2021_Toxicology__152679
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Ref : Toxicology , :152679 , 2021
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Title : A practical fluorometric assay method to measure lysosomal acid lipase activity in dried blood spots for the screening of cholesteryl ester storage disease and Wolman disease - Dairaku_2014_Mol.Genet.Metab_111_193
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Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LIPA

Title : Unique defense strategy by the endoplasmic reticulum body in plants - Yamada_2011_Plant.Cell.Physiol_52_2039
Author(s) : Yamada K , Hara-Nishimura I , Nishimura M
Ref : Plant Cell Physiol , 52 :2039 , 2011
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Title : Involvement of decreased muscarinic receptor function in prepulse inhibition deficits in mice reared in social isolation - Koda_2011_Br.J.Pharmacol_162_763
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Title : Structural evidence that puromycin hydrolase is a new type of aminopeptidase with a prolyl oligopeptidase family fold -
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Gene_locus related to this paper: strmo-q2hxd9

Title : Ectopic expression of an esterase, which is a candidate for the unidentified plant cutinase, causes cuticular defects in Arabidopsis thaliana - Takahashi_2010_Plant.Cell.Physiol_51_123
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Title : Defect in non-yellow coloring 3, an alpha\/beta hydrolase-fold family protein, causes a stay-green phenotype during leaf senescence in rice - Morita_2009_Plant.J_59_940
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Gene_locus related to this paper: orysa-q69xr2

Title : Change in immunoreactive human hepatic triglyceride lipase (HTGL) mass and the shelf-life of the HTGL ELISA kit in long-term storage - Nishimura_2006_J.Immunoassay.Immunochem_27_89
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Title : Assessment of induction of cytochrome P450 by NO-1886 (ibrolipim), a lipoprotein lipase-promoting agent, in primary cultures of human hepatocytes and in female rat liver - Morioka_2006_Drug.Metab.Pharmacokinet_21_19
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Title : Molecular cloning and characterization of gene encoding novel puromycin-inactivating enzyme from blasticidin S-producing Streptomyces morookaensis - Nishimura_2006_J.Biosci.Bioeng_101_63
Author(s) : Nishimura M , Ikeda K , Sugiyama M
Ref : J Biosci Bioeng , 101 :63 , 2006
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PubMedID: 16503293
Gene_locus related to this paper: strmo-q2hxd9

Title : Effects of NO-1886 (Ibrolipim), a lipoprotein lipase-promoting agent, on gene induction of cytochrome P450s, carboxylesterases, and sulfotransferases in primary cultures of human hepatocytes - Nishimura_2004_Drug.Metab.Pharmacokinet_19_422
Author(s) : Nishimura M , Imai T , Morioka Y , Kuribayashi S , Kamataki T , Naito S
Ref : Drug Metab Pharmacokinet , 19 :422 , 2004
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PubMedSearch : Nishimura_2004_Drug.Metab.Pharmacokinet_19_422
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Title : Prediction of the coding sequences of mouse homologues of KIAA gene: IV. The complete nucleotide sequences of 500 mouse KIAA-homologous cDNAs identified by screening of terminal sequences of cDNA clones randomly sampled from size-fractionated libraries - Okazaki_2004_DNA.Res_11_205
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Ref : DNA Research , 11 :205 , 2004
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PubMedID: 15368895
Gene_locus related to this paper: mouse-2neur , mouse-F135A , mouse-ndr2 , mouse-Q8BLF1

Title : [Role of genetic factors in the development of COPD] - Nishimura_2003_Nihon.Rinsho_61_2095
Author(s) : Nishimura M
Ref : Nihon Rinsho , 61 :2095 , 2003
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Title : Complete genome sequence of an aerobic thermoacidophilic crenarchaeon, Sulfolobus tokodaii strain7 - Kawarabayasi_2001_DNA.Res_8_123
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Ref : DNA Research , 8 :123 , 2001
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Gene_locus related to this paper: sulto-ST0002 , sulto-ST0071 , sulto-ST0672 , sulto-ST0779 , sulto-ST1414 , sulto-ST1737 , sulto-ST1745 , sulto-ST2026 , sulto-ST2099 , sulto-ST2511

Title : Alterations of GTP-binding proteins (Gsalpha and Gq\/11alpha) in gastric smooth muscle cells from streptozotocin-induced and WBN\/Kob diabetic rats - Lin_2000_Dig.Dis.Sci_45_1517
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Ref : Digestive Diseases & Sciences , 45 :1517 , 2000
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Title : Inhibitory effects of carbohydrates on cholesterol esterase biosynthesis in Streptomyces lavendulae H646-SY2 - Nishimura_2000_J.Biosci.Bioeng_90_564
Author(s) : Nishimura M , Inouye S
Ref : J Biosci Bioeng , 90 :564 , 2000
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Title : Gene polymorphism for microsomal epoxide hydrolase and susceptibility to emphysema in a Japanese population - Takeyabu_2000_Eur.Respir.J_15_891
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Title : Analysis of the butyrylcholinesterase gene and nearby chromosome 3 markers in alzheimer disease - Brindle_1998_Hum.Mol.Genet_7_933
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Ref : Hum Mol Genet , 7 :933 , 1998
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Title : Relapse and elevation of blood urea nitrogen in acute fenitrothion and malathion poisoning - Futagami_1996_International.Journal.of.Clin.Pharmacol.Therap_34_453
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Title : [A study on acute organophosphorus poisoning--changes in the activity and isoenzyme patterns of serum cholinesterase in human poisoning]. [Japanese] - Yamanaka_1993_Japanese.J.Hyg_48_955
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Ref : Nippon Eiseigaku Zasshi Japanese Journal of Hygiene , 48 :955 , 1993
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Title : [Efficacy of several oximes on organophosphorus poisoning]. [Japanese] -
Author(s) : Yamanaka S , Suyama Y , Nishimura M
Ref : Nippon Eiseigaku Zasshi Japanese Journal of Hygiene , 43 :707 , 1988
PubMedID: 3074189

Title : [Effects of organophosphorus compounds and PAM on cholinesterase activity in rat tissues]. [Japanese] -
Author(s) : Yamanaka S , Nishimura M
Ref : Nippon Eiseigaku Zasshi Japanese Journal of Hygiene , 39 :795 , 1984
PubMedID: 6533340