Hyten DL

References (2)

Title : A reference genome for common bean and genome-wide analysis of dual domestications - Schmutz_2014_Nat.Genet_46_707
Author(s) : Schmutz J , McClean PE , Mamidi S , Wu GA , Cannon SB , Grimwood J , Jenkins J , Shu S , Song Q , Chavarro C , Torres-Torres M , Geffroy V , Moghaddam SM , Gao D , Abernathy B , Barry K , Blair M , Brick MA , Chovatia M , Gepts P , Goodstein DM , Gonzales M , Hellsten U , Hyten DL , Jia G , Kelly JD , Kudrna D , Lee R , Richard MM , Miklas PN , Osorno JM , Rodrigues J , Thareau V , Urrea CA , Wang M , Yu Y , Zhang M , Wing RA , Cregan PB , Rokhsar DS , Jackson SA
Ref : Nat Genet , 46 :707 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schmutz_2014_Nat.Genet_46_707
PubMedID: 24908249
Gene_locus related to this paper: phavu-v7azs2 , phavu-v7awu7 , phavu-v7bpt6 , phavu-v7b6k3 , phavu-v7cry4

Title : Genome sequence of the palaeopolyploid soybean - Schmutz_2010_Nature_463_178
Author(s) : Schmutz J , Cannon SB , Schlueter J , Ma J , Mitros T , Nelson W , Hyten DL , Song Q , Thelen JJ , Cheng J , Xu D , Hellsten U , May GD , Yu Y , Sakurai T , Umezawa T , Bhattacharyya MK , Sandhu D , Valliyodan B , Lindquist E , Peto M , Grant D , Shu S , Goodstein D , Barry K , Futrell-Griggs M , Abernathy B , Du J , Tian Z , Zhu L , Gill N , Joshi T , Libault M , Sethuraman A , Zhang XC , Shinozaki K , Nguyen HT , Wing RA , Cregan P , Specht J , Grimwood J , Rokhsar D , Stacey G , Shoemaker RC , Jackson SA
Ref : Nature , 463 :178 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schmutz_2010_Nature_463_178
PubMedID: 20075913
Gene_locus related to this paper: soybn-c6t4m5 , soybn-c6t4p4 , soybn-c6tav4 , soybn-c6tdf9 , soybn-c6tiz7 , soybn-c6tmg3 , soybn-i1jgq5 , soybn-i1kpj2 , soybn-i1kwe7 , soybn-i1l7e3 , soybn-i1l497 , soybn-i1ll09 , soybn-i1lpi4 , soybn-i1jcw2 , soybn-i1jcw3 , soybn-i1jcw4 , soybn-i1jcw7 , soybn-i1k217 , soybn-i1kfz3 , soybn-i1lhi0 , soybn-k7k6s4 , soybn-i1jtw1 , soybn-c6tas4 , soybn-i1m910 , soybn-c6t7k8 , soybn-i1k636 , soybn-i1kju7 , soybn-i1j4c6 , soybn-i1lbk2 , soybn-i1jqy5 , soybn-i1nbj8 , soybn-i1j855 , soybn-i1l5a3 , soybn-k7mt28 , soybn-i1lau7 , soybn-i1lay0 , soybn-i1net3 , soybn-i1jr09 , soybn-i1ms08 , soybn-i1mmh5 , soybn-i1mly5 , soybn-i1mmh3 , soybn-i1mmh4 , soybn-i1ngu7 , soybn-k7ll20 , soybn-i1mly4 , soybn-a0a0r0i9y7 , soybn-a0a0r0j241 , soybn-i1les8 , soybn-k7n313 , soybn-i1kfj1 , soybn-a0a0r0k7x4 , soybn-i1ly30 , soybn-i1mwr8 , soybn-i1kfg5 , soybn-i1kly2 , soybn-a0a0r0ixi2 , soybn-i1jew0 , glyso-a0a445l5n1 , soybn-i1kfz9 , soybn-i1jqs1 , soybn-i1nbc7 , soybn-k7mm57 , soybn-a0a0r0fec7 , soybn-a0a0r0hcn9 , soybn-i1jx17 , soybn-k7kvv2 , soybn-i1kcl6 , soybn-i1kcl7 , soybn-i1jrc3 , soybn-i1nbz1 , soybn-a0a0r0euk2 , soybn-a0a0r0fx16 , soybn-a0a0r0k3t3 , soybn-i1kuc7 , soybn-i1lvy4