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Title : Genome Sequence of the Chestnut Blight Fungus Cryphonectria parasitica EP155: A Fundamental Resource for an Archetypical Invasive Plant Pathogen - Crouch_2020_Phytopathology_110_1180
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Title : Comparative genomics provides insights into the lifestyle and reveals functional heterogeneity of dark septate endophytic fungi - Knapp_2018_Sci.Rep_8_6321
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Title : Linking secondary metabolites to gene clusters through genome sequencing of six diverse Aspergillus species - Kjaerbolling_2018_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_115_E753
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Title : Comparative genomics reveals high biological diversity and specific adaptations in the industrially and medically important fungal genus Aspergillus - de Vries_2017_Genome.Biol_18_28
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Ref : Genome Biol , 18 :28 , 2017
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PubMedSearch : de Vries_2017_Genome.Biol_18_28
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Gene_locus related to this paper: asptu-a0a1l9nhd0 , aspve-a0a1l9pxx8 , aspve-a0a1l9q4m3 , aspwe-a0a1l9s133 , 9euro-a0a1l9t3v9 , aspwe-a0a1l9rcx6 , aspna-g3y5a6 , aspgl-a0a1l9v4d3 , 9euro-a0a1l9sa36 , aspsb-a0a319eji6 , aspve-a0a1l9px96 , 9euro-a0a1l9tay1 , aspgl-a0a1l9vbc0 , aspc5-a0a1r3rh65 , 9euro-a0a2v5i956 , aspwe-a0a1l9rpp6 , aspna-g3xpw9 , aspve-a0a1l9plv1 , 9euro-a0a1l9tk47 , aspve-a0a1l9pde9 , aspve-a0a1l9pz72 , aspwe-a0a1l9rde6 , 9euro-a0a1l9tdb5 , aspkw-g7xq95 , aspbc-a0a1l9u6h4 , aspbc-a0a1l9u2l4 , asptc-a0a1l9mx83 , aspgl-a0a1l9ve90 , aspve-a0a1l9pvz9 , 9euro-a0a1l9tdh3 , aspc5-a0a1r3rmn9 , aspwe-a0a1l9rlq2 , asptc-a0a1l9nby7 , aspng-a0a100i8t9 , aspc5-a0a1r3rem6 , aspbc-a0a1l9uy89 , aspa1-anee , aspa1-aneh , aspa1-acrc , aspbc-alba , aspa1-acui

Title : Genome expansion and lineage-specific genetic innovations in the forest pathogenic fungi Armillaria - Sipos_2017_Nat.Ecol.Evol_1_1931
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Ref : Nat Ecol Evol , 1 :1931 , 2017
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PubMedSearch : Sipos_2017_Nat.Ecol.Evol_1_1931
PubMedID: 29085064
Gene_locus related to this paper: armos-armb

Title : Characterization of four endophytic fungi as potential consolidated bioprocessing hosts for conversion of lignocellulose into advanced biofuels - Wu_2017_Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol_101_2603
Author(s) : Wu W , Davis RW , Tran-Gyamfi MB , Kuo A , LaButti K , Mihaltcheva S , Hundley H , Chovatia M , Lindquist E , Barry K , Grigoriev IV , Henrissat B , Gladden JM
Ref : Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology , 101 :2603 , 2017
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wu_2017_Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol_101_2603
PubMedID: 28078400
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9pezi-a0a1y2u1s8 , 9pezi-a0a1y2x077 , 9pezi-a0a1y2vv92 , 9pezi-a0a1y2txs8 , 9pezi-a0a1y2wzb7 , 9pezi-a0a1y2ufj7 , 9pezi-a0a1y2vvc9 , 9pezi-a0a1y2w3w4

Title : Complete Genome Sequence of Alkaliphilus metalliredigens Strain QYMF, an Alkaliphilic and Metal-Reducing Bacterium Isolated from Borax-Contaminated Leachate Ponds - Hwang_2016_Genome.Announc_4_e01226
Author(s) : Hwang C , Copeland A , Lucas S , Lapidus A , Barry K , Detter JC , Glavina Del Rio T , Hammon N , Israni S , Dalin E , Tice H , Pitluck S , Chertkov O , Brettin T , Bruce D , Han C , Schmutz J , Larimer F , Land ML , Hauser L , Kyrpides N , Mikhailova N , Ye Q , Zhou J , Richardson P , Fields MW
Ref : Genome Announc , 4 : , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hwang_2016_Genome.Announc_4_e01226
PubMedID: 27811105
Gene_locus related to this paper: alkmq-a6tu78

Title : Comparative Genomics of Early-Diverging Mushroom-Forming Fungi Provides Insights into the Origins of Lignocellulose Decay Capabilities - Nagy_2016_Mol.Biol.Evol_33_959
Author(s) : Nagy LG , Riley R , Tritt A , Adam C , Daum C , Floudas D , Sun H , Yadav JS , Pangilinan J , Larsson KH , Matsuura K , Barry K , LaButti K , Kuo R , Ohm RA , Bhattacharya SS , Shirouzu T , Yoshinaga Y , Martin FM , Grigoriev IV , Hibbett DS
Ref : Molecular Biology Evolution , 33 :959 , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Nagy_2016_Mol.Biol.Evol_33_959
PubMedID: 26659563
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9homo-a0a164swv2 , 9homo-a0a164tl22 , 9homo-a0a164vkv1 , 9homo-a0a164y4j9 , 9homo-a0a164y4l9 , 9homo-a0a164ytj2 , 9homo-a0a164zeu0 , exigl-a0a165as65 , exigl-a0a165ck85 , 9basi-a0a165cm83 , 9aphy-a0a165dbf1 , 9aphy-a0a165dbf3 , 9basi-a0a165dcb7 , 9aphy-a0a165ddj9 , exigl-a0a165dj22 , exigl-a0a165dmd7 , 9aphy-a0a165egr5 , 9basi-a0a165ekd3 , 9basi-a0a165enc9 , 9basi-a0a165end6 , 9basi-a0a165epz3 , 9basi-a0a165eq46 , 9basi-a0a165eq95 , 9basi-a0a165eqk7 , 9basi-a0a165eup2 , 9aphy-a0a165fb02 , 9aphy-a0a165fmr9 , 9aphy-a0a165g3p1 , 9basi-a0a165g673 , 9basi-a0a165g6g2 , 9aphy-a0a165gec2 , 9basi-a0a165gfp7 , 9aphy-a0a165h505 , 9aphy-a0a165hd72 , 9aphy-a0a165hrk1 , exigl-a0a165hzc8 , 9basi-a0a165i2y7 , 9basi-a0a165iru3 , 9basi-a0a165is19 , 9basi-a0a165is40 , exigl-a0a165j2r4 , exigl-a0a165j754 , 9basi-a0a165jg92 , 9basi-a0a165jgb0 , exigl-a0a165ke04 , exigl-a0a165kpb0 , exigl-a0a165l7g6 , 9aphy-a0a165lux8 , 9aphy-a0a165luy2.1 , 9aphy-a0a165luy2.2 , exigl-a0a165m310 , 9aphy-a0a165mxa5 , 9aphy-a0a165mxc8 , 9aphy-a0a165mxe4 , exigl-a0a165mz73 , 9homo-a0a165nfz4 , 9homo-a0a165ng04 , 9aphy-a0a165nry3 , 9homo-a0a165ntf3 , 9homo-a0a165p2a0 , 9aphy-a0a165ph74 , 9homo-a0a165phz5 , exigl-a0a165pm12 , exigl-a0a165pu90 , exigl-a0a165puh2 , 9aphy-a0a165q9t4 , 9homo-a0a165qeb7 , 9homo-a0a165qeh8 , 9aphy-a0a165qqm2 , 9aphy-a0a165quj0 , 9aphy-a0a165qul3 , exigl-a0a165qxy0 , 9aphy-a0a165r6t2 , 9aphy-a0a165r8g4 , 9aphy-a0a165tfc7 , 9homo-a0a165tgm2 , 9homo-a0a165tzv4 , 9homo-a0a165tzw4 , 9homo-a0a165uez3 , 9homo-a0a165ugh4 , 9homo-a0a165ugp4 , 9homo-a0a165ugq6 , 9homo-a0a165uh51 , 9aphy-a0a165umj9 , 9homo-a0a165us14 , 9homo-a0a165xi11 , 9homo-a0a165xmw5 , 9homo-a0a165xmx9 , 9homo-a0a165xsk7 , 9homo-a0a165y3k8 , 9homo-a0a165yhg3 , 9homo-a0a165ymb3 , 9homo-a0a165yt77 , 9homo-a0a165ytu4 , 9homo-a0a165zr30 , 9homo-a0a166a1g9 , 9homo-a0a166a1h1 , exigl-a0a166abe4 , 9homo-a0a166akq6 , exigl-a0a166al33 , 9homo-a0a166arm1 , 9homo-a0a166as45 , 9homo-a0a166as65 , 9homo-a0a166as77 , exigl-a0a166auh4 , 9homo-a0a166azk8 , exigl-a0a166azz6 , 9homo-a0a166bss2 , 9homo-a0a166bsu9 , 9homo-a0a166bui6 , 9homo-a0a166crl5 , 9homo-a0a166d8q4 , 9homo-a0a166dss7 , 9homo-a0a166dtg8 , 9homo-a0a166du49 , 9homo-a0a166du64 , 9homo-a0a166e1z2 , 9homo-a0a166eec5 , 9homo-a0a166eux5 , 9homo-a0a166evw5 , 9homo-a0a166ey75 , 9homo-a0a166eyq0 , 9homo-a0a166ez78 , 9homo-a0a166eze7 , 9homo-a0a166fh25 , 9homo-a0a166g4k8 , 9homo-a0a166gct1 , 9homo-a0a166gf56 , 9homo-a0a166gsr8 , 9homo-a0a166j6i1 , 9homo-a0a166jiu0 , 9homo-a0a166jr36 , 9homo-a0a166kia8 , 9homo-a0a166ks21 , 9homo-a0a166kvn8 , 9homo-a0a166kxf0 , 9homo-a0a166kxg2 , 9homo-a0a166lcs7 , 9homo-a0a166lw48 , 9homo-a0a166lyz4 , 9homo-a0a166puu7.1 , 9homo-a0a166puu7.2 , 9homo-a0a166puz0 , 9homo-a0a166pv75 , 9homo-a0a166pva0 , 9homo-a0a166pvf7 , 9homo-a0a166px11 , 9homo-a0a166q635 , 9basi-a0a167gl88 , 9basi-a0a167gl97 , 9basi-a0a167gla5 , 9basi-a0a167hca0 , 9basi-a0a167hrt3 , 9basi-a0a167hru7 , 9basi-a0a167k219 , 9basi-a0a167k232 , 9basi-a0a167k265 , 9basi-a0a167l6m6 , 9basi-a0a167lrl7 , 9basi-a0a167lt70 , 9basi-a0a167mtk7 , 9basi-a0a167n1z0 , 9basi-a0a167p9x5 , 9basi-a0a167qks1 , 9basi-a0a167qkt4 , 9basi-a0a167qky5 , 9basi-a0a167qln8 , 9basi-a0a167rpp7 , 9homo-a0a167u8e3 , 9homo-a0a167v1m8 , 9homo-a0a166hqx0 , 9homo-a0a166l842 , exigl-a0a165n4f2 , exigl-a0a165q512 , 9agam-a0a165nq75 , 9agam-a0a166cv75 , 9agam-a0a165mvt4 , 9agam-a0a164t8q2

Title : Genome sequencing of four Aureobasidium pullulans varieties: biotechnological potential, stress tolerance, and description of new species - Gostincar_2014_BMC.Genomics_15_549
Author(s) : Gostincar C , Ohm RA , Kogej T , Sonjak S , Turk M , Zajc J , Zalar P , Grube M , Sun H , Han J , Sharma A , Chiniquy J , Ngan CY , Lipzen A , Barry K , Grigoriev IV , Gunde-Cimerman N
Ref : BMC Genomics , 15 :549 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Gostincar_2014_BMC.Genomics_15_549
PubMedID: 24984952
Gene_locus related to this paper: aurpu-a0a1a7mdx5 , 9pezi-a0a074w0m0 , 9pezi-a0a074wgq7 , aurpu-a0a074xfg8 , 9pezi-a0a074y586 , 9pezi-a0a074yqf6 , 9pezi-a0a074w5k8 , aurpu-a0a074x6a3 , 9pezi-a0a074z3s4 , 9pezi-a0a074x4q0 , 9pezi-a0a074w2e2 , 9pezi-a0a074x294 , aurpu-a0a074y1y2 , aurpu-a0a074x9w9 , 9pezi-a0a074ydw7 , 9pezi-a0a074w1z9 , 9pezi-a0a074wvx0 , 9pezi-a0a074vkc4 , 9pezi-a0a074y2z2 , 9pezi-a0a074vlb9 , aurpu-a0a074x490 , 9pezi-a0a074ydn0 , 9pezi-a0a074wng0 , 9pezi-a0a074yhi1 , 9pezi-a0a074yp94 , 9pezi-a0a074wbe1 , 9pezi-a0a074wm90 , 9pezi-a0a074ww95 , aurpu-a0a074xg41 , aurpu-a0a074xtu4 , 9pezi-a0a074y8g8 , aurpu-a0a074ysb8 , 9pezi-a0a074zem7 , 9pezi-a0a074yvw8 , 9pezi-a0a074w278 , aurpu-a0a074xxz9 , 9pezi-a0a074y9f0 , aurpu-a0a074xzv0 , 9pezi-a0a074wce5 , 9pezi-a0a074wmz5 , 9pezi-a0a074vr83 , 9pezi-a0a074w4l5 , 9pezi-a0a074wwv4 , 9pezi-a0a074w5f4 , aurpu-a0a074xir3 , aurpu-a0a074xnm6 , 9pezi-a0a074zhr2 , 9pezi-a0a074vzq8 , 9pezi-a0a074web5 , aurpu-a0a074xz32 , 9pezi-a0a074ybl0 , aurpu-a0a074xl81 , 9pezi-a0a074vaq7 , 9pezi-a0a074wuj9 , aurpu-a0a074xyu0 , 9pezi-a0a074vfi8 , 9pezi-a0a074wih8 , aurpu-a0a074xj03 , 9pezi-a0a074vze0 , 9pezi-a0a074w5u8 , 9pezi-a0a074wui5 , 9pezi-a0a074xhu0 , aurpu-a0a074xyg1 , 9pezi-a0a074yct6 , 9pezi-a0a074zd60 , 9pezi-a0a074w686 , aurpu-a0a074xr93 , 9pezi-a0a074y1r2 , 9pezi-a0a074z801 , 9pezi-a0a074y6a8 , 9pezi-a0a074vg30 , aurpu-a0a074wzm8 , 9pezi-a0a074y7g9 , 9pezi-a0a074vwd1 , 9pezi-a0a074whl7 , aurpu-a0a074x6c3 , 9pezi-a0a074yak1 , aurpu-a0a074x5y4 , 9pezi-a0a074yaq1 , aurpu-a0a074xm87 , 9pezi-a0a074wgg7 , 9pezi-a0a074vky7 , aurpu-a0a074xpr5 , 9pezi-a0a074zrg4 , 9pezi-a0a074w1f9 , aurpu-a0a074xft8 , 9pezi-a0a074y5i5 , aurpu-a0a074xla0 , 9pezi-a0a074w5n7 , 9pezi-a0a074wey0 , aurpu-a0a074y3b0 , 9pezi-a0a074vrn9 , 9pezi-a0a074zgu9 , aurpu-a0a074xlv7 , 9pezi-a0a074wgb6 , 9pezi-a0a074wgj7 , 9pezi-a0a074vrg4 , 9pezi-a0a074ya42 , 9pezi-a0a074xnr8 , aurpu-a0a074x443 , 9pezi-a0a074yex2 , 9pezi-a0a074xu89 , aurpu-a0a074xxq7 , 9pezi-a0a074vih4 , aurse-a0a074ydf4 , aurse-a0a074yt75 , aurpu-a0a074y000

Title : Analysis of the Phlebiopsis gigantea genome, transcriptome and secretome provides insight into its pioneer colonization strategies of wood - Hori_2014_PLoS.Genet_10_e1004759
Author(s) : Hori C , Ishida T , Igarashi K , Samejima M , Suzuki H , Master E , Ferreira P , Ruiz-Duenas FJ , Held B , Canessa P , Larrondo LF , Schmoll M , Druzhinina IS , Kubicek CP , Gaskell JA , Kersten P , St John F , Glasner J , Sabat G , Splinter BonDurant S , Syed K , Yadav J , Mgbeahuruike AC , Kovalchuk A , Asiegbu FO , Lackner G , Hoffmeister D , Rencoret J , Gutierrez A , Sun H , Lindquist E , Barry K , Riley R , Grigoriev IV , Henrissat B , Kues U , Berka RM , Martinez AT , Covert SF , Blanchette RA , Cullen D
Ref : PLoS Genet , 10 :e1004759 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hori_2014_PLoS.Genet_10_e1004759
PubMedID: 25474575
Gene_locus related to this paper: phlgi-a0a0c3nds0 , phlgi-a0a0c3niq6 , phlgi-a0a0c3pc91 , phlgi-a0a0c3pv58 , phlgi-a0a0c3rra0 , phlgi-a0a0c3rvc4 , phlgi-a0a0c3rvu0 , phlgi-a0a0c3s394 , phlgi-a0a0c3s606 , phlgi-a0a0c3s673 , phlgi-a0a0c3s8d3 , phlgi-a0a0c3sce4 , phlgi-a0a0c3sdt8

Title : A reference genome for common bean and genome-wide analysis of dual domestications - Schmutz_2014_Nat.Genet_46_707
Author(s) : Schmutz J , McClean PE , Mamidi S , Wu GA , Cannon SB , Grimwood J , Jenkins J , Shu S , Song Q , Chavarro C , Torres-Torres M , Geffroy V , Moghaddam SM , Gao D , Abernathy B , Barry K , Blair M , Brick MA , Chovatia M , Gepts P , Goodstein DM , Gonzales M , Hellsten U , Hyten DL , Jia G , Kelly JD , Kudrna D , Lee R , Richard MM , Miklas PN , Osorno JM , Rodrigues J , Thareau V , Urrea CA , Wang M , Yu Y , Zhang M , Wing RA , Cregan PB , Rokhsar DS , Jackson SA
Ref : Nat Genet , 46 :707 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schmutz_2014_Nat.Genet_46_707
PubMedID: 24908249
Gene_locus related to this paper: phavu-v7azs2 , phavu-v7awu7 , phavu-v7bpt6 , phavu-v7b6k3 , phavu-v7cry4

Title : The genome of Eucalyptus grandis - Myburg_2014_Nature_510_356
Author(s) : Myburg AA , Grattapaglia D , Tuskan GA , Hellsten U , Hayes RD , Grimwood J , Jenkins J , Lindquist E , Tice H , Bauer D , Goodstein DM , Dubchak I , Poliakov A , Mizrachi E , Kullan AR , Hussey SG , Pinard D , van der Merwe K , Singh P , van Jaarsveld I , Silva-Junior OB , Togawa RC , Pappas MR , Faria DA , Sansaloni CP , Petroli CD , Yang X , Ranjan P , Tschaplinski TJ , Ye CY , Li T , Sterck L , Vanneste K , Murat F , Soler M , Clemente HS , Saidi N , Cassan-Wang H , Dunand C , Hefer CA , Bornberg-Bauer E , Kersting AR , Vining K , Amarasinghe V , Ranik M , Naithani S , Elser J , Boyd AE , Liston A , Spatafora JW , Dharmwardhana P , Raja R , Sullivan C , Romanel E , Alves-Ferreira M , Kulheim C , Foley W , Carocha V , Paiva J , Kudrna D , Brommonschenkel SH , Pasquali G , Byrne M , Rigault P , Tibbits J , Spokevicius A , Jones RC , Steane DA , Vaillancourt RE , Potts BM , Joubert F , Barry K , Pappas GJ , Strauss SH , Jaiswal P , Grima-Pettenati J , Salse J , Van de Peer Y , Rokhsar DS , Schmutz J
Ref : Nature , 510 :356 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Myburg_2014_Nature_510_356
PubMedID: 24919147
Gene_locus related to this paper: eucgr-a0a059d0n8 , eucgr-a0a059cm68 , eucgr-a0a059d783 , eucgr-a0a059af93 , eucgr-a0a059awi0 , eucgr-a0a059awt4 , eucgr-a0a059ar83 , eucgr-a0a059ayw5 , eucgr-a0a059az75 , eucgr-a0a059azj1 , eucgr-a0a059azq5 , eucgr-a0a059bkm2 , eucgr-a0a059bl38 , eucgr-a0a059a7m2 , eucgr-a0a059a6p6 , eucgr-a0a059a6p1 , eucgr-a0a059a5e9 , eucgr-a0a059cpq4 , eucgr-a0a059b8v5

Title : Comparative genome structure, secondary metabolite, and effector coding capacity across Cochliobolus pathogens - Condon_2013_PLoS.Genet_9_e1003233
Author(s) : Condon BJ , Leng Y , Wu D , Bushley KE , Ohm RA , Otillar R , Martin J , Schackwitz W , Grimwood J , MohdZainudin N , Xue C , Wang R , Manning VA , Dhillon B , Tu ZJ , Steffenson BJ , Salamov A , Sun H , Lowry S , LaButti K , Han J , Copeland A , Lindquist E , Barry K , Schmutz J , Baker SE , Ciuffetti LM , Grigoriev IV , Zhong S , Turgeon BG
Ref : PLoS Genet , 9 :e1003233 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Condon_2013_PLoS.Genet_9_e1003233
PubMedID: 23357949
Gene_locus related to this paper: cocsn-m2rnc6 , coch5-m2tnl8 , coch4-n4xap8 , sett2-r0j560 , cocsn-m2thl9 , coch5-m2v1s2 , coch4-n4xzy1 , cocsn-m2sqr3 , cocsn-m2rnk8 , coch4-n4xdv7 , coch5-m2uds0 , coch5-m2um94 , sett2-r0i8c5 , coch4-n4wlc8 , coch4-n4x9p3 , cocsn-m2rh47 , cocsn-m2qz08 , sett2-r0jqq6 , sett2-r0imb6 , coch4-n4x7u3 , cocsn-m2rv02 , cocsn-m2sy95 , coch5-m2ubd5 , cocsn-m2t3d2 , sett2-r0kl84 , sett2-r0jts7 , coch4-n4x2h3 , sett2-r0jxt9 , coch4-n4x7r9 , cocsn-m2sh75 , cocsn-m2t5z2 , coch5-m2ucf6 , sett2-r0k664 , cocsn-m2t3q1 , sett2-r0k4b4 , cocsn-m2t4i1 , coch5-m2th93 , cocsn-m2svm8 , cocsn-m2s6q4 , cocsn-m2s5h5 , coch4-n4xf94 , sett2-r0kdl8 , cocsn-m2qvi9 , sett2-r0kfg6 , cocsn-m2szq4 , sett2-r0j437 , coch4-n4x7j4 , coch5-m2twk3 , coch5-m2usf2 , sett2-r0kjt7 , sett2-r0k7y2 , cocsn-m2th03 , sett2-r0iy92 , sett2-r0kbr9 , sett2-r0k997 , coch5-m2sik6 , sett2-r0jzj5 , cocsn-m2r0j6 , coch4-n4x6a4 , cocsn-m2s7a5 , cocsn-m2sv79 , sett2-r0knx4 , sett2-r0ksh8 , sett2-r0ip86 , cocmi-w6yyy3 , cocsn-m2sqe4 , coch4-n4xzc8 , cocvi-w7eyp1 , cocmi-w6zf65 , cocvi-w7er28 , cocca-w6yw25 , cocvi-w7e2g6 , cocmi-w6z7k5 , cocca-w6ys73 , cocca-w6ydq2 , cocca-w6y7i5 , cocmi-w6yyr0 , cocca-w6yh47 , cocmi-w6zju4 , cocca-w6ynq5 , cocmi-w6zm44 , cocca-w6xx85 , cocmi-w6z011 , cocca-w6yre4 , cocmi-w6z9l3 , cocca-w6yfp7 , cocmi-w6zlc2 , cocca-w6yar2 , cocmi-w6yjr7 , cocca-w6yhs1 , cocca-w6xux8 , cocmi-w6z9s8 , cocca-w6yq27 , cocmi-w6zqk9 , cocca-w6xq19 , cocca-w6y1r6 , cocca-w6ygj2 , cocmi-w6zgn4 , cocca-w6ybh2 , cocmi-w6z710 , cocca-w6yk86 , cocmi-w6zjz2 , cocmi-w6z7f2 , cocca-w6xn57 , cocca-w6ybq4 , cocmi-w6yxn5 , cocmi-w6zf08 , cocsn-m2rtg8 , cocmi-w6zuj7 , cocca-w6xtb2 , cocca-w6yk97 , coch5-m2t2x3 , cocmi-w6z646 , cocsn-m2sze4 , sett2-r0kjg6 , cocmi-w6yrn5 , sett2-r0k5q0 , cocvi-w7ezb7 , sett2-r0jtm1 , cocmi-w6ywa1 , cocsn-m2t3e8 , coch5-m2ulw5 , coch5-m2urw9 , sett2-r0knn5 , cocmi-w6ysb2 , cocvi-w7eag7 , cocca-w6y1v2 , sett2-r0i9k2 , coch5-m2uul8 , cocsn-m2sl21

Title : Comparative genomics of the white-rot fungi, Phanerochaete carnosa and P. chrysosporium, to elucidate the genetic basis of the distinct wood types they colonize - Suzuki_2012_BMC.Genomics_13_444
Author(s) : Suzuki H , MacDonald J , Syed K , Salamov A , Hori C , Aerts A , Henrissat B , Wiebenga A , vanKuyk PA , Barry K , Lindquist E , LaButti K , Lapidus A , Lucas S , Coutinho P , Gong Y , Samejima M , Mahadevan R , Abou-Zaid M , de Vries RP , Igarashi K , Yadav JS , Grigoriev IV , Master ER
Ref : BMC Genomics , 13 :444 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Suzuki_2012_BMC.Genomics_13_444
PubMedID: 22937793
Gene_locus related to this paper: phacs-k5whx2 , phacs-k5v2s8 , phacs-k5v5r2 , phacs-k5vyk5 , phacs-k5vzf8 , phacs-k5wbu9 , phacs-k5wc10 , phacs-k5wpw0 , phacs-k5wzn6 , phacs-k5x1t8 , phacs-k5x5g6 , phacs-k5x5p4

Title : Reference genome sequence of the model plant Setaria - Bennetzen_2012_Nat.Biotechnol_30_555
Author(s) : Bennetzen JL , Schmutz J , Wang H , Percifield R , Hawkins J , Pontaroli AC , Estep M , Feng L , Vaughn JN , Grimwood J , Jenkins J , Barry K , Lindquist E , Hellsten U , Deshpande S , Wang X , Wu X , Mitros T , Triplett J , Yang X , Ye CY , Mauro-Herrera M , Wang L , Li P , Sharma M , Sharma R , Ronald PC , Panaud O , Kellogg EA , Brutnell TP , Doust AN , Tuskan GA , Rokhsar D , Devos KM
Ref : Nat Biotechnol , 30 :555 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bennetzen_2012_Nat.Biotechnol_30_555
PubMedID: 22580951
Gene_locus related to this paper: setit-k3xwe0 , setit-k3xfs7 , setit-k3yh36 , setit-k3zes3 , setit-k3zlj8 , setvi-a0a4u6wd58 , setit-a0a368qif6 , setit-a0a368sru6 , setit-a0a368q9x4 , setit-k3zri0 , setit-k3ysv0 , setit-k3xj49 , setit-k4ac30

Title : The Paleozoic origin of enzymatic lignin decomposition reconstructed from 31 fungal genomes - Floudas_2012_Science_336_1715
Author(s) : Floudas D , Binder M , Riley R , Barry K , Blanchette RA , Henrissat B , Martinez AT , Otillar R , Spatafora JW , Yadav JS , Aerts A , Benoit I , Boyd A , Carlson A , Copeland A , Coutinho PM , de Vries RP , Ferreira P , Findley K , Foster B , Gaskell J , Glotzer D , Gorecki P , Heitman J , Hesse C , Hori C , Igarashi K , Jurgens JA , Kallen N , Kersten P , Kohler A , Kues U , Kumar TK , Kuo A , LaButti K , Larrondo LF , Lindquist E , Ling A , Lombard V , Lucas S , Lundell T , Martin R , McLaughlin DJ , Morgenstern I , Morin E , Murat C , Nagy LG , Nolan M , Ohm RA , Patyshakuliyeva A , Rokas A , Ruiz-Duenas FJ , Sabat G , Salamov A , Samejima M , Schmutz J , Slot JC , St John F , Stenlid J , Sun H , Sun S , Syed K , Tsang A , Wiebenga A , Young D , Pisabarro A , Eastwood DC , Martin F , Cullen D , Grigoriev IV , Hibbett DS
Ref : Science , 336 :1715 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Floudas_2012_Science_336_1715
PubMedID: 22745431
Gene_locus related to this paper: aurde-j0d098 , aurde-j0dc31 , glota-s7rlc1 , fompi-s8f7s4 , dacsp-m5fpg2 , dicsq-r7sm16 , dacsp-m5g7q5 , dacsp-m5fr12 , glota-s7q5w3 , fompi-s8f826.1 , fompi-s8f826.2 , dicsq-r7sy09 , glota-s7rt87 , dicsq-r7t032 , glota-s7rym7 , fompi-s8fiv2 , dacsp-m5gda3.2 , dicsq-r7swi6 , dacsp-m5frf2 , fompi-s8ebb6 , dicsq-r7sln3 , dicsq-r7sya6 , dacsp-m5g7g1 , dicsq-r7syx7 , dicsq-r7sx57 , dacsp-m5fps7 , glota-s7pwi7 , dicsq-r7swj6 , fompi-s8ejq6 , dicsq-r7spc3 , glota-s7q258 , dacsp-m5ft65 , glota-s7q3m7 , fompi-s8dkc7 , glota-s7q1z1 , fompi-s8eqi2 , glota-s7q1z8 , fompi-s8du50 , dacsp-m5gg33 , dacsp-m5g3a7 , fompi-s8ecd7 , fompi-s8dps1 , dacsp-m5fwr0 , dicsq-r7sub7 , glota-s7q8k9 , fompi-s8ffc3 , dacsp-m5g2f9 , fompi-s8ecc2 , dacsp-m5g868 , fompi-s8f890 , dicsq-r7t1a8 , fompi-s8ebx4 , fompi-s8eb97 , glota-s7q222 , glota-s7puf0 , fompi-s8f6v9 , dacsp-m5g0z2 , dacsp-m5gdh9 , fompi-s8fb37 , dacsp-m5fy91 , glota-s7q5v6 , fompi-s8fl44 , dicsq-r7stv9 , dicsq-r7szk3 , fompi-s8epq9 , glota-s7rh56 , dacsp-m5gbt1 , punst-r7s3x9 , punst-r7s0t5 , glota-s7q312 , glota-s7rhh6 , dicsq-r7t117 , dicsq-r7slz3

Title : Algal genomes reveal evolutionary mosaicism and the fate of nucleomorphs - Curtis_2012_Nature_492_59
Author(s) : Curtis BA , Tanifuji G , Burki F , Gruber A , Irimia M , Maruyama S , Arias MC , Ball SG , Gile GH , Hirakawa Y , Hopkins JF , Kuo A , Rensing SA , Schmutz J , Symeonidi A , Elias M , Eveleigh RJ , Herman EK , Klute MJ , Nakayama T , Obornik M , Reyes-Prieto A , Armbrust EV , Aves SJ , Beiko RG , Coutinho P , Dacks JB , Durnford DG , Fast NM , Green BR , Grisdale CJ , Hempel F , Henrissat B , Hoppner MP , Ishida K , Kim E , Koreny L , Kroth PG , Liu Y , Malik SB , Maier UG , McRose D , Mock T , Neilson JA , Onodera NT , Poole AM , Pritham EJ , Richards TA , Rocap G , Roy SW , Sarai C , Schaack S , Shirato S , Slamovits CH , Spencer DF , Suzuki S , Worden AZ , Zauner S , Barry K , Bell C , Bharti AK , Crow JA , Grimwood J , Kramer R , Lindquist E , Lucas S , Salamov A , McFadden GI , Lane CE , Keeling PJ , Gray MW , Grigoriev IV , Archibald JM
Ref : Nature , 492 :59 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Curtis_2012_Nature_492_59
PubMedID: 23201678
Gene_locus related to this paper: guith-l1i9i5 , guith-l1k167 , guitc-l1jmn9

Title : The plant cell wall-decomposing machinery underlies the functional diversity of forest fungi - Eastwood_2011_Science_333_762
Author(s) : Eastwood DC , Floudas D , Binder M , Majcherczyk A , Schneider P , Aerts A , Asiegbu FO , Baker SE , Barry K , Bendiksby M , Blumentritt M , Coutinho PM , Cullen D , de Vries RP , Gathman A , Goodell B , Henrissat B , Ihrmark K , Kauserud H , Kohler A , LaButti K , Lapidus A , Lavin JL , Lee YH , Lindquist E , Lilly W , Lucas S , Morin E , Murat C , Oguiza JA , Park J , Pisabarro AG , Riley R , Rosling A , Salamov A , Schmidt O , Schmutz J , Skrede I , Stenlid J , Wiebenga A , Xie X , Kues U , Hibbett DS , Hoffmeister D , Hogberg N , Martin F , Grigoriev IV , Watkinson SC
Ref : Science , 333 :762 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Eastwood_2011_Science_333_762
PubMedID: 21764756
Gene_locus related to this paper: serl3-f8prj2 , serl3-f8qcc4 , serl9-f8ngp6 , serl9-f8nhd7 , serl9-f8nhq9 , serl9-f8nq77 , serl9-f8nr67 , serl9-f8nrt5 , serl9-f8nvy7.1 , serl9-f8nvy7.2 , serl9-f8nvy8 , serl9-f8nxt0.1 , serl9-f8nxt0.2 , serl9-f8nzr3 , serl9-f8p0f0 , serl9-f8p6v0 , serl9-f8p015 , serl9-f8p018 , serl9-f8p386 , serl9-f8paz8 , serl9-f8pbv1 , serl9-f8pby1 , serl9-f8pc25 , serl9-f8pc39 , serl9-f8nia7 , serl3-f8pju2 , serl9-f8peh1 , serl9-nps3

Title : Complete genome sequence of the filamentous anoxygenic phototrophic bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus - Tang_2011_BMC.Genomics_12_334
Author(s) : Tang KH , Barry K , Chertkov O , Dalin E , Han CS , Hauser LJ , Honchak BM , Karbach LE , Land ML , Lapidus A , Larimer FW , Mikhailova N , Pitluck S , Pierson BK , Blankenship RE
Ref : BMC Genomics , 12 :334 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Tang_2011_BMC.Genomics_12_334
PubMedID: 21714912
Gene_locus related to this paper: chlaa-a9we32

Title : Comparative genomics of the social amoebae Dictyostelium discoideum and Dictyostelium purpureum - Sucgang_2011_Genome.Biol_12_R20.1
Author(s) : Sucgang R , Kuo A , Tian X , Salerno W , Parikh A , Feasley CL , Dalin E , Tu H , Huang E , Barry K , Lindquist E , Shapiro H , Bruce D , Schmutz J , Salamov A , Fey P , Gaudet P , Anjard C , Babu MM , Basu S , Bushmanova Y , van der Wel H , Katoh-Kurasawa M , Dinh C , Coutinho PM , Saito T , Elias M , Schaap P , Kay RR , Henrissat B , Eichinger L , Rivero F , Putnam NH , West CM , Loomis WF , Chisholm RL , Shaulsky G , Strassmann JE , Queller DC , Kuspa A , Grigoriev IV
Ref : Genome Biol , 12 :R20 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Sucgang_2011_Genome.Biol_12_R20.1
PubMedID: 21356102
Gene_locus related to this paper: dicpu-f0z7q0 , dicpu-f0z822 , dicpu-f0zfi0 , dicpu-f0zjs1 , dicpu-f0zks4 , dicpu-f0zmm3 , dicpu-f0zmm8 , dicpu-f0zmm9 , dicpu-f0zni7 , dicpu-f0znl3 , dicpu-f0zq90 , dicpu-f0zvn5 , dicpu-f0zxa4 , dicpu-f0zyf9 , dicpu-f1a3n5 , dicpu-f1a5b4 , dicpu-f1a269 , dicpu-f1a615 , dicpu-f0ztw9 , dicpu-f0zri3 , dicpu-f0zys7

Title : Genome Sequence of the ethene- and vinyl chloride-oxidizing actinomycete Nocardioides sp. strain JS614 - Coleman_2011_J.Bacteriol_193_3399
Author(s) : Coleman NV , Wilson NL , Barry K , Brettin TS , Bruce DC , Copeland A , Dalin E , Detter JC , Del Rio TG , Goodwin LA , Hammon NM , Han S , Hauser LJ , Israni S , Kim E , Kyrpides N , Land ML , Lapidus A , Larimer FW , Lucas S , Pitluck S , Richardson P , Schmutz J , Tapia R , Thompson S , Tice HN , Spain JC , Gossett JG , Mattes TE
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 193 :3399 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Coleman_2011_J.Bacteriol_193_3399
PubMedID: 21551312
Gene_locus related to this paper: nocsj-a1sil5

Title : Genome sequencing and analysis of the model grass Brachypodium distachyon. -
Author(s) : Vogel JP , Garvin DF , Mockler TC , Schmutz J , Rokhsar D , Bevan MW , Barry K , Lucas S , Harmon-Smith M , Lail K , Tice H , Grimwood J , McKenzie N , Huo N , Gu YQ , Lazo GR , Anderson OD , You FM , Luo MC , Dvorak J , Wright J , Febrer M , Idziak D , Hasterok R , Lindquist E , Wang M , Fox SE , Priest HD , Filichkin SA , Givan SA , Bryant DW , Chang JH , Wu H , Wu W , Hsia AP , Schnable PS , Kalyanaraman A , Barbazuk B , Michael TP , Hazen SP , Bragg JN , Laudencia-Chingcuanco D , Weng Y , Haberer G , Spannagl M , Mayer K , Rattei T , Mitros T , Lee SJ , Rose JK , Mueller LA , York TL , Wicker T , Buchmann JP , Tanskanen J , Schulman AH , Gundlach H , Bevan M , de Oliveira AC , Maia Lda C , Belknap W , Jiang N , Lai J , Zhu L , Ma J , Sun C , Pritham E , Salse J , Murat F , Abrouk M , Bruggmann R , Messing J , Fahlgren N , Sullivan CM , Carrington JC , Chapman EJ , May GD , Zhai J , Ganssmann M , Gurazada SG , German M , Meyers BC , Green PJ , Tyler L , Wu J , Thomson J , Chen S , Scheller HV , Harholt J , Ulvskov P , Kimbrel JA , Bartley LE , Cao P , Jung KH , Sharma MK , Vega-Sanchez M , Ronald P , Dardick CD , De Bodt S , Verelst W , Inz D , Heese M , Schnittger A , Yang X , Kalluri UC , Tuskan GA , Hua Z , Vierstra RD , Cui Y , Ouyang S , Sun Q , Liu Z , Yilmaz A , Grotewold E , Sibout R , Hematy K , Mouille G , Hofte H , Michael T , Pelloux J , O'Connor D , Schnable J , Rowe S , Harmon F , Cass CL , Sedbrook JC , Byrne ME , Walsh S , Higgins J , Li P , Brutnell T , Unver T , Budak H , Belcram H , Charles M , Chalhoub B , Baxter I
Ref : Nature , 463 :763 , 2010
PubMedID: 20148030
Gene_locus related to this paper: bradi-i1grm0 , bradi-i1gx82 , bradi-i1hb80 , bradi-i1hkv6 , bradi-i1hpu6 , bradi-i1i3e4 , bradi-i1i9i0 , bradi-i1i435 , bradi-i1ix93 , bradi-i1gsk6 , bradi-i1hk44 , bradi-i1hk45 , bradi-i1hnk7 , bradi-i1hsd5 , bradi-i1huy4 , bradi-i1huy9 , bradi-i1huz0 , bradi-i1gxx9 , bradi-i1hl25 , bradi-i1hcw7 , bradi-i1hyv6 , bradi-i1hyb5 , bradi-i1hvr8 , bradi-i1hmu2 , bradi-i1hf05 , bradi-i1gry7 , bradi-i1hf06 , bradi-i1i5z8 , bradi-i1icy3 , bradi-i1j1h3 , bradi-i1h1e3 , bradi-i1hvr9 , bradi-a0a0q3r7i7 , bradi-i1i377 , bradi-i1hjg5 , bradi-i1h3i9 , bradi-i1gsg5 , bradi-a0a0q3mph9 , bradi-i1h682 , bradi-a0a0q3lc91 , bradi-i1gx49 , bradi-i1i839 , bradi-a0a2k2dsp5 , bradi-i1gsb5

Title : Genome sequence of the palaeopolyploid soybean - Schmutz_2010_Nature_463_178
Author(s) : Schmutz J , Cannon SB , Schlueter J , Ma J , Mitros T , Nelson W , Hyten DL , Song Q , Thelen JJ , Cheng J , Xu D , Hellsten U , May GD , Yu Y , Sakurai T , Umezawa T , Bhattacharyya MK , Sandhu D , Valliyodan B , Lindquist E , Peto M , Grant D , Shu S , Goodstein D , Barry K , Futrell-Griggs M , Abernathy B , Du J , Tian Z , Zhu L , Gill N , Joshi T , Libault M , Sethuraman A , Zhang XC , Shinozaki K , Nguyen HT , Wing RA , Cregan P , Specht J , Grimwood J , Rokhsar D , Stacey G , Shoemaker RC , Jackson SA
Ref : Nature , 463 :178 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schmutz_2010_Nature_463_178
PubMedID: 20075913
Gene_locus related to this paper: soybn-c6t4m5 , soybn-c6t4p4 , soybn-c6tav4 , soybn-c6tdf9 , soybn-c6tiz7 , soybn-c6tmg3 , soybn-i1jgq5 , soybn-i1kpj2 , soybn-i1kwe7 , soybn-i1l7e3 , soybn-i1l497 , soybn-i1ll09 , soybn-i1lpi4 , soybn-i1jcw2 , soybn-i1jcw3 , soybn-i1jcw4 , soybn-i1jcw7 , soybn-i1k217 , soybn-i1kfz3 , soybn-i1lhi0 , soybn-k7k6s4 , soybn-i1jtw1 , soybn-c6tas4 , soybn-i1m910 , soybn-c6t7k8 , soybn-i1k636 , soybn-i1kju7 , soybn-i1j4c6 , soybn-i1lbk2 , soybn-i1jqy5 , soybn-i1nbj8 , soybn-i1j855 , soybn-i1l5a3 , soybn-k7mt28 , soybn-i1lau7 , soybn-i1lay0 , soybn-i1net3 , soybn-i1jr09 , soybn-i1ms08 , soybn-i1mmh5 , soybn-i1mly5 , soybn-i1mmh3 , soybn-i1mmh4 , soybn-i1ngu7 , soybn-k7ll20 , soybn-i1mly4 , soybn-a0a0r0i9y7 , soybn-a0a0r0j241 , soybn-i1les8 , soybn-k7n313 , soybn-i1kfj1 , soybn-a0a0r0k7x4 , soybn-i1ly30 , soybn-i1mwr8 , soybn-i1kfg5 , soybn-i1kly2 , soybn-a0a0r0ixi2 , soybn-i1jew0 , glyso-a0a445l5n1 , soybn-i1kfz9 , soybn-i1jqs1 , soybn-i1nbc7 , soybn-k7mm57 , soybn-a0a0r0fec7 , soybn-a0a0r0hcn9 , soybn-i1jx17 , soybn-k7kvv2 , soybn-i1kcl6 , soybn-i1kcl7 , soybn-i1jrc3 , soybn-i1nbz1 , soybn-a0a0r0euk2 , soybn-a0a0r0fx16 , soybn-a0a0r0k3t3 , soybn-i1kuc7 , soybn-i1lvy4

Title : Complete genome sequence of Methanocorpusculum labreanum type strain Z - Anderson_2009_Stand.Genomic.Sci_1_197
Author(s) : Anderson IJ , Sieprawska-Lupa M , Goltsman E , Lapidus A , Copeland A , Glavina Del Rio T , Tice H , Dalin E , Barry K , Pitluck S , Hauser L , Land M , Lucas S , Richardson P , Whitman WB , Kyrpides NC
Ref : Stand Genomic Sci , 1 :197 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Anderson_2009_Stand.Genomic.Sci_1_197
PubMedID: 21304657
Gene_locus related to this paper: metlz-a2sqw3 , metlz-a2su60 , metlz-a2su61 , metlz-a2su62

Title : The complete genome sequence of Staphylothermus marinus reveals differences in sulfur metabolism among heterotrophic Crenarchaeota - Anderson_2009_BMC.Genomics_10_145
Author(s) : Anderson IJ , Dharmarajan L , Rodriguez J , Hooper S , Porat I , Ulrich LE , Elkins JG , Mavromatis K , Sun H , Land M , Lapidus A , Lucas S , Barry K , Huber H , Zhulin IB , Whitman WB , Mukhopadhyay B , Woese C , Bristow J , Kyrpides N
Ref : BMC Genomics , 10 :145 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Anderson_2009_BMC.Genomics_10_145
PubMedID: 19341479

Title : Complete genome sequence of Methanoculleus marisnigri Romesser et al. 1981 type strain JR1 - Anderson_2009_Stand.Genomic.Sci_1_189
Author(s) : Anderson IJ , Sieprawska-Lupa M , Lapidus A , Nolan M , Copeland A , Glavina Del Rio T , Tice H , Dalin E , Barry K , Saunders E , Han C , Brettin T , Detter JC , Bruce D , Mikhailova N , Pitluck S , Hauser L , Land M , Lucas S , Richardson P , Whitman WB , Kyrpides NC
Ref : Stand Genomic Sci , 1 :189 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Anderson_2009_Stand.Genomic.Sci_1_189
PubMedID: 21304656

Title : Complete genome sequence of Staphylothermus marinus Stetter and Fiala 1986 type strain F1 - Anderson_2009_Stand.Genomic.Sci_1_183
Author(s) : Anderson IJ , Sun H , Lapidus A , Copeland A , Glavina Del Rio T , Tice H , Dalin E , Lucas S , Barry K , Land M , Richardson P , Huber H , Kyrpides NC
Ref : Stand Genomic Sci , 1 :183 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Anderson_2009_Stand.Genomic.Sci_1_183
PubMedID: 21304655

Title : A korarchaeal genome reveals insights into the evolution of the Archaea - Elkins_2008_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_105_8102
Author(s) : Elkins JG , Podar M , Graham DE , Makarova KS , Wolf Y , Randau L , Hedlund BP , Brochier-Armanet C , Kunin V , Anderson I , Lapidus A , Goltsman E , Barry K , Koonin EV , Hugenholtz P , Kyrpides N , Wanner G , Richardson P , Keller M , Stetter KO
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 105 :8102 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Elkins_2008_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_105_8102
PubMedID: 18535141

Title : Genomic islands and the ecology and evolution of Prochlorococcus - Coleman_2006_Science_311_1768
Author(s) : Coleman ML , Sullivan MB , Martiny AC , Steglich C , Barry K , DeLong EF , Chisholm SW
Ref : Science , 311 :1768 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Coleman_2006_Science_311_1768
PubMedID: 16556843
Gene_locus related to this paper: prom9-q31br4 , proma-q1pj71 , proma-q1pkh7 , proma-q1pkn9 , proma-q1pks4