Mukhopadhyay B


Full name : Mukhopadhyay Banibrata

First name : Banibrata

Mail : ETL, Dept. of Zoology, Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan-731 235, West Bengal

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Country : India

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Phone : 03463-52751, x88

Fax : 91-03463-52672

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References (8)

Title : A patient-based iPSC-derived hepatocyte model of alcohol-associated cirrhosis reveals bioenergetic insights into disease pathogenesis - Mukhopadhyay_2024_Nat.Commun_15_2869
Author(s) : Mukhopadhyay B , Marietta C , Shen PH , Oiseni A , Mirshahi F , Mazzu M , Hodgkinson C , Winkler E , Yuan Q , Miranda D , Kunos G , Sanyal AJ , Goldman D
Ref : Nat Commun , 15 :2869 , 2024
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Title : Immunohistochemistry-based comparative study in detection of Hirschsprung's disease in infants in a Tertiary Care Center - Mukhopadhyay_2017_J.Lab.Physicians_9_76
Author(s) : Mukhopadhyay B , Sengupta M , Das C , Mukhopadhyay M , Barman S
Ref : J Lab Physicians , 9 :76 , 2017
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Title : The complete genome sequence of Staphylothermus marinus reveals differences in sulfur metabolism among heterotrophic Crenarchaeota - Anderson_2009_BMC.Genomics_10_145
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Title : Genome sequence of Thermofilum pendens reveals an exceptional loss of biosynthetic pathways without genome reduction - Anderson_2008_J.Bacteriol_190_2957
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Ref : Genome Res , 12 :532 , 2002
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PubMedID: 11932238
Gene_locus related to this paper: metac-MA0077 , metac-MA0362 , metac-MA0419 , metac-MA0736 , metac-MA0993 , metac-MA1571 , metac-MA1856 , metac-MA1857 , metac-MA2002 , metac-MA2343 , metac-MA2629 , metac-MA2691 , metac-MA2743 , metac-MA2933 , metac-MA3611 , metac-MA3635 , metac-MA3920 , metac-META

Title : Specific binding of inorganic mercury to Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase in rat liver plasma membrane and signal transduction - Bhattacharya_1997_Biometals_10_157
Author(s) : Bhattacharya S , Bose S , Mukhopadhyay B , Sarkar D , Das D , Bandyopadhyay J , Bose R , Majumdar C , Mondal S , Sen S
Ref : Biometals , 10 :157 , 1997
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PubMedID: 9243794

Title : Inorganic mercury binding to fish oocyte plasma membrane induces steroidogenesis and translatable messenger RNA synthesis - Mondal_1997_Biometals_10_285
Author(s) : Mondal S , Mukhopadhyay B , Bhattacharya S
Ref : Biometals , 10 :285 , 1997
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PubMedSearch : Mondal_1997_Biometals_10_285
PubMedID: 9353876

Title : Inhibition of Fish Brain Acetylcholinesterase by Cadmium and Mercury -
Author(s) : Sen S , Mondal S , Adhikari J , Sarkar D , Bose S , Mukhopadhyay B , Bhattacharya S
Ref : In Enzyme of the Cholinesterase Family - Proceedings of Fifth International Meeting on Cholinesterases , (Quinn, D.M., Balasubramanian, A.S., Doctor, B.P., Taylor, P., Eds) Plenum Publishing Corp. :369 , 1995