

Title : Complete genome sequence and comparative metabolic profiling of the prototypical enteroaggregative Escherichia coli strain 042 - Chaudhuri_2010_PLoS.One_5_e8801
Author(s) : Chaudhuri RR , Sebaihia M , Hobman JL , Webber MA , Leyton DL , Goldberg MD , Cunningham AF , Scott-Tucker A , Ferguson PR , Thomas CM , Frankel G , Tang CM , Dudley EG , Roberts IS , Rasko DA , Pallen MJ , Parkhill J , Nataro JP , Thomson NR , Henderson IR
Ref : PLoS ONE , 5 :e8801 , 2010
Abstract :

BACKGROUND: Escherichia coli can experience a multifaceted life, in some cases acting as a commensal while in other cases causing intestinal and/or extraintestinal disease. Several studies suggest enteroaggregative E. coli are the predominant cause of E. coli-mediated diarrhea in the developed world and are second only to Campylobacter sp. as a cause of bacterial-mediated diarrhea. Furthermore, enteroaggregative E. coli are a predominant cause of persistent diarrhea in the developing world where infection has been associated with malnourishment and growth retardation.
METHODS: In this study we determined the complete genomic sequence of E. coli 042, the prototypical member of the enteroaggregative E. coli, which has been shown to cause disease in volunteer studies. We performed genomic and phylogenetic comparisons with other E. coli strains revealing previously uncharacterised virulence factors including a variety of secreted proteins and a capsular polysaccharide biosynthetic locus. In addition, by using Biolog Phenotype Microarrays we have provided a full metabolic profiling of E. coli 042 and the non-pathogenic lab strain E. coli K-12. We have highlighted the genetic basis for many of the metabolic differences between E. coli 042 and E. coli K-12. CONCLUSION: This study provides a genetic context for the vast amount of experimental and epidemiological data published thus far and provides a template for future diagnostic and intervention strategies.

PubMedSearch : Chaudhuri_2010_PLoS.One_5_e8801
PubMedID: 20098708
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-Aes , ecoli-rutD , ecoli-bioh , ecoli-C0410 , ecoli-C2429 , ecoli-dlhh , ecoli-entf , ecoli-fes , ecoli-MCMK , ecoli-mhpc , ecoli-pldb , ecoli-ptrb , ecoli-yafa , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-ycjy , ecoli-yeiG , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yjfp , ecoli-YNBC , ecoli-ypfh , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-Z0347 , ecoli-YfhR , yerpe-YBTT

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Citations formats

Chaudhuri RR, Sebaihia M, Hobman JL, Webber MA, Leyton DL, Goldberg MD, Cunningham AF, Scott-Tucker A, Ferguson PR, Thomas CM, Frankel G, Tang CM, Dudley EG, Roberts IS, Rasko DA, Pallen MJ, Parkhill J, Nataro JP, Thomson NR, Henderson IR (2010)
Complete genome sequence and comparative metabolic profiling of the prototypical enteroaggregative Escherichia coli strain 042
PLoS ONE 5 :e8801

Chaudhuri RR, Sebaihia M, Hobman JL, Webber MA, Leyton DL, Goldberg MD, Cunningham AF, Scott-Tucker A, Ferguson PR, Thomas CM, Frankel G, Tang CM, Dudley EG, Roberts IS, Rasko DA, Pallen MJ, Parkhill J, Nataro JP, Thomson NR, Henderson IR (2010)
PLoS ONE 5 :e8801