Thomas CM

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Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-Aes , ecoli-rutD , ecoli-bioh , ecoli-C0410 , ecoli-C2429 , ecoli-dlhh , ecoli-entf , ecoli-fes , ecoli-MCMK , ecoli-mhpc , ecoli-pldb , ecoli-ptrb , ecoli-yafa , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-ycjy , ecoli-yeiG , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yjfp , ecoli-YNBC , ecoli-ypfh , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-Z0347 , ecoli-YfhR , yerpe-YBTT

Title : Genomic and genetic analyses of diversity and plant interactions of Pseudomonas fluorescens - Silby_2009_Genome.Biol_10_R51
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Title : Characterization of the mupirocin biosynthesis gene cluster from Pseudomonas fluorescens NCIMB 10586 - El-Sayed_2003_Chem.Biol_10_419
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Gene_locus related to this paper: psepu-nahN , psepu-XYLF