Peacock SJ

References (4)

Title : Evolution of Burkholderia pseudomallei in recurrent melioidosis - Hayden_2012_PLoS.One_7_e36507
Author(s) : Hayden HS , Lim R , Brittnacher MJ , Sims EH , Ramage ER , Fong C , Wu Z , Crist E , Chang J , Zhou Y , Radey M , Rohmer L , Haugen E , Gillett W , Wuthiekanun V , Peacock SJ , Kaul R , Miller SI , Manoil C , Jacobs MA
Ref : PLoS ONE , 7 :e36507 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hayden_2012_PLoS.One_7_e36507
PubMedID: 22615773
Gene_locus related to this paper: burma-a5tq93 , burma-q62mq7

Title : Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus with a novel mecA homologue in human and bovine populations in the UK and Denmark: a descriptive study - Garcia-Alvarez_2011_Lancet.Infect.Dis_11_595
Author(s) : Garcia-Alvarez L , Holden MT , Lindsay H , Webb CR , Brown DF , Curran MD , Walpole E , Brooks K , Pickard DJ , Teale C , Parkhill J , Bentley SD , Edwards GF , Girvan EK , Kearns AM , Pichon B , Hill RL , Larsen AR , Skov RL , Peacock SJ , Maskell DJ , Holmes MA
Ref : Lancet Infect Dis , 11 :595 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Garcia-Alvarez_2011_Lancet.Infect.Dis_11_595
PubMedID: 21641281
Gene_locus related to this paper: staau-SA0897 , staau-SA2240

Title : Complete genomes of two clinical Staphylococcus aureus strains: evidence for the rapid evolution of virulence and drug resistance - Holden_2004_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_101_9786
Author(s) : Holden MT , Feil EJ , Lindsay JA , Peacock SJ , Day NP , Enright MC , Foster TJ , Moore CE , Hurst L , Atkin R , Barron A , Bason N , Bentley SD , Chillingworth C , Chillingworth T , Churcher C , Clark L , Corton C , Cronin A , Doggett J , Dowd L , Feltwell T , Hance Z , Harris B , Hauser H , Holroyd S , Jagels K , James KD , Lennard N , Line A , Mayes R , Moule S , Mungall K , Ormond D , Quail MA , Rabbinowitsch E , Rutherford K , Sanders M , Sharp S , Simmonds M , Stevens K , Whitehead S , Barrell BG , Spratt BG , Parkhill J
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 101 :9786 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Holden_2004_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_101_9786
PubMedID: 15213324
Gene_locus related to this paper: staau-d2feb3 , staau-d2uin3 , staau-LIP , staau-lipas , staau-MW0741 , staau-MW2456 , staau-q6gfm6 , staau-SA0011 , staau-SA0569 , staau-SA0572 , staau-SA0897 , staau-SA1143 , staau-SA2240 , staau-SA2306 , staau-SA2367 , staau-SA2422 , staau-SAV0321 , staau-SAV0446 , staau-SAV0457 , staau-SAV0655 , staau-SAV1014 , staau-SAV1765 , staau-SAV1793 , staau-SAV2188 , staau-SAV2350 , staau-SAV2594

Title : Genomic plasticity of the causative agent of melioidosis, Burkholderia pseudomallei - Holden_2004_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_101_14240
Author(s) : Holden MT , Titball RW , Peacock SJ , Cerdeno-Tarraga AM , Atkins T , Crossman LC , Pitt T , Churcher C , Mungall K , Bentley SD , Sebaihia M , Thomson NR , Bason N , Beacham IR , Brooks K , Brown KA , Brown NF , Challis GL , Cherevach I , Chillingworth T , Cronin A , Crossett B , Davis P , DeShazer D , Feltwell T , Fraser A , Hance Z , Hauser H , Holroyd S , Jagels K , Keith KE , Maddison M , Moule S , Price C , Quail MA , Rabbinowitsch E , Rutherford K , Sanders M , Simmonds M , Songsivilai S , Stevens K , Tumapa S , Vesaratchavest M , Whitehead S , Yeats C , Barrell BG , Oyston PC , Parkhill J
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 101 :14240 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Holden_2004_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_101_14240
PubMedID: 15377794
Gene_locus related to this paper: burma-a5j5w8 , burma-a5tj72 , burma-a5tq93 , burma-metx , burma-q62a61 , burma-q62ar2.1 , burma-q62ar2.2 , burma-q62ax8 , burma-q62b60 , burma-q62b79 , burma-q62bh9 , burma-q62bl4 , burma-q62bl7 , burma-q62c00 , burma-q62cg5 , burma-q62d41 , burma-q62d56 , burma-q62d83 , burma-q62dg2 , burma-q62du7 , burma-q62e67 , burma-q62eb8 , burma-q62ed8 , burma-q62f28 , burma-q62fx7 , burma-q62g26 , burma-q62gx9 , burma-q62gy2 , burma-q62hq2 , burma-q62i62 , burma-q62ib8 , burma-q62ie8 , burma-q62j07 , burma-q62j15 , burma-q62jn5 , burma-q62jy7 , burma-q62kb7 , burma-q62kg0 , burma-q62kh9 , burma-q62lp7 , burma-q62m40 , burma-q62mc3 , burma-q62mf4 , burma-q62mq7 , burma-q629m1 , burma-q629p4 , burma-q629u0 , burp1-q3jvq2 , burps-a4lm41 , burps-q3v7s4 , burps-q63hx2 , burps-q63i95 , burps-q63im5 , burps-q63is4 , burps-q63ja6 , burps-q63ja9 , burps-q63jh5 , burps-q63l17 , burps-q63l41 , burps-q63l44 , burps-q63lt9 , burps-q63me1 , burps-q63mj7 , burps-q63mj8 , burps-q63mn8 , burps-q63mr2 , burps-q63n52 , burps-q63p18 , burps-q63p99 , burps-q63ug2 , burps-q63ug5 , burps-q63xf9 , burps-q63y36 , burps-q63y45 , burps-q63y52 , burps-q63y59 , burta-q2t474 , burps-hboh